import * as rollup from "rollup"; import * as svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte'; import * as resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'; import * as commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'; import * as typescript from "rollup-plugin-typescript2"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as copy from "rollup-plugin-copy-assets"; import { sass } from 'svelte-preprocess-sass'; import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser'; const production = process.argv.indexOf("-d") < 0; console.log(`Runnung in ${production ? "production" : "development"} mode!`); let plg = []; if (production) { plg.push(terser()) } if (!fs.existsSync("build")) fs.mkdirSync("build"); const pages = ["Login", "Home", "User", "Public"]; let configs = => { const pageHtml = generateHtml(page) fs.writeFileSync(`build/${page.toLowerCase()}.html`, pageHtml); return { input: `./src/${page}/main.js`, output: { sourcemap: true, format: 'iife', name: 'app', file: `build/${page.toLowerCase()}/bundle.js` }, watch: { clearScreen: false }, plugins: [ (typescript as any)({ tsconfig: "./src/tsconfig.json" }), svelte({ // enable run-time checks when not in production dev: !production, css: css => { css.write(`build/${page.toLowerCase()}/bundle.css`); }, preprocess: { style: sass({ includePaths: ['src', 'node_modules'] }) } }), (resolve as any)(), (commonjs as any)(), ...plg ] }; }) import * as path from "path"; function cssCopyPlugin() { return { name: 'css-copy', // this name will show up in warnings and errors resolveId(source) { if (source === 'virtual-module') { return source; // this signals that rollup should not ask other plugins or check the file system to find this id } return null; // other ids should be handled as usually }, load(id) { if (id === 'virtual-module') { return 'export default "This is virtual!"'; // the source code for "virtual-module" } return null; // other ids should be handled as usually } }; } function generateHtml(pagename: string) { return ` OpenAuth - ${pagename}
` } var absolutePath = /^(?:\/|(?:[A-Za-z]:)?[\\|/])/; function isAbsolute(path) { return absolutePath.test(path); } // function getAliasName(resolved, unresolved) { // var alias = path.basename(unresolved || resolved); // var ext = path.extname(resolved); // if (alias.endsWith(ext)) // alias = alias.substr(0, alias.length - ext.length); // return alias; // } function relativeId(id) { if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !isAbsolute(id)) return id; return path.relative(process.cwd(), id); } const tc: any = { enabled: process.env.FORCE_COLOR || process.platform === "win32" || (process.stdout.isTTY && process.env.TERM && process.env.TERM !== "dumb") }; const Styles = (tc.Styles = {}); const defineProp = Object.defineProperty; const init = (style, open, close, re) => { let i, len = 1, seq = [(Styles[style] = { open, close, re })]; const fn = s => { if (tc.enabled) { for (i = 0, s += ""; i < len; i++) { style = seq[i]; s = (open = + (~s.indexOf((close = style.close), 4) // skip first \x1b[ ? s.replace(, open) : s) + close; } len = 1; } return s }; defineProp(tc, style, { get: () => { for (let k in Styles) defineProp(fn, k, { get: () => ((seq[len++] = Styles[k]), fn) }); delete tc[style]; return (tc[style] = fn) }, configurable: true }); }; init("reset", "\x1b[0m", "\x1b[0m", /\x1b\[0m/g); init("bold", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[22m", /\x1b\[22m/g); init("dim", "\x1b[2m", "\x1b[22m", /\x1b\[22m/g); init("italic", "\x1b[3m", "\x1b[23m", /\x1b\[23m/g); init("underline", "\x1b[4m", "\x1b[24m", /\x1b\[24m/g); init("inverse", "\x1b[7m", "\x1b[27m", /\x1b\[27m/g); init("hidden", "\x1b[8m", "\x1b[28m", /\x1b\[28m/g); init("strikethrough", "\x1b[9m", "\x1b[29m", /\x1b\[29m/g); init("black", "\x1b[30m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("red", "\x1b[31m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("green", "\x1b[32m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("yellow", "\x1b[33m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("blue", "\x1b[34m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("magenta", "\x1b[35m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("cyan", "\x1b[36m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("white", "\x1b[37m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("gray", "\x1b[90m", "\x1b[39m", /\x1b\[39m/g); init("bgBlack", "\x1b[40m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgRed", "\x1b[41m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgGreen", "\x1b[42m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgYellow", "\x1b[43m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgBlue", "\x1b[44m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgMagenta", "\x1b[45m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgCyan", "\x1b[46m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); init("bgWhite", "\x1b[47m", "\x1b[49m", /\x1b\[49m/g); const turbocolor: any = tc; function handleError(err, recover) { if (recover === void 0) { recover = false; } var description = err.message || err; if ( description = + ": " + description; var message = (err.plugin ? "(" + err.plugin + " plugin) " + description : description) || err; console.error("[!] " + turbocolor.bold(message.toString()))); if (err.url) { console.error(turbocolor.cyan(err.url)); } if (err.loc) { console.error(relativeId(err.loc.file || + " (" + err.loc.line + ":" + err.loc.column + ")"); } else if ( { console.error(relativeId(; } if (err.frame) { console.error(turbocolor.dim(err.frame)); } if (err.stack) { //console.error(turbocolor.dim(err.stack)); } console.error(''); if (!recover) process.exit(1); } let start: [number, number]; if (process.argv.indexOf("-w") >= 0) {"event", event => { if (event.code === "BUNDLE_START") { start = process.hrtime(); } else if (event.code === "BUNDLE_END") { let diff = process.hrtime(start); console.log(`--- Took ${diff[0] * 1000 + diff[1] / 1000000}ms`); } else if (event.code === "ERROR") { // console.error(event.error); handleError(event.error, true); } else if (event.code === "FATAL") { handleError(event.error, true); } else { console.log(event); } }) } else { start = process.hrtime(); Promise.all( => { return rollup.rollup(config).then((value) => { value.generate(config as rollup.OutputOptions) }).catch(err => { handleError(err, true); // console.error(err); }) })).then(vals => { let diff = process.hrtime(start); console.log(`--- Took ${diff[0] * 1000 + diff[1] / 1000000}ms`); }) }