process.env.LOGGING_NO_DEFAULT = "true"; import { LoggingBase, ConsoleAdapter } from "@hibas123/logging"; import * as yargs from "yargs"; const options = yargs .option("verbose", { alias: "v", type: "boolean", description: "Print debug informations", required: false, }) .option("config", { alias: "c", type: "string", default: "/etc/issc.ini", description: "Config file location", }) .option("to", { alias: "t", description: "The receiver of the email", type: "string", required: true, }) .option("subject", { alias: "s", description: "Subject of the mail", type: "string", required: false, }).argv; const Logging = new LoggingBase({ console: false, }); if (options.verbose) { Logging.addAdapter(new ConsoleAdapter(true)); } Logging.log("Starting INSANLY SIMPLE SMTP CLIENT"); const EXAMPLE_CONFIG = ` [smtp] server= from= username= password= port= `; import * as nm from "nodemailer"; import * as ini from "ini"; import { readFileSync, fstat, existsSync } from "fs"; Logging.log("Loading configuration"); if (!existsSync(options.config)) { console.log( "Add configuration to /etc/issc.ini or set your location by using --config . \n\n Example config: \n\n" + EXAMPLE_CONFIG ); process.exit(1); } const config = ini.parse(readFileSync(options.config, "utf-8")); Logging.log("Creating Transport"); const transport = nm.createTransport({ host: config.smtp.server, port: Number(config.smtp.port || 587), secure: false, auth: { user: config.smtp.username, pass: config.smtp.password, method: "PLAIN", }, logger: { fatal: Logging.errorMessage, trace: Logging.log, level: () => undefined, debug: Logging.debug, error: Logging.errorMessage, info: Logging.log, warn: Logging.warn, }, }); Logging.log("Verifying transport"); import getstdin = require("get-stdin"); transport .verify() .then(async () => { Logging.log("Reading STDIN"); const text = await getstdin(); Logging.log("Sending mail"); const res = await transport.sendMail({ from: config.smtp.from, to:, subject: options.subject, text, }); console.log("Message sent"); }) .catch((err) => { Logging.error(err); console.log("Some error occured!", err.message); }) .finally(() => { transport.close(); process.exit(); });