import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express"; import LoginToken, { CheckToken } from "../../models/login_token"; import Logging from "@hibas123/nodelogging"; import RequestError, { HttpStatusCode } from "../../helper/request_error"; import User from "../../models/user"; import promiseMiddleware from "../../helper/promiseMiddleware"; class Invalid extends Error { } /** * Returns customized Middleware function, that could also be called directly * by code and will return true or false depending on the token. In the false * case it will also send error and redirect if json is not set * @param json Checks if requests wants an json or html for returning errors * @param redirect_uri Sets the uri to redirect, if json is not set and user not logged in */ export function GetUserMiddleware(json = false, special_required: boolean = false, redirect_uri?: string, validated = true) { return promiseMiddleware(async function (req: Request, res: Response, next?: NextFunction) { const invalid = () => { throw new Invalid(); } try { let { login, special } = req.cookies if (!login) invalid() let token = await LoginToken.findOne({ token: login, valid: true }) if (!await CheckToken(token, validated)) invalid(); let user = await User.findById(token.user); if (!user) { token.valid = false; await; invalid(); } let special_token; if (special) { Logging.debug("Special found") special_token = await LoginToken.findOne({ token: special, special: true, valid: true, user: token.user }) if (!await CheckToken(special_token, validated)) invalid(); req.special = true; } if (special_required && !req.special) invalid(); req.user = user req.isAdmin = user.admin; req.token = { login: token, special: special_token } if (next) next() return true; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Invalid) { if (req.method === "GET" && !json) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED) res.redirect("/login?base64=true&state=" + Buffer.from(redirect_uri ? redirect_uri : req.originalUrl).toString("base64")) } else { throw new RequestError(req.__("You are not logged in or your login is expired"), HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED) } } else { if (next) next(e); else throw e; } return false; } }); } export const UserMiddleware = GetUserMiddleware();