
95 lines
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import { Router } from "express";
import Register from "./register";
import Login from "./login";
import TwoFactorRoute from "./twofactor";
import { GetToken, DeleteToken } from "./token";
const UserRoute: Router = Router();
* @api {post} /user/register
* @apiName UserRegister
* @apiGroup user
* @apiPermission none
* @apiParam {String} mail EMail linked to this Account
* @apiParam {String} username The new Username
* @apiParam {String} password Password hashed and salted like specification
* @apiParam {String} salt The Salt used for password hashing
* @apiParam {String} regcode The regcode, that should be used
* @apiParam {String} gender Gender can be: "male", "female", "other", "none"
* @apiParam {String} name The real name of the User
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} success
* @apiErrorExample {Object} Error-Response:
error: [
message: "Some Error",
field: "username"
status: 400
*/"/register", Register);
* @api {post} /user/login?type=:type
* @apiName UserLogin
* @apiParam {String} type Type could be either "username" or "password"
* @apiGroup user
* @apiPermission none
* @apiParam {String} username Username (either username or uid required)
* @apiParam {String} uid (either username or uid required)
* @apiParam {String} password Password hashed and salted like specification (only on type password)
* @apiSuccess {String} uid On type = "username"
* @apiSuccess {String} salt On type = "username"
* @apiSuccess {String} login On type = "password". Login Token
* @apiSuccess {String} special On type = "password". Special Token
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} tfa Will be set when TwoFactorAuthentication is required
* @apiSuccess {String} The ID of the TFA Method
* @apiSuccess {String} The name of the TFA Method
* @apiSuccess {String} tfa.type The type of the TFA Method
*/"/login", Login)
UserRoute.use("/twofactor", TwoFactorRoute);
* @api {get} /user/token
* @apiName UserGetToken
* @apiGroup user
* @apiPermission user
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} token
* @apiSuccess {String} The Token ID
* @apiSuccess {String} token.special Identifies Special Token
* @apiSuccess {String} token.ip IP the token was optained from
* @apiSuccess {String} token.browser The Browser the token was optained from (User Agent)
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} token.isthis Shows if it is token used by this session
UserRoute.get("/token", GetToken);
* @api {delete} /user/token/:id
* @apiParam {String} id The id of the token to be deleted
* @apiName UserDeleteToken
* @apiParam {String} type Type could be either "username" or "password"
* @apiGroup user
* @apiPermission user
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} success
UserRoute.delete("/token/:id", DeleteToken);
export default UserRoute;