Switched to @hibas123/utils package for observable and lock

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Stamm 2019-03-07 19:52:16 -05:00
parent a8d5382ac3
commit 8e0b859408
9 changed files with 2644 additions and 846 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
"name": "@hibas123/secure-file-wrapper",
"version": "2.3.1",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"author": "Fabian Stamm <dev@fabianstamm.de>",
"license": "MIT",
"types": "lib/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc",
"watch": "tsc --watch",
"prepublishOnly": "tsc",
"test": "mocha lib/test.js"
"dependencies": {
"cross-fetch": "^3.0.0",
"uuid": "^3.3.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "^4.1.4",
"@types/mocha": "^5.2.2",
"@types/node": "^10.12.18",
"@types/node-fetch": "^2.1.4",
"@types/uuid": "^3.4.4",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"typescript": "^3.2.2"
"name": "@hibas123/secure-file-wrapper",
"version": "2.3.2",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"author": "Fabian Stamm <dev@fabianstamm.de>",
"license": "MIT",
"types": "lib/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc",
"watch": "tsc --watch",
"prepublishOnly": "tsc",
"test": "mocha lib/test.js"
"dependencies": {
"@hibas123/utils": "^1.0.1",
"cross-fetch": "^3.0.1",
"uuid": "^3.3.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "^4.1.4",
"@types/mocha": "^5.2.6",
"@types/node": "^11.10.5",
"@types/node-fetch": "^2.1.6",
"@types/uuid": "^3.4.4",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"mocha": "^6.0.2",
"typescript": "^3.3.3333"

View File

@ -1,235 +1,234 @@
import Observable from "./observable";
import Lock from "./lock";
import fetch from "cross-fetch"
export interface IFileVersion {
version: string;
time: Date;
preview: string;
deleted: boolean;
export interface IFile {
_id: string;
type: string;
name: string;
folder: string;
deleted: boolean;
active: IFileVersion;
versions: IFileVersion[];
user: string;
application: string;
export interface IHistory {
file: IFile;
history: IFileVersion[];
export class NoConnection extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("No connection");
this.type = "noconnection"
export class Unauthorized extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Not authorized");
this.type = "unauthorized"
export class NoPermission extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("No permission");
this.type = "nopermission"
export class NotFound extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Not found");
this.type = "notfound"
export class BadRequest extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Bad request");
this.type = "badrequest"
function statusParser(res: Response) {
if (res.status !== 200) {
switch (res.status) {
case 400:
throw new BadRequest();
case 404:
throw new NotFound();
case 403:
throw new NoPermission();
case 401:
throw new Unauthorized();
throw new Error(res.statusText);
export default class SecureFileWrapper {
private _jwtObservableServer: Observable<(jwt: string) => void> = new Observable(false);
jwtObservable = this._jwtObservableServer.getPublicApi();
private jwt: string;
private auth_lock = new Lock();
constructor(private server: string) {
if (this.server.endsWith("/")) {
this.server += "api/v1";
} else {
this.server += "/api/v1";
public async getJWT() {
if (!this.auth_lock.locked) {
let lock = await this.auth_lock.getLock();
this._jwtObservableServer.send((jwt: string) => {
this.jwt = jwt;
await this.auth_lock.getLock().then(lock => lock.release())
public async makeRequest(endpoint: string, method: "POST" | "GET" | "PUT" | "DELETE", query: any, body?: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, second = false) {
if (!this.jwt || this.jwt === undefined) {
await this.getJWT();
query.jwt = this.jwt;
let query_str = "?";
let first = true;
for (let key in query) {
if (!first) query_str += "&";
query_str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(query[key]);
first = false;
var headers = {
"pragme": "no-cache",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
if (body) {
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
try {
let res = await fetch(this.server + endpoint + query_str, { method, body, headers });
if (res.status === 401 && !second) {
await this.getJWT();
return this.makeRequest(endpoint, method, query, body, true);
} else {
return res;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError || err.errno === "ECONNREFUSED")
throw new NoConnection();
throw err;
private fixIFileVersion(version: IFileVersion): IFileVersion {
version.time = new Date(version.time)
return version;
private fixIFile(file: IFile): IFile {
file.active.time = new Date(file.active.time)
if (file.versions) {
file.versions = file.versions.map(e => this.fixIFileVersion(e))
return file;
// async test(jwt): Promise<{ user: string, test: true }> {
// let res = await this.makeRequest("/test", "GET", {}, undefined, this.jwt_enabled);
// statusParser(res);
// return await res.json();
// }
async list(folder?: string): Promise<IFile[]> {
let query: any = {}
if (folder) query.folder = folder;
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files", "GET", query);
let d: { files: IFile[] } = await res.json();
return d.files.map(e => this.fixIFile(e));
async create(name: string, data: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, type: "text" | "binary", folder?: string, preview?: string, id?: string, date?: Date): Promise<IFile> {
let params: any = { type: type, name: name };
if (preview)
params.preview = preview;
if (folder)
params.folder = folder;
if (id)
params.id = id
if (date)
params.date = date.toJSON()
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files", "POST", params, data);
return this.fixIFile((await res.json()).file);
async get(id: string, version?: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
let res: Response;
if (typeof version === "string") {
res = await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history/${version}`, "GET", {});
} else {
res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "GET", {});
return res.arrayBuffer()
async update(id: string, data: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, preview?: string, date?: Date, old = false): Promise<IFile> {
let params: any = { old };
if (preview) params.preview = preview;
if (date)
params.date = date.toJSON()
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "PUT", params, data);
let json = await res.json()
return this.fixIFile(json.file);
async delete(id: string): Promise<void> {
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "DELETE", {});
async history(id: string): Promise<IHistory> {
let res = await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history`, "GET", {});
let data: IHistory = await res.json();
data.file = this.fixIFile(data.file)
data.history = data.history.map(v => this.fixIFileVersion(v));
return data;
async restore(id: string, version: string) {
await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history/${version}/restore`, "PUT", {});
import { Observable, Lock } from "@hibas123/utils";
import fetch from "cross-fetch"
export interface IFileVersion {
version: string;
time: Date;
preview: string;
deleted: boolean;
export interface IFile {
_id: string;
type: string;
name: string;
folder: string;
deleted: boolean;
active: IFileVersion;
versions: IFileVersion[];
user: string;
application: string;
export interface IHistory {
file: IFile;
history: IFileVersion[];
export class NoConnection extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("No connection");
this.type = "noconnection"
export class Unauthorized extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Not authorized");
this.type = "unauthorized"
export class NoPermission extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("No permission");
this.type = "nopermission"
export class NotFound extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Not found");
this.type = "notfound"
export class BadRequest extends Error {
type: string;
constructor() {
super("Bad request");
this.type = "badrequest"
function statusParser(res: Response) {
if (res.status !== 200) {
switch (res.status) {
case 400:
throw new BadRequest();
case 404:
throw new NotFound();
case 403:
throw new NoPermission();
case 401:
throw new Unauthorized();
throw new Error(res.statusText);
export default class SecureFileWrapper {
private _jwtObservableServer: Observable<(jwt: string) => void> = new Observable(false);
jwtObservable = this._jwtObservableServer.getPublicApi();
private jwt: string;
private auth_lock = new Lock();
constructor(private server: string) {
if (this.server.endsWith("/")) {
this.server += "api/v1";
} else {
this.server += "/api/v1";
public async getJWT() {
if (!this.auth_lock.locked) {
let lock = await this.auth_lock.getLock();
this._jwtObservableServer.send((jwt: string) => {
this.jwt = jwt;
await this.auth_lock.getLock().then(lock => lock.release())
public async makeRequest(endpoint: string, method: "POST" | "GET" | "PUT" | "DELETE", query: any, body?: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, second = false) {
if (!this.jwt || this.jwt === undefined) {
await this.getJWT();
query.jwt = this.jwt;
let query_str = "?";
let first = true;
for (let key in query) {
if (!first) query_str += "&";
query_str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(query[key]);
first = false;
var headers = {
"pragme": "no-cache",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
if (body) {
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
try {
let res = await fetch(this.server + endpoint + query_str, { method, body, headers });
if (res.status === 401 && !second) {
await this.getJWT();
return this.makeRequest(endpoint, method, query, body, true);
} else {
return res;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError || err.errno === "ECONNREFUSED")
throw new NoConnection();
throw err;
private fixIFileVersion(version: IFileVersion): IFileVersion {
version.time = new Date(version.time)
return version;
private fixIFile(file: IFile): IFile {
file.active.time = new Date(file.active.time)
if (file.versions) {
file.versions = file.versions.map(e => this.fixIFileVersion(e))
return file;
// async test(jwt): Promise<{ user: string, test: true }> {
// let res = await this.makeRequest("/test", "GET", {}, undefined, this.jwt_enabled);
// statusParser(res);
// return await res.json();
// }
async list(folder?: string): Promise<IFile[]> {
let query: any = {}
if (folder) query.folder = folder;
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files", "GET", query);
let d: { files: IFile[] } = await res.json();
return d.files.map(e => this.fixIFile(e));
async create(name: string, data: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, type: "text" | "binary", folder?: string, preview?: string, id?: string, date?: Date): Promise<IFile> {
let params: any = { type: type, name: name };
if (preview)
params.preview = preview;
if (folder)
params.folder = folder;
if (id)
params.id = id
if (date)
params.date = date.toJSON()
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files", "POST", params, data);
return this.fixIFile((await res.json()).file);
async get(id: string, version?: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
let res: Response;
if (typeof version === "string") {
res = await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history/${version}`, "GET", {});
} else {
res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "GET", {});
return res.arrayBuffer()
async update(id: string, data: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, preview?: string, date?: Date, old = false): Promise<IFile> {
let params: any = { old };
if (preview) params.preview = preview;
if (date)
params.date = date.toJSON()
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "PUT", params, data);
let json = await res.json()
return this.fixIFile(json.file);
async delete(id: string): Promise<void> {
let res = await this.makeRequest("/files/" + id, "DELETE", {});
async history(id: string): Promise<IHistory> {
let res = await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history`, "GET", {});
let data: IHistory = await res.json();
data.file = this.fixIFile(data.file)
data.history = data.history.map(v => this.fixIFileVersion(v));
return data;
async restore(id: string, version: string) {
await this.makeRequest(`/files/${id}/history/${version}/restore`, "PUT", {});

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
export type Release = { release: () => void };
export default class Lock {
private _locked: boolean = false;
get locked() {
return this._locked;
private toCome: (() => void)[] = [];
constructor() {
this.release = this.release.bind(this);
async getLock(): Promise<Release> {
if (!this._locked) return { release: this.lock() };
else {
return new Promise<Release>((resolve) => {
this.toCome.push(() => {
resolve({ release: this.lock() });
private lock() {
this._locked = true;
return this.release;
private async release() {
if (this.toCome.length > 0) {
} else {
this._locked = false;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
export type ObserverCallback<T> = (data: T) => void;
export default class Observable<T = any> {
private subscriber: ObserverCallback<T[]>[] = [];
private events: T[] = [];
private timeout = undefined;
constructor(private collect: boolean = true, private collect_intervall: number = 100) { }
getPublicApi() {
return {
subscribe: (callback: ObserverCallback<T[]>) => {
if (this.subscriber.indexOf(callback) < 0)
unsubscribe: (callback: ObserverCallback<T[]>) => {
let idx = this.subscriber.indexOf(callback);
if (idx >= 0) {
this.subscriber.splice(idx, 1);
send(data: T) {
if (!this.collect)
this.subscriber.forEach(e => e([data]));
else {
if (!this.timeout) {
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.subscriber.forEach(e => e(this.events));
this.timeout = 0;
}, this.collect_intervall);

View File

@ -1,173 +1,173 @@
import SecureFile, { NotFound } from "./index";
import * as v4 from "uuid/v4"
import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from "util";
const testname = "ouiavgbsop687463743"
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const testdata = encoder.encode("Ich bin ein Test");
const newTestData = encoder.encode("neue test daten");
const newTestDataOld = encoder.encode("neue test daten asd");
const testprev = "Ich bin...";
const testfolder = "iabos";
let ftestid;
import { expect } from "chai"
function test(sf: SecureFile) {
let testid: string;
let testver: string;
let testver2: string;
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
testid = res._id;
testver = res.active.version;
it("get", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(testid);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("get - fail", async () => {
const inverr = new Error("Should have failed!");
try {
await sf.get(testid + "asod");
throw inverr
} catch (err) {
if (err !== inverr) {
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.list();
expect(Array.isArray(res), "Is not from type Array").to.be.true;
expect(res.length, "No elements returned").to.greaterThan(0);
let found = !!res.find(e => e._id === testid);
expect(found, "Element not in List").to.be.true;
it("update to history", async () => {
let res = await sf.update(testid, newTestDataOld, undefined, undefined, true);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "_id missing").to.exist;
expect(res.active.version, "New version was created").to.equal(testver);
let res2 = await sf.get(testid);
expect(decoder.decode(res2), "Fetched data not updated").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("update", async () => {
let res = await sf.update(testid, newTestData, undefined);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "_id missing").to.exist;
expect(res.active.version, "No new version was created").to.not.equal(testver);
testver2 = res.active.version;
let res2 = await sf.get(testid);
expect(decoder.decode(res2), "Fetched data not updated").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(newTestData));
it("history", async () => {
let his = await sf.history(testid);
expect(his, "no data returned").to.exist;
expect(his.file, "file not set").to.exist;
expect(his.history, "history not set").to.exist;
expect(his.history.length, `Not expected history length. Expected 1 got ${his.history.length}`).to.be.equal(2);
expect(his.history[1].version, "Wrong version on history").to.be.equal(testver);
expect(his.file.active.version, "Wrong version on file").to.be.equal(testver2);
it("history get old", async () => {
let arch = await sf.get(testid, testver);
expect(decoder.decode(arch), "Old version has wrong data").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("history restore", async () => {
await sf.restore(testid, testver);
let res = await sf.get(testid);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("delete", async () => {
await sf.delete(testid);
describe("fixed id", () => {
let id = v4();
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev, id)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has invalid _id").to.be.equal(id)
it("get", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(id);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
describe("predefined date", () => {
let id = v4();
it("create", async () => {
const date = new Date("2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev, id, date)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has invalid _id").to.be.equal(id)
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(id);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
describe("folder", () => {
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", testfolder, testprev)
expect(res, "Res not set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "No _id field").to.exist;
ftestid = res._id;
testver = res.active.version;
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.list(testfolder);
expect(Array.isArray(res), "Is from type Array").to.be.true;
expect(res.length, "Do elements exist?").to.be.greaterThan(0);
let found = false;
res.forEach(e => {
if (e._id === ftestid) {
found = true;
expect(found, "Element is not in List").to.exist;
it("delete", async () => {
await sf.delete(ftestid);
describe("SecureFile Tests", function () {
let sf = new SecureFile("http://localhost:3004");
sf.jwtObservable.subscribe((callback) => {
import SecureFile, { NotFound } from "./index";
import * as v4 from "uuid/v4"
import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from "util";
const testname = "ouiavgbsop687463743"
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const testdata = encoder.encode("Ich bin ein Test");
const newTestData = encoder.encode("neue test daten");
const newTestDataOld = encoder.encode("neue test daten asd");
const testprev = "Ich bin...";
const testfolder = "iabos";
let ftestid;
import { expect } from "chai"
function test(sf: SecureFile) {
let testid: string;
let testver: string;
let testver2: string;
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
testid = res._id;
testver = res.active.version;
it("get", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(testid);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("get - fail", async () => {
const inverr = new Error("Should have failed!");
try {
await sf.get(testid + "asod");
throw inverr
} catch (err) {
if (err !== inverr) {
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.list();
expect(Array.isArray(res), "Is not from type Array").to.be.true;
expect(res.length, "No elements returned").to.greaterThan(0);
let found = !!res.find(e => e._id === testid);
expect(found, "Element not in List").to.be.true;
it("update to history", async () => {
let res = await sf.update(testid, newTestDataOld, undefined, undefined, true);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "_id missing").to.exist;
expect(res.active.version, "New version was created").to.equal(testver);
let res2 = await sf.get(testid);
expect(decoder.decode(res2), "Fetched data not updated").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("update", async () => {
let res = await sf.update(testid, newTestData, undefined);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "_id missing").to.exist;
expect(res.active.version, "No new version was created").to.not.equal(testver);
testver2 = res.active.version;
let res2 = await sf.get(testid);
expect(decoder.decode(res2), "Fetched data not updated").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(newTestData));
it("history", async () => {
let his = await sf.history(testid);
expect(his, "no data returned").to.exist;
expect(his.file, "file not set").to.exist;
expect(his.history, "history not set").to.exist;
expect(his.history.length, `Not expected history length. Expected 1 got ${his.history.length}`).to.be.equal(2);
expect(his.history[1].version, "Wrong version on history").to.be.equal(testver);
expect(his.file.active.version, "Wrong version on file").to.be.equal(testver2);
it("history get old", async () => {
let arch = await sf.get(testid, testver);
expect(decoder.decode(arch), "Old version has wrong data").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("history restore", async () => {
await sf.restore(testid, testver);
let res = await sf.get(testid);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
it("delete", async () => {
await sf.delete(testid);
describe("fixed id", () => {
let id = v4();
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev, id)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has invalid _id").to.be.equal(id)
it("get", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(id);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
describe("predefined date", () => {
let id = v4();
it("create", async () => {
const date = new Date("2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", undefined, testprev, id, date)
expect(res, "Res isnnot set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has no _id").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "Res has invalid _id").to.be.equal(id)
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.get(id);
expect(res, "No data returned").to.exist;
expect(decoder.decode(res), "Returned data not equal to stored").to.be.equal(decoder.decode(testdata));
describe("folder", () => {
it("create", async () => {
let res = await sf.create(testname, testdata, "text", testfolder, testprev)
expect(res, "Res not set").to.exist;
expect(res._id, "No _id field").to.exist;
ftestid = res._id;
testver = res.active.version;
it("list", async () => {
let res = await sf.list(testfolder);
expect(Array.isArray(res), "Is from type Array").to.be.true;
expect(res.length, "Do elements exist?").to.be.greaterThan(0);
let found = false;
res.forEach(e => {
if (e._id === ftestid) {
found = true;
expect(found, "Element is not in List").to.exist;
it("delete", async () => {
await sf.delete(ftestid);
describe("SecureFile Tests", function () {
let sf = new SecureFile("http://localhost:3004");
sf.jwtObservable.subscribe((callback) => {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
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