import { Router } from "express"; import { OAuthInternalApp } from "./oauth"; import PasswordAuth from "./password"; const InternalRoute: Router = Router(); /** * @api {get} /internal/oauth * @apiName ClientInteralOAuth * * @apiGroup client_internal * @apiPermission client_internal Only ClientID * * @apiParam {String} redirect_uri Redirect URI called after success * @apiParam {String} state State will be set in RedirectURI for the client to check */ InternalRoute.get("/oauth", OAuthInternalApp); /** * @api {post} /internal/password * @apiName ClientInteralPassword * * @apiGroup client_internal * @apiPermission client_internal Requires ClientID and Secret * * @apiParam {String} username Username (either username or UID) * @apiParam {String} uid User ID (either username or UID) * @apiParam {String} password Hashed and Salted according to specification */"/password", PasswordAuth); export default InternalRoute;