import { Router } from "express"; import GetAuthRoute from "./auth"; import JWTRoute from "./jwt"; import Public from "./public"; import RefreshTokenRoute from "./refresh"; import ProfileRoute from "./profile"; const OAuthRoute: Router = Router(); /** * @api {post} /oauth/auth * @apiName OAuthAuth * * @apiGroup oauth * @apiPermission user Special required * * @apiParam {String} response_type must be "code" others are not supported * @apiParam {String} client_id ClientID * @apiParam {String} redirect_uri The URI to redirect with code * @apiParam {String} scope Scope that contains the requested permissions (comma seperated list of permissions) * @apiParam {String} state State, that will be passed to redirect_uri for client * @apiParam {String} nored Deactivates the Redirect response from server and instead returns the redirect URI in JSON response */"/auth", GetAuthRoute(false)); /** * @api {get} /oauth/jwt * @apiName OAuthJwt * * @apiGroup oauth * @apiPermission none * * @apiParam {String} refreshtoken * * @apiSuccess {String} token The JWT that allowes the application to access the recources granted for refresh token */ OAuthRoute.get("/jwt", JWTRoute); /** * @api {get} /oauth/public * @apiName OAuthPublic * * @apiGroup oauth * @apiPermission none * * @apiSuccess {String} public_key The applications public_key. Used to verify JWT. */ OAuthRoute.get("/public", Public); /** * @api {get} /oauth/refresh * @apiName OAuthRefreshGet * * @apiGroup oauth */ OAuthRoute.get("/refresh", RefreshTokenRoute); /** * @api {post} /oauth/refresh * @apiName OAuthRefreshPost * * @apiGroup oauth */"/refresh", RefreshTokenRoute); /** * @api {get} /oauth/profile * @apiName OAuthProfile * * @apiGroup oauth */ OAuthRoute.get("/profile", ProfileRoute); export default OAuthRoute;