2020-07-28 19:43:58 +02:00

298 lines
8.4 KiB

import { Ini, Cliffy, Compress, Base64 } from "./deps.ts";
import * as Colors from "";
import * as Path from "";
import * as FS from "";
import { init } from "./global.ts";
import setupCMD from "./commands/setup.ts";
import initCMD from "./commands/init.ts";
import bumpCMD from "./commands/bump.ts";
import publishCMD from "./commands/publish.ts";
const HOME_FOLDER = Deno.env.get("HOME") || Deno.env.get("USERPROFILE") || "";
type CommandHandler = (...opts: any[]) => void | Promise<void>;
let command: CommandHandler | undefined = undefined;
let opts: any[] = [];
// const debounce = (fnc: any) => (...args: any[]) => {
// new Promise((y) => setTimeout(y, 0)).then(() => fnc(...args));
// }; //Put function call into queue
const commandWrapper = (cmd: CommandHandler) => {
return (...params: any[]) => {
command = cmd;
opts = params;
const flags = await new Cliffy.Command()
.description("CLI for the Open Source DenReg package registry")
.option("-i, --interactive [interactive:boolean]", "Interactive mode", {
default: true,
global: true,
.option("-c, --config <config>", "Config file", {
default: Path.resolve(HOME_FOLDER, ".denreg"),
global: true,
.option("-v, --verbose", "Verbose", {
default: false,
global: true,
new Cliffy.Command()
.description("Configure cli")
new Cliffy.Command()
.description("Upload package")
new Cliffy.Command()
.description("Create meta.json")
new Cliffy.Command()
.complete("major|minor|patch", () => ["major", "minor", "patch"])
.description("Change package version")
.command("completions", new Cliffy.CompletionsCommand())
await init(flags.options);
if (command) {
await Promise.resolve((command as CommandHandler)(...opts));
// function log(...args: any[]) {
// if (flags.options.verbose) console.log(...args);
// }
// const CONFIG_LOCATION = flags.options.config;
// function loadConfigSync() {
// try {
// const data = Deno.readFileSync(CONFIG_LOCATION);
// return Ini.decode(new TextDecoder().decode(data));
// } catch (err) {
// return {};
// }
// }
// const config = loadConfigSync();
// const { username, password, registry } = config;
// async function setConfig(name: string, value: string) {
// config[name] = value;
// const data = Ini.encode(config);
// await Deno.writeFile(CONFIG_LOCATION, new TextEncoder().encode(data), {
// create: true,
// });
// }
// async function setup() {
// const registry = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "What's your registry?",
// default: config.registry,
// });
// const username = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "What's your username?",
// default: config.username,
// });
// const password = await Cliffy.Secret.prompt({
// message: "What's your password?",
// hidden: true,
// default: config.password,
// });
// const author = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "Who are you? (optional) Name <>",
// default:,
// });
// await setConfig("registry", registry);
// await setConfig("username", username);
// await setConfig("password", password);
// await setConfig("author", author);
// }
// interface IMeta {
// name: string;
// version: string;
// description?: string;
// author?: string;
// contributors?: string[];
// files: string[];
// }
// async function init() {
// let existing = {};
// try {
// existing = await _getMeta();
// } catch (err) {}
// let meta: IMeta = {
// name: Path.basename(Deno.cwd()).toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, "-"),
// version: "0.0.1",
// description: "",
// author:,
// contributors: [],
// files: ["**/*.ts", "**/*.js", "importmap.json"],
// ...existing,
// };
// if (flags.options.interactive) {
// = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "What's the name of your package?",
// default:,
// });
// meta.description = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "What's the description of your package?",
// default: meta.description,
// });
// = await Cliffy.Input.prompt({
// message: "Who's the author of your package?",
// default:,
// });
// }
// await _setMeta(meta);
// }
// async function bump(options: any, type: "minor" | "major" | "patch") {
// const meta = await _getMeta();
// let [major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0] = meta.version.split(".").map(Number);
// switch (type) {
// case "major":
// major++;
// break;
// case "minor":
// minor++;
// break;
// case "patch":
// patch++;
// break;
// default:
// throw new Error("type must be either major, minor or patch");
// }
// const newVersion = [major, minor, patch].join(".");
// console.log(
// "Bumping version from",
// "to",
// );
// meta.version = newVersion;
// await _setMeta(meta);
// }
// async function uploadPackage() {
// const meta: IMeta = await _getMeta();
// if (! throw new Error("name is not set in meta.json");
// if (!meta.version) throw new Error("version is not set in meta.json");
// if (!meta.files || !Array.isArray(meta.files) || meta.files.length <= 0)
// throw new Error("files is not set or empty in meta.json");
// const tmpDir = await Deno.makeTempDir();
// const packedFile = await Deno.makeTempFile();
// try {
// const walker = FS.walk(".", {
// includeDirs: false,
// includeFiles: true,
// match: => Path.globToRegExp(file)),
// });
// log("Copying files to package to", tmpDir);
// const copy = async (path: string) => {
// const dest = Path.join(tmpDir, path);
// await FS.ensureDir(Path.dirname(dest));
// await FS.copy(path, dest);
// };
// await copy("meta.json");
// for await (const file of walker) {
// await copy(file.path);
// }
// log("Compressing file");
// await Compress.Tar.compress(tmpDir, packedFile, {
// excludeSrc: true,
// });
// const url = new URL(config.registry);
// url.pathname = "/api/package/" +;
// log("Uploading new package version");
// const res = await fetch(url, {
// method: "POST",
// body: await Deno.readFile(packedFile),
// headers: {
// Authorization:
// "Basic " +
// Base64.encode(config.username + ":" + config.password),
// },
// }).then((res) => (res.status === 200 ? res.json() : res.statusText));
// log("Upload finished. Result:", res);
// if (typeof res === "string" || res.error) {
// console.log(
//"Error: " + (typeof res == "string" ? res : res.error))
// );
// } else {
// if (res.success) {
// console.log("Upload successfull"));
// }
// }
// } finally {
// await Deno.remove(tmpDir, { recursive: true });
// await Deno.remove(packedFile);
// }
// }
// async function _getMeta(): Promise<IMeta> {
// log("Reading meta.json");
// return (await FS.readJson("meta.json")) as IMeta;
// }
// async function _setMeta(meta: IMeta): Promise<void> {
// log("Saving meta.json");
// return FS.writeJson("meta.json", meta, {
// spaces: " ",
// });
// }
// if (!username || !password || !registry) {
// if (!flags.options.interactive) {
// console.error(
//"Run setup or set necessary value in " + CONFIG_LOCATION)
// );
// } else {
// log("Running setup");
// await setup();
// }
// }