
284 lines
7.6 KiB

import * as util from "util";
import * as fs from "fs";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import * as path from "path";
import { Lock, Observable } from "@hibas123/utils";
import { Adapter, LoggingTypes, Message } from "./types";
import { ConsoleWriter } from "./consolewriter";
const OriginalErrorStackFunction = (<any>Error.prototype).prepareStackTrace
export const Colors = {
Reset: "\x1b[0m",
Bright: "\x1b[1m",
Dim: "\x1b[2m",
Underscore: "\x1b[4m",
Blink: "\x1b[5m",
Reverse: "\x1b[7m",
Hidden: "\x1b[8m",
FgBlack: "\x1b[30m",
FgRed: "\x1b[31m",
FgGreen: "\x1b[32m",
FgYellow: "\x1b[33m",
FgBlue: "\x1b[34m",
FgMagenta: "\x1b[35m",
FgCyan: "\x1b[36m",
FgWhite: "\x1b[37m",
BgBlack: "\x1b[40m",
BgRed: "\x1b[41m",
BgGreen: "\x1b[42m",
BgYellow: "\x1b[43m",
BgBlue: "\x1b[44m",
BgMagenta: "\x1b[45m",
BgCyan: "\x1b[46m",
BgWhite: "\x1b[47m"
export interface LoggingBaseOptions {
* Name will be prefixed on Console output and added to logfiles, if not specified here
name: string,
files: boolean | {
* Filename/path of the logfile. Skip if generated with name
logfile: string;
* Filename/path of the logfile. Skip if generated with name
errorfile: string;
* Prints output to console
console: boolean;
export class LoggingBase {
private logFile: any;
private errorFile: any;
private adapter: Adapter[] = [];
private adapter_init: Promise<void>[] = [];
private messageObservable = new Observable<Message>();
private name: string;
constructor(options?: Partial<LoggingBaseOptions> | string) {
let opt: Partial<LoggingBaseOptions>;
if (!options) opt = {}
else if (typeof options === "string") {
opt = { name: options };
} else {
opt = options;
let config = {
name: undefined,
console: true,
files: true,
if (typeof config.files === "boolean") {
if (config.files === true) {
let name = "";
if (
name = "." +;
config.files = {
logfile: `./logs/all${name}.log`,
errorfile: `./logs/error${name}.log`
} else {
config.files = undefined;
if ( =;
for (let key in this) {
if (typeof this[key] === "function") this[key] = (<any>this[key]).bind(this);
if (typeof config.files !== "boolean" && config.files !== undefined && (config.files.logfile || config.files.errorfile)) {
const { LoggingFiles } = require("./filewriter");
if (config.files.logfile) {
this.addAdapter(new LoggingFiles(config.files.logfile));
if (config.files.errorfile) {
this.addAdapter(new LoggingFiles(config.files.errorfile, true));
if (config.console) {
this.addAdapter(new ConsoleWriter());
addAdapter(adapter: Adapter) {
let prms = Promise.resolve(adapter.init(this.messageObservable.getPublicApi(),;
flush(sync: true): void;
flush(sync: false): Promise<void>;
flush(sync: boolean): void | Promise<void> {
if (sync) {
this.adapter.forEach(elm => elm.flush(true));
} else {
return Promise.all( => elm.flush(false))).then(() => { });
public waitForSetup() {
return Promise.all(this.adapter_init);
public events: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
debug(...message: any[]) {
this.message(LoggingTypes.Debug, message);
log(...message: any[]) {
this.message(LoggingTypes.Log, message);
warning(...message: any[]) {
this.message(LoggingTypes.Warning, message);
logWithCustomColors(type: LoggingTypes, colors: string, ...message: any[]) {
this.message(type, message, colors);
error(error: Error | string) {
if (!error) error = "Empty ERROR was passed, so no informations available";
if (typeof error === "string") {
let e = new Error()
this.message(LoggingTypes.Error, [error, "\n", e.stack]);
} else {
this.message(LoggingTypes.Error, [error.message, "\n", error.stack], undefined, getCallerFromExisting(error));
errorMessage(...message: any[]) {
this.message(LoggingTypes.Error, message);
private message(type: LoggingTypes, message: any[] | string, customColors?: string, caller?: { file: string, line: number }) {
let file_raw = caller || getCallerFile();
let file = `${file_raw.file}:${String(file_raw.line).padEnd(3, " ")}`;
let mb = "";
if (typeof message === "string") {
mb = message;
} else {
message.forEach((e, i) => {
if (typeof e !== "string") e = util.inspect(e, false, null);
if (e.endsWith("\n") || i === message.length - 1) {
mb += e;
} else {
mb += e + " ";
let lines = mb.split("\n");
let date = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '');
let prefix = `[ ${date} ][${LoggingTypes[type].toUpperCase().padEnd(5, " ")}][${file}]: `;
let formatted = => prefix + line);
let msg: Message = {
date: new Date(),
text: {
raw: lines,
export let Logging: LoggingBase = undefined;
if (process.env.LOGGING_NO_DEFAULT !== "true") {
Logging = new LoggingBase();
export default Logging;
function getStack() {
// Save original Error.prepareStackTrace
let origPrepareStackTrace = (<any>Error).prepareStackTrace;
// Override with function that just returns `stack`
(<any>Error).prepareStackTrace = function (_, stack) {
return stack
// Create a new `Error`, which automatically gets `stack`
let err = new Error();
// Evaluate `err.stack`, which calls our new `Error.prepareStackTrace`
let stack: any[] = <any>err.stack;
// Restore original `Error.prepareStackTrace`
(<any>Error).prepareStackTrace = origPrepareStackTrace;
// Remove superfluous function call on stack
stack.shift(); // getStack --> Error
return stack
function getCallerFile() {
try {
let stack = getStack()
let current_file = stack.shift().getFileName();
while (stack.length) {
let caller_file = stack.shift();
const util = require("util")
if (current_file !== caller_file.getFileName())
return {
file: path.basename(caller_file.getFileName()),
line: caller_file.getLineNumber()
} catch (err) { }
return { file: undefined, line: 0 };
function getCallerFromExisting(err: Error): { file: string, line: number } {
if (!err || !err.stack) return { file: "NOFILE", line: 0 };
let lines = err.stack.split("\n");
let current = path.basename(__filename);
lines.shift();// removing first line
while (lines.length > 0) {
let line = lines.shift();
let matches = line.match(/[a-zA-Z_-]+[.][a-zA-Z_-]+[:][0-9]+/g)
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
let [f, line] = matches[0].split(":")
if (f != current) {
return {
file: f, line: Number(line)