This repository has been archived on 2021-06-02. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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import * as Router from "koa-router";
import Settings from "../../settings";
import getForm from "../helper/form";
import Logging from "@hibas123/nodelogging";
import getTable from "../helper/table";
import { BadRequestError } from "../helper/errors";
import { DatabaseManager } from "../../database/database";
const AdminRoute = new Router();
AdminRoute.use((ctx, next) => {
//TODO: Check permission
return next();
AdminRoute.get("/settings", async ctx => {
let res = await new Promise<string[][]>((yes, no) => {
const stream = Settings.db.createReadStream({
keys: true,
values: true,
valueAsBuffer: true
let res = [["key", "value"]];
stream.on("data", ({ key, value }) => {
res.push([key, value]);
stream.on("error", no);
stream.on("end", () => yes(res))
if (ctx.query.view) {
return getTable("Settings", res, ctx);
} else {
ctx.body = res;
AdminRoute.get("/data", async ctx => {
const { database } = ctx.query;
let db = DatabaseManager.getDatabase(database);
if (!db)
throw new BadRequestError("Database not found");
let res = await new Promise<string[][]>((yes, no) => {
const stream = db.level.createReadStream({
keys: true,
values: true,
valueAsBuffer: true
let res = [["key", "value"]];
stream.on("data", ({ key, value }) => {
res.push([key, value]);
stream.on("error", no);
stream.on("end", () => yes(res))
if (ctx.query.view) {
return getTable("Data from " + database, res, ctx);
} else {
ctx.body = res;
.get("/database", ctx => {
const isFull = ctx.query.full === "true" || ctx.query.full === "1";
let res;
if (isFull) {
//TODO: Better than JSON.parse / JSON.stringify
res = Array.from(DatabaseManager.databases.entries()).map(([name, config]) => ({ name, ...(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config))) }));
} else {
res = Array.from(DatabaseManager.databases.keys());
if (ctx.query.view) {
return getTable("Databases" + (isFull ? "" : " small"), res, ctx);
} else {
ctx.body = res;
.post("/database", async ctx => {
const { name, rules, publickey, accesskey } = ctx.request.body;
if (!name)
throw new BadRequestError("Name must be set!");
let db = DatabaseManager.getDatabase(name);
if (!db)
db = await DatabaseManager.addDatabase(name);
if (publickey)
await db.setPublicKey(publickey);
if (rules)
await db.setRules(rules);
if (accesskey)
await db.setAccessKey(accesskey);
ctx.body = "Success";
AdminRoute.get("/database/new", getForm("/v1/admin/database", "New/Change Database", {
name: { label: "Name", type: "text", },
accesskey: { label: "Access Key", type: "text" },
rules: { label: "Rules", type: "textarea", value: `{\n ".write": true, \n ".read": true \n}` },
publickey: { label: "Public Key", type: "textarea" }
export default AdminRoute;