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import {
} from "./parser";
export class CompilerError extends Error {
node: Node;
constructor(message: string, node: Node) {
this.node = node;
type Variables = { [key: string]: string | Variables };
class Variable {
#name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
getValue(variables: Variables) {
const parts = this.#name.split(".");
let current = variables as any;
while (parts.length > 0) {
const name = parts.shift();
if (current && typeof current == "object") current = current[name];
return current;
class Value {
#value: any;
constructor(value: any) {
this.#value = value;
get value() {
return this.#value;
type ConditionParameters = Value | ConditionMatcher | Variable;
class ConditionMatcher {
#left: ConditionParameters;
#right: ConditionParameters;
#operator: Operators;
left: ConditionParameters,
right: ConditionParameters,
operator: Operators
) {
this.#left = left;
this.#right = right;
this.#operator = operator;
test(variables: Variables): boolean {
let leftValue: any;
if (this.#left instanceof Value) {
leftValue = this.#left.value;
} else if (this.#left instanceof Variable) {
leftValue = this.#left.getValue(variables);
} else {
leftValue = this.#left.test(variables);
let rightValue: any;
if (this.#right instanceof Value) {
rightValue = this.#right.value;
} else if (this.#right instanceof Variable) {
rightValue = this.#right.getValue(variables);
} else {
rightValue = this.#right.test(variables);
switch (this.#operator) {
case "==":
return leftValue == rightValue;
case "!=":
return leftValue != rightValue;
case ">=":
return leftValue >= rightValue;
case "<=":
return leftValue <= rightValue;
case ">":
return leftValue > rightValue;
case "<":
return leftValue < rightValue;
case "&&":
return leftValue && rightValue;
case "||":
return leftValue || rightValue;
throw new Error("Invalid operator " + this.#operator);
class Rule {
#operation: Operations;
#condition: ConditionParameters;
get operation() {
return this.#operation;
constructor(operation: Operations, condition: ConditionParameters) {
this.#operation = operation;
this.#condition = condition;
test(variables: Variables): boolean {
if (this.#condition instanceof Value) {
return Boolean(this.#condition.value);
} else if (this.#condition instanceof Variable) {
return Boolean(this.#condition.getValue(variables));
} else {
return this.#condition.test(variables);
class Segment {
#name: string;
#variable: boolean;
get name() {
return this.#name;
constructor(name: string, variable = false) {
this.#name = name;
this.#variable = variable;
match(segment: string): { match: boolean; variable?: string } {
return {
match: this.#name === segment || this.#variable,
variable: this.#variable && this.#name,
class Match {
#submatches: Match[];
#rules: Rule[];
#segments: Segment[];
#wildcard: boolean;
segments: Segment[],
rules: Rule[],
wildcard: boolean,
submatches: Match[]
) {
this.#segments = segments;
this.#rules = rules;
this.#wildcard = wildcard;
this.#submatches = submatches;
segments: string[],
operation: Operations,
variables: Variables
): boolean {
let localVars = { ...variables };
if (segments.length >= this.#segments.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.#segments.length; i++) {
const match = this.#segments[i].match(segments[i]);
if (match.match) {
if (match.variable) {
localVars[match.variable] = segments[i];
} else {
return false;
let remaining = segments.slice(this.#segments.length);
if (remaining.length > 0 && !this.#wildcard) {
for (const match of this.#submatches) {
const res = match.match(remaining, operation, localVars);
if (res) return true;
} else {
for (const rule of this.#rules) {
console.log(rule.operation, operation);
if (rule.operation === operation) {
if (rule.test(localVars)) return true;
return false;
export class RuleRunner {
#root_matches: Match[];
constructor(root_matches: Match[]) {
this.#root_matches = root_matches;
hasPermission(path: string[], operation: Operations, request: any): boolean {
if (request.root) return true;
for (const match of this.#root_matches) {
const res = match.match(path, operation, { request });
if (res) return true;
return false;
export function getRuleRunner(service: ServiceStatement) {
const createMatch = (s_match: MatchStatement) => {
let wildcard = false;
let segments = s_match.path.segments
.map((segment, idx, arr) => {
if (typeof segment === "string") {
if (segment === "*") {
if (idx === arr.length - 1) {
wildcard = true;
return null;
} else {
throw new CompilerError("Invalid path wildcard!", s_match);
} else {
return new Segment(segment, false);
} else {
return new Segment(, true);
.filter((e) => e !== null);
const resolveParameter = (e: Expression | ValueStatement) => {
let val: Value | ConditionMatcher | Variable;
if (e.type === "value") {
const c = e;
if (c.isFalse) {
val = new Value(false);
} else if (c.isTrue) {
val = new Value(true);
} else if (c.isNull) {
val = new Value(null);
} else if (c.isNumber) {
val = new Value(Number(c.value));
} else if (c.isString) {
val = new Value(String(c.value));
} else if (c.isVariable) {
val = new Variable(String(c.value));
} else {
throw new CompilerError("Invalid value type!", e);
} else {
val = createCondition(e);
return val;
const createCondition = (cond: Expression): ConditionMatcher => {
let left: ConditionParameters = resolveParameter(cond.left);
let right: ConditionParameters = resolveParameter(cond.right);
return new ConditionMatcher(left, right, cond.operator);
const rules: Rule[] = s_match.rules
.map((rule) => {
const condition = resolveParameter(rule.condition);
return => new Rule(op, condition));
const submatches = => createMatch(sub));
const match = new Match(segments, rules, wildcard, submatches);
console.log("Adding match", segments, rules, wildcard, submatches);
return match;
const root_matches = => createMatch(match));
const runner = new RuleRunner(root_matches);
return runner;