
195 lines
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const {
} = require('fs')
const {
} = require('path')
const isDirectory = source => lstatSync(source).isDirectory()
const getDirectories = source =>
readdirSync(source).map(name => join(source, name)).filter(isDirectory)
function ensureDir(folder) {
try {
if (!isDirectory(folder)) mkdirSync(folder)
} catch (e) {
const fileExists = (filename) => new Promise((yes, no) => exists(filename, (exi) => yes(exi)));
const sass = require('sass');
function findHead(elm) {
if (elm.tagName === "head") return elm;
for (let i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) {
let res = findHead(elm.childNodes[i])
if (res) return res;
return undefined;
const rollup = require("rollup")
const includepaths = require("rollup-plugin-includepaths")
const typescript = require("rollup-plugin-typescript2");
const resolve = require("rollup-plugin-node-resolve");
const minify = require("html-minifier").minify
const gzipSize = require('gzip-size');
async function file_name(folder, name, exts) {
for (let ext of exts) {
let basefile = `${folder}/${name}.${ext}`;
if (await fileExists(basefile)) return basefile;
return null;
async function buildPage(folder) {
const pagename = basename(folder);
const outpath = "./out/" + pagename;
const basefile = await file_name(folder, pagename, ["tsx", "ts", "js"]);
let bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: basefile,
plugins: [
paths: ["shared", "node_modules"]
// use "module" field for ES6 module if possible
module: true, // Default: true
// use "jsnext:main" if possible
// legacy field pointing to ES6 module in third-party libraries,
// deprecated in favor of "pkg.module":
// - see:
jsnext: true, // Default: false
// use "main" field or index.js, even if it's not an ES6 module
// (needs to be converted from CommonJS to ES6
// see
main: true, // Default: true
// some package.json files have a `browser` field which
// specifies alternative files to load for people bundling
// for the browser. If that's you, use this option, otherwise
// pkg.browser will be ignored
browser: true, // Default: false
// not all files you want to resolve are .js files
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.json'], // Default: [ '.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node' ]
// whether to prefer built-in modules (e.g. `fs`, `path`) or
// local ones with the same names
preferBuiltins: false, // Default: true
// If true, inspect resolved files to check that they are
// ES2015 modules
modulesOnly: true, // Default: false
treeshake: true
let { output } = await bundle.generate({
format: "iife",
compact: true
let { code } = output[0];
let sass_res = sass.renderSync({
file: folder + `/${pagename}.scss`,
includePaths: ["./node_modules", folder, "./shared"],
outputStyle: "compressed"
let css = "<style>\n" + sass_res.css.toString("utf8") + "\n</style>\n";
let script = "<script>\n" + code + "\n</script>\n";
let html = readFileSync(`${folder}/${pagename}.hbs`).toString("utf8");
let idx = html.indexOf("</head>")
if (idx < 0) throw new Error("No head element found")
let idx2 = html.indexOf("</body>")
if (idx2 < 0) throw new Error("No body element found")
if (idx < idx2) {
let part1 = html.slice(0, idx)
let part2 = html.slice(idx, idx2);
let part3 = html.slice(idx2, html.length);
html = part1 + css + part2 + script + part3;
} else {
let part1 = html.slice(0, idx2)
let part2 = html.slice(idx2, idx);
let part3 = html.slice(idx, html.length);
html = part1 + script + part2 + css + part3;
let result = minify(html, {
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
html5: true,
keepClosingSlash: true,
minifyCSS: false,
minifyJS: false,
removeComments: true,
useShortDoctype: true
let gzips = await gzipSize(result)
writeFileSync(`${outpath}/${pagename}.html`, result)
let stats = {
sass: sass_res.stats,
js: {
chars: code.length
css: {
chars: css.length
bundle_size: result.length,
gzip_size: gzips
writeFileSync(outpath + `/stats.json`, JSON.stringify(stats, null, " "))
async function run() {
console.log("Start compiling!");
let pages = getDirectories("./src");
await Promise.all( e => {
try {
await buildPage(e)
} catch (er) {
console.error("Failed compiling", basename(e))
console.log("Finished compiling!")
const chokidar = require("chokidar");
if (process.argv.join(" ").toLowerCase().indexOf("watch") >= 0)["./src", "./node_modules", "./package.json", "./package-lock.json"], {
ignoreInitial: true
.on("all", () => run());