
197 lines
3.9 KiB

* @license
* Copyright (c) 2018, Костя Третяк. (MIT Licensed)
import { escape, unescape } from "./helpers.ts";
import type { Renderer } from "./renderer.ts";
export interface Obj {
[key: string]: any;
export interface RulesBlockBase {
newline: RegExp;
code: RegExp;
hr: RegExp;
heading: RegExp;
lheading: RegExp;
blockquote: RegExp;
list: RegExp;
html: RegExp;
def: RegExp;
paragraph: RegExp;
text: RegExp;
bullet: RegExp;
* List item (<li>).
item: RegExp;
export interface RulesBlockGfm extends RulesBlockBase {
fences: RegExp;
export interface RulesBlockTables extends RulesBlockGfm {
nptable: RegExp;
table: RegExp;
export interface Link {
href: string;
title: string;
export interface Links {
[key: string]: Link;
export enum TokenType {
space = 1,
export type Align = "center" | "left" | "right" | "";
export interface Token {
type: number | string;
text?: string;
lang?: string;
depth?: number;
header?: string[];
align?: Align[];
cells?: string[][];
ordered?: boolean;
pre?: boolean;
escaped?: boolean;
execArr?: RegExpExecArray;
* Used for debugging. Identifies the line number in the resulting HTML file.
line?: number;
export interface RulesInlineBase {
escape: RegExp;
autolink: RegExp;
tag: RegExp;
link: RegExp;
reflink: RegExp;
nolink: RegExp;
strong: RegExp;
em: RegExp;
code: RegExp;
br: RegExp;
text: RegExp;
_inside: RegExp;
_href: RegExp;
export interface RulesInlinePedantic extends RulesInlineBase {}
* GFM Inline Grammar
export interface RulesInlineGfm extends RulesInlineBase {
url: RegExp;
del: RegExp;
export interface RulesInlineBreaks extends RulesInlineGfm {}
export class MarkedOptions {
gfm?: boolean = true;
tables?: boolean = true;
breaks?: boolean = false;
pedantic?: boolean = false;
sanitize?: boolean = false;
sanitizer?: (text: string) => string;
mangle?: boolean = false;
smartLists?: boolean = false;
silent?: boolean = false;
* @param code The section of code to pass to the highlighter.
* @param lang The programming language specified in the code block.
highlight?: (code: string, lang?: string) => string;
langPrefix?: string = "lang-";
smartypants?: boolean = false;
headerPrefix?: string = "";
* An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. Default: `new Renderer()`
renderer?: Renderer;
* Self-close the tags for void elements (&lt;br/&gt;, &lt;img/&gt;, etc.)
* with a "/" as required by XHTML.
xhtml?: boolean = false;
* The function that will be using to escape HTML entities.
* By default using inner helper.
escape?: (html: string, encode?: boolean) => string = escape;
* The function that will be using to unescape HTML entities.
* By default using inner helper.
unescape?: (html: string) => string = unescape;
* If set to `true`, an inline text will not be taken in paragraph.
* ```ts
* // isNoP == false
* Marked.parse('some text'); // returns '<p>some text</p>'
* Marked.setOptions({isNoP: true});
* Marked.parse('some text'); // returns 'some text'
* ```
isNoP?: boolean;
export interface LexerReturns {
tokens: Token[];
links: Links;
meta: Obj;
export interface Parsed {
content: string;
meta: Obj;
export interface DebugReturns extends LexerReturns {
result: string;
export interface Replacements {
[key: string]: string;
export interface RulesInlineCallback {
regexp?: RegExp;
condition(): RegExp;
tokenize(execArr: RegExpExecArray): void;
export type SimpleRenderer = (execArr?: RegExpExecArray) => string;