#!/usr/bin/env node import yargs from "yargs"; import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers"; import startCompile, { Target, Targets } from "./process"; import dbg from "debug"; const log = dbg("app"); dbg.disable(); yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .version("1.0.0") .command( "compile ", "Compile source", (yargs) => { return yargs .positional("input", { describe: "Input file", type: "string", demandOption: true, }) .option("definition", { type: "string", describe: "Emit definition json at specified location", }) .option("output", { type: "string", describe: "Output lang and location 'ts:out/' 'c:/test'", alias: "o", coerce: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => { if (!arg) return []; if (!Array.isArray(arg)) arg = [arg]; return arg.map((input) => { const [type, output] = input.split(":", 2); return { type, output, } as Target; }); }, array: true, }); }, (argv) => { if (argv.verbose) {dbg.enable("app");} log("Received compile command with args", argv); startCompile({ input: argv.input, targets: argv.output as any, emitDefinitions: argv.definition }) } ) .command("targets", "List all targets", (yargs)=>yargs, ()=>{ console.log("Targets:") Targets.forEach((__dirname, target) => { console.log(" " + target); }) }) .option("verbose", { alias: "v", type: "boolean", describe: "Adds additional outputs", }) .strictCommands() .demandCommand() .parse();