
10868 lines
366 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#!/usr/bin/env node
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true });
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __reExport = (target, module2, copyDefault, desc) => {
if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(target, key) && (copyDefault || key !== "default"))
__defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return target;
var __toESM = (module2, isNodeMode) => {
return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", !isNodeMode && module2 && module2.__esModule ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2);
// node_modules/ms/index.js
var require_ms = __commonJS({
"node_modules/ms/index.js"(exports, module2) {
var s = 1e3;
var m = s * 60;
var h = m * 60;
var d = h * 24;
var w = d * 7;
var y = d * 365.25;
module2.exports = function(val, options) {
options = options || {};
var type = typeof val;
if (type === "string" && val.length > 0) {
return parse2(val);
} else if (type === "number" && isFinite(val)) {
return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val);
throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(val));
function parse2(str) {
str = String(str);
if (str.length > 100) {
var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(str);
if (!match) {
var n = parseFloat(match[1]);
var type = (match[2] || "ms").toLowerCase();
switch (type) {
case "years":
case "year":
case "yrs":
case "yr":
case "y":
return n * y;
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "w":
return n * w;
case "days":
case "day":
case "d":
return n * d;
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "hrs":
case "hr":
case "h":
return n * h;
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "mins":
case "min":
case "m":
return n * m;
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "secs":
case "sec":
case "s":
return n * s;
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "msecs":
case "msec":
case "ms":
return n;
return void 0;
function fmtShort(ms) {
var msAbs = Math.abs(ms);
if (msAbs >= d) {
return Math.round(ms / d) + "d";
if (msAbs >= h) {
return Math.round(ms / h) + "h";
if (msAbs >= m) {
return Math.round(ms / m) + "m";
if (msAbs >= s) {
return Math.round(ms / s) + "s";
return ms + "ms";
function fmtLong(ms) {
var msAbs = Math.abs(ms);
if (msAbs >= d) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, d, "day");
if (msAbs >= h) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, h, "hour");
if (msAbs >= m) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, m, "minute");
if (msAbs >= s) {
return plural(ms, msAbs, s, "second");
return ms + " ms";
function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name) {
var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5;
return Math.round(ms / n) + " " + name + (isPlural ? "s" : "");
// node_modules/debug/src/common.js
var require_common = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/common.js"(exports, module2) {
function setup(env2) {
createDebug.debug = createDebug;
createDebug.default = createDebug;
createDebug.coerce = coerce;
createDebug.disable = disable;
createDebug.enable = enable;
createDebug.enabled = enabled;
createDebug.humanize = require_ms();
createDebug.destroy = destroy;
Object.keys(env2).forEach((key) => {
createDebug[key] = env2[key];
createDebug.names = [];
createDebug.skips = [];
createDebug.formatters = {};
function selectColor(namespace) {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) {
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + namespace.charCodeAt(i);
hash |= 0;
return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length];
createDebug.selectColor = selectColor;
function createDebug(namespace) {
let prevTime;
let enableOverride = null;
let namespacesCache;
let enabledCache;
function debug(...args) {
if (!debug.enabled) {
const self = debug;
const curr = Number(new Date());
const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr);
self.diff = ms;
self.prev = prevTime;
self.curr = curr;
prevTime = curr;
args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]);
if (typeof args[0] !== "string") {
let index = 0;
args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format3) => {
if (match === "%%") {
return "%";
const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format3];
if (typeof formatter === "function") {
const val = args[index];
match = formatter.call(self, val);
args.splice(index, 1);
return match;
createDebug.formatArgs.call(self, args);
const logFn = self.log || createDebug.log;
logFn.apply(self, args);
debug.namespace = namespace;
debug.useColors = createDebug.useColors();
debug.color = createDebug.selectColor(namespace);
debug.extend = extend;
debug.destroy = createDebug.destroy;
Object.defineProperty(debug, "enabled", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
get: () => {
if (enableOverride !== null) {
return enableOverride;
if (namespacesCache !== createDebug.namespaces) {
namespacesCache = createDebug.namespaces;
enabledCache = createDebug.enabled(namespace);
return enabledCache;
set: (v) => {
enableOverride = v;
if (typeof createDebug.init === "function") {
return debug;
function extend(namespace, delimiter) {
const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === "undefined" ? ":" : delimiter) + namespace);
newDebug.log = this.log;
return newDebug;
function enable(namespaces) {
createDebug.namespaces = namespaces;
createDebug.names = [];
createDebug.skips = [];
let i;
const split = (typeof namespaces === "string" ? namespaces : "").split(/[\s,]+/);
const len = split.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!split[i]) {
namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, ".*?");
if (namespaces[0] === "-") {
createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces.substr(1) + "$"));
} else {
createDebug.names.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces + "$"));
function disable() {
const namespaces = [
...createDebug.skips.map(toNamespace).map((namespace) => "-" + namespace)
return namespaces;
function enabled(name) {
if (name[name.length - 1] === "*") {
return true;
let i;
let len;
for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) {
if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name)) {
return false;
for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) {
if (createDebug.names[i].test(name)) {
return true;
return false;
function toNamespace(regexp) {
return regexp.toString().substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2).replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*");
function coerce(val) {
if (val instanceof Error) {
return val.stack || val.message;
return val;
function destroy() {
console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
return createDebug;
module2.exports = setup;
// node_modules/debug/src/browser.js
var require_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/browser.js"(exports, module2) {
exports.formatArgs = formatArgs;
exports.save = save;
exports.load = load;
exports.useColors = useColors;
exports.storage = localstorage();
exports.destroy = (() => {
let warned = false;
return () => {
if (!warned) {
warned = true;
console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
exports.colors = [
function useColors() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.process && (window.process.type === "renderer" || window.process.__nwjs)) {
return true;
if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) {
return false;
return typeof document !== "undefined" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance || typeof window !== "undefined" && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31 || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
function formatArgs(args) {
args[0] = (this.useColors ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") + args[0] + (this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + module2.exports.humanize(this.diff);
if (!this.useColors) {
const c = "color: " + this.color;
args.splice(1, 0, c, "color: inherit");
let index = 0;
let lastC = 0;
args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (match) => {
if (match === "%%") {
if (match === "%c") {
lastC = index;
args.splice(lastC, 0, c);
exports.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => {
function save(namespaces) {
try {
if (namespaces) {
exports.storage.setItem("debug", namespaces);
} else {
} catch (error) {
function load() {
let r;
try {
r = exports.storage.getItem("debug");
} catch (error) {
if (!r && typeof process !== "undefined" && "env" in process) {
r = process.env.DEBUG;
return r;
function localstorage() {
try {
return localStorage;
} catch (error) {
module2.exports = require_common()(exports);
var { formatters } = module2.exports;
formatters.j = function(v) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(v);
} catch (error) {
return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + error.message;
// node_modules/has-flag/index.js
var require_has_flag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/has-flag/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = (flag, argv = process.argv) => {
const prefix = flag.startsWith("-") ? "" : flag.length === 1 ? "-" : "--";
const position = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
const terminatorPosition = argv.indexOf("--");
return position !== -1 && (terminatorPosition === -1 || position < terminatorPosition);
// node_modules/supports-color/index.js
var require_supports_color = __commonJS({
"node_modules/supports-color/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var os = require("os");
var tty = require("tty");
var hasFlag = require_has_flag();
var { env: env2 } = process;
var forceColor;
if (hasFlag("no-color") || hasFlag("no-colors") || hasFlag("color=false") || hasFlag("color=never")) {
forceColor = 0;
} else if (hasFlag("color") || hasFlag("colors") || hasFlag("color=true") || hasFlag("color=always")) {
forceColor = 1;
if ("FORCE_COLOR" in env2) {
if (env2.FORCE_COLOR === "true") {
forceColor = 1;
} else if (env2.FORCE_COLOR === "false") {
forceColor = 0;
} else {
forceColor = env2.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(parseInt(env2.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3);
function translateLevel(level) {
if (level === 0) {
return false;
return {
hasBasic: true,
has256: level >= 2,
has16m: level >= 3
function supportsColor(haveStream, streamIsTTY) {
if (forceColor === 0) {
return 0;
if (hasFlag("color=16m") || hasFlag("color=full") || hasFlag("color=truecolor")) {
return 3;
if (hasFlag("color=256")) {
return 2;
if (haveStream && !streamIsTTY && forceColor === void 0) {
return 0;
const min = forceColor || 0;
if (env2.TERM === "dumb") {
return min;
if (process.platform === "win32") {
const osRelease = os.release().split(".");
if (Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 && Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586) {
return Number(osRelease[2]) >= 14931 ? 3 : 2;
return 1;
if ("CI" in env2) {
if (["TRAVIS", "CIRCLECI", "APPVEYOR", "GITLAB_CI", "GITHUB_ACTIONS", "BUILDKITE"].some((sign) => sign in env2) || env2.CI_NAME === "codeship") {
return 1;
return min;
if ("TEAMCITY_VERSION" in env2) {
return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env2.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0;
if (env2.COLORTERM === "truecolor") {
return 3;
if ("TERM_PROGRAM" in env2) {
const version = parseInt((env2.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || "").split(".")[0], 10);
switch (env2.TERM_PROGRAM) {
case "iTerm.app":
return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2;
case "Apple_Terminal":
return 2;
if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env2.TERM)) {
return 2;
if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env2.TERM)) {
return 1;
if ("COLORTERM" in env2) {
return 1;
return min;
function getSupportLevel(stream) {
const level = supportsColor(stream, stream && stream.isTTY);
return translateLevel(level);
module2.exports = {
supportsColor: getSupportLevel,
stdout: translateLevel(supportsColor(true, tty.isatty(1))),
stderr: translateLevel(supportsColor(true, tty.isatty(2)))
// node_modules/debug/src/node.js
var require_node = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/node.js"(exports, module2) {
var tty = require("tty");
var util = require("util");
exports.init = init;
exports.log = log4;
exports.formatArgs = formatArgs;
exports.save = save;
exports.load = load;
exports.useColors = useColors;
exports.destroy = util.deprecate(() => {
}, "Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
exports.colors = [6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1];
try {
const supportsColor = require_supports_color();
if (supportsColor && (supportsColor.stderr || supportsColor).level >= 2) {
exports.colors = [
} catch (error) {
exports.inspectOpts = Object.keys(process.env).filter((key) => {
return /^debug_/i.test(key);
}).reduce((obj, key) => {
const prop = key.substring(6).toLowerCase().replace(/_([a-z])/g, (_, k) => {
return k.toUpperCase();
let val = process.env[key];
if (/^(yes|on|true|enabled)$/i.test(val)) {
val = true;
} else if (/^(no|off|false|disabled)$/i.test(val)) {
val = false;
} else if (val === "null") {
val = null;
} else {
val = Number(val);
obj[prop] = val;
return obj;
}, {});
function useColors() {
return "colors" in exports.inspectOpts ? Boolean(exports.inspectOpts.colors) : tty.isatty(process.stderr.fd);
function formatArgs(args) {
const { namespace: name, useColors: useColors2 } = this;
if (useColors2) {
const c = this.color;
const colorCode = "[3" + (c < 8 ? c : "8;5;" + c);
const prefix = ` ${colorCode};1m${name} `;
args[0] = prefix + args[0].split("\n").join("\n" + prefix);
args.push(colorCode + "m+" + module2.exports.humanize(this.diff) + "");
} else {
args[0] = getDate() + name + " " + args[0];
function getDate() {
if (exports.inspectOpts.hideDate) {
return "";
return new Date().toISOString() + " ";
function log4(...args) {
return process.stderr.write(util.format(...args) + "\n");
function save(namespaces) {
if (namespaces) {
process.env.DEBUG = namespaces;
} else {
delete process.env.DEBUG;
function load() {
return process.env.DEBUG;
function init(debug) {
debug.inspectOpts = {};
const keys = Object.keys(exports.inspectOpts);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
debug.inspectOpts[keys[i]] = exports.inspectOpts[keys[i]];
module2.exports = require_common()(exports);
var { formatters } = module2.exports;
formatters.o = function(v) {
this.inspectOpts.colors = this.useColors;
return util.inspect(v, this.inspectOpts).split("\n").map((str) => str.trim()).join(" ");
formatters.O = function(v) {
this.inspectOpts.colors = this.useColors;
return util.inspect(v, this.inspectOpts);
// node_modules/debug/src/index.js
var require_src = __commonJS({
"node_modules/debug/src/index.js"(exports, module2) {
if (typeof process === "undefined" || process.type === "renderer" || process.browser === true || process.__nwjs) {
module2.exports = require_browser();
} else {
module2.exports = require_node();
// node_modules/color-name/index.js
var require_color_name = __commonJS({
"node_modules/color-name/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {
"aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
"antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
"aqua": [0, 255, 255],
"aquamarine": [127, 255, 212],
"azure": [240, 255, 255],
"beige": [245, 245, 220],
"bisque": [255, 228, 196],
"black": [0, 0, 0],
"blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205],
"blue": [0, 0, 255],
"blueviolet": [138, 43, 226],
"brown": [165, 42, 42],
"burlywood": [222, 184, 135],
"cadetblue": [95, 158, 160],
"chartreuse": [127, 255, 0],
"chocolate": [210, 105, 30],
"coral": [255, 127, 80],
"cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237],
"cornsilk": [255, 248, 220],
"crimson": [220, 20, 60],
"cyan": [0, 255, 255],
"darkblue": [0, 0, 139],
"darkcyan": [0, 139, 139],
"darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11],
"darkgray": [169, 169, 169],
"darkgreen": [0, 100, 0],
"darkgrey": [169, 169, 169],
"darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107],
"darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139],
"darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47],
"darkorange": [255, 140, 0],
"darkorchid": [153, 50, 204],
"darkred": [139, 0, 0],
"darksalmon": [233, 150, 122],
"darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143],
"darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139],
"darkslategray": [47, 79, 79],
"darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79],
"darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209],
"darkviolet": [148, 0, 211],
"deeppink": [255, 20, 147],
"deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255],
"dimgray": [105, 105, 105],
"dimgrey": [105, 105, 105],
"dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255],
"firebrick": [178, 34, 34],
"floralwhite": [255, 250, 240],
"forestgreen": [34, 139, 34],
"fuchsia": [255, 0, 255],
"gainsboro": [220, 220, 220],
"ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255],
"gold": [255, 215, 0],
"goldenrod": [218, 165, 32],
"gray": [128, 128, 128],
"green": [0, 128, 0],
"greenyellow": [173, 255, 47],
"grey": [128, 128, 128],
"honeydew": [240, 255, 240],
"hotpink": [255, 105, 180],
"indianred": [205, 92, 92],
"indigo": [75, 0, 130],
"ivory": [255, 255, 240],
"khaki": [240, 230, 140],
"lavender": [230, 230, 250],
"lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245],
"lawngreen": [124, 252, 0],
"lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205],
"lightblue": [173, 216, 230],
"lightcoral": [240, 128, 128],
"lightcyan": [224, 255, 255],
"lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210],
"lightgray": [211, 211, 211],
"lightgreen": [144, 238, 144],
"lightgrey": [211, 211, 211],
"lightpink": [255, 182, 193],
"lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122],
"lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170],
"lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250],
"lightslategray": [119, 136, 153],
"lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153],
"lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222],
"lightyellow": [255, 255, 224],
"lime": [0, 255, 0],
"limegreen": [50, 205, 50],
"linen": [250, 240, 230],
"magenta": [255, 0, 255],
"maroon": [128, 0, 0],
"mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170],
"mediumblue": [0, 0, 205],
"mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211],
"mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219],
"mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113],
"mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238],
"mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154],
"mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204],
"mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133],
"midnightblue": [25, 25, 112],
"mintcream": [245, 255, 250],
"mistyrose": [255, 228, 225],
"moccasin": [255, 228, 181],
"navajowhite": [255, 222, 173],
"navy": [0, 0, 128],
"oldlace": [253, 245, 230],
"olive": [128, 128, 0],
"olivedrab": [107, 142, 35],
"orange": [255, 165, 0],
"orangered": [255, 69, 0],
"orchid": [218, 112, 214],
"palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170],
"palegreen": [152, 251, 152],
"paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238],
"palevioletred": [219, 112, 147],
"papayawhip": [255, 239, 213],
"peachpuff": [255, 218, 185],
"peru": [205, 133, 63],
"pink": [255, 192, 203],
"plum": [221, 160, 221],
"powderblue": [176, 224, 230],
"purple": [128, 0, 128],
"rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153],
"red": [255, 0, 0],
"rosybrown": [188, 143, 143],
"royalblue": [65, 105, 225],
"saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19],
"salmon": [250, 128, 114],
"sandybrown": [244, 164, 96],
"seagreen": [46, 139, 87],
"seashell": [255, 245, 238],
"sienna": [160, 82, 45],
"silver": [192, 192, 192],
"skyblue": [135, 206, 235],
"slateblue": [106, 90, 205],
"slategray": [112, 128, 144],
"slategrey": [112, 128, 144],
"snow": [255, 250, 250],
"springgreen": [0, 255, 127],
"steelblue": [70, 130, 180],
"tan": [210, 180, 140],
"teal": [0, 128, 128],
"thistle": [216, 191, 216],
"tomato": [255, 99, 71],
"turquoise": [64, 224, 208],
"violet": [238, 130, 238],
"wheat": [245, 222, 179],
"white": [255, 255, 255],
"whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245],
"yellow": [255, 255, 0],
"yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50]
// node_modules/color-convert/conversions.js
var require_conversions = __commonJS({
"node_modules/color-convert/conversions.js"(exports, module2) {
var cssKeywords = require_color_name();
var reverseKeywords = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) {
reverseKeywords[cssKeywords[key]] = key;
var convert = {
rgb: { channels: 3, labels: "rgb" },
hsl: { channels: 3, labels: "hsl" },
hsv: { channels: 3, labels: "hsv" },
hwb: { channels: 3, labels: "hwb" },
cmyk: { channels: 4, labels: "cmyk" },
xyz: { channels: 3, labels: "xyz" },
lab: { channels: 3, labels: "lab" },
lch: { channels: 3, labels: "lch" },
hex: { channels: 1, labels: ["hex"] },
keyword: { channels: 1, labels: ["keyword"] },
ansi16: { channels: 1, labels: ["ansi16"] },
ansi256: { channels: 1, labels: ["ansi256"] },
hcg: { channels: 3, labels: ["h", "c", "g"] },
apple: { channels: 3, labels: ["r16", "g16", "b16"] },
gray: { channels: 1, labels: ["gray"] }
module2.exports = convert;
for (const model of Object.keys(convert)) {
if (!("channels" in convert[model])) {
throw new Error("missing channels property: " + model);
if (!("labels" in convert[model])) {
throw new Error("missing channel labels property: " + model);
if (convert[model].labels.length !== convert[model].channels) {
throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: " + model);
const { channels, labels } = convert[model];
delete convert[model].channels;
delete convert[model].labels;
Object.defineProperty(convert[model], "channels", { value: channels });
Object.defineProperty(convert[model], "labels", { value: labels });
convert.rgb.hsl = function(rgb) {
const r = rgb[0] / 255;
const g = rgb[1] / 255;
const b = rgb[2] / 255;
const min = Math.min(r, g, b);
const max = Math.max(r, g, b);
const delta = max - min;
let h;
let s;
if (max === min) {
h = 0;
} else if (r === max) {
h = (g - b) / delta;
} else if (g === max) {
h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
} else if (b === max) {
h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
h = Math.min(h * 60, 360);
if (h < 0) {
h += 360;
const l = (min + max) / 2;
if (max === min) {
s = 0;
} else if (l <= 0.5) {
s = delta / (max + min);
} else {
s = delta / (2 - max - min);
return [h, s * 100, l * 100];
convert.rgb.hsv = function(rgb) {
let rdif;
let gdif;
let bdif;
let h;
let s;
const r = rgb[0] / 255;
const g = rgb[1] / 255;
const b = rgb[2] / 255;
const v = Math.max(r, g, b);
const diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b);
const diffc = function(c) {
return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
if (diff === 0) {
h = 0;
s = 0;
} else {
s = diff / v;
rdif = diffc(r);
gdif = diffc(g);
bdif = diffc(b);
if (r === v) {
h = bdif - gdif;
} else if (g === v) {
h = 1 / 3 + rdif - bdif;
} else if (b === v) {
h = 2 / 3 + gdif - rdif;
if (h < 0) {
h += 1;
} else if (h > 1) {
h -= 1;
return [
h * 360,
s * 100,
v * 100
convert.rgb.hwb = function(rgb) {
const r = rgb[0];
const g = rgb[1];
let b = rgb[2];
const h = convert.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0];
const w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
return [h, w * 100, b * 100];
convert.rgb.cmyk = function(rgb) {
const r = rgb[0] / 255;
const g = rgb[1] / 255;
const b = rgb[2] / 255;
const k = Math.min(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b);
const c = (1 - r - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
const m = (1 - g - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
const y = (1 - b - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
return [c * 100, m * 100, y * 100, k * 100];
function comparativeDistance(x, y) {
return (x[0] - y[0]) ** 2 + (x[1] - y[1]) ** 2 + (x[2] - y[2]) ** 2;
convert.rgb.keyword = function(rgb) {
const reversed = reverseKeywords[rgb];
if (reversed) {
return reversed;
let currentClosestDistance = Infinity;
let currentClosestKeyword;
for (const keyword of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) {
const value = cssKeywords[keyword];
const distance = comparativeDistance(rgb, value);
if (distance < currentClosestDistance) {
currentClosestDistance = distance;
currentClosestKeyword = keyword;
return currentClosestKeyword;
convert.keyword.rgb = function(keyword) {
return cssKeywords[keyword];
convert.rgb.xyz = function(rgb) {
let r = rgb[0] / 255;
let g = rgb[1] / 255;
let b = rgb[2] / 255;
r = r > 0.04045 ? ((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : r / 12.92;
g = g > 0.04045 ? ((g + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : g / 12.92;
b = b > 0.04045 ? ((b + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : b / 12.92;
const x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805;
const y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722;
const z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505;
return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100];
convert.rgb.lab = function(rgb) {
const xyz = convert.rgb.xyz(rgb);
let x = xyz[0];
let y = xyz[1];
let z = xyz[2];
x /= 95.047;
y /= 100;
z /= 108.883;
x = x > 8856e-6 ? x ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * x + 16 / 116;
y = y > 8856e-6 ? y ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * y + 16 / 116;
z = z > 8856e-6 ? z ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * z + 16 / 116;
const l = 116 * y - 16;
const a = 500 * (x - y);
const b = 200 * (y - z);
return [l, a, b];
convert.hsl.rgb = function(hsl) {
const h = hsl[0] / 360;
const s = hsl[1] / 100;
const l = hsl[2] / 100;
let t2;
let t3;
let val;
if (s === 0) {
val = l * 255;
return [val, val, val];
if (l < 0.5) {
t2 = l * (1 + s);
} else {
t2 = l + s - l * s;
const t1 = 2 * l - t2;
const rgb = [0, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1);
if (t3 < 0) {
if (t3 > 1) {
if (6 * t3 < 1) {
val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3;
} else if (2 * t3 < 1) {
val = t2;
} else if (3 * t3 < 2) {
val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6;
} else {
val = t1;
rgb[i] = val * 255;
return rgb;
convert.hsl.hsv = function(hsl) {
const h = hsl[0];
let s = hsl[1] / 100;
let l = hsl[2] / 100;
let smin = s;
const lmin = Math.max(l, 0.01);
l *= 2;
s *= l <= 1 ? l : 2 - l;
smin *= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
const v = (l + s) / 2;
const sv = l === 0 ? 2 * smin / (lmin + smin) : 2 * s / (l + s);
return [h, sv * 100, v * 100];
convert.hsv.rgb = function(hsv) {
const h = hsv[0] / 60;
const s = hsv[1] / 100;
let v = hsv[2] / 100;
const hi = Math.floor(h) % 6;
const f = h - Math.floor(h);
const p = 255 * v * (1 - s);
const q = 255 * v * (1 - s * f);
const t = 255 * v * (1 - s * (1 - f));
v *= 255;
switch (hi) {
case 0:
return [v, t, p];
case 1:
return [q, v, p];
case 2:
return [p, v, t];
case 3:
return [p, q, v];
case 4:
return [t, p, v];
case 5:
return [v, p, q];
convert.hsv.hsl = function(hsv) {
const h = hsv[0];
const s = hsv[1] / 100;
const v = hsv[2] / 100;
const vmin = Math.max(v, 0.01);
let sl;
let l;
l = (2 - s) * v;
const lmin = (2 - s) * vmin;
sl = s * vmin;
sl /= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
sl = sl || 0;
l /= 2;
return [h, sl * 100, l * 100];
convert.hwb.rgb = function(hwb) {
const h = hwb[0] / 360;
let wh = hwb[1] / 100;
let bl = hwb[2] / 100;
const ratio = wh + bl;
let f;
if (ratio > 1) {
wh /= ratio;
bl /= ratio;
const i = Math.floor(6 * h);
const v = 1 - bl;
f = 6 * h - i;
if ((i & 1) !== 0) {
f = 1 - f;
const n = wh + f * (v - wh);
let r;
let g;
let b;
switch (i) {
case 6:
case 0:
r = v;
g = n;
b = wh;
case 1:
r = n;
g = v;
b = wh;
case 2:
r = wh;
g = v;
b = n;
case 3:
r = wh;
g = n;
b = v;
case 4:
r = n;
g = wh;
b = v;
case 5:
r = v;
g = wh;
b = n;
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
convert.cmyk.rgb = function(cmyk) {
const c = cmyk[0] / 100;
const m = cmyk[1] / 100;
const y = cmyk[2] / 100;
const k = cmyk[3] / 100;
const r = 1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k);
const g = 1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k);
const b = 1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k);
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
convert.xyz.rgb = function(xyz) {
const x = xyz[0] / 100;
const y = xyz[1] / 100;
const z = xyz[2] / 100;
let r;
let g;
let b;
r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986;
g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415;
b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.204 + z * 1.057;
r = r > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * r ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : r * 12.92;
g = g > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * g ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : g * 12.92;
b = b > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * b ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : b * 12.92;
r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1);
g = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1);
b = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1);
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
convert.xyz.lab = function(xyz) {
let x = xyz[0];
let y = xyz[1];
let z = xyz[2];
x /= 95.047;
y /= 100;
z /= 108.883;
x = x > 8856e-6 ? x ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * x + 16 / 116;
y = y > 8856e-6 ? y ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * y + 16 / 116;
z = z > 8856e-6 ? z ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * z + 16 / 116;
const l = 116 * y - 16;
const a = 500 * (x - y);
const b = 200 * (y - z);
return [l, a, b];
convert.lab.xyz = function(lab) {
const l = lab[0];
const a = lab[1];
const b = lab[2];
let x;
let y;
let z;
y = (l + 16) / 116;
x = a / 500 + y;
z = y - b / 200;
const y2 = y ** 3;
const x2 = x ** 3;
const z2 = z ** 3;
y = y2 > 8856e-6 ? y2 : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
x = x2 > 8856e-6 ? x2 : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
z = z2 > 8856e-6 ? z2 : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
x *= 95.047;
y *= 100;
z *= 108.883;
return [x, y, z];
convert.lab.lch = function(lab) {
const l = lab[0];
const a = lab[1];
const b = lab[2];
let h;
const hr = Math.atan2(b, a);
h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI;
if (h < 0) {
h += 360;
const c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
return [l, c, h];
convert.lch.lab = function(lch) {
const l = lch[0];
const c = lch[1];
const h = lch[2];
const hr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI;
const a = c * Math.cos(hr);
const b = c * Math.sin(hr);
return [l, a, b];
convert.rgb.ansi16 = function(args, saturation = null) {
const [r, g, b] = args;
let value = saturation === null ? convert.rgb.hsv(args)[2] : saturation;
value = Math.round(value / 50);
if (value === 0) {
return 30;
let ansi2 = 30 + (Math.round(b / 255) << 2 | Math.round(g / 255) << 1 | Math.round(r / 255));
if (value === 2) {
ansi2 += 60;
return ansi2;
convert.hsv.ansi16 = function(args) {
return convert.rgb.ansi16(convert.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]);
convert.rgb.ansi256 = function(args) {
const r = args[0];
const g = args[1];
const b = args[2];
if (r === g && g === b) {
if (r < 8) {
return 16;
if (r > 248) {
return 231;
return Math.round((r - 8) / 247 * 24) + 232;
const ansi2 = 16 + 36 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5) + 6 * Math.round(g / 255 * 5) + Math.round(b / 255 * 5);
return ansi2;
convert.ansi16.rgb = function(args) {
let color = args % 10;
if (color === 0 || color === 7) {
if (args > 50) {
color += 3.5;
color = color / 10.5 * 255;
return [color, color, color];
const mult = (~~(args > 50) + 1) * 0.5;
const r = (color & 1) * mult * 255;
const g = (color >> 1 & 1) * mult * 255;
const b = (color >> 2 & 1) * mult * 255;
return [r, g, b];
convert.ansi256.rgb = function(args) {
if (args >= 232) {
const c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8;
return [c, c, c];
args -= 16;
let rem;
const r = Math.floor(args / 36) / 5 * 255;
const g = Math.floor((rem = args % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255;
const b = rem % 6 / 5 * 255;
return [r, g, b];
convert.rgb.hex = function(args) {
const integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 255) << 16) + ((Math.round(args[1]) & 255) << 8) + (Math.round(args[2]) & 255);
const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "000000".substring(string.length) + string;
convert.hex.rgb = function(args) {
const match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
if (!match) {
return [0, 0, 0];
let colorString = match[0];
if (match[0].length === 3) {
colorString = colorString.split("").map((char) => {
return char + char;
const integer = parseInt(colorString, 16);
const r = integer >> 16 & 255;
const g = integer >> 8 & 255;
const b = integer & 255;
return [r, g, b];
convert.rgb.hcg = function(rgb) {
const r = rgb[0] / 255;
const g = rgb[1] / 255;
const b = rgb[2] / 255;
const max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b);
const min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b);
const chroma = max - min;
let grayscale;
let hue;
if (chroma < 1) {
grayscale = min / (1 - chroma);
} else {
grayscale = 0;
if (chroma <= 0) {
hue = 0;
} else if (max === r) {
hue = (g - b) / chroma % 6;
} else if (max === g) {
hue = 2 + (b - r) / chroma;
} else {
hue = 4 + (r - g) / chroma;
hue /= 6;
hue %= 1;
return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100];
convert.hsl.hcg = function(hsl) {
const s = hsl[1] / 100;
const l = hsl[2] / 100;
const c = l < 0.5 ? 2 * s * l : 2 * s * (1 - l);
let f = 0;
if (c < 1) {
f = (l - 0.5 * c) / (1 - c);
return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100];
convert.hsv.hcg = function(hsv) {
const s = hsv[1] / 100;
const v = hsv[2] / 100;
const c = s * v;
let f = 0;
if (c < 1) {
f = (v - c) / (1 - c);
return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100];
convert.hcg.rgb = function(hcg) {
const h = hcg[0] / 360;
const c = hcg[1] / 100;
const g = hcg[2] / 100;
if (c === 0) {
return [g * 255, g * 255, g * 255];
const pure = [0, 0, 0];
const hi = h % 1 * 6;
const v = hi % 1;
const w = 1 - v;
let mg = 0;
switch (Math.floor(hi)) {
case 0:
pure[0] = 1;
pure[1] = v;
pure[2] = 0;
case 1:
pure[0] = w;
pure[1] = 1;
pure[2] = 0;
case 2:
pure[0] = 0;
pure[1] = 1;
pure[2] = v;
case 3:
pure[0] = 0;
pure[1] = w;
pure[2] = 1;
case 4:
pure[0] = v;
pure[1] = 0;
pure[2] = 1;
pure[0] = 1;
pure[1] = 0;
pure[2] = w;
mg = (1 - c) * g;
return [
(c * pure[0] + mg) * 255,
(c * pure[1] + mg) * 255,
(c * pure[2] + mg) * 255
convert.hcg.hsv = function(hcg) {
const c = hcg[1] / 100;
const g = hcg[2] / 100;
const v = c + g * (1 - c);
let f = 0;
if (v > 0) {
f = c / v;
return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100];
convert.hcg.hsl = function(hcg) {
const c = hcg[1] / 100;
const g = hcg[2] / 100;
const l = g * (1 - c) + 0.5 * c;
let s = 0;
if (l > 0 && l < 0.5) {
s = c / (2 * l);
} else if (l >= 0.5 && l < 1) {
s = c / (2 * (1 - l));
return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100];
convert.hcg.hwb = function(hcg) {
const c = hcg[1] / 100;
const g = hcg[2] / 100;
const v = c + g * (1 - c);
return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100];
convert.hwb.hcg = function(hwb) {
const w = hwb[1] / 100;
const b = hwb[2] / 100;
const v = 1 - b;
const c = v - w;
let g = 0;
if (c < 1) {
g = (v - c) / (1 - c);
return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100];
convert.apple.rgb = function(apple) {
return [apple[0] / 65535 * 255, apple[1] / 65535 * 255, apple[2] / 65535 * 255];
convert.rgb.apple = function(rgb) {
return [rgb[0] / 255 * 65535, rgb[1] / 255 * 65535, rgb[2] / 255 * 65535];
convert.gray.rgb = function(args) {
return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255];
convert.gray.hsl = function(args) {
return [0, 0, args[0]];
convert.gray.hsv = convert.gray.hsl;
convert.gray.hwb = function(gray) {
return [0, 100, gray[0]];
convert.gray.cmyk = function(gray) {
return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]];
convert.gray.lab = function(gray) {
return [gray[0], 0, 0];
convert.gray.hex = function(gray) {
const val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 255;
const integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val;
const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "000000".substring(string.length) + string;
convert.rgb.gray = function(rgb) {
const val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3;
return [val / 255 * 100];
// node_modules/color-convert/route.js
var require_route = __commonJS({
"node_modules/color-convert/route.js"(exports, module2) {
var conversions = require_conversions();
function buildGraph() {
const graph = {};
const models = Object.keys(conversions);
for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
graph[models[i]] = {
distance: -1,
parent: null
return graph;
function deriveBFS(fromModel) {
const graph = buildGraph();
const queue = [fromModel];
graph[fromModel].distance = 0;
while (queue.length) {
const current = queue.pop();
const adjacents = Object.keys(conversions[current]);
for (let len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const adjacent = adjacents[i];
const node = graph[adjacent];
if (node.distance === -1) {
node.distance = graph[current].distance + 1;
node.parent = current;
return graph;
function link(from, to) {
return function(args) {
return to(from(args));
function wrapConversion(toModel, graph) {
const path = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel];
let fn = conversions[graph[toModel].parent][toModel];
let cur = graph[toModel].parent;
while (graph[cur].parent) {
fn = link(conversions[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn);
cur = graph[cur].parent;
fn.conversion = path;
return fn;
module2.exports = function(fromModel) {
const graph = deriveBFS(fromModel);
const conversion3 = {};
const models = Object.keys(graph);
for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const toModel = models[i];
const node = graph[toModel];
if (node.parent === null) {
conversion3[toModel] = wrapConversion(toModel, graph);
return conversion3;
// node_modules/color-convert/index.js
var require_color_convert = __commonJS({
"node_modules/color-convert/index.js"(exports, module2) {
var conversions = require_conversions();
var route = require_route();
var convert = {};
var models = Object.keys(conversions);
function wrapRaw(fn) {
const wrappedFn = function(...args) {
const arg0 = args[0];
if (arg0 === void 0 || arg0 === null) {
return arg0;
if (arg0.length > 1) {
args = arg0;
return fn(args);
if ("conversion" in fn) {
wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
return wrappedFn;
function wrapRounded(fn) {
const wrappedFn = function(...args) {
const arg0 = args[0];
if (arg0 === void 0 || arg0 === null) {
return arg0;
if (arg0.length > 1) {
args = arg0;
const result = fn(args);
if (typeof result === "object") {
for (let len = result.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = Math.round(result[i]);
return result;
if ("conversion" in fn) {
wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
return wrappedFn;
models.forEach((fromModel) => {
convert[fromModel] = {};
Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], "channels", { value: conversions[fromModel].channels });
Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], "labels", { value: conversions[fromModel].labels });
const routes = route(fromModel);
const routeModels = Object.keys(routes);
routeModels.forEach((toModel) => {
const fn = routes[toModel];
convert[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded(fn);
convert[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw(fn);
module2.exports = convert;
// node_modules/ansi-styles/index.js
var require_ansi_styles = __commonJS({
"node_modules/ansi-styles/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var wrapAnsi16 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
const code = fn(...args);
return `[${code + offset}m`;
var wrapAnsi256 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
const code = fn(...args);
return `[${38 + offset};5;${code}m`;
var wrapAnsi16m = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
const rgb = fn(...args);
return `[${38 + offset};2;${rgb[0]};${rgb[1]};${rgb[2]}m`;
var ansi2ansi = (n) => n;
var rgb2rgb = (r, g, b) => [r, g, b];
var setLazyProperty = (object, property, get) => {
Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
get: () => {
const value = get();
Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
var colorConvert;
var makeDynamicStyles = (wrap2, targetSpace, identity, isBackground) => {
if (colorConvert === void 0) {
colorConvert = require_color_convert();
const offset = isBackground ? 10 : 0;
const styles = {};
for (const [sourceSpace, suite] of Object.entries(colorConvert)) {
const name = sourceSpace === "ansi16" ? "ansi" : sourceSpace;
if (sourceSpace === targetSpace) {
styles[name] = wrap2(identity, offset);
} else if (typeof suite === "object") {
styles[name] = wrap2(suite[targetSpace], offset);
return styles;
function assembleStyles() {
const codes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const styles = {
modifier: {
reset: [0, 0],
bold: [1, 22],
dim: [2, 22],
italic: [3, 23],
underline: [4, 24],
inverse: [7, 27],
hidden: [8, 28],
strikethrough: [9, 29]
color: {
black: [30, 39],
red: [31, 39],
green: [32, 39],
yellow: [33, 39],
blue: [34, 39],
magenta: [35, 39],
cyan: [36, 39],
white: [37, 39],
blackBright: [90, 39],
redBright: [91, 39],
greenBright: [92, 39],
yellowBright: [93, 39],
blueBright: [94, 39],
magentaBright: [95, 39],
cyanBright: [96, 39],
whiteBright: [97, 39]
bgColor: {
bgBlack: [40, 49],
bgRed: [41, 49],
bgGreen: [42, 49],
bgYellow: [43, 49],
bgBlue: [44, 49],
bgMagenta: [45, 49],
bgCyan: [46, 49],
bgWhite: [47, 49],
bgBlackBright: [100, 49],
bgRedBright: [101, 49],
bgGreenBright: [102, 49],
bgYellowBright: [103, 49],
bgBlueBright: [104, 49],
bgMagentaBright: [105, 49],
bgCyanBright: [106, 49],
bgWhiteBright: [107, 49]
styles.color.gray = styles.color.blackBright;
styles.bgColor.bgGray = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
styles.color.grey = styles.color.blackBright;
styles.bgColor.bgGrey = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
for (const [groupName, group] of Object.entries(styles)) {
for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(group)) {
styles[styleName] = {
open: `[${style[0]}m`,
close: `[${style[1]}m`
group[styleName] = styles[styleName];
codes.set(style[0], style[1]);
Object.defineProperty(styles, groupName, {
value: group,
enumerable: false
Object.defineProperty(styles, "codes", {
value: codes,
enumerable: false
styles.color.close = "";
styles.bgColor.close = "";
setLazyProperty(styles.color, "ansi", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, "ansi16", ansi2ansi, false));
setLazyProperty(styles.color, "ansi256", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, "ansi256", ansi2ansi, false));
setLazyProperty(styles.color, "ansi16m", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, "rgb", rgb2rgb, false));
setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, "ansi", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, "ansi16", ansi2ansi, true));
setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, "ansi256", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, "ansi256", ansi2ansi, true));
setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, "ansi16m", () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, "rgb", rgb2rgb, true));
return styles;
Object.defineProperty(module2, "exports", {
enumerable: true,
get: assembleStyles
// node_modules/chalk/source/util.js
var require_util = __commonJS({
"node_modules/chalk/source/util.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var stringReplaceAll = (string, substring, replacer) => {
let index = string.indexOf(substring);
if (index === -1) {
return string;
const substringLength = substring.length;
let endIndex = 0;
let returnValue = "";
do {
returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, index - endIndex) + substring + replacer;
endIndex = index + substringLength;
index = string.indexOf(substring, endIndex);
} while (index !== -1);
returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
return returnValue;
var stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex = (string, prefix, postfix, index) => {
let endIndex = 0;
let returnValue = "";
do {
const gotCR = string[index - 1] === "\r";
returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, (gotCR ? index - 1 : index) - endIndex) + prefix + (gotCR ? "\r\n" : "\n") + postfix;
endIndex = index + 1;
index = string.indexOf("\n", endIndex);
} while (index !== -1);
returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
return returnValue;
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/chalk/source/templates.js
var require_templates = __commonJS({
"node_modules/chalk/source/templates.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var TEMPLATE_REGEX = /(?:\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|\{[a-f\d]{1,6}\})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi;
var STYLE_REGEX = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g;
var STRING_REGEX = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/;
var ESCAPE_REGEX = /\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|{[a-f\d]{1,6}})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi;
var ESCAPES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
["n", "\n"],
["r", "\r"],
["t", " "],
["b", "\b"],
["f", "\f"],
["v", "\v"],
["0", "\0"],
["\\", "\\"],
["e", ""],
["a", "\x07"]
function unescape(c) {
const u = c[0] === "u";
const bracket = c[1] === "{";
if (u && !bracket && c.length === 5 || c[0] === "x" && c.length === 3) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(1), 16));
if (u && bracket) {
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c.slice(2, -1), 16));
return ESCAPES.get(c) || c;
function parseArguments(name, arguments_) {
const results = [];
const chunks = arguments_.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);
let matches;
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const number = Number(chunk);
if (!Number.isNaN(number)) {
} else if (matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX)) {
results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, (m, escape, character) => escape ? unescape(escape) : character));
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${chunk} (in style '${name}')`);
return results;
function parseStyle(style) {
STYLE_REGEX.lastIndex = 0;
const results = [];
let matches;
while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX.exec(style)) !== null) {
const name = matches[1];
if (matches[2]) {
const args = parseArguments(name, matches[2]);
} else {
return results;
function buildStyle(chalk, styles) {
const enabled = {};
for (const layer of styles) {
for (const style of layer.styles) {
enabled[style[0]] = layer.inverse ? null : style.slice(1);
let current = chalk;
for (const [styleName, styles2] of Object.entries(enabled)) {
if (!Array.isArray(styles2)) {
if (!(styleName in current)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown Chalk style: ${styleName}`);
current = styles2.length > 0 ? current[styleName](...styles2) : current[styleName];
return current;
module2.exports = (chalk, temporary) => {
const styles = [];
const chunks = [];
let chunk = [];
temporary.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX, (m, escapeCharacter, inverse, style, close, character) => {
if (escapeCharacter) {
} else if (style) {
const string = chunk.join("");
chunk = [];
chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? string : buildStyle(chalk, styles)(string));
styles.push({ inverse, styles: parseStyle(style) });
} else if (close) {
if (styles.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal");
chunks.push(buildStyle(chalk, styles)(chunk.join("")));
chunk = [];
} else {
if (styles.length > 0) {
const errMessage = `Chalk template literal is missing ${styles.length} closing bracket${styles.length === 1 ? "" : "s"} (\`}\`)`;
throw new Error(errMessage);
return chunks.join("");
// node_modules/chalk/source/index.js
var require_source = __commonJS({
"node_modules/chalk/source/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var ansiStyles = require_ansi_styles();
var { stdout: stdoutColor, stderr: stderrColor } = require_supports_color();
var {
} = require_util();
var { isArray } = Array;
var levelMapping = [
var styles = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
var applyOptions = (object, options = {}) => {
if (options.level && !(Number.isInteger(options.level) && options.level >= 0 && options.level <= 3)) {
throw new Error("The `level` option should be an integer from 0 to 3");
const colorLevel = stdoutColor ? stdoutColor.level : 0;
object.level = options.level === void 0 ? colorLevel : options.level;
var ChalkClass = class {
constructor(options) {
return chalkFactory(options);
var chalkFactory = (options) => {
const chalk2 = {};
applyOptions(chalk2, options);
chalk2.template = (...arguments_) => chalkTag(chalk2.template, ...arguments_);
Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk2, Chalk.prototype);
Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk2.template, chalk2);
chalk2.template.constructor = () => {
throw new Error("`chalk.constructor()` is deprecated. Use `new chalk.Instance()` instead.");
chalk2.template.Instance = ChalkClass;
return chalk2.template;
function Chalk(options) {
return chalkFactory(options);
for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(ansiStyles)) {
styles[styleName] = {
get() {
const builder = createBuilder(this, createStyler(style.open, style.close, this._styler), this._isEmpty);
Object.defineProperty(this, styleName, { value: builder });
return builder;
styles.visible = {
get() {
const builder = createBuilder(this, this._styler, true);
Object.defineProperty(this, "visible", { value: builder });
return builder;
var usedModels = ["rgb", "hex", "keyword", "hsl", "hsv", "hwb", "ansi", "ansi256"];
for (const model of usedModels) {
styles[model] = {
get() {
const { level } = this;
return function(...arguments_) {
const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles.color[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles.color.close, this._styler);
return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
for (const model of usedModels) {
const bgModel = "bg" + model[0].toUpperCase() + model.slice(1);
styles[bgModel] = {
get() {
const { level } = this;
return function(...arguments_) {
const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles.bgColor.close, this._styler);
return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
var proto = Object.defineProperties(() => {
}, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, styles), {
level: {
enumerable: true,
get() {
return this._generator.level;
set(level) {
this._generator.level = level;
var createStyler = (open, close, parent) => {
let openAll;
let closeAll;
if (parent === void 0) {
openAll = open;
closeAll = close;
} else {
openAll = parent.openAll + open;
closeAll = close + parent.closeAll;
return {
var createBuilder = (self, _styler, _isEmpty) => {
const builder = (...arguments_) => {
if (isArray(arguments_[0]) && isArray(arguments_[0].raw)) {
return applyStyle(builder, chalkTag(builder, ...arguments_));
return applyStyle(builder, arguments_.length === 1 ? "" + arguments_[0] : arguments_.join(" "));
Object.setPrototypeOf(builder, proto);
builder._generator = self;
builder._styler = _styler;
builder._isEmpty = _isEmpty;
return builder;
var applyStyle = (self, string) => {
if (self.level <= 0 || !string) {
return self._isEmpty ? "" : string;
let styler = self._styler;
if (styler === void 0) {
return string;
const { openAll, closeAll } = styler;
if (string.indexOf("") !== -1) {
while (styler !== void 0) {
string = stringReplaceAll(string, styler.close, styler.open);
styler = styler.parent;
const lfIndex = string.indexOf("\n");
if (lfIndex !== -1) {
string = stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex(string, closeAll, openAll, lfIndex);
return openAll + string + closeAll;
var template;
var chalkTag = (chalk2, ...strings) => {
const [firstString] = strings;
if (!isArray(firstString) || !isArray(firstString.raw)) {
return strings.join(" ");
const arguments_ = strings.slice(1);
const parts = [firstString.raw[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < firstString.length; i++) {
parts.push(String(arguments_[i - 1]).replace(/[{}\\]/g, "\\$&"), String(firstString.raw[i]));
if (template === void 0) {
template = require_templates();
return template(chalk2, parts.join(""));
Object.defineProperties(Chalk.prototype, styles);
var chalk = Chalk();
chalk.supportsColor = stdoutColor;
chalk.stderr = Chalk({ level: stderrColor ? stderrColor.level : 0 });
chalk.stderr.supportsColor = stderrColor;
module2.exports = chalk;
// node_modules/universalify/index.js
var require_universalify = __commonJS({
"node_modules/universalify/index.js"(exports) {
"use strict";
exports.fromCallback = function(fn) {
return Object.defineProperty(function(...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function")
fn.apply(this, args);
else {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
fn.call(this, ...args, (err, res) => err != null ? reject(err) : resolve6(res));
}, "name", { value: fn.name });
exports.fromPromise = function(fn) {
return Object.defineProperty(function(...args) {
const cb = args[args.length - 1];
if (typeof cb !== "function")
return fn.apply(this, args);
fn.apply(this, args.slice(0, -1)).then((r) => cb(null, r), cb);
}, "name", { value: fn.name });
// node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js
var require_polyfills = __commonJS({
"node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js"(exports, module2) {
var constants = require("constants");
var origCwd = process.cwd;
var cwd = null;
var platform = process.env.GRACEFUL_FS_PLATFORM || process.platform;
process.cwd = function() {
if (!cwd)
cwd = origCwd.call(process);
return cwd;
try {
} catch (er) {
if (typeof process.chdir === "function") {
chdir = process.chdir;
process.chdir = function(d) {
cwd = null;
chdir.call(process, d);
if (Object.setPrototypeOf)
Object.setPrototypeOf(process.chdir, chdir);
var chdir;
module2.exports = patch;
function patch(fs) {
if (constants.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK") && process.version.match(/^v0\.6\.[0-2]|^v0\.5\./)) {
if (!fs.lutimes) {
fs.chown = chownFix(fs.chown);
fs.fchown = chownFix(fs.fchown);
fs.lchown = chownFix(fs.lchown);
fs.chmod = chmodFix(fs.chmod);
fs.fchmod = chmodFix(fs.fchmod);
fs.lchmod = chmodFix(fs.lchmod);
fs.chownSync = chownFixSync(fs.chownSync);
fs.fchownSync = chownFixSync(fs.fchownSync);
fs.lchownSync = chownFixSync(fs.lchownSync);
fs.chmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.chmodSync);
fs.fchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.fchmodSync);
fs.lchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs.lchmodSync);
fs.stat = statFix(fs.stat);
fs.fstat = statFix(fs.fstat);
fs.lstat = statFix(fs.lstat);
fs.statSync = statFixSync(fs.statSync);
fs.fstatSync = statFixSync(fs.fstatSync);
fs.lstatSync = statFixSync(fs.lstatSync);
if (!fs.lchmod) {
fs.lchmod = function(path, mode, cb) {
if (cb)
fs.lchmodSync = function() {
if (!fs.lchown) {
fs.lchown = function(path, uid, gid, cb) {
if (cb)
fs.lchownSync = function() {
if (platform === "win32") {
fs.rename = function(fs$rename) {
return function(from, to, cb) {
var start = Date.now();
var backoff = 0;
fs$rename(from, to, function CB(er) {
if (er && (er.code === "EACCES" || er.code === "EPERM") && Date.now() - start < 6e4) {
setTimeout(function() {
fs.stat(to, function(stater, st) {
if (stater && stater.code === "ENOENT")
fs$rename(from, to, CB);
}, backoff);
if (backoff < 100)
backoff += 10;
if (cb)
fs.read = function(fs$read) {
function read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback_) {
var callback;
if (callback_ && typeof callback_ === "function") {
var eagCounter = 0;
callback = function(er, _, __) {
if (er && er.code === "EAGAIN" && eagCounter < 10) {
return fs$read.call(fs, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback);
callback_.apply(this, arguments);
return fs$read.call(fs, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback);
if (Object.setPrototypeOf)
Object.setPrototypeOf(read, fs$read);
return read;
fs.readSync = function(fs$readSync) {
return function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) {
var eagCounter = 0;
while (true) {
try {
return fs$readSync.call(fs, fd, buffer, offset, length, position);
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === "EAGAIN" && eagCounter < 10) {
throw er;
function patchLchmod(fs2) {
fs2.lchmod = function(path, mode, callback) {
fs2.open(path, constants.O_WRONLY | constants.O_SYMLINK, mode, function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
if (callback)
fs2.fchmod(fd, mode, function(err2) {
fs2.close(fd, function(err22) {
if (callback)
callback(err2 || err22);
fs2.lchmodSync = function(path, mode) {
var fd = fs2.openSync(path, constants.O_WRONLY | constants.O_SYMLINK, mode);
var threw = true;
var ret;
try {
ret = fs2.fchmodSync(fd, mode);
threw = false;
} finally {
if (threw) {
try {
} catch (er) {
} else {
return ret;
function patchLutimes(fs2) {
if (constants.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK")) {
fs2.lutimes = function(path, at, mt, cb) {
fs2.open(path, constants.O_SYMLINK, function(er, fd) {
if (er) {
if (cb)
fs2.futimes(fd, at, mt, function(er2) {
fs2.close(fd, function(er22) {
if (cb)
cb(er2 || er22);
fs2.lutimesSync = function(path, at, mt) {
var fd = fs2.openSync(path, constants.O_SYMLINK);
var ret;
var threw = true;
try {
ret = fs2.futimesSync(fd, at, mt);
threw = false;
} finally {
if (threw) {
try {
} catch (er) {
} else {
return ret;
} else {
fs2.lutimes = function(_a, _b, _c, cb) {
if (cb)
fs2.lutimesSync = function() {
function chmodFix(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, mode, cb) {
return orig.call(fs, target, mode, function(er) {
if (chownErOk(er))
er = null;
if (cb)
cb.apply(this, arguments);
function chmodFixSync(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, mode) {
try {
return orig.call(fs, target, mode);
} catch (er) {
if (!chownErOk(er))
throw er;
function chownFix(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, uid, gid, cb) {
return orig.call(fs, target, uid, gid, function(er) {
if (chownErOk(er))
er = null;
if (cb)
cb.apply(this, arguments);
function chownFixSync(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, uid, gid) {
try {
return orig.call(fs, target, uid, gid);
} catch (er) {
if (!chownErOk(er))
throw er;
function statFix(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function") {
cb = options;
options = null;
function callback(er, stats) {
if (stats) {
if (stats.uid < 0)
stats.uid += 4294967296;
if (stats.gid < 0)
stats.gid += 4294967296;
if (cb)
cb.apply(this, arguments);
return options ? orig.call(fs, target, options, callback) : orig.call(fs, target, callback);
function statFixSync(orig) {
if (!orig)
return orig;
return function(target, options) {
var stats = options ? orig.call(fs, target, options) : orig.call(fs, target);
if (stats) {
if (stats.uid < 0)
stats.uid += 4294967296;
if (stats.gid < 0)
stats.gid += 4294967296;
return stats;
function chownErOk(er) {
if (!er)
return true;
if (er.code === "ENOSYS")
return true;
var nonroot = !process.getuid || process.getuid() !== 0;
if (nonroot) {
if (er.code === "EINVAL" || er.code === "EPERM")
return true;
return false;
// node_modules/graceful-fs/legacy-streams.js
var require_legacy_streams = __commonJS({
"node_modules/graceful-fs/legacy-streams.js"(exports, module2) {
var Stream = require("stream").Stream;
module2.exports = legacy;
function legacy(fs) {
return {
function ReadStream(path, options) {
if (!(this instanceof ReadStream))
return new ReadStream(path, options);
var self = this;
this.path = path;
this.fd = null;
this.readable = true;
this.paused = false;
this.flags = "r";
this.mode = 438;
this.bufferSize = 64 * 1024;
options = options || {};
var keys = Object.keys(options);
for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) {
var key = keys[index];
this[key] = options[key];
if (this.encoding)
if (this.start !== void 0) {
if (typeof this.start !== "number") {
throw TypeError("start must be a Number");
if (this.end === void 0) {
this.end = Infinity;
} else if (typeof this.end !== "number") {
throw TypeError("end must be a Number");
if (this.start > this.end) {
throw new Error("start must be <= end");
this.pos = this.start;
if (this.fd !== null) {
process.nextTick(function() {
fs.open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
self.emit("error", err);
self.readable = false;
self.fd = fd;
self.emit("open", fd);
function WriteStream(path, options) {
if (!(this instanceof WriteStream))
return new WriteStream(path, options);
this.path = path;
this.fd = null;
this.writable = true;
this.flags = "w";
this.encoding = "binary";
this.mode = 438;
this.bytesWritten = 0;
options = options || {};
var keys = Object.keys(options);
for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) {
var key = keys[index];
this[key] = options[key];
if (this.start !== void 0) {
if (typeof this.start !== "number") {
throw TypeError("start must be a Number");
if (this.start < 0) {
throw new Error("start must be >= zero");
this.pos = this.start;
this.busy = false;
this._queue = [];
if (this.fd === null) {
this._open = fs.open;
this._queue.push([this._open, this.path, this.flags, this.mode, void 0]);
// node_modules/graceful-fs/clone.js
var require_clone = __commonJS({
"node_modules/graceful-fs/clone.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = clone;
var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(obj) {
return obj.__proto__;
function clone(obj) {
if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object")
return obj;
if (obj instanceof Object)
var copy = { __proto__: getPrototypeOf(obj) };
var copy = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(copy, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key));
return copy;
// node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js
var require_graceful_fs = __commonJS({
"node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js"(exports, module2) {
var fs = require("fs");
var polyfills = require_polyfills();
var legacy = require_legacy_streams();
var clone = require_clone();
var util = require("util");
var gracefulQueue;
var previousSymbol;
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.for === "function") {
gracefulQueue = Symbol.for("graceful-fs.queue");
previousSymbol = Symbol.for("graceful-fs.previous");
} else {
gracefulQueue = "___graceful-fs.queue";
previousSymbol = "___graceful-fs.previous";
function noop() {
function publishQueue(context, queue2) {
Object.defineProperty(context, gracefulQueue, {
get: function() {
return queue2;
var debug = noop;
if (util.debuglog)
debug = util.debuglog("gfs4");
else if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || ""))
debug = function() {
var m = util.format.apply(util, arguments);
m = "GFS4: " + m.split(/\n/).join("\nGFS4: ");
if (!fs[gracefulQueue]) {
queue = global[gracefulQueue] || [];
publishQueue(fs, queue);
fs.close = function(fs$close) {
function close(fd, cb) {
return fs$close.call(fs, fd, function(err) {
if (!err) {
if (typeof cb === "function")
cb.apply(this, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(close, previousSymbol, {
value: fs$close
return close;
fs.closeSync = function(fs$closeSync) {
function closeSync(fd) {
fs$closeSync.apply(fs, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(closeSync, previousSymbol, {
value: fs$closeSync
return closeSync;
if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || "")) {
process.on("exit", function() {
require("assert").equal(fs[gracefulQueue].length, 0);
var queue;
if (!global[gracefulQueue]) {
publishQueue(global, fs[gracefulQueue]);
module2.exports = patch(clone(fs));
if (process.env.TEST_GRACEFUL_FS_GLOBAL_PATCH && !fs.__patched) {
module2.exports = patch(fs);
fs.__patched = true;
function patch(fs2) {
fs2.gracefulify = patch;
fs2.createReadStream = createReadStream;
fs2.createWriteStream = createWriteStream;
var fs$readFile = fs2.readFile;
fs2.readFile = readFile;
function readFile(path, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function")
cb = options, options = null;
return go$readFile(path, options, cb);
function go$readFile(path2, options2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$readFile(path2, options2, function(err) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$readFile, [path2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.apply(this, arguments);
var fs$writeFile = fs2.writeFile;
fs2.writeFile = writeFile2;
function writeFile2(path, data, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function")
cb = options, options = null;
return go$writeFile(path, data, options, cb);
function go$writeFile(path2, data2, options2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$writeFile(path2, data2, options2, function(err) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$writeFile, [path2, data2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.apply(this, arguments);
var fs$appendFile = fs2.appendFile;
if (fs$appendFile)
fs2.appendFile = appendFile;
function appendFile(path, data, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function")
cb = options, options = null;
return go$appendFile(path, data, options, cb);
function go$appendFile(path2, data2, options2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$appendFile(path2, data2, options2, function(err) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$appendFile, [path2, data2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.apply(this, arguments);
var fs$copyFile = fs2.copyFile;
if (fs$copyFile)
fs2.copyFile = copyFile;
function copyFile(src, dest, flags, cb) {
if (typeof flags === "function") {
cb = flags;
flags = 0;
return go$copyFile(src, dest, flags, cb);
function go$copyFile(src2, dest2, flags2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$copyFile(src2, dest2, flags2, function(err) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$copyFile, [src2, dest2, flags2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.apply(this, arguments);
var fs$readdir = fs2.readdir;
fs2.readdir = readdir;
function readdir(path, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function")
cb = options, options = null;
return go$readdir(path, options, cb);
function go$readdir(path2, options2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$readdir(path2, options2, function(err, files) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$readdir, [path2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (files && files.sort)
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.call(this, err, files);
if (process.version.substr(0, 4) === "v0.8") {
var legStreams = legacy(fs2);
ReadStream = legStreams.ReadStream;
WriteStream = legStreams.WriteStream;
var fs$ReadStream = fs2.ReadStream;
if (fs$ReadStream) {
ReadStream.prototype = Object.create(fs$ReadStream.prototype);
ReadStream.prototype.open = ReadStream$open;
var fs$WriteStream = fs2.WriteStream;
if (fs$WriteStream) {
WriteStream.prototype = Object.create(fs$WriteStream.prototype);
WriteStream.prototype.open = WriteStream$open;
Object.defineProperty(fs2, "ReadStream", {
get: function() {
return ReadStream;
set: function(val) {
ReadStream = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(fs2, "WriteStream", {
get: function() {
return WriteStream;
set: function(val) {
WriteStream = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
var FileReadStream = ReadStream;
Object.defineProperty(fs2, "FileReadStream", {
get: function() {
return FileReadStream;
set: function(val) {
FileReadStream = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
var FileWriteStream = WriteStream;
Object.defineProperty(fs2, "FileWriteStream", {
get: function() {
return FileWriteStream;
set: function(val) {
FileWriteStream = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
function ReadStream(path, options) {
if (this instanceof ReadStream)
return fs$ReadStream.apply(this, arguments), this;
return ReadStream.apply(Object.create(ReadStream.prototype), arguments);
function ReadStream$open() {
var that = this;
open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
if (that.autoClose)
that.emit("error", err);
} else {
that.fd = fd;
that.emit("open", fd);
function WriteStream(path, options) {
if (this instanceof WriteStream)
return fs$WriteStream.apply(this, arguments), this;
return WriteStream.apply(Object.create(WriteStream.prototype), arguments);
function WriteStream$open() {
var that = this;
open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
that.emit("error", err);
} else {
that.fd = fd;
that.emit("open", fd);
function createReadStream(path, options) {
return new fs2.ReadStream(path, options);
function createWriteStream(path, options) {
return new fs2.WriteStream(path, options);
var fs$open = fs2.open;
fs2.open = open;
function open(path, flags, mode, cb) {
if (typeof mode === "function")
cb = mode, mode = null;
return go$open(path, flags, mode, cb);
function go$open(path2, flags2, mode2, cb2, startTime) {
return fs$open(path2, flags2, mode2, function(err, fd) {
if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE"))
enqueue([go$open, [path2, flags2, mode2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]);
else {
if (typeof cb2 === "function")
cb2.apply(this, arguments);
return fs2;
function enqueue(elem) {
debug("ENQUEUE", elem[0].name, elem[1]);
var retryTimer;
function resetQueue() {
var now = Date.now();
for (var i = 0; i < fs[gracefulQueue].length; ++i) {
if (fs[gracefulQueue][i].length > 2) {
fs[gracefulQueue][i][3] = now;
fs[gracefulQueue][i][4] = now;
function retry() {
retryTimer = void 0;
if (fs[gracefulQueue].length === 0)
var elem = fs[gracefulQueue].shift();
var fn = elem[0];
var args = elem[1];
var err = elem[2];
var startTime = elem[3];
var lastTime = elem[4];
if (startTime === void 0) {
debug("RETRY", fn.name, args);
fn.apply(null, args);
} else if (Date.now() - startTime >= 6e4) {
debug("TIMEOUT", fn.name, args);
var cb = args.pop();
if (typeof cb === "function")
cb.call(null, err);
} else {
var sinceAttempt = Date.now() - lastTime;
var sinceStart = Math.max(lastTime - startTime, 1);
var desiredDelay = Math.min(sinceStart * 1.2, 100);
if (sinceAttempt >= desiredDelay) {
debug("RETRY", fn.name, args);
fn.apply(null, args.concat([startTime]));
} else {
if (retryTimer === void 0) {
retryTimer = setTimeout(retry, 0);
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/fs/index.js
var require_fs = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/fs/index.js"(exports) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var api = [
].filter((key) => {
return typeof fs[key] === "function";
Object.assign(exports, fs);
api.forEach((method) => {
exports[method] = u(fs[method]);
exports.realpath.native = u(fs.realpath.native);
exports.exists = function(filename, callback) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
return fs.exists(filename, callback);
return new Promise((resolve6) => {
return fs.exists(filename, resolve6);
exports.read = function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
return fs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
fs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, (err, bytesRead, buffer2) => {
if (err)
return reject(err);
resolve6({ bytesRead, buffer: buffer2 });
exports.write = function(fd, buffer, ...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function") {
return fs.write(fd, buffer, ...args);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
fs.write(fd, buffer, ...args, (err, bytesWritten, buffer2) => {
if (err)
return reject(err);
resolve6({ bytesWritten, buffer: buffer2 });
if (typeof fs.writev === "function") {
exports.writev = function(fd, buffers, ...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function") {
return fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args);
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args, (err, bytesWritten, buffers2) => {
if (err)
return reject(err);
resolve6({ bytesWritten, buffers: buffers2 });
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/utils.js
var require_utils = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/utils.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var path = require("path");
module2.exports.checkPath = function checkPath(pth) {
if (process.platform === "win32") {
const pathHasInvalidWinCharacters = /[<>:"|?*]/.test(pth.replace(path.parse(pth).root, ""));
if (pathHasInvalidWinCharacters) {
const error = new Error(`Path contains invalid characters: ${pth}`);
error.code = "EINVAL";
throw error;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/make-dir.js
var require_make_dir = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/make-dir.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_fs();
var { checkPath } = require_utils();
var getMode = (options) => {
const defaults = { mode: 511 };
if (typeof options === "number")
return options;
return __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, defaults), options).mode;
module2.exports.makeDir = async (dir, options) => {
return fs.mkdir(dir, {
mode: getMode(options),
recursive: true
module2.exports.makeDirSync = (dir, options) => {
return fs.mkdirSync(dir, {
mode: getMode(options),
recursive: true
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/index.js
var require_mkdirs = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromPromise;
var { makeDir: _makeDir, makeDirSync } = require_make_dir();
var makeDir = u(_makeDir);
module2.exports = {
mkdirs: makeDir,
mkdirsSync: makeDirSync,
mkdirp: makeDir,
mkdirpSync: makeDirSync,
ensureDir: makeDir,
ensureDirSync: makeDirSync
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/utimes.js
var require_utimes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/utimes.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
function utimesMillis(path, atime, mtime, callback) {
fs.open(path, "r+", (err, fd) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
fs.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, (futimesErr) => {
fs.close(fd, (closeErr) => {
if (callback)
callback(futimesErr || closeErr);
function utimesMillisSync(path, atime, mtime) {
const fd = fs.openSync(path, "r+");
fs.futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime);
return fs.closeSync(fd);
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/stat.js
var require_stat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/stat.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_fs();
var path = require("path");
var util = require("util");
function getStats(src, dest, opts) {
const statFunc = opts.dereference ? (file) => fs.stat(file, { bigint: true }) : (file) => fs.lstat(file, { bigint: true });
return Promise.all([
statFunc(dest).catch((err) => {
if (err.code === "ENOENT")
return null;
throw err;
]).then(([srcStat, destStat]) => ({ srcStat, destStat }));
function getStatsSync(src, dest, opts) {
let destStat;
const statFunc = opts.dereference ? (file) => fs.statSync(file, { bigint: true }) : (file) => fs.lstatSync(file, { bigint: true });
const srcStat = statFunc(src);
try {
destStat = statFunc(dest);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT")
return { srcStat, destStat: null };
throw err;
return { srcStat, destStat };
function checkPaths(src, dest, funcName, opts, cb) {
util.callbackify(getStats)(src, dest, opts, (err, stats) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
const { srcStat, destStat } = stats;
if (destStat) {
if (areIdentical(srcStat, destStat)) {
const srcBaseName = path.basename(src);
const destBaseName = path.basename(dest);
if (funcName === "move" && srcBaseName !== destBaseName && srcBaseName.toLowerCase() === destBaseName.toLowerCase()) {
return cb(null, { srcStat, destStat, isChangingCase: true });
return cb(new Error("Source and destination must not be the same."));
if (srcStat.isDirectory() && !destStat.isDirectory()) {
return cb(new Error(`Cannot overwrite non-directory '${dest}' with directory '${src}'.`));
if (!srcStat.isDirectory() && destStat.isDirectory()) {
return cb(new Error(`Cannot overwrite directory '${dest}' with non-directory '${src}'.`));
if (srcStat.isDirectory() && isSrcSubdir(src, dest)) {
return cb(new Error(errMsg(src, dest, funcName)));
return cb(null, { srcStat, destStat });
function checkPathsSync(src, dest, funcName, opts) {
const { srcStat, destStat } = getStatsSync(src, dest, opts);
if (destStat) {
if (areIdentical(srcStat, destStat)) {
const srcBaseName = path.basename(src);
const destBaseName = path.basename(dest);
if (funcName === "move" && srcBaseName !== destBaseName && srcBaseName.toLowerCase() === destBaseName.toLowerCase()) {
return { srcStat, destStat, isChangingCase: true };
throw new Error("Source and destination must not be the same.");
if (srcStat.isDirectory() && !destStat.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(`Cannot overwrite non-directory '${dest}' with directory '${src}'.`);
if (!srcStat.isDirectory() && destStat.isDirectory()) {
throw new Error(`Cannot overwrite directory '${dest}' with non-directory '${src}'.`);
if (srcStat.isDirectory() && isSrcSubdir(src, dest)) {
throw new Error(errMsg(src, dest, funcName));
return { srcStat, destStat };
function checkParentPaths(src, srcStat, dest, funcName, cb) {
const srcParent = path.resolve(path.dirname(src));
const destParent = path.resolve(path.dirname(dest));
if (destParent === srcParent || destParent === path.parse(destParent).root)
return cb();
fs.stat(destParent, { bigint: true }, (err, destStat) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT")
return cb();
return cb(err);
if (areIdentical(srcStat, destStat)) {
return cb(new Error(errMsg(src, dest, funcName)));
return checkParentPaths(src, srcStat, destParent, funcName, cb);
function checkParentPathsSync(src, srcStat, dest, funcName) {
const srcParent = path.resolve(path.dirname(src));
const destParent = path.resolve(path.dirname(dest));
if (destParent === srcParent || destParent === path.parse(destParent).root)
let destStat;
try {
destStat = fs.statSync(destParent, { bigint: true });
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT")
throw err;
if (areIdentical(srcStat, destStat)) {
throw new Error(errMsg(src, dest, funcName));
return checkParentPathsSync(src, srcStat, destParent, funcName);
function areIdentical(srcStat, destStat) {
return destStat.ino && destStat.dev && destStat.ino === srcStat.ino && destStat.dev === srcStat.dev;
function isSrcSubdir(src, dest) {
const srcArr = path.resolve(src).split(path.sep).filter((i) => i);
const destArr = path.resolve(dest).split(path.sep).filter((i) => i);
return srcArr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => acc && destArr[i] === cur, true);
function errMsg(src, dest, funcName) {
return `Cannot ${funcName} '${src}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${dest}'.`;
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js
var require_copy_sync = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var mkdirsSync = require_mkdirs().mkdirsSync;
var utimesMillisSync = require_utimes().utimesMillisSync;
var stat = require_stat();
function copySync2(src, dest, opts) {
if (typeof opts === "function") {
opts = { filter: opts };
opts = opts || {};
opts.clobber = "clobber" in opts ? !!opts.clobber : true;
opts.overwrite = "overwrite" in opts ? !!opts.overwrite : opts.clobber;
if (opts.preserveTimestamps && process.arch === "ia32") {
console.warn(`fs-extra: Using the preserveTimestamps option in 32-bit node is not recommended;
see https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/269`);
const { srcStat, destStat } = stat.checkPathsSync(src, dest, "copy", opts);
stat.checkParentPathsSync(src, srcStat, dest, "copy");
return handleFilterAndCopy(destStat, src, dest, opts);
function handleFilterAndCopy(destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(src, dest))
const destParent = path.dirname(dest);
if (!fs.existsSync(destParent))
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts);
function startCopy(destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(src, dest))
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts);
function getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts) {
const statSync3 = opts.dereference ? fs.statSync : fs.lstatSync;
const srcStat = statSync3(src);
if (srcStat.isDirectory())
return onDir(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts);
else if (srcStat.isFile() || srcStat.isCharacterDevice() || srcStat.isBlockDevice())
return onFile(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts);
else if (srcStat.isSymbolicLink())
return onLink(destStat, src, dest, opts);
else if (srcStat.isSocket())
throw new Error(`Cannot copy a socket file: ${src}`);
else if (srcStat.isFIFO())
throw new Error(`Cannot copy a FIFO pipe: ${src}`);
throw new Error(`Unknown file: ${src}`);
function onFile(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (!destStat)
return copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts);
return mayCopyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts);
function mayCopyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
return copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts);
} else if (opts.errorOnExist) {
throw new Error(`'${dest}' already exists`);
function copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts) {
fs.copyFileSync(src, dest);
if (opts.preserveTimestamps)
handleTimestamps(srcStat.mode, src, dest);
return setDestMode(dest, srcStat.mode);
function handleTimestamps(srcMode, src, dest) {
if (fileIsNotWritable(srcMode))
makeFileWritable(dest, srcMode);
return setDestTimestamps(src, dest);
function fileIsNotWritable(srcMode) {
return (srcMode & 128) === 0;
function makeFileWritable(dest, srcMode) {
return setDestMode(dest, srcMode | 128);
function setDestMode(dest, srcMode) {
return fs.chmodSync(dest, srcMode);
function setDestTimestamps(src, dest) {
const updatedSrcStat = fs.statSync(src);
return utimesMillisSync(dest, updatedSrcStat.atime, updatedSrcStat.mtime);
function onDir(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (!destStat)
return mkDirAndCopy(srcStat.mode, src, dest, opts);
return copyDir(src, dest, opts);
function mkDirAndCopy(srcMode, src, dest, opts) {
copyDir(src, dest, opts);
return setDestMode(dest, srcMode);
function copyDir(src, dest, opts) {
fs.readdirSync(src).forEach((item) => copyDirItem(item, src, dest, opts));
function copyDirItem(item, src, dest, opts) {
const srcItem = path.join(src, item);
const destItem = path.join(dest, item);
const { destStat } = stat.checkPathsSync(srcItem, destItem, "copy", opts);
return startCopy(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts);
function onLink(destStat, src, dest, opts) {
let resolvedSrc = fs.readlinkSync(src);
if (opts.dereference) {
resolvedSrc = path.resolve(process.cwd(), resolvedSrc);
if (!destStat) {
return fs.symlinkSync(resolvedSrc, dest);
} else {
let resolvedDest;
try {
resolvedDest = fs.readlinkSync(dest);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "EINVAL" || err.code === "UNKNOWN")
return fs.symlinkSync(resolvedSrc, dest);
throw err;
if (opts.dereference) {
resolvedDest = path.resolve(process.cwd(), resolvedDest);
if (stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedSrc, resolvedDest)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot copy '${resolvedSrc}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${resolvedDest}'.`);
if (fs.statSync(dest).isDirectory() && stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot overwrite '${resolvedDest}' with '${resolvedSrc}'.`);
return copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest);
function copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest) {
return fs.symlinkSync(resolvedSrc, dest);
module2.exports = copySync2;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/index.js
var require_copy_sync2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {
copySync: require_copy_sync()
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/path-exists/index.js
var require_path_exists = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/path-exists/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromPromise;
var fs = require_fs();
function pathExists(path) {
return fs.access(path).then(() => true).catch(() => false);
module2.exports = {
pathExists: u(pathExists),
pathExistsSync: fs.existsSync
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy/copy.js
var require_copy = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy/copy.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var mkdirs = require_mkdirs().mkdirs;
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
var utimesMillis = require_utimes().utimesMillis;
var stat = require_stat();
function copy(src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (typeof opts === "function" && !cb) {
cb = opts;
opts = {};
} else if (typeof opts === "function") {
opts = { filter: opts };
cb = cb || function() {
opts = opts || {};
opts.clobber = "clobber" in opts ? !!opts.clobber : true;
opts.overwrite = "overwrite" in opts ? !!opts.overwrite : opts.clobber;
if (opts.preserveTimestamps && process.arch === "ia32") {
console.warn(`fs-extra: Using the preserveTimestamps option in 32-bit node is not recommended;
see https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra/issues/269`);
stat.checkPaths(src, dest, "copy", opts, (err, stats) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
const { srcStat, destStat } = stats;
stat.checkParentPaths(src, srcStat, dest, "copy", (err2) => {
if (err2)
return cb(err2);
if (opts.filter)
return handleFilter(checkParentDir, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
return checkParentDir(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
function checkParentDir(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
const destParent = path.dirname(dest);
pathExists(destParent, (err, dirExists) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (dirExists)
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
mkdirs(destParent, (err2) => {
if (err2)
return cb(err2);
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
function handleFilter(onInclude, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
Promise.resolve(opts.filter(src, dest)).then((include) => {
if (include)
return onInclude(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
return cb();
}, (error) => cb(error));
function startCopy(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (opts.filter)
return handleFilter(getStats, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
function getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
const stat2 = opts.dereference ? fs.stat : fs.lstat;
stat2(src, (err, srcStat) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (srcStat.isDirectory())
return onDir(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
else if (srcStat.isFile() || srcStat.isCharacterDevice() || srcStat.isBlockDevice())
return onFile(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
else if (srcStat.isSymbolicLink())
return onLink(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
else if (srcStat.isSocket())
return cb(new Error(`Cannot copy a socket file: ${src}`));
else if (srcStat.isFIFO())
return cb(new Error(`Cannot copy a FIFO pipe: ${src}`));
return cb(new Error(`Unknown file: ${src}`));
function onFile(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (!destStat)
return copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
return mayCopyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
function mayCopyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (opts.overwrite) {
fs.unlink(dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts, cb);
} else if (opts.errorOnExist) {
return cb(new Error(`'${dest}' already exists`));
} else
return cb();
function copyFile(srcStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
fs.copyFile(src, dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (opts.preserveTimestamps)
return handleTimestampsAndMode(srcStat.mode, src, dest, cb);
return setDestMode(dest, srcStat.mode, cb);
function handleTimestampsAndMode(srcMode, src, dest, cb) {
if (fileIsNotWritable(srcMode)) {
return makeFileWritable(dest, srcMode, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return setDestTimestampsAndMode(srcMode, src, dest, cb);
return setDestTimestampsAndMode(srcMode, src, dest, cb);
function fileIsNotWritable(srcMode) {
return (srcMode & 128) === 0;
function makeFileWritable(dest, srcMode, cb) {
return setDestMode(dest, srcMode | 128, cb);
function setDestTimestampsAndMode(srcMode, src, dest, cb) {
setDestTimestamps(src, dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return setDestMode(dest, srcMode, cb);
function setDestMode(dest, srcMode, cb) {
return fs.chmod(dest, srcMode, cb);
function setDestTimestamps(src, dest, cb) {
fs.stat(src, (err, updatedSrcStat) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return utimesMillis(dest, updatedSrcStat.atime, updatedSrcStat.mtime, cb);
function onDir(srcStat, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (!destStat)
return mkDirAndCopy(srcStat.mode, src, dest, opts, cb);
return copyDir(src, dest, opts, cb);
function mkDirAndCopy(srcMode, src, dest, opts, cb) {
fs.mkdir(dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
copyDir(src, dest, opts, (err2) => {
if (err2)
return cb(err2);
return setDestMode(dest, srcMode, cb);
function copyDir(src, dest, opts, cb) {
fs.readdir(src, (err, items) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb);
function copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb) {
const item = items.pop();
if (!item)
return cb();
return copyDirItem(items, item, src, dest, opts, cb);
function copyDirItem(items, item, src, dest, opts, cb) {
const srcItem = path.join(src, item);
const destItem = path.join(dest, item);
stat.checkPaths(srcItem, destItem, "copy", opts, (err, stats) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
const { destStat } = stats;
startCopy(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts, (err2) => {
if (err2)
return cb(err2);
return copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb);
function onLink(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
fs.readlink(src, (err, resolvedSrc) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (opts.dereference) {
resolvedSrc = path.resolve(process.cwd(), resolvedSrc);
if (!destStat) {
return fs.symlink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb);
} else {
fs.readlink(dest, (err2, resolvedDest) => {
if (err2) {
if (err2.code === "EINVAL" || err2.code === "UNKNOWN")
return fs.symlink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb);
return cb(err2);
if (opts.dereference) {
resolvedDest = path.resolve(process.cwd(), resolvedDest);
if (stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedSrc, resolvedDest)) {
return cb(new Error(`Cannot copy '${resolvedSrc}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${resolvedDest}'.`));
if (destStat.isDirectory() && stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
return cb(new Error(`Cannot overwrite '${resolvedDest}' with '${resolvedSrc}'.`));
return copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb);
function copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb) {
fs.unlink(dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return fs.symlink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb);
module2.exports = copy;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy/index.js
var require_copy2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
module2.exports = {
copy: u(require_copy())
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js
var require_rimraf = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var assert = require("assert");
var isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
function defaults(options) {
const methods = [
methods.forEach((m) => {
options[m] = options[m] || fs[m];
m = m + "Sync";
options[m] = options[m] || fs[m];
options.maxBusyTries = options.maxBusyTries || 3;
function rimraf(p, options, cb) {
let busyTries = 0;
if (typeof options === "function") {
cb = options;
options = {};
assert(p, "rimraf: missing path");
assert.strictEqual(typeof p, "string", "rimraf: path should be a string");
assert.strictEqual(typeof cb, "function", "rimraf: callback function required");
assert(options, "rimraf: invalid options argument provided");
assert.strictEqual(typeof options, "object", "rimraf: options should be object");
rimraf_(p, options, function CB(er) {
if (er) {
if ((er.code === "EBUSY" || er.code === "ENOTEMPTY" || er.code === "EPERM") && busyTries < options.maxBusyTries) {
const time = busyTries * 100;
return setTimeout(() => rimraf_(p, options, CB), time);
if (er.code === "ENOENT")
er = null;
function rimraf_(p, options, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === "function");
options.lstat(p, (er, st) => {
if (er && er.code === "ENOENT") {
return cb(null);
if (er && er.code === "EPERM" && isWindows) {
return fixWinEPERM(p, options, er, cb);
if (st && st.isDirectory()) {
return rmdir(p, options, er, cb);
options.unlink(p, (er2) => {
if (er2) {
if (er2.code === "ENOENT") {
return cb(null);
if (er2.code === "EPERM") {
return isWindows ? fixWinEPERM(p, options, er2, cb) : rmdir(p, options, er2, cb);
if (er2.code === "EISDIR") {
return rmdir(p, options, er2, cb);
return cb(er2);
function fixWinEPERM(p, options, er, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === "function");
options.chmod(p, 438, (er2) => {
if (er2) {
cb(er2.code === "ENOENT" ? null : er);
} else {
options.stat(p, (er3, stats) => {
if (er3) {
cb(er3.code === "ENOENT" ? null : er);
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
rmdir(p, options, er, cb);
} else {
options.unlink(p, cb);
function fixWinEPERMSync(p, options, er) {
let stats;
try {
options.chmodSync(p, 438);
} catch (er2) {
if (er2.code === "ENOENT") {
} else {
throw er;
try {
stats = options.statSync(p);
} catch (er3) {
if (er3.code === "ENOENT") {
} else {
throw er;
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
rmdirSync(p, options, er);
} else {
function rmdir(p, options, originalEr, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === "function");
options.rmdir(p, (er) => {
if (er && (er.code === "ENOTEMPTY" || er.code === "EEXIST" || er.code === "EPERM")) {
rmkids(p, options, cb);
} else if (er && er.code === "ENOTDIR") {
} else {
function rmkids(p, options, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === "function");
options.readdir(p, (er, files) => {
if (er)
return cb(er);
let n = files.length;
let errState;
if (n === 0)
return options.rmdir(p, cb);
files.forEach((f) => {
rimraf(path.join(p, f), options, (er2) => {
if (errState) {
if (er2)
return cb(errState = er2);
if (--n === 0) {
options.rmdir(p, cb);
function rimrafSync(p, options) {
let st;
options = options || {};
assert(p, "rimraf: missing path");
assert.strictEqual(typeof p, "string", "rimraf: path should be a string");
assert(options, "rimraf: missing options");
assert.strictEqual(typeof options, "object", "rimraf: options should be object");
try {
st = options.lstatSync(p);
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === "ENOENT") {
if (er.code === "EPERM" && isWindows) {
fixWinEPERMSync(p, options, er);
try {
if (st && st.isDirectory()) {
rmdirSync(p, options, null);
} else {
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === "ENOENT") {
} else if (er.code === "EPERM") {
return isWindows ? fixWinEPERMSync(p, options, er) : rmdirSync(p, options, er);
} else if (er.code !== "EISDIR") {
throw er;
rmdirSync(p, options, er);
function rmdirSync(p, options, originalEr) {
try {
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === "ENOTDIR") {
throw originalEr;
} else if (er.code === "ENOTEMPTY" || er.code === "EEXIST" || er.code === "EPERM") {
rmkidsSync(p, options);
} else if (er.code !== "ENOENT") {
throw er;
function rmkidsSync(p, options) {
options.readdirSync(p).forEach((f) => rimrafSync(path.join(p, f), options));
if (isWindows) {
const startTime = Date.now();
do {
try {
const ret = options.rmdirSync(p, options);
return ret;
} catch {
} while (Date.now() - startTime < 500);
} else {
const ret = options.rmdirSync(p, options);
return ret;
module2.exports = rimraf;
rimraf.sync = rimrafSync;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/index.js
var require_remove = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var rimraf = require_rimraf();
function remove(path, callback) {
if (fs.rm)
return fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true }, callback);
rimraf(path, callback);
function removeSync(path) {
if (fs.rmSync)
return fs.rmSync(path, { recursive: true, force: true });
module2.exports = {
remove: u(remove),
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/empty/index.js
var require_empty = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/empty/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromPromise;
var fs = require_fs();
var path = require("path");
var mkdir = require_mkdirs();
var remove = require_remove();
var emptyDir = u(async function emptyDir2(dir) {
let items;
try {
items = await fs.readdir(dir);
} catch {
return mkdir.mkdirs(dir);
return Promise.all(items.map((item) => remove.remove(path.join(dir, item))));
function emptyDirSync(dir) {
let items;
try {
items = fs.readdirSync(dir);
} catch {
return mkdir.mkdirsSync(dir);
items.forEach((item) => {
item = path.join(dir, item);
module2.exports = {
emptydirSync: emptyDirSync,
emptydir: emptyDir
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/file.js
var require_file = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/file.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var path = require("path");
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var mkdir = require_mkdirs();
function createFile(file, callback) {
function makeFile() {
fs.writeFile(file, "", (err) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
fs.stat(file, (err, stats) => {
if (!err && stats.isFile())
return callback();
const dir = path.dirname(file);
fs.stat(dir, (err2, stats2) => {
if (err2) {
if (err2.code === "ENOENT") {
return mkdir.mkdirs(dir, (err3) => {
if (err3)
return callback(err3);
return callback(err2);
if (stats2.isDirectory())
else {
fs.readdir(dir, (err3) => {
if (err3)
return callback(err3);
function createFileSync(file) {
let stats;
try {
stats = fs.statSync(file);
} catch {
if (stats && stats.isFile())
const dir = path.dirname(file);
try {
if (!fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()) {
} catch (err) {
if (err && err.code === "ENOENT")
throw err;
fs.writeFileSync(file, "");
module2.exports = {
createFile: u(createFile),
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/link.js
var require_link = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/link.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var path = require("path");
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var mkdir = require_mkdirs();
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
var { areIdentical } = require_stat();
function createLink(srcpath, dstpath, callback) {
function makeLink(srcpath2, dstpath2) {
fs.link(srcpath2, dstpath2, (err) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
fs.lstat(dstpath, (_, dstStat) => {
fs.lstat(srcpath, (err, srcStat) => {
if (err) {
err.message = err.message.replace("lstat", "ensureLink");
return callback(err);
if (dstStat && areIdentical(srcStat, dstStat))
return callback(null);
const dir = path.dirname(dstpath);
pathExists(dir, (err2, dirExists) => {
if (err2)
return callback(err2);
if (dirExists)
return makeLink(srcpath, dstpath);
mkdir.mkdirs(dir, (err3) => {
if (err3)
return callback(err3);
makeLink(srcpath, dstpath);
function createLinkSync(srcpath, dstpath) {
let dstStat;
try {
dstStat = fs.lstatSync(dstpath);
} catch {
try {
const srcStat = fs.lstatSync(srcpath);
if (dstStat && areIdentical(srcStat, dstStat))
} catch (err) {
err.message = err.message.replace("lstat", "ensureLink");
throw err;
const dir = path.dirname(dstpath);
const dirExists = fs.existsSync(dir);
if (dirExists)
return fs.linkSync(srcpath, dstpath);
return fs.linkSync(srcpath, dstpath);
module2.exports = {
createLink: u(createLink),
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink-paths.js
var require_symlink_paths = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink-paths.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var path = require("path");
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
function symlinkPaths(srcpath, dstpath, callback) {
if (path.isAbsolute(srcpath)) {
return fs.lstat(srcpath, (err) => {
if (err) {
err.message = err.message.replace("lstat", "ensureSymlink");
return callback(err);
return callback(null, {
toCwd: srcpath,
toDst: srcpath
} else {
const dstdir = path.dirname(dstpath);
const relativeToDst = path.join(dstdir, srcpath);
return pathExists(relativeToDst, (err, exists) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
if (exists) {
return callback(null, {
toCwd: relativeToDst,
toDst: srcpath
} else {
return fs.lstat(srcpath, (err2) => {
if (err2) {
err2.message = err2.message.replace("lstat", "ensureSymlink");
return callback(err2);
return callback(null, {
toCwd: srcpath,
toDst: path.relative(dstdir, srcpath)
function symlinkPathsSync(srcpath, dstpath) {
let exists;
if (path.isAbsolute(srcpath)) {
exists = fs.existsSync(srcpath);
if (!exists)
throw new Error("absolute srcpath does not exist");
return {
toCwd: srcpath,
toDst: srcpath
} else {
const dstdir = path.dirname(dstpath);
const relativeToDst = path.join(dstdir, srcpath);
exists = fs.existsSync(relativeToDst);
if (exists) {
return {
toCwd: relativeToDst,
toDst: srcpath
} else {
exists = fs.existsSync(srcpath);
if (!exists)
throw new Error("relative srcpath does not exist");
return {
toCwd: srcpath,
toDst: path.relative(dstdir, srcpath)
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink-type.js
var require_symlink_type = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink-type.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
function symlinkType(srcpath, type, callback) {
callback = typeof type === "function" ? type : callback;
type = typeof type === "function" ? false : type;
if (type)
return callback(null, type);
fs.lstat(srcpath, (err, stats) => {
if (err)
return callback(null, "file");
type = stats && stats.isDirectory() ? "dir" : "file";
callback(null, type);
function symlinkTypeSync(srcpath, type) {
let stats;
if (type)
return type;
try {
stats = fs.lstatSync(srcpath);
} catch {
return "file";
return stats && stats.isDirectory() ? "dir" : "file";
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink.js
var require_symlink = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/symlink.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var path = require("path");
var fs = require_fs();
var _mkdirs = require_mkdirs();
var mkdirs = _mkdirs.mkdirs;
var mkdirsSync = _mkdirs.mkdirsSync;
var _symlinkPaths = require_symlink_paths();
var symlinkPaths = _symlinkPaths.symlinkPaths;
var symlinkPathsSync = _symlinkPaths.symlinkPathsSync;
var _symlinkType = require_symlink_type();
var symlinkType = _symlinkType.symlinkType;
var symlinkTypeSync = _symlinkType.symlinkTypeSync;
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
var { areIdentical } = require_stat();
function createSymlink(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback) {
callback = typeof type === "function" ? type : callback;
type = typeof type === "function" ? false : type;
fs.lstat(dstpath, (err, stats) => {
if (!err && stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
]).then(([srcStat, dstStat]) => {
if (areIdentical(srcStat, dstStat))
return callback(null);
_createSymlink(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback);
} else
_createSymlink(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback);
function _createSymlink(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback) {
symlinkPaths(srcpath, dstpath, (err, relative2) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
srcpath = relative2.toDst;
symlinkType(relative2.toCwd, type, (err2, type2) => {
if (err2)
return callback(err2);
const dir = path.dirname(dstpath);
pathExists(dir, (err3, dirExists) => {
if (err3)
return callback(err3);
if (dirExists)
return fs.symlink(srcpath, dstpath, type2, callback);
mkdirs(dir, (err4) => {
if (err4)
return callback(err4);
fs.symlink(srcpath, dstpath, type2, callback);
function createSymlinkSync(srcpath, dstpath, type) {
let stats;
try {
stats = fs.lstatSync(dstpath);
} catch {
if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
const srcStat = fs.statSync(srcpath);
const dstStat = fs.statSync(dstpath);
if (areIdentical(srcStat, dstStat))
const relative2 = symlinkPathsSync(srcpath, dstpath);
srcpath = relative2.toDst;
type = symlinkTypeSync(relative2.toCwd, type);
const dir = path.dirname(dstpath);
const exists = fs.existsSync(dir);
if (exists)
return fs.symlinkSync(srcpath, dstpath, type);
return fs.symlinkSync(srcpath, dstpath, type);
module2.exports = {
createSymlink: u(createSymlink),
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/index.js
var require_ensure = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/ensure/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var file = require_file();
var link = require_link();
var symlink = require_symlink();
module2.exports = {
createFile: file.createFile,
createFileSync: file.createFileSync,
ensureFile: file.createFile,
ensureFileSync: file.createFileSync,
createLink: link.createLink,
createLinkSync: link.createLinkSync,
ensureLink: link.createLink,
ensureLinkSync: link.createLinkSync,
createSymlink: symlink.createSymlink,
createSymlinkSync: symlink.createSymlinkSync,
ensureSymlink: symlink.createSymlink,
ensureSymlinkSync: symlink.createSymlinkSync
// node_modules/jsonfile/utils.js
var require_utils2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/jsonfile/utils.js"(exports, module2) {
function stringify(obj, { EOL = "\n", finalEOL = true, replacer = null, spaces } = {}) {
const EOF = finalEOL ? EOL : "";
const str = JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, spaces);
return str.replace(/\n/g, EOL) + EOF;
function stripBom(content) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(content))
content = content.toString("utf8");
return content.replace(/^\uFEFF/, "");
module2.exports = { stringify, stripBom };
// node_modules/jsonfile/index.js
var require_jsonfile = __commonJS({
"node_modules/jsonfile/index.js"(exports, module2) {
var _fs;
try {
_fs = require_graceful_fs();
} catch (_) {
_fs = require("fs");
var universalify = require_universalify();
var { stringify, stripBom } = require_utils2();
async function _readFile(file, options = {}) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = { encoding: options };
const fs = options.fs || _fs;
const shouldThrow = "throws" in options ? options.throws : true;
let data = await universalify.fromCallback(fs.readFile)(file, options);
data = stripBom(data);
let obj;
try {
obj = JSON.parse(data, options ? options.reviver : null);
} catch (err) {
if (shouldThrow) {
err.message = `${file}: ${err.message}`;
throw err;
} else {
return null;
return obj;
var readFile = universalify.fromPromise(_readFile);
function readFileSync6(file, options = {}) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
options = { encoding: options };
const fs = options.fs || _fs;
const shouldThrow = "throws" in options ? options.throws : true;
try {
let content = fs.readFileSync(file, options);
content = stripBom(content);
return JSON.parse(content, options.reviver);
} catch (err) {
if (shouldThrow) {
err.message = `${file}: ${err.message}`;
throw err;
} else {
return null;
async function _writeFile(file, obj, options = {}) {
const fs = options.fs || _fs;
const str = stringify(obj, options);
await universalify.fromCallback(fs.writeFile)(file, str, options);
var writeFile2 = universalify.fromPromise(_writeFile);
function writeFileSync3(file, obj, options = {}) {
const fs = options.fs || _fs;
const str = stringify(obj, options);
return fs.writeFileSync(file, str, options);
var jsonfile = {
readFileSync: readFileSync6,
writeFile: writeFile2,
writeFileSync: writeFileSync3
module2.exports = jsonfile;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/jsonfile.js
var require_jsonfile2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/jsonfile.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var jsonFile = require_jsonfile();
module2.exports = {
readJson: jsonFile.readFile,
readJsonSync: jsonFile.readFileSync,
writeJson: jsonFile.writeFile,
writeJsonSync: jsonFile.writeFileSync
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/output/index.js
var require_output = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/output/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var mkdir = require_mkdirs();
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
function outputFile(file, data, encoding, callback) {
if (typeof encoding === "function") {
callback = encoding;
encoding = "utf8";
const dir = path.dirname(file);
pathExists(dir, (err, itDoes) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
if (itDoes)
return fs.writeFile(file, data, encoding, callback);
mkdir.mkdirs(dir, (err2) => {
if (err2)
return callback(err2);
fs.writeFile(file, data, encoding, callback);
function outputFileSync(file, ...args) {
const dir = path.dirname(file);
if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
return fs.writeFileSync(file, ...args);
fs.writeFileSync(file, ...args);
module2.exports = {
outputFile: u(outputFile),
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/output-json.js
var require_output_json = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/output-json.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var { stringify } = require_utils2();
var { outputFile } = require_output();
async function outputJson(file, data, options = {}) {
const str = stringify(data, options);
await outputFile(file, str, options);
module2.exports = outputJson;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/output-json-sync.js
var require_output_json_sync = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/output-json-sync.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var { stringify } = require_utils2();
var { outputFileSync } = require_output();
function outputJsonSync(file, data, options) {
const str = stringify(data, options);
outputFileSync(file, str, options);
module2.exports = outputJsonSync;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/index.js
var require_json = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/json/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromPromise;
var jsonFile = require_jsonfile2();
jsonFile.outputJson = u(require_output_json());
jsonFile.outputJsonSync = require_output_json_sync();
jsonFile.outputJSON = jsonFile.outputJson;
jsonFile.outputJSONSync = jsonFile.outputJsonSync;
jsonFile.writeJSON = jsonFile.writeJson;
jsonFile.writeJSONSync = jsonFile.writeJsonSync;
jsonFile.readJSON = jsonFile.readJson;
jsonFile.readJSONSync = jsonFile.readJsonSync;
module2.exports = jsonFile;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move-sync/move-sync.js
var require_move_sync = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move-sync/move-sync.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var copySync2 = require_copy_sync2().copySync;
var removeSync = require_remove().removeSync;
var mkdirpSync = require_mkdirs().mkdirpSync;
var stat = require_stat();
function moveSync(src, dest, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
const overwrite = opts.overwrite || opts.clobber || false;
const { srcStat, isChangingCase = false } = stat.checkPathsSync(src, dest, "move", opts);
stat.checkParentPathsSync(src, srcStat, dest, "move");
if (!isParentRoot(dest))
return doRename(src, dest, overwrite, isChangingCase);
function isParentRoot(dest) {
const parent = path.dirname(dest);
const parsedPath = path.parse(parent);
return parsedPath.root === parent;
function doRename(src, dest, overwrite, isChangingCase) {
if (isChangingCase)
return rename(src, dest, overwrite);
if (overwrite) {
return rename(src, dest, overwrite);
if (fs.existsSync(dest))
throw new Error("dest already exists.");
return rename(src, dest, overwrite);
function rename(src, dest, overwrite) {
try {
fs.renameSync(src, dest);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== "EXDEV")
throw err;
return moveAcrossDevice(src, dest, overwrite);
function moveAcrossDevice(src, dest, overwrite) {
const opts = {
errorOnExist: true
copySync2(src, dest, opts);
return removeSync(src);
module2.exports = moveSync;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move-sync/index.js
var require_move_sync2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move-sync/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {
moveSync: require_move_sync()
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move/move.js
var require_move = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move/move.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var fs = require_graceful_fs();
var path = require("path");
var copy = require_copy2().copy;
var remove = require_remove().remove;
var mkdirp = require_mkdirs().mkdirp;
var pathExists = require_path_exists().pathExists;
var stat = require_stat();
function move(src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (typeof opts === "function") {
cb = opts;
opts = {};
const overwrite = opts.overwrite || opts.clobber || false;
stat.checkPaths(src, dest, "move", opts, (err, stats) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
const { srcStat, isChangingCase = false } = stats;
stat.checkParentPaths(src, srcStat, dest, "move", (err2) => {
if (err2)
return cb(err2);
if (isParentRoot(dest))
return doRename(src, dest, overwrite, isChangingCase, cb);
mkdirp(path.dirname(dest), (err3) => {
if (err3)
return cb(err3);
return doRename(src, dest, overwrite, isChangingCase, cb);
function isParentRoot(dest) {
const parent = path.dirname(dest);
const parsedPath = path.parse(parent);
return parsedPath.root === parent;
function doRename(src, dest, overwrite, isChangingCase, cb) {
if (isChangingCase)
return rename(src, dest, overwrite, cb);
if (overwrite) {
return remove(dest, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return rename(src, dest, overwrite, cb);
pathExists(dest, (err, destExists) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
if (destExists)
return cb(new Error("dest already exists."));
return rename(src, dest, overwrite, cb);
function rename(src, dest, overwrite, cb) {
fs.rename(src, dest, (err) => {
if (!err)
return cb();
if (err.code !== "EXDEV")
return cb(err);
return moveAcrossDevice(src, dest, overwrite, cb);
function moveAcrossDevice(src, dest, overwrite, cb) {
const opts = {
errorOnExist: true
copy(src, dest, opts, (err) => {
if (err)
return cb(err);
return remove(src, cb);
module2.exports = move;
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move/index.js
var require_move2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
var u = require_universalify().fromCallback;
module2.exports = {
move: u(require_move())
// node_modules/fs-extra/lib/index.js
var require_lib = __commonJS({
"node_modules/fs-extra/lib/index.js"(exports, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = __spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, require_fs()), require_copy_sync2()), require_copy2()), require_empty()), require_ensure()), require_json()), require_mkdirs()), require_move_sync2()), require_move2()), require_output()), require_path_exists()), require_remove());
// node_modules/yargs/lib/platform-shims/esm.mjs
var import_assert = require("assert");
// node_modules/cliui/build/lib/index.js
var align = {
right: alignRight,
center: alignCenter
var top = 0;
var right = 1;
var bottom = 2;
var left = 3;
var UI = class {
constructor(opts) {
var _a;
this.width = opts.width;
this.wrap = (_a = opts.wrap) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true;
this.rows = [];
span(...args) {
const cols = this.div(...args);
cols.span = true;
resetOutput() {
this.rows = [];
div(...args) {
if (args.length === 0) {
if (this.wrap && this.shouldApplyLayoutDSL(...args) && typeof args[0] === "string") {
return this.applyLayoutDSL(args[0]);
const cols = args.map((arg) => {
if (typeof arg === "string") {
return this.colFromString(arg);
return arg;
return cols;
shouldApplyLayoutDSL(...args) {
return args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === "string" && /[\t\n]/.test(args[0]);
applyLayoutDSL(str) {
const rows = str.split("\n").map((row) => row.split(" "));
let leftColumnWidth = 0;
rows.forEach((columns) => {
if (columns.length > 1 && mixin.stringWidth(columns[0]) > leftColumnWidth) {
leftColumnWidth = Math.min(Math.floor(this.width * 0.5), mixin.stringWidth(columns[0]));
rows.forEach((columns) => {
this.div(...columns.map((r, i) => {
return {
text: r.trim(),
padding: this.measurePadding(r),
width: i === 0 && columns.length > 1 ? leftColumnWidth : void 0
return this.rows[this.rows.length - 1];
colFromString(text) {
return {
padding: this.measurePadding(text)
measurePadding(str) {
const noAnsi = mixin.stripAnsi(str);
return [0, noAnsi.match(/\s*$/)[0].length, 0, noAnsi.match(/^\s*/)[0].length];
toString() {
const lines = [];
this.rows.forEach((row) => {
this.rowToString(row, lines);
return lines.filter((line) => !line.hidden).map((line) => line.text).join("\n");
rowToString(row, lines) {
this.rasterize(row).forEach((rrow, r) => {
let str = "";
rrow.forEach((col, c) => {
const { width } = row[c];
const wrapWidth = this.negatePadding(row[c]);
let ts = col;
if (wrapWidth > mixin.stringWidth(col)) {
ts += " ".repeat(wrapWidth - mixin.stringWidth(col));
if (row[c].align && row[c].align !== "left" && this.wrap) {
const fn = align[row[c].align];
ts = fn(ts, wrapWidth);
if (mixin.stringWidth(ts) < wrapWidth) {
ts += " ".repeat((width || 0) - mixin.stringWidth(ts) - 1);
const padding = row[c].padding || [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (padding[left]) {
str += " ".repeat(padding[left]);
str += addBorder(row[c], ts, "| ");
str += ts;
str += addBorder(row[c], ts, " |");
if (padding[right]) {
str += " ".repeat(padding[right]);
if (r === 0 && lines.length > 0) {
str = this.renderInline(str, lines[lines.length - 1]);
text: str.replace(/ +$/, ""),
span: row.span
return lines;
renderInline(source, previousLine) {
const match = source.match(/^ */);
const leadingWhitespace = match ? match[0].length : 0;
const target = previousLine.text;
const targetTextWidth = mixin.stringWidth(target.trimRight());
if (!previousLine.span) {
return source;
if (!this.wrap) {
previousLine.hidden = true;
return target + source;
if (leadingWhitespace < targetTextWidth) {
return source;
previousLine.hidden = true;
return target.trimRight() + " ".repeat(leadingWhitespace - targetTextWidth) + source.trimLeft();
rasterize(row) {
const rrows = [];
const widths = this.columnWidths(row);
let wrapped;
row.forEach((col, c) => {
col.width = widths[c];
if (this.wrap) {
wrapped = mixin.wrap(col.text, this.negatePadding(col), { hard: true }).split("\n");
} else {
wrapped = col.text.split("\n");
if (col.border) {
wrapped.unshift("." + "-".repeat(this.negatePadding(col) + 2) + ".");
wrapped.push("'" + "-".repeat(this.negatePadding(col) + 2) + "'");
if (col.padding) {
wrapped.unshift(...new Array(col.padding[top] || 0).fill(""));
wrapped.push(...new Array(col.padding[bottom] || 0).fill(""));
wrapped.forEach((str, r) => {
if (!rrows[r]) {
const rrow = rrows[r];
for (let i = 0; i < c; i++) {
if (rrow[i] === void 0) {
return rrows;
negatePadding(col) {
let wrapWidth = col.width || 0;
if (col.padding) {
wrapWidth -= (col.padding[left] || 0) + (col.padding[right] || 0);
if (col.border) {
wrapWidth -= 4;
return wrapWidth;
columnWidths(row) {
if (!this.wrap) {
return row.map((col) => {
return col.width || mixin.stringWidth(col.text);
let unset = row.length;
let remainingWidth = this.width;
const widths = row.map((col) => {
if (col.width) {
remainingWidth -= col.width;
return col.width;
return void 0;
const unsetWidth = unset ? Math.floor(remainingWidth / unset) : 0;
return widths.map((w, i) => {
if (w === void 0) {
return Math.max(unsetWidth, _minWidth(row[i]));
return w;
function addBorder(col, ts, style) {
if (col.border) {
if (/[.']-+[.']/.test(ts)) {
return "";
if (ts.trim().length !== 0) {
return style;
return " ";
return "";
function _minWidth(col) {
const padding = col.padding || [];
const minWidth = 1 + (padding[left] || 0) + (padding[right] || 0);
if (col.border) {
return minWidth + 4;
return minWidth;
function getWindowWidth() {
if (typeof process === "object" && process.stdout && process.stdout.columns) {
return process.stdout.columns;
return 80;
function alignRight(str, width) {
str = str.trim();
const strWidth = mixin.stringWidth(str);
if (strWidth < width) {
return " ".repeat(width - strWidth) + str;
return str;
function alignCenter(str, width) {
str = str.trim();
const strWidth = mixin.stringWidth(str);
if (strWidth >= width) {
return str;
return " ".repeat(width - strWidth >> 1) + str;
var mixin;
function cliui(opts, _mixin) {
mixin = _mixin;
return new UI({
width: (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.width) || getWindowWidth(),
wrap: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.wrap
// node_modules/cliui/build/lib/string-utils.js
var ansi = new RegExp("(?:\\[(?:\\d+[ABCDEFGJKSTm]|\\d+;\\d+[Hfm]|\\d+;\\d+;\\d+m|6n|s|u|\\?25[lh])|\\w)", "g");
function stripAnsi(str) {
return str.replace(ansi, "");
function wrap(str, width) {
const [start, end] = str.match(ansi) || ["", ""];
str = stripAnsi(str);
let wrapped = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0 && i % width === 0) {
wrapped += "\n";
wrapped += str.charAt(i);
if (start && end) {
wrapped = `${start}${wrapped}${end}`;
return wrapped;
// node_modules/cliui/index.mjs
function ui(opts) {
return cliui(opts, {
stringWidth: (str) => {
return [...str].length;
// node_modules/escalade/sync/index.mjs
var import_path = require("path");
var import_fs = require("fs");
function sync_default(start, callback) {
let dir = (0, import_path.resolve)(".", start);
let tmp, stats = (0, import_fs.statSync)(dir);
if (!stats.isDirectory()) {
dir = (0, import_path.dirname)(dir);
while (true) {
tmp = callback(dir, (0, import_fs.readdirSync)(dir));
if (tmp)
return (0, import_path.resolve)(dir, tmp);
dir = (0, import_path.dirname)(tmp = dir);
if (tmp === dir)
// node_modules/yargs/lib/platform-shims/esm.mjs
var import_util3 = require("util");
var import_fs4 = require("fs");
var import_url = require("url");
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/index.js
var import_util = require("util");
var import_path2 = require("path");
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/string-utils.js
function camelCase(str) {
const isCamelCase = str !== str.toLowerCase() && str !== str.toUpperCase();
if (!isCamelCase) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
if (str.indexOf("-") === -1 && str.indexOf("_") === -1) {
return str;
} else {
let camelcase = "";
let nextChrUpper = false;
const leadingHyphens = str.match(/^-+/);
for (let i = leadingHyphens ? leadingHyphens[0].length : 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let chr = str.charAt(i);
if (nextChrUpper) {
nextChrUpper = false;
chr = chr.toUpperCase();
if (i !== 0 && (chr === "-" || chr === "_")) {
nextChrUpper = true;
} else if (chr !== "-" && chr !== "_") {
camelcase += chr;
return camelcase;
function decamelize(str, joinString) {
const lowercase = str.toLowerCase();
joinString = joinString || "-";
let notCamelcase = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const chrLower = lowercase.charAt(i);
const chrString = str.charAt(i);
if (chrLower !== chrString && i > 0) {
notCamelcase += `${joinString}${lowercase.charAt(i)}`;
} else {
notCamelcase += chrString;
return notCamelcase;
function looksLikeNumber(x) {
if (x === null || x === void 0)
return false;
if (typeof x === "number")
return true;
if (/^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(x))
return true;
if (/^0[^.]/.test(x))
return false;
return /^[-]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[-+]?\d+)?$/.test(x);
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/tokenize-arg-string.js
function tokenizeArgString(argString) {
if (Array.isArray(argString)) {
return argString.map((e) => typeof e !== "string" ? e + "" : e);
argString = argString.trim();
let i = 0;
let prevC = null;
let c = null;
let opening = null;
const args = [];
for (let ii = 0; ii < argString.length; ii++) {
prevC = c;
c = argString.charAt(ii);
if (c === " " && !opening) {
if (!(prevC === " ")) {
if (c === opening) {
opening = null;
} else if ((c === "'" || c === '"') && !opening) {
opening = c;
if (!args[i])
args[i] = "";
args[i] += c;
return args;
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/yargs-parser-types.js
var DefaultValuesForTypeKey;
(function(DefaultValuesForTypeKey2) {
DefaultValuesForTypeKey2["BOOLEAN"] = "boolean";
DefaultValuesForTypeKey2["STRING"] = "string";
DefaultValuesForTypeKey2["NUMBER"] = "number";
DefaultValuesForTypeKey2["ARRAY"] = "array";
})(DefaultValuesForTypeKey || (DefaultValuesForTypeKey = {}));
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/yargs-parser.js
var mixin2;
var YargsParser = class {
constructor(_mixin) {
mixin2 = _mixin;
parse(argsInput, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({
alias: void 0,
array: void 0,
boolean: void 0,
config: void 0,
configObjects: void 0,
configuration: void 0,
coerce: void 0,
count: void 0,
default: void 0,
envPrefix: void 0,
narg: void 0,
normalize: void 0,
string: void 0,
number: void 0,
__: void 0,
key: void 0
}, options);
const args = tokenizeArgString(argsInput);
const inputIsString = typeof argsInput === "string";
const aliases = combineAliases(Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), opts.alias));
const configuration = Object.assign({
"boolean-negation": true,
"camel-case-expansion": true,
"combine-arrays": false,
"dot-notation": true,
"duplicate-arguments-array": true,
"flatten-duplicate-arrays": true,
"greedy-arrays": true,
"halt-at-non-option": false,
"nargs-eats-options": false,
"negation-prefix": "no-",
"parse-numbers": true,
"parse-positional-numbers": true,
"populate--": false,
"set-placeholder-key": false,
"short-option-groups": true,
"strip-aliased": false,
"strip-dashed": false,
"unknown-options-as-args": false
}, opts.configuration);
const defaults = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), opts.default);
const configObjects = opts.configObjects || [];
const envPrefix = opts.envPrefix;
const notFlagsOption = configuration["populate--"];
const notFlagsArgv = notFlagsOption ? "--" : "_";
const newAliases = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const defaulted = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const __ = opts.__ || mixin2.format;
const flags = {
aliases: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
arrays: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
bools: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
strings: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
numbers: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
counts: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
normalize: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
configs: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
nargs: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
coercions: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
keys: []
const negative = /^-([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)$/;
const negatedBoolean = new RegExp("^--" + configuration["negation-prefix"] + "(.+)");
[].concat(opts.array || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(opt) {
const key = typeof opt === "object" ? opt.key : opt;
const assignment = Object.keys(opt).map(function(key2) {
const arrayFlagKeys = {
boolean: "bools",
string: "strings",
number: "numbers"
return arrayFlagKeys[key2];
if (assignment) {
flags[assignment][key] = true;
flags.arrays[key] = true;
[].concat(opts.boolean || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.bools[key] = true;
[].concat(opts.string || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.strings[key] = true;
[].concat(opts.number || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.numbers[key] = true;
[].concat(opts.count || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.counts[key] = true;
[].concat(opts.normalize || []).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.normalize[key] = true;
if (typeof opts.narg === "object") {
Object.entries(opts.narg).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (typeof value === "number") {
flags.nargs[key] = value;
if (typeof opts.coerce === "object") {
Object.entries(opts.coerce).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (typeof value === "function") {
flags.coercions[key] = value;
if (typeof opts.config !== "undefined") {
if (Array.isArray(opts.config) || typeof opts.config === "string") {
[].concat(opts.config).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(key) {
flags.configs[key] = true;
} else if (typeof opts.config === "object") {
Object.entries(opts.config).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (typeof value === "boolean" || typeof value === "function") {
flags.configs[key] = value;
extendAliases(opts.key, aliases, opts.default, flags.arrays);
Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function(key) {
(flags.aliases[key] || []).forEach(function(alias) {
defaults[alias] = defaults[key];
let error = null;
let notFlags = [];
const argv = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { _: [] });
const argvReturn = {};
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
const truncatedArg = arg.replace(/^-{3,}/, "---");
let broken;
let key;
let letters;
let m;
let next;
let value;
if (arg !== "--" && isUnknownOptionAsArg(arg)) {
} else if (truncatedArg.match(/---+(=|$)/)) {
} else if (arg.match(/^--.+=/) || !configuration["short-option-groups"] && arg.match(/^-.+=/)) {
m = arg.match(/^--?([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)$/);
if (m !== null && Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 3) {
if (checkAllAliases(m[1], flags.arrays)) {
i = eatArray(i, m[1], args, m[2]);
} else if (checkAllAliases(m[1], flags.nargs) !== false) {
i = eatNargs(i, m[1], args, m[2]);
} else {
setArg(m[1], m[2], true);
} else if (arg.match(negatedBoolean) && configuration["boolean-negation"]) {
m = arg.match(negatedBoolean);
if (m !== null && Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 2) {
key = m[1];
setArg(key, checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays) ? [false] : false);
} else if (arg.match(/^--.+/) || !configuration["short-option-groups"] && arg.match(/^-[^-]+/)) {
m = arg.match(/^--?(.+)/);
if (m !== null && Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 2) {
key = m[1];
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
i = eatArray(i, key, args);
} else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs) !== false) {
i = eatNargs(i, key, args);
} else {
next = args[i + 1];
if (next !== void 0 && (!next.match(/^-/) || next.match(negative)) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts)) {
setArg(key, next);
} else if (/^(true|false)$/.test(next)) {
setArg(key, next);
} else {
setArg(key, defaultValue(key));
} else if (arg.match(/^-.\..+=/)) {
m = arg.match(/^-([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)$/);
if (m !== null && Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 3) {
setArg(m[1], m[2]);
} else if (arg.match(/^-.\..+/) && !arg.match(negative)) {
next = args[i + 1];
m = arg.match(/^-(.\..+)/);
if (m !== null && Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 2) {
key = m[1];
if (next !== void 0 && !next.match(/^-/) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts)) {
setArg(key, next);
} else {
setArg(key, defaultValue(key));
} else if (arg.match(/^-[^-]+/) && !arg.match(negative)) {
letters = arg.slice(1, -1).split("");
broken = false;
for (let j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
next = arg.slice(j + 2);
if (letters[j + 1] && letters[j + 1] === "=") {
value = arg.slice(j + 3);
key = letters[j];
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
i = eatArray(i, key, args, value);
} else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs) !== false) {
i = eatNargs(i, key, args, value);
} else {
setArg(key, value);
broken = true;
if (next === "-") {
setArg(letters[j], next);
if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(letters[j]) && /^-?\d+(\.\d*)?(e-?\d+)?$/.test(next) && checkAllAliases(next, flags.bools) === false) {
setArg(letters[j], next);
broken = true;
if (letters[j + 1] && letters[j + 1].match(/\W/)) {
setArg(letters[j], next);
broken = true;
} else {
setArg(letters[j], defaultValue(letters[j]));
key = arg.slice(-1)[0];
if (!broken && key !== "-") {
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
i = eatArray(i, key, args);
} else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs) !== false) {
i = eatNargs(i, key, args);
} else {
next = args[i + 1];
if (next !== void 0 && (!/^(-|--)[^-]/.test(next) || next.match(negative)) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts)) {
setArg(key, next);
} else if (/^(true|false)$/.test(next)) {
setArg(key, next);
} else {
setArg(key, defaultValue(key));
} else if (arg.match(/^-[0-9]$/) && arg.match(negative) && checkAllAliases(arg.slice(1), flags.bools)) {
key = arg.slice(1);
setArg(key, defaultValue(key));
} else if (arg === "--") {
notFlags = args.slice(i + 1);
} else if (configuration["halt-at-non-option"]) {
notFlags = args.slice(i);
} else {
applyEnvVars(argv, true);
applyEnvVars(argv, false);
applyDefaultsAndAliases(argv, flags.aliases, defaults, true);
if (configuration["set-placeholder-key"])
Object.keys(flags.counts).forEach(function(key) {
if (!hasKey(argv, key.split(".")))
setArg(key, 0);
if (notFlagsOption && notFlags.length)
argv[notFlagsArgv] = [];
notFlags.forEach(function(key) {
if (configuration["camel-case-expansion"] && configuration["strip-dashed"]) {
Object.keys(argv).filter((key) => key !== "--" && key.includes("-")).forEach((key) => {
delete argv[key];
if (configuration["strip-aliased"]) {
[].concat(...Object.keys(aliases).map((k) => aliases[k])).forEach((alias) => {
if (configuration["camel-case-expansion"] && alias.includes("-")) {
delete argv[alias.split(".").map((prop) => camelCase(prop)).join(".")];
delete argv[alias];
function pushPositional(arg) {
const maybeCoercedNumber = maybeCoerceNumber("_", arg);
if (typeof maybeCoercedNumber === "string" || typeof maybeCoercedNumber === "number") {
function eatNargs(i, key, args2, argAfterEqualSign) {
let ii;
let toEat = checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs);
toEat = typeof toEat !== "number" || isNaN(toEat) ? 1 : toEat;
if (toEat === 0) {
if (!isUndefined(argAfterEqualSign)) {
error = Error(__("Argument unexpected for: %s", key));
setArg(key, defaultValue(key));
return i;
let available = isUndefined(argAfterEqualSign) ? 0 : 1;
if (configuration["nargs-eats-options"]) {
if (args2.length - (i + 1) + available < toEat) {
error = Error(__("Not enough arguments following: %s", key));
available = toEat;
} else {
for (ii = i + 1; ii < args2.length; ii++) {
if (!args2[ii].match(/^-[^0-9]/) || args2[ii].match(negative) || isUnknownOptionAsArg(args2[ii]))
if (available < toEat)
error = Error(__("Not enough arguments following: %s", key));
let consumed = Math.min(available, toEat);
if (!isUndefined(argAfterEqualSign) && consumed > 0) {
setArg(key, argAfterEqualSign);
for (ii = i + 1; ii < consumed + i + 1; ii++) {
setArg(key, args2[ii]);
return i + consumed;
function eatArray(i, key, args2, argAfterEqualSign) {
let argsToSet = [];
let next = argAfterEqualSign || args2[i + 1];
const nargsCount = checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs);
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !/^(true|false)$/.test(next)) {
} else if (isUndefined(next) || isUndefined(argAfterEqualSign) && /^-/.test(next) && !negative.test(next) && !isUnknownOptionAsArg(next)) {
if (defaults[key] !== void 0) {
const defVal = defaults[key];
argsToSet = Array.isArray(defVal) ? defVal : [defVal];
} else {
if (!isUndefined(argAfterEqualSign)) {
argsToSet.push(processValue(key, argAfterEqualSign, true));
for (let ii = i + 1; ii < args2.length; ii++) {
if (!configuration["greedy-arrays"] && argsToSet.length > 0 || nargsCount && typeof nargsCount === "number" && argsToSet.length >= nargsCount)
next = args2[ii];
if (/^-/.test(next) && !negative.test(next) && !isUnknownOptionAsArg(next))
i = ii;
argsToSet.push(processValue(key, next, inputIsString));
if (typeof nargsCount === "number" && (nargsCount && argsToSet.length < nargsCount || isNaN(nargsCount) && argsToSet.length === 0)) {
error = Error(__("Not enough arguments following: %s", key));
setArg(key, argsToSet);
return i;
function setArg(key, val, shouldStripQuotes = inputIsString) {
if (/-/.test(key) && configuration["camel-case-expansion"]) {
const alias = key.split(".").map(function(prop) {
return camelCase(prop);
addNewAlias(key, alias);
const value = processValue(key, val, shouldStripQuotes);
const splitKey = key.split(".");
setKey(argv, splitKey, value);
if (flags.aliases[key]) {
flags.aliases[key].forEach(function(x) {
const keyProperties = x.split(".");
setKey(argv, keyProperties, value);
if (splitKey.length > 1 && configuration["dot-notation"]) {
(flags.aliases[splitKey[0]] || []).forEach(function(x) {
let keyProperties = x.split(".");
const a = [].concat(splitKey);
keyProperties = keyProperties.concat(a);
if (!(flags.aliases[key] || []).includes(keyProperties.join("."))) {
setKey(argv, keyProperties, value);
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.normalize) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
const keys = [key].concat(flags.aliases[key] || []);
keys.forEach(function(key2) {
Object.defineProperty(argvReturn, key2, {
enumerable: true,
get() {
return val;
set(value2) {
val = typeof value2 === "string" ? mixin2.normalize(value2) : value2;
function addNewAlias(key, alias) {
if (!(flags.aliases[key] && flags.aliases[key].length)) {
flags.aliases[key] = [alias];
newAliases[alias] = true;
if (!(flags.aliases[alias] && flags.aliases[alias].length)) {
addNewAlias(alias, key);
function processValue(key, val, shouldStripQuotes) {
if (shouldStripQuotes) {
val = stripQuotes(val);
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) || checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts)) {
if (typeof val === "string")
val = val === "true";
let value = Array.isArray(val) ? val.map(function(v) {
return maybeCoerceNumber(key, v);
}) : maybeCoerceNumber(key, val);
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts) && (isUndefined(value) || typeof value === "boolean")) {
value = increment();
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.normalize) && checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
if (Array.isArray(val))
value = val.map((val2) => {
return mixin2.normalize(val2);
value = mixin2.normalize(val);
return value;
function maybeCoerceNumber(key, value) {
if (!configuration["parse-positional-numbers"] && key === "_")
return value;
if (!checkAllAliases(key, flags.strings) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !Array.isArray(value)) {
const shouldCoerceNumber = looksLikeNumber(value) && configuration["parse-numbers"] && Number.isSafeInteger(Math.floor(parseFloat(`${value}`)));
if (shouldCoerceNumber || !isUndefined(value) && checkAllAliases(key, flags.numbers)) {
value = Number(value);
return value;
function setConfig(argv2) {
const configLookup = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
applyDefaultsAndAliases(configLookup, flags.aliases, defaults);
Object.keys(flags.configs).forEach(function(configKey) {
const configPath = argv2[configKey] || configLookup[configKey];
if (configPath) {
try {
let config = null;
const resolvedConfigPath = mixin2.resolve(mixin2.cwd(), configPath);
const resolveConfig = flags.configs[configKey];
if (typeof resolveConfig === "function") {
try {
config = resolveConfig(resolvedConfigPath);
} catch (e) {
config = e;
if (config instanceof Error) {
error = config;
} else {
config = mixin2.require(resolvedConfigPath);
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.name === "PermissionDenied")
error = ex;
else if (argv2[configKey])
error = Error(__("Invalid JSON config file: %s", configPath));
function setConfigObject(config, prev) {
Object.keys(config).forEach(function(key) {
const value = config[key];
const fullKey = prev ? prev + "." + key : key;
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value) && configuration["dot-notation"]) {
setConfigObject(value, fullKey);
} else {
if (!hasKey(argv, fullKey.split(".")) || checkAllAliases(fullKey, flags.arrays) && configuration["combine-arrays"]) {
setArg(fullKey, value);
function setConfigObjects() {
if (typeof configObjects !== "undefined") {
configObjects.forEach(function(configObject) {
function applyEnvVars(argv2, configOnly) {
if (typeof envPrefix === "undefined")
const prefix = typeof envPrefix === "string" ? envPrefix : "";
const env2 = mixin2.env();
Object.keys(env2).forEach(function(envVar) {
if (prefix === "" || envVar.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0) {
const keys = envVar.split("__").map(function(key, i) {
if (i === 0) {
key = key.substring(prefix.length);
return camelCase(key);
if ((configOnly && flags.configs[keys.join(".")] || !configOnly) && !hasKey(argv2, keys)) {
setArg(keys.join("."), env2[envVar]);
function applyCoercions(argv2) {
let coerce;
const applied = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
Object.keys(argv2).forEach(function(key) {
if (!applied.has(key)) {
coerce = checkAllAliases(key, flags.coercions);
if (typeof coerce === "function") {
try {
const value = maybeCoerceNumber(key, coerce(argv2[key]));
[].concat(flags.aliases[key] || [], key).forEach((ali) => {
argv2[ali] = value;
} catch (err) {
error = err;
function setPlaceholderKeys(argv2) {
flags.keys.forEach((key) => {
if (~key.indexOf("."))
if (typeof argv2[key] === "undefined")
argv2[key] = void 0;
return argv2;
function applyDefaultsAndAliases(obj, aliases2, defaults2, canLog = false) {
Object.keys(defaults2).forEach(function(key) {
if (!hasKey(obj, key.split("."))) {
setKey(obj, key.split("."), defaults2[key]);
if (canLog)
defaulted[key] = true;
(aliases2[key] || []).forEach(function(x) {
if (hasKey(obj, x.split(".")))
setKey(obj, x.split("."), defaults2[key]);
function hasKey(obj, keys) {
let o = obj;
if (!configuration["dot-notation"])
keys = [keys.join(".")];
keys.slice(0, -1).forEach(function(key2) {
o = o[key2] || {};
const key = keys[keys.length - 1];
if (typeof o !== "object")
return false;
return key in o;
function setKey(obj, keys, value) {
let o = obj;
if (!configuration["dot-notation"])
keys = [keys.join(".")];
keys.slice(0, -1).forEach(function(key2) {
key2 = sanitizeKey(key2);
if (typeof o === "object" && o[key2] === void 0) {
o[key2] = {};
if (typeof o[key2] !== "object" || Array.isArray(o[key2])) {
if (Array.isArray(o[key2])) {
} else {
o[key2] = [o[key2], {}];
o = o[key2][o[key2].length - 1];
} else {
o = o[key2];
const key = sanitizeKey(keys[keys.length - 1]);
const isTypeArray = checkAllAliases(keys.join("."), flags.arrays);
const isValueArray = Array.isArray(value);
let duplicate = configuration["duplicate-arguments-array"];
if (!duplicate && checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs)) {
duplicate = true;
if (!isUndefined(o[key]) && flags.nargs[key] === 1 || Array.isArray(o[key]) && o[key].length === flags.nargs[key]) {
o[key] = void 0;
if (value === increment()) {
o[key] = increment(o[key]);
} else if (Array.isArray(o[key])) {
if (duplicate && isTypeArray && isValueArray) {
o[key] = configuration["flatten-duplicate-arrays"] ? o[key].concat(value) : (Array.isArray(o[key][0]) ? o[key] : [o[key]]).concat([value]);
} else if (!duplicate && Boolean(isTypeArray) === Boolean(isValueArray)) {
o[key] = value;
} else {
o[key] = o[key].concat([value]);
} else if (o[key] === void 0 && isTypeArray) {
o[key] = isValueArray ? value : [value];
} else if (duplicate && !(o[key] === void 0 || checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts) || checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools))) {
o[key] = [o[key], value];
} else {
o[key] = value;
function extendAliases(...args2) {
args2.forEach(function(obj) {
Object.keys(obj || {}).forEach(function(key) {
if (flags.aliases[key])
flags.aliases[key] = [].concat(aliases[key] || []);
flags.aliases[key].concat(key).forEach(function(x) {
if (/-/.test(x) && configuration["camel-case-expansion"]) {
const c = camelCase(x);
if (c !== key && flags.aliases[key].indexOf(c) === -1) {
newAliases[c] = true;
flags.aliases[key].concat(key).forEach(function(x) {
if (x.length > 1 && /[A-Z]/.test(x) && configuration["camel-case-expansion"]) {
const c = decamelize(x, "-");
if (c !== key && flags.aliases[key].indexOf(c) === -1) {
newAliases[c] = true;
flags.aliases[key].forEach(function(x) {
flags.aliases[x] = [key].concat(flags.aliases[key].filter(function(y) {
return x !== y;
function checkAllAliases(key, flag) {
const toCheck = [].concat(flags.aliases[key] || [], key);
const keys = Object.keys(flag);
const setAlias = toCheck.find((key2) => keys.includes(key2));
return setAlias ? flag[setAlias] : false;
function hasAnyFlag(key) {
const flagsKeys = Object.keys(flags);
const toCheck = [].concat(flagsKeys.map((k) => flags[k]));
return toCheck.some(function(flag) {
return Array.isArray(flag) ? flag.includes(key) : flag[key];
function hasFlagsMatching(arg, ...patterns) {
const toCheck = [].concat(...patterns);
return toCheck.some(function(pattern) {
const match = arg.match(pattern);
return match && hasAnyFlag(match[1]);
function hasAllShortFlags(arg) {
if (arg.match(negative) || !arg.match(/^-[^-]+/)) {
return false;
let hasAllFlags = true;
let next;
const letters = arg.slice(1).split("");
for (let j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
next = arg.slice(j + 2);
if (!hasAnyFlag(letters[j])) {
hasAllFlags = false;
if (letters[j + 1] && letters[j + 1] === "=" || next === "-" || /[A-Za-z]/.test(letters[j]) && /^-?\d+(\.\d*)?(e-?\d+)?$/.test(next) || letters[j + 1] && letters[j + 1].match(/\W/)) {
return hasAllFlags;
function isUnknownOptionAsArg(arg) {
return configuration["unknown-options-as-args"] && isUnknownOption(arg);
function isUnknownOption(arg) {
arg = arg.replace(/^-{3,}/, "--");
if (arg.match(negative)) {
return false;
if (hasAllShortFlags(arg)) {
return false;
const flagWithEquals = /^-+([^=]+?)=[\s\S]*$/;
const normalFlag = /^-+([^=]+?)$/;
const flagEndingInHyphen = /^-+([^=]+?)-$/;
const flagEndingInDigits = /^-+([^=]+?\d+)$/;
const flagEndingInNonWordCharacters = /^-+([^=]+?)\W+.*$/;
return !hasFlagsMatching(arg, flagWithEquals, negatedBoolean, normalFlag, flagEndingInHyphen, flagEndingInDigits, flagEndingInNonWordCharacters);
function defaultValue(key) {
if (!checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools) && !checkAllAliases(key, flags.counts) && `${key}` in defaults) {
return defaults[key];
} else {
return defaultForType(guessType2(key));
function defaultForType(type) {
const def = {
[DefaultValuesForTypeKey.BOOLEAN]: true,
[DefaultValuesForTypeKey.STRING]: "",
[DefaultValuesForTypeKey.NUMBER]: void 0,
[DefaultValuesForTypeKey.ARRAY]: []
return def[type];
function guessType2(key) {
let type = DefaultValuesForTypeKey.BOOLEAN;
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.strings))
type = DefaultValuesForTypeKey.STRING;
else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.numbers))
type = DefaultValuesForTypeKey.NUMBER;
else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.bools))
type = DefaultValuesForTypeKey.BOOLEAN;
else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays))
type = DefaultValuesForTypeKey.ARRAY;
return type;
function isUndefined(num) {
return num === void 0;
function checkConfiguration() {
Object.keys(flags.counts).find((key) => {
if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.arrays)) {
error = Error(__("Invalid configuration: %s, opts.count excludes opts.array.", key));
return true;
} else if (checkAllAliases(key, flags.nargs)) {
error = Error(__("Invalid configuration: %s, opts.count excludes opts.narg.", key));
return true;
return false;
return {
aliases: Object.assign({}, flags.aliases),
argv: Object.assign(argvReturn, argv),
defaulted: Object.assign({}, defaulted),
newAliases: Object.assign({}, newAliases)
function combineAliases(aliases) {
const aliasArrays = [];
const combined = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
let change = true;
Object.keys(aliases).forEach(function(key) {
aliasArrays.push([].concat(aliases[key], key));
while (change) {
change = false;
for (let i = 0; i < aliasArrays.length; i++) {
for (let ii = i + 1; ii < aliasArrays.length; ii++) {
const intersect = aliasArrays[i].filter(function(v) {
return aliasArrays[ii].indexOf(v) !== -1;
if (intersect.length) {
aliasArrays[i] = aliasArrays[i].concat(aliasArrays[ii]);
aliasArrays.splice(ii, 1);
change = true;
aliasArrays.forEach(function(aliasArray) {
aliasArray = aliasArray.filter(function(v, i, self) {
return self.indexOf(v) === i;
const lastAlias = aliasArray.pop();
if (lastAlias !== void 0 && typeof lastAlias === "string") {
combined[lastAlias] = aliasArray;
return combined;
function increment(orig) {
return orig !== void 0 ? orig + 1 : 1;
function sanitizeKey(key) {
if (key === "__proto__")
return "___proto___";
return key;
function stripQuotes(val) {
return typeof val === "string" && (val[0] === "'" || val[0] === '"') && val[val.length - 1] === val[0] ? val.substring(1, val.length - 1) : val;
// node_modules/yargs-parser/build/lib/index.js
var import_fs2 = require("fs");
var minNodeVersion = process && process.env && process.env.YARGS_MIN_NODE_VERSION ? Number(process.env.YARGS_MIN_NODE_VERSION) : 12;
if (process && process.version) {
const major = Number(process.version.match(/v([^.]+)/)[1]);
if (major < minNodeVersion) {
throw Error(`yargs parser supports a minimum Node.js version of ${minNodeVersion}. Read our version support policy: https://github.com/yargs/yargs-parser#supported-nodejs-versions`);
var env = process ? process.env : {};
var parser = new YargsParser({
cwd: process.cwd,
env: () => {
return env;
format: import_util.format,
normalize: import_path2.normalize,
resolve: import_path2.resolve,
require: (path) => {
if (typeof require !== "undefined") {
return require(path);
} else if (path.match(/\.json$/)) {
return JSON.parse((0, import_fs2.readFileSync)(path, "utf8"));
} else {
throw Error("only .json config files are supported in ESM");
var yargsParser = function Parser(args, opts) {
const result = parser.parse(args.slice(), opts);
return result.argv;
yargsParser.detailed = function(args, opts) {
return parser.parse(args.slice(), opts);
yargsParser.camelCase = camelCase;
yargsParser.decamelize = decamelize;
yargsParser.looksLikeNumber = looksLikeNumber;
var lib_default = yargsParser;
// node_modules/yargs/lib/platform-shims/esm.mjs
var import_path4 = require("path");
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/process-argv.js
function getProcessArgvBinIndex() {
if (isBundledElectronApp())
return 0;
return 1;
function isBundledElectronApp() {
return isElectronApp() && !process.defaultApp;
function isElectronApp() {
return !!process.versions.electron;
function hideBin(argv) {
return argv.slice(getProcessArgvBinIndex() + 1);
function getProcessArgvBin() {
return process.argv[getProcessArgvBinIndex()];
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/yerror.js
var YError = class extends Error {
constructor(msg) {
super(msg || "yargs error");
this.name = "YError";
Error.captureStackTrace(this, YError);
// node_modules/y18n/build/lib/platform-shims/node.js
var import_fs3 = require("fs");
var import_util2 = require("util");
var import_path3 = require("path");
var node_default = {
fs: {
readFileSync: import_fs3.readFileSync,
writeFile: import_fs3.writeFile
format: import_util2.format,
resolve: import_path3.resolve,
exists: (file) => {
try {
return (0, import_fs3.statSync)(file).isFile();
} catch (err) {
return false;
// node_modules/y18n/build/lib/index.js
var shim;
var Y18N = class {
constructor(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
this.directory = opts.directory || "./locales";
this.updateFiles = typeof opts.updateFiles === "boolean" ? opts.updateFiles : true;
this.locale = opts.locale || "en";
this.fallbackToLanguage = typeof opts.fallbackToLanguage === "boolean" ? opts.fallbackToLanguage : true;
this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
this.writeQueue = [];
__(...args) {
if (typeof arguments[0] !== "string") {
return this._taggedLiteral(arguments[0], ...arguments);
const str = args.shift();
let cb = function() {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function")
cb = args.pop();
cb = cb || function() {
if (!this.cache[this.locale])
if (!this.cache[this.locale][str] && this.updateFiles) {
this.cache[this.locale][str] = str;
directory: this.directory,
locale: this.locale,
} else {
return shim.format.apply(shim.format, [this.cache[this.locale][str] || str].concat(args));
__n() {
const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
const singular = args.shift();
const plural = args.shift();
const quantity = args.shift();
let cb = function() {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function")
cb = args.pop();
if (!this.cache[this.locale])
let str = quantity === 1 ? singular : plural;
if (this.cache[this.locale][singular]) {
const entry = this.cache[this.locale][singular];
str = entry[quantity === 1 ? "one" : "other"];
if (!this.cache[this.locale][singular] && this.updateFiles) {
this.cache[this.locale][singular] = {
one: singular,
other: plural
directory: this.directory,
locale: this.locale,
} else {
const values = [str];
if (~str.indexOf("%d"))
return shim.format.apply(shim.format, values.concat(args));
setLocale(locale) {
this.locale = locale;
getLocale() {
return this.locale;
updateLocale(obj) {
if (!this.cache[this.locale])
for (const key in obj) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
this.cache[this.locale][key] = obj[key];
_taggedLiteral(parts, ...args) {
let str = "";
parts.forEach(function(part, i) {
const arg = args[i + 1];
str += part;
if (typeof arg !== "undefined") {
str += "%s";
return this.__.apply(this, [str].concat([].slice.call(args, 1)));
_enqueueWrite(work) {
if (this.writeQueue.length === 1)
_processWriteQueue() {
const _this = this;
const work = this.writeQueue[0];
const directory = work.directory;
const locale = work.locale;
const cb = work.cb;
const languageFile = this._resolveLocaleFile(directory, locale);
const serializedLocale = JSON.stringify(this.cache[locale], null, 2);
shim.fs.writeFile(languageFile, serializedLocale, "utf-8", function(err) {
if (_this.writeQueue.length > 0)
_readLocaleFile() {
let localeLookup = {};
const languageFile = this._resolveLocaleFile(this.directory, this.locale);
try {
if (shim.fs.readFileSync) {
localeLookup = JSON.parse(shim.fs.readFileSync(languageFile, "utf-8"));
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof SyntaxError) {
err.message = "syntax error in " + languageFile;
if (err.code === "ENOENT")
localeLookup = {};
throw err;
this.cache[this.locale] = localeLookup;
_resolveLocaleFile(directory, locale) {
let file = shim.resolve(directory, "./", locale + ".json");
if (this.fallbackToLanguage && !this._fileExistsSync(file) && ~locale.lastIndexOf("_")) {
const languageFile = shim.resolve(directory, "./", locale.split("_")[0] + ".json");
if (this._fileExistsSync(languageFile))
file = languageFile;
return file;
_fileExistsSync(file) {
return shim.exists(file);
function y18n(opts, _shim) {
shim = _shim;
const y18n3 = new Y18N(opts);
return {
__: y18n3.__.bind(y18n3),
__n: y18n3.__n.bind(y18n3),
setLocale: y18n3.setLocale.bind(y18n3),
getLocale: y18n3.getLocale.bind(y18n3),
updateLocale: y18n3.updateLocale.bind(y18n3),
locale: y18n3.locale
// node_modules/y18n/index.mjs
var y18n2 = (opts) => {
return y18n(opts, node_default);
var y18n_default = y18n2;
// node_modules/yargs/lib/platform-shims/esm.mjs
var import_meta = {};
var REQUIRE_ERROR = "require is not supported by ESM";
var REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR = "loading a directory of commands is not supported yet for ESM";
var __dirname2;
try {
__dirname2 = (0, import_url.fileURLToPath)(import_meta.url);
} catch (e) {
__dirname2 = process.cwd();
var mainFilename = __dirname2.split("node_modules")[0];
var esm_default = {
assert: {
notStrictEqual: import_assert.notStrictEqual,
strictEqual: import_assert.strictEqual
cliui: ui,
findUp: sync_default,
getEnv: (key) => {
return process.env[key];
inspect: import_util3.inspect,
getCallerFile: () => {
mainFilename: mainFilename || process.cwd(),
Parser: lib_default,
path: {
basename: import_path4.basename,
dirname: import_path4.dirname,
extname: import_path4.extname,
relative: import_path4.relative,
resolve: import_path4.resolve
process: {
argv: () => process.argv,
cwd: process.cwd,
emitWarning: (warning, type) => process.emitWarning(warning, type),
execPath: () => process.execPath,
exit: process.exit,
nextTick: process.nextTick,
stdColumns: typeof process.stdout.columns !== "undefined" ? process.stdout.columns : null
readFileSync: import_fs4.readFileSync,
require: () => {
throw new YError(REQUIRE_ERROR);
requireDirectory: () => {
stringWidth: (str) => {
return [...str].length;
y18n: y18n_default({
directory: (0, import_path4.resolve)(__dirname2, "../../../locales"),
updateFiles: false
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/typings/common-types.js
function assertNotStrictEqual(actual, expected, shim3, message) {
shim3.assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message);
function assertSingleKey(actual, shim3) {
shim3.assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, "string");
function objectKeys(object) {
return Object.keys(object);
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/is-promise.js
function isPromise(maybePromise) {
return !!maybePromise && !!maybePromise.then && typeof maybePromise.then === "function";
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/parse-command.js
function parseCommand(cmd) {
const extraSpacesStrippedCommand = cmd.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
const splitCommand = extraSpacesStrippedCommand.split(/\s+(?![^[]*]|[^<]*>)/);
const bregex = /\.*[\][<>]/g;
const firstCommand = splitCommand.shift();
if (!firstCommand)
throw new Error(`No command found in: ${cmd}`);
const parsedCommand = {
cmd: firstCommand.replace(bregex, ""),
demanded: [],
optional: []
splitCommand.forEach((cmd2, i) => {
let variadic = false;
cmd2 = cmd2.replace(/\s/g, "");
if (/\.+[\]>]/.test(cmd2) && i === splitCommand.length - 1)
variadic = true;
if (/^\[/.test(cmd2)) {
cmd: cmd2.replace(bregex, "").split("|"),
} else {
cmd: cmd2.replace(bregex, "").split("|"),
return parsedCommand;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/argsert.js
var positionName = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth"];
function argsert(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
function parseArgs() {
return typeof arg1 === "object" ? [{ demanded: [], optional: [] }, arg1, arg2] : [
parseCommand(`cmd ${arg1}`),
try {
let position = 0;
const [parsed, callerArguments, _length] = parseArgs();
const args = [].slice.call(callerArguments);
while (args.length && args[args.length - 1] === void 0)
const length = _length || args.length;
if (length < parsed.demanded.length) {
throw new YError(`Not enough arguments provided. Expected ${parsed.demanded.length} but received ${args.length}.`);
const totalCommands = parsed.demanded.length + parsed.optional.length;
if (length > totalCommands) {
throw new YError(`Too many arguments provided. Expected max ${totalCommands} but received ${length}.`);
parsed.demanded.forEach((demanded) => {
const arg = args.shift();
const observedType = guessType(arg);
const matchingTypes = demanded.cmd.filter((type) => type === observedType || type === "*");
if (matchingTypes.length === 0)
argumentTypeError(observedType, demanded.cmd, position);
position += 1;
parsed.optional.forEach((optional) => {
if (args.length === 0)
const arg = args.shift();
const observedType = guessType(arg);
const matchingTypes = optional.cmd.filter((type) => type === observedType || type === "*");
if (matchingTypes.length === 0)
argumentTypeError(observedType, optional.cmd, position);
position += 1;
} catch (err) {
function guessType(arg) {
if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
return "array";
} else if (arg === null) {
return "null";
return typeof arg;
function argumentTypeError(observedType, allowedTypes, position) {
throw new YError(`Invalid ${positionName[position] || "manyith"} argument. Expected ${allowedTypes.join(" or ")} but received ${observedType}.`);
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/middleware.js
var GlobalMiddleware = class {
constructor(yargs) {
this.globalMiddleware = [];
this.frozens = [];
this.yargs = yargs;
addMiddleware(callback, applyBeforeValidation, global2 = true, mutates = false) {
argsert("<array|function> [boolean] [boolean] [boolean]", [callback, applyBeforeValidation, global2], arguments.length);
if (Array.isArray(callback)) {
for (let i = 0; i < callback.length; i++) {
if (typeof callback[i] !== "function") {
throw Error("middleware must be a function");
const m = callback[i];
m.applyBeforeValidation = applyBeforeValidation;
m.global = global2;
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.globalMiddleware, callback);
} else if (typeof callback === "function") {
const m = callback;
m.applyBeforeValidation = applyBeforeValidation;
m.global = global2;
m.mutates = mutates;
return this.yargs;
addCoerceMiddleware(callback, option) {
const aliases = this.yargs.getAliases();
this.globalMiddleware = this.globalMiddleware.filter((m) => {
const toCheck = [...aliases[option] || [], option];
if (!m.option)
return true;
return !toCheck.includes(m.option);
callback.option = option;
return this.addMiddleware(callback, true, true, true);
getMiddleware() {
return this.globalMiddleware;
freeze() {
unfreeze() {
const frozen = this.frozens.pop();
if (frozen !== void 0)
this.globalMiddleware = frozen;
reset() {
this.globalMiddleware = this.globalMiddleware.filter((m) => m.global);
function commandMiddlewareFactory(commandMiddleware) {
if (!commandMiddleware)
return [];
return commandMiddleware.map((middleware) => {
middleware.applyBeforeValidation = false;
return middleware;
function applyMiddleware(argv, yargs, middlewares, beforeValidation) {
return middlewares.reduce((acc, middleware) => {
if (middleware.applyBeforeValidation !== beforeValidation) {
return acc;
if (middleware.mutates) {
if (middleware.applied)
return acc;
middleware.applied = true;
if (isPromise(acc)) {
return acc.then((initialObj) => Promise.all([initialObj, middleware(initialObj, yargs)])).then(([initialObj, middlewareObj]) => Object.assign(initialObj, middlewareObj));
} else {
const result = middleware(acc, yargs);
return isPromise(result) ? result.then((middlewareObj) => Object.assign(acc, middlewareObj)) : Object.assign(acc, result);
}, argv);
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/maybe-async-result.js
function maybeAsyncResult(getResult, resultHandler, errorHandler = (err) => {
throw err;
}) {
try {
const result = isFunction(getResult) ? getResult() : getResult;
return isPromise(result) ? result.then((result2) => resultHandler(result2)) : resultHandler(result);
} catch (err) {
return errorHandler(err);
function isFunction(arg) {
return typeof arg === "function";
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/which-module.js
function whichModule(exported) {
if (typeof require === "undefined")
return null;
for (let i = 0, files = Object.keys(require.cache), mod; i < files.length; i++) {
mod = require.cache[files[i]];
if (mod.exports === exported)
return mod;
return null;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/command.js
var DEFAULT_MARKER = /(^\*)|(^\$0)/;
var CommandInstance = class {
constructor(usage2, validation2, globalMiddleware, shim3) {
this.requireCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.handlers = {};
this.aliasMap = {};
this.frozens = [];
this.shim = shim3;
this.usage = usage2;
this.globalMiddleware = globalMiddleware;
this.validation = validation2;
addDirectory(dir, req, callerFile, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (typeof opts.recurse !== "boolean")
opts.recurse = false;
if (!Array.isArray(opts.extensions))
opts.extensions = ["js"];
const parentVisit = typeof opts.visit === "function" ? opts.visit : (o) => o;
opts.visit = (obj, joined, filename) => {
const visited = parentVisit(obj, joined, filename);
if (visited) {
if (this.requireCache.has(joined))
return visited;
return visited;
this.shim.requireDirectory({ require: req, filename: callerFile }, dir, opts);
addHandler(cmd, description, builder, handler, commandMiddleware, deprecated) {
let aliases = [];
const middlewares = commandMiddlewareFactory(commandMiddleware);
handler = handler || (() => {
if (Array.isArray(cmd)) {
if (isCommandAndAliases(cmd)) {
[cmd, ...aliases] = cmd;
} else {
for (const command2 of cmd) {
} else if (isCommandHandlerDefinition(cmd)) {
let command2 = Array.isArray(cmd.command) || typeof cmd.command === "string" ? cmd.command : this.moduleName(cmd);
if (cmd.aliases)
command2 = [].concat(command2).concat(cmd.aliases);
this.addHandler(command2, this.extractDesc(cmd), cmd.builder, cmd.handler, cmd.middlewares, cmd.deprecated);
} else if (isCommandBuilderDefinition(builder)) {
this.addHandler([cmd].concat(aliases), description, builder.builder, builder.handler, builder.middlewares, builder.deprecated);
if (typeof cmd === "string") {
const parsedCommand = parseCommand(cmd);
aliases = aliases.map((alias) => parseCommand(alias).cmd);
let isDefault = false;
const parsedAliases = [parsedCommand.cmd].concat(aliases).filter((c) => {
if (DEFAULT_MARKER.test(c)) {
isDefault = true;
return false;
return true;
if (parsedAliases.length === 0 && isDefault)
if (isDefault) {
parsedCommand.cmd = parsedAliases[0];
aliases = parsedAliases.slice(1);
cmd = cmd.replace(DEFAULT_MARKER, parsedCommand.cmd);
aliases.forEach((alias) => {
this.aliasMap[alias] = parsedCommand.cmd;
if (description !== false) {
this.usage.command(cmd, description, isDefault, aliases, deprecated);
this.handlers[parsedCommand.cmd] = {
original: cmd,
builder: builder || {},
demanded: parsedCommand.demanded,
optional: parsedCommand.optional
if (isDefault)
this.defaultCommand = this.handlers[parsedCommand.cmd];
getCommandHandlers() {
return this.handlers;
getCommands() {
return Object.keys(this.handlers).concat(Object.keys(this.aliasMap));
hasDefaultCommand() {
return !!this.defaultCommand;
runCommand(command2, yargs, parsed, commandIndex, helpOnly, helpOrVersionSet) {
const commandHandler = this.handlers[command2] || this.handlers[this.aliasMap[command2]] || this.defaultCommand;
const currentContext = yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext();
const parentCommands = currentContext.commands.slice();
const isDefaultCommand = !command2;
if (command2) {
const builderResult = this.applyBuilderUpdateUsageAndParse(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, yargs, parsed.aliases, parentCommands, commandIndex, helpOnly, helpOrVersionSet);
return isPromise(builderResult) ? builderResult.then((result) => this.applyMiddlewareAndGetResult(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, result.innerArgv, currentContext, helpOnly, result.aliases, yargs)) : this.applyMiddlewareAndGetResult(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, builderResult.innerArgv, currentContext, helpOnly, builderResult.aliases, yargs);
applyBuilderUpdateUsageAndParse(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, yargs, aliases, parentCommands, commandIndex, helpOnly, helpOrVersionSet) {
const builder = commandHandler.builder;
let innerYargs = yargs;
if (isCommandBuilderCallback(builder)) {
const builderOutput = builder(yargs.getInternalMethods().reset(aliases), helpOrVersionSet);
if (isPromise(builderOutput)) {
return builderOutput.then((output) => {
innerYargs = isYargsInstance(output) ? output : yargs;
return this.parseAndUpdateUsage(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, innerYargs, parentCommands, commandIndex, helpOnly);
} else if (isCommandBuilderOptionDefinitions(builder)) {
innerYargs = yargs.getInternalMethods().reset(aliases);
Object.keys(commandHandler.builder).forEach((key) => {
innerYargs.option(key, builder[key]);
return this.parseAndUpdateUsage(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, innerYargs, parentCommands, commandIndex, helpOnly);
parseAndUpdateUsage(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, innerYargs, parentCommands, commandIndex, helpOnly) {
if (isDefaultCommand)
if (this.shouldUpdateUsage(innerYargs)) {
innerYargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().usage(this.usageFromParentCommandsCommandHandler(parentCommands, commandHandler), commandHandler.description);
const innerArgv = innerYargs.getInternalMethods().runYargsParserAndExecuteCommands(null, void 0, true, commandIndex, helpOnly);
return isPromise(innerArgv) ? innerArgv.then((argv) => ({
aliases: innerYargs.parsed.aliases,
innerArgv: argv
})) : {
aliases: innerYargs.parsed.aliases,
shouldUpdateUsage(yargs) {
return !yargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().getUsageDisabled() && yargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().getUsage().length === 0;
usageFromParentCommandsCommandHandler(parentCommands, commandHandler) {
const c = DEFAULT_MARKER.test(commandHandler.original) ? commandHandler.original.replace(DEFAULT_MARKER, "").trim() : commandHandler.original;
const pc = parentCommands.filter((c2) => {
return !DEFAULT_MARKER.test(c2);
return `$0 ${pc.join(" ")}`;
applyMiddlewareAndGetResult(isDefaultCommand, commandHandler, innerArgv, currentContext, helpOnly, aliases, yargs) {
let positionalMap = {};
if (helpOnly)
return innerArgv;
if (!yargs.getInternalMethods().getHasOutput()) {
positionalMap = this.populatePositionals(commandHandler, innerArgv, currentContext, yargs);
const middlewares = this.globalMiddleware.getMiddleware().slice(0).concat(commandHandler.middlewares);
innerArgv = applyMiddleware(innerArgv, yargs, middlewares, true);
if (!yargs.getInternalMethods().getHasOutput()) {
const validation2 = yargs.getInternalMethods().runValidation(aliases, positionalMap, yargs.parsed.error, isDefaultCommand);
innerArgv = maybeAsyncResult(innerArgv, (result) => {
return result;
if (commandHandler.handler && !yargs.getInternalMethods().getHasOutput()) {
const populateDoubleDash = !!yargs.getOptions().configuration["populate--"];
yargs.getInternalMethods().postProcess(innerArgv, populateDoubleDash, false, false);
innerArgv = applyMiddleware(innerArgv, yargs, middlewares, false);
innerArgv = maybeAsyncResult(innerArgv, (result) => {
const handlerResult = commandHandler.handler(result);
return isPromise(handlerResult) ? handlerResult.then(() => result) : result;
if (!isDefaultCommand) {
if (isPromise(innerArgv) && !yargs.getInternalMethods().hasParseCallback()) {
innerArgv.catch((error) => {
try {
yargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().fail(null, error);
} catch (_err) {
if (!isDefaultCommand) {
return innerArgv;
populatePositionals(commandHandler, argv, context, yargs) {
argv._ = argv._.slice(context.commands.length);
const demanded = commandHandler.demanded.slice(0);
const optional = commandHandler.optional.slice(0);
const positionalMap = {};
this.validation.positionalCount(demanded.length, argv._.length);
while (demanded.length) {
const demand = demanded.shift();
this.populatePositional(demand, argv, positionalMap);
while (optional.length) {
const maybe = optional.shift();
this.populatePositional(maybe, argv, positionalMap);
argv._ = context.commands.concat(argv._.map((a) => "" + a));
this.postProcessPositionals(argv, positionalMap, this.cmdToParseOptions(commandHandler.original), yargs);
return positionalMap;
populatePositional(positional, argv, positionalMap) {
const cmd = positional.cmd[0];
if (positional.variadic) {
positionalMap[cmd] = argv._.splice(0).map(String);
} else {
if (argv._.length)
positionalMap[cmd] = [String(argv._.shift())];
cmdToParseOptions(cmdString) {
const parseOptions = {
array: [],
default: {},
alias: {},
demand: {}
const parsed = parseCommand(cmdString);
parsed.demanded.forEach((d) => {
const [cmd, ...aliases] = d.cmd;
if (d.variadic) {
parseOptions.default[cmd] = [];
parseOptions.alias[cmd] = aliases;
parseOptions.demand[cmd] = true;
parsed.optional.forEach((o) => {
const [cmd, ...aliases] = o.cmd;
if (o.variadic) {
parseOptions.default[cmd] = [];
parseOptions.alias[cmd] = aliases;
return parseOptions;
postProcessPositionals(argv, positionalMap, parseOptions, yargs) {
const options = Object.assign({}, yargs.getOptions());
options.default = Object.assign(parseOptions.default, options.default);
for (const key of Object.keys(parseOptions.alias)) {
options.alias[key] = (options.alias[key] || []).concat(parseOptions.alias[key]);
options.array = options.array.concat(parseOptions.array);
options.config = {};
const unparsed = [];
Object.keys(positionalMap).forEach((key) => {
positionalMap[key].map((value) => {
if (options.configuration["unknown-options-as-args"])
options.key[key] = true;
if (!unparsed.length)
const config = Object.assign({}, options.configuration, {
"populate--": false
const parsed = this.shim.Parser.detailed(unparsed, Object.assign({}, options, {
configuration: config
if (parsed.error) {
yargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().fail(parsed.error.message, parsed.error);
} else {
const positionalKeys = Object.keys(positionalMap);
Object.keys(positionalMap).forEach((key) => {
const defaults = yargs.getOptions().default;
Object.keys(parsed.argv).forEach((key) => {
if (positionalKeys.includes(key)) {
if (!positionalMap[key])
positionalMap[key] = parsed.argv[key];
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(defaults, key) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(argv, key) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parsed.argv, key) && (Array.isArray(argv[key]) || Array.isArray(parsed.argv[key]))) {
argv[key] = [].concat(argv[key], parsed.argv[key]);
} else {
argv[key] = parsed.argv[key];
runDefaultBuilderOn(yargs) {
if (!this.defaultCommand)
if (this.shouldUpdateUsage(yargs)) {
const commandString = DEFAULT_MARKER.test(this.defaultCommand.original) ? this.defaultCommand.original : this.defaultCommand.original.replace(/^[^[\]<>]*/, "$0 ");
yargs.getInternalMethods().getUsageInstance().usage(commandString, this.defaultCommand.description);
const builder = this.defaultCommand.builder;
if (isCommandBuilderCallback(builder)) {
return builder(yargs, true);
} else if (!isCommandBuilderDefinition(builder)) {
Object.keys(builder).forEach((key) => {
yargs.option(key, builder[key]);
return void 0;
moduleName(obj) {
const mod = whichModule(obj);
if (!mod)
throw new Error(`No command name given for module: ${this.shim.inspect(obj)}`);
return this.commandFromFilename(mod.filename);
commandFromFilename(filename) {
return this.shim.path.basename(filename, this.shim.path.extname(filename));
extractDesc({ describe, description, desc }) {
for (const test of [describe, description, desc]) {
if (typeof test === "string" || test === false)
return test;
assertNotStrictEqual(test, true, this.shim);
return false;
freeze() {
handlers: this.handlers,
aliasMap: this.aliasMap,
defaultCommand: this.defaultCommand
unfreeze() {
const frozen = this.frozens.pop();
assertNotStrictEqual(frozen, void 0, this.shim);
handlers: this.handlers,
aliasMap: this.aliasMap,
defaultCommand: this.defaultCommand
} = frozen);
reset() {
this.handlers = {};
this.aliasMap = {};
this.defaultCommand = void 0;
this.requireCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
return this;
function command(usage2, validation2, globalMiddleware, shim3) {
return new CommandInstance(usage2, validation2, globalMiddleware, shim3);
function isCommandBuilderDefinition(builder) {
return typeof builder === "object" && !!builder.builder && typeof builder.handler === "function";
function isCommandAndAliases(cmd) {
return cmd.every((c) => typeof c === "string");
function isCommandBuilderCallback(builder) {
return typeof builder === "function";
function isCommandBuilderOptionDefinitions(builder) {
return typeof builder === "object";
function isCommandHandlerDefinition(cmd) {
return typeof cmd === "object" && !Array.isArray(cmd);
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/obj-filter.js
function objFilter(original = {}, filter = () => true) {
const obj = {};
objectKeys(original).forEach((key) => {
if (filter(key, original[key])) {
obj[key] = original[key];
return obj;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/set-blocking.js
function setBlocking(blocking) {
if (typeof process === "undefined")
[process.stdout, process.stderr].forEach((_stream) => {
const stream = _stream;
if (stream._handle && stream.isTTY && typeof stream._handle.setBlocking === "function") {
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/usage.js
function isBoolean(fail) {
return typeof fail === "boolean";
function usage(yargs, shim3) {
const __ = shim3.y18n.__;
const self = {};
const fails = [];
self.failFn = function failFn(f) {
let failMessage = null;
let showHelpOnFail = true;
self.showHelpOnFail = function showHelpOnFailFn(arg1 = true, arg2) {
function parseFunctionArgs() {
return typeof arg1 === "string" ? [true, arg1] : [arg1, arg2];
const [enabled, message] = parseFunctionArgs();
failMessage = message;
showHelpOnFail = enabled;
return self;
let failureOutput = false;
self.fail = function fail(msg, err) {
const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
if (fails.length) {
for (let i = fails.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const fail2 = fails[i];
if (isBoolean(fail2)) {
if (err)
throw err;
else if (msg)
throw Error(msg);
} else {
fail2(msg, err, self);
} else {
if (yargs.getExitProcess())
if (!failureOutput) {
failureOutput = true;
if (showHelpOnFail) {
if (msg || err)
logger.error(msg || err);
if (failMessage) {
if (msg || err)
err = err || new YError(msg);
if (yargs.getExitProcess()) {
return yargs.exit(1);
} else if (yargs.getInternalMethods().hasParseCallback()) {
return yargs.exit(1, err);
} else {
throw err;
let usages = [];
let usageDisabled = false;
self.usage = (msg, description) => {
if (msg === null) {
usageDisabled = true;
usages = [];
return self;
usageDisabled = false;
usages.push([msg, description || ""]);
return self;
self.getUsage = () => {
return usages;
self.getUsageDisabled = () => {
return usageDisabled;
self.getPositionalGroupName = () => {
return __("Positionals:");
let examples = [];
self.example = (cmd, description) => {
examples.push([cmd, description || ""]);
let commands = [];
self.command = function command2(cmd, description, isDefault, aliases, deprecated = false) {
if (isDefault) {
commands = commands.map((cmdArray) => {
cmdArray[2] = false;
return cmdArray;
commands.push([cmd, description || "", isDefault, aliases, deprecated]);
self.getCommands = () => commands;
let descriptions = {};
self.describe = function describe(keyOrKeys, desc) {
if (Array.isArray(keyOrKeys)) {
keyOrKeys.forEach((k) => {
self.describe(k, desc);
} else if (typeof keyOrKeys === "object") {
Object.keys(keyOrKeys).forEach((k) => {
self.describe(k, keyOrKeys[k]);
} else {
descriptions[keyOrKeys] = desc;
self.getDescriptions = () => descriptions;
let epilogs = [];
self.epilog = (msg) => {
let wrapSet = false;
let wrap2;
self.wrap = (cols) => {
wrapSet = true;
wrap2 = cols;
function getWrap() {
if (!wrapSet) {
wrap2 = windowWidth();
wrapSet = true;
return wrap2;
const deferY18nLookupPrefix = "__yargsString__:";
self.deferY18nLookup = (str) => deferY18nLookupPrefix + str;
self.help = function help() {
if (cachedHelpMessage)
return cachedHelpMessage;
const base$0 = yargs.customScriptName ? yargs.$0 : shim3.path.basename(yargs.$0);
const demandedOptions = yargs.getDemandedOptions();
const demandedCommands = yargs.getDemandedCommands();
const deprecatedOptions = yargs.getDeprecatedOptions();
const groups = yargs.getGroups();
const options = yargs.getOptions();
let keys = [];
keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(descriptions));
keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(demandedOptions));
keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(demandedCommands));
keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(options.default));
keys = keys.filter(filterHiddenOptions);
keys = Object.keys(keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
if (key !== "_")
acc[key] = true;
return acc;
}, {}));
const theWrap = getWrap();
const ui2 = shim3.cliui({
width: theWrap,
wrap: !!theWrap
if (!usageDisabled) {
if (usages.length) {
usages.forEach((usage2) => {
ui2.div({ text: `${usage2[0].replace(/\$0/g, base$0)}` });
if (usage2[1]) {
ui2.div({ text: `${usage2[1]}`, padding: [1, 0, 0, 0] });
} else if (commands.length) {
let u = null;
if (demandedCommands._) {
u = `${base$0} <${__("command")}>
} else {
u = `${base$0} [${__("command")}]
if (commands.length > 1 || commands.length === 1 && !commands[0][2]) {
const context = yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext();
const parentCommands = context.commands.length ? `${context.commands.join(" ")} ` : "";
if (yargs.getInternalMethods().getParserConfiguration()["sort-commands"] === true) {
commands = commands.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]));
const prefix = base$0 ? `${base$0} ` : "";
commands.forEach((command2) => {
const commandString = `${prefix}${parentCommands}${command2[0].replace(/^\$0 ?/, "")}`;
text: commandString,
padding: [0, 2, 0, 2],
width: maxWidth(commands, theWrap, `${base$0}${parentCommands}`) + 4
}, { text: command2[1] });
const hints = [];
if (command2[2])
if (command2[3] && command2[3].length) {
hints.push(`[${__("aliases:")} ${command2[3].join(", ")}]`);
if (command2[4]) {
if (typeof command2[4] === "string") {
hints.push(`[${__("deprecated: %s", command2[4])}]`);
} else {
if (hints.length) {
text: hints.join(" "),
padding: [0, 0, 0, 2],
align: "right"
} else {
const aliasKeys = (Object.keys(options.alias) || []).concat(Object.keys(yargs.parsed.newAliases) || []);
keys = keys.filter((key) => !yargs.parsed.newAliases[key] && aliasKeys.every((alias) => (options.alias[alias] || []).indexOf(key) === -1));
const defaultGroup = __("Options:");
if (!groups[defaultGroup])
groups[defaultGroup] = [];
addUngroupedKeys(keys, options.alias, groups, defaultGroup);
const isLongSwitch = (sw) => /^--/.test(getText(sw));
const displayedGroups = Object.keys(groups).filter((groupName) => groups[groupName].length > 0).map((groupName) => {
const normalizedKeys = groups[groupName].filter(filterHiddenOptions).map((key) => {
if (aliasKeys.includes(key))
return key;
for (let i = 0, aliasKey; (aliasKey = aliasKeys[i]) !== void 0; i++) {
if ((options.alias[aliasKey] || []).includes(key))
return aliasKey;
return key;
return { groupName, normalizedKeys };
}).filter(({ normalizedKeys }) => normalizedKeys.length > 0).map(({ groupName, normalizedKeys }) => {
const switches = normalizedKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = [key].concat(options.alias[key] || []).map((sw) => {
if (groupName === self.getPositionalGroupName())
return sw;
else {
return (/^[0-9]$/.test(sw) ? options.boolean.includes(key) ? "-" : "--" : sw.length > 1 ? "--" : "-") + sw;
}).sort((sw1, sw2) => isLongSwitch(sw1) === isLongSwitch(sw2) ? 0 : isLongSwitch(sw1) ? 1 : -1).join(", ");
return acc;
}, {});
return { groupName, normalizedKeys, switches };
const shortSwitchesUsed = displayedGroups.filter(({ groupName }) => groupName !== self.getPositionalGroupName()).some(({ normalizedKeys, switches }) => !normalizedKeys.every((key) => isLongSwitch(switches[key])));
if (shortSwitchesUsed) {
displayedGroups.filter(({ groupName }) => groupName !== self.getPositionalGroupName()).forEach(({ normalizedKeys, switches }) => {
normalizedKeys.forEach((key) => {
if (isLongSwitch(switches[key])) {
switches[key] = addIndentation(switches[key], "-x, ".length);
displayedGroups.forEach(({ groupName, normalizedKeys, switches }) => {
normalizedKeys.forEach((key) => {
const kswitch = switches[key];
let desc = descriptions[key] || "";
let type = null;
if (desc.includes(deferY18nLookupPrefix))
desc = __(desc.substring(deferY18nLookupPrefix.length));
if (options.boolean.includes(key))
type = `[${__("boolean")}]`;
if (options.count.includes(key))
type = `[${__("count")}]`;
if (options.string.includes(key))
type = `[${__("string")}]`;
if (options.normalize.includes(key))
type = `[${__("string")}]`;
if (options.array.includes(key))
type = `[${__("array")}]`;
if (options.number.includes(key))
type = `[${__("number")}]`;
const deprecatedExtra = (deprecated) => typeof deprecated === "string" ? `[${__("deprecated: %s", deprecated)}]` : `[${__("deprecated")}]`;
const extra = [
key in deprecatedOptions ? deprecatedExtra(deprecatedOptions[key]) : null,
key in demandedOptions ? `[${__("required")}]` : null,
options.choices && options.choices[key] ? `[${__("choices:")} ${self.stringifiedValues(options.choices[key])}]` : null,
defaultString(options.default[key], options.defaultDescription[key])
].filter(Boolean).join(" ");
text: getText(kswitch),
padding: [0, 2, 0, 2 + getIndentation(kswitch)],
width: maxWidth(switches, theWrap) + 4
}, desc);
if (extra)
ui2.div({ text: extra, padding: [0, 0, 0, 2], align: "right" });
if (examples.length) {
examples.forEach((example) => {
example[0] = example[0].replace(/\$0/g, base$0);
examples.forEach((example) => {
if (example[1] === "") {
text: example[0],
padding: [0, 2, 0, 2]
} else {
text: example[0],
padding: [0, 2, 0, 2],
width: maxWidth(examples, theWrap) + 4
}, {
text: example[1]
if (epilogs.length > 0) {
const e = epilogs.map((epilog) => epilog.replace(/\$0/g, base$0)).join("\n");
return ui2.toString().replace(/\s*$/, "");
function maxWidth(table, theWrap, modifier) {
let width = 0;
if (!Array.isArray(table)) {
table = Object.values(table).map((v) => [v]);
table.forEach((v) => {
width = Math.max(shim3.stringWidth(modifier ? `${modifier} ${getText(v[0])}` : getText(v[0])) + getIndentation(v[0]), width);
if (theWrap)
width = Math.min(width, parseInt((theWrap * 0.5).toString(), 10));
return width;
function normalizeAliases() {
const demandedOptions = yargs.getDemandedOptions();
const options = yargs.getOptions();
(Object.keys(options.alias) || []).forEach((key) => {
options.alias[key].forEach((alias) => {
if (descriptions[alias])
self.describe(key, descriptions[alias]);
if (alias in demandedOptions)
yargs.demandOption(key, demandedOptions[alias]);
if (options.boolean.includes(alias))
if (options.count.includes(alias))
if (options.string.includes(alias))
if (options.normalize.includes(alias))
if (options.array.includes(alias))
if (options.number.includes(alias))
let cachedHelpMessage;
self.cacheHelpMessage = function() {
cachedHelpMessage = this.help();
self.clearCachedHelpMessage = function() {
cachedHelpMessage = void 0;
self.hasCachedHelpMessage = function() {
return !!cachedHelpMessage;
function addUngroupedKeys(keys, aliases, groups, defaultGroup) {
let groupedKeys = [];
let toCheck = null;
Object.keys(groups).forEach((group) => {
groupedKeys = groupedKeys.concat(groups[group]);
keys.forEach((key) => {
toCheck = [key].concat(aliases[key]);
if (!toCheck.some((k) => groupedKeys.indexOf(k) !== -1)) {
return groupedKeys;
function filterHiddenOptions(key) {
return yargs.getOptions().hiddenOptions.indexOf(key) < 0 || yargs.parsed.argv[yargs.getOptions().showHiddenOpt];
self.showHelp = (level) => {
const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
if (!level)
level = "error";
const emit = typeof level === "function" ? level : logger[level];
self.functionDescription = (fn) => {
const description = fn.name ? shim3.Parser.decamelize(fn.name, "-") : __("generated-value");
return ["(", description, ")"].join("");
self.stringifiedValues = function stringifiedValues(values, separator) {
let string = "";
const sep = separator || ", ";
const array = [].concat(values);
if (!values || !array.length)
return string;
array.forEach((value) => {
if (string.length)
string += sep;
string += JSON.stringify(value);
return string;
function defaultString(value, defaultDescription) {
let string = `[${__("default:")} `;
if (value === void 0 && !defaultDescription)
return null;
if (defaultDescription) {
string += defaultDescription;
} else {
switch (typeof value) {
case "string":
string += `"${value}"`;
case "object":
string += JSON.stringify(value);
string += value;
return `${string}]`;
function windowWidth() {
const maxWidth2 = 80;
if (shim3.process.stdColumns) {
return Math.min(maxWidth2, shim3.process.stdColumns);
} else {
return maxWidth2;
let version = null;
self.version = (ver) => {
version = ver;
self.showVersion = (level) => {
const logger = yargs.getInternalMethods().getLoggerInstance();
if (!level)
level = "error";
const emit = typeof level === "function" ? level : logger[level];
self.reset = function reset(localLookup) {
failMessage = null;
failureOutput = false;
usages = [];
usageDisabled = false;
epilogs = [];
examples = [];
commands = [];
descriptions = objFilter(descriptions, (k) => !localLookup[k]);
return self;
const frozens = [];
self.freeze = function freeze() {
self.unfreeze = function unfreeze() {
const frozen = frozens.pop();
if (!frozen)
} = frozen);
return self;
function isIndentedText(text) {
return typeof text === "object";
function addIndentation(text, indent) {
return isIndentedText(text) ? { text: text.text, indentation: text.indentation + indent } : { text, indentation: indent };
function getIndentation(text) {
return isIndentedText(text) ? text.indentation : 0;
function getText(text) {
return isIndentedText(text) ? text.text : text;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/completion-templates.js
var completionShTemplate = `###-begin-{{app_name}}-completions-###
# yargs command completion script
# Installation: {{app_path}} {{completion_command}} >> ~/.bashrc
# or {{app_path}} {{completion_command}} >> ~/.bash_profile on OSX.
local cur_word args type_list
# ask yargs to generate completions.
type_list=$({{app_path}} --get-yargs-completions "\${args[@]}")
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "\${type_list}" -- \${cur_word}) )
# if no match was found, fall back to filename completion
if [ \${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
return 0
complete -o bashdefault -o default -F _{{app_name}}_yargs_completions {{app_name}}
var completionZshTemplate = `#compdef {{app_name}}
# yargs command completion script
# Installation: {{app_path}} {{completion_command}} >> ~/.zshrc
# or {{app_path}} {{completion_command}} >> ~/.zsh_profile on OSX.
local reply
local si=$IFS
' reply=($(COMP_CWORD="$((CURRENT-1))" COMP_LINE="$BUFFER" COMP_POINT="$CURSOR" {{app_path}} --get-yargs-completions "\${words[@]}"))
_describe 'values' reply
compdef _{{app_name}}_yargs_completions {{app_name}}
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/completion.js
var Completion = class {
constructor(yargs, usage2, command2, shim3) {
var _a, _b, _c;
this.yargs = yargs;
this.usage = usage2;
this.command = command2;
this.shim = shim3;
this.completionKey = "get-yargs-completions";
this.aliases = null;
this.customCompletionFunction = null;
this.zshShell = (_c = ((_a = this.shim.getEnv("SHELL")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes("zsh")) || ((_b = this.shim.getEnv("ZSH_NAME")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("zsh"))) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false;
defaultCompletion(args, argv, current, done) {
const handlers = this.command.getCommandHandlers();
for (let i = 0, ii = args.length; i < ii; ++i) {
if (handlers[args[i]] && handlers[args[i]].builder) {
const builder = handlers[args[i]].builder;
if (isCommandBuilderCallback(builder)) {
const y = this.yargs.getInternalMethods().reset();
builder(y, true);
return y.argv;
const completions = [];
this.commandCompletions(completions, args, current);
this.optionCompletions(completions, args, argv, current);
this.choicesCompletions(completions, args, argv, current);
done(null, completions);
commandCompletions(completions, args, current) {
const parentCommands = this.yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext().commands;
if (!current.match(/^-/) && parentCommands[parentCommands.length - 1] !== current && !this.previousArgHasChoices(args)) {
this.usage.getCommands().forEach((usageCommand) => {
const commandName = parseCommand(usageCommand[0]).cmd;
if (args.indexOf(commandName) === -1) {
if (!this.zshShell) {
} else {
const desc = usageCommand[1] || "";
completions.push(commandName.replace(/:/g, "\\:") + ":" + desc);
optionCompletions(completions, args, argv, current) {
if ((current.match(/^-/) || current === "" && completions.length === 0) && !this.previousArgHasChoices(args)) {
const options = this.yargs.getOptions();
const positionalKeys = this.yargs.getGroups()[this.usage.getPositionalGroupName()] || [];
Object.keys(options.key).forEach((key) => {
const negable = !!options.configuration["boolean-negation"] && options.boolean.includes(key);
const isPositionalKey = positionalKeys.includes(key);
if (!isPositionalKey && !this.argsContainKey(args, argv, key, negable)) {
this.completeOptionKey(key, completions, current);
if (negable && !!options.default[key])
this.completeOptionKey(`no-${key}`, completions, current);
choicesCompletions(completions, args, argv, current) {
if (this.previousArgHasChoices(args)) {
const choices = this.getPreviousArgChoices(args);
if (choices && choices.length > 0) {
getPreviousArgChoices(args) {
if (args.length < 1)
let previousArg = args[args.length - 1];
let filter = "";
if (!previousArg.startsWith("--") && args.length > 1) {
filter = previousArg;
previousArg = args[args.length - 2];
if (!previousArg.startsWith("--"))
const previousArgKey = previousArg.replace(/-/g, "");
const options = this.yargs.getOptions();
if (Object.keys(options.key).some((key) => key === previousArgKey) && Array.isArray(options.choices[previousArgKey])) {
return options.choices[previousArgKey].filter((choice) => !filter || choice.startsWith(filter));
previousArgHasChoices(args) {
const choices = this.getPreviousArgChoices(args);
return choices !== void 0 && choices.length > 0;
argsContainKey(args, argv, key, negable) {
if (args.indexOf(`--${key}`) !== -1)
return true;
if (negable && args.indexOf(`--no-${key}`) !== -1)
return true;
if (this.aliases) {
for (const alias of this.aliases[key]) {
if (argv[alias] !== void 0)
return true;
return false;
completeOptionKey(key, completions, current) {
const descs = this.usage.getDescriptions();
const startsByTwoDashes = (s) => /^--/.test(s);
const isShortOption = (s) => /^[^0-9]$/.test(s);
const dashes = !startsByTwoDashes(current) && isShortOption(key) ? "-" : "--";
if (!this.zshShell) {
completions.push(dashes + key);
} else {
const desc = descs[key] || "";
completions.push(dashes + `${key.replace(/:/g, "\\:")}:${desc.replace("__yargsString__:", "")}`);
customCompletion(args, argv, current, done) {
assertNotStrictEqual(this.customCompletionFunction, null, this.shim);
if (isSyncCompletionFunction(this.customCompletionFunction)) {
const result = this.customCompletionFunction(current, argv);
if (isPromise(result)) {
return result.then((list) => {
this.shim.process.nextTick(() => {
done(null, list);
}).catch((err) => {
this.shim.process.nextTick(() => {
done(err, void 0);
return done(null, result);
} else if (isFallbackCompletionFunction(this.customCompletionFunction)) {
return this.customCompletionFunction(current, argv, (onCompleted = done) => this.defaultCompletion(args, argv, current, onCompleted), (completions) => {
done(null, completions);
} else {
return this.customCompletionFunction(current, argv, (completions) => {
done(null, completions);
getCompletion(args, done) {
const current = args.length ? args[args.length - 1] : "";
const argv = this.yargs.parse(args, true);
const completionFunction = this.customCompletionFunction ? (argv2) => this.customCompletion(args, argv2, current, done) : (argv2) => this.defaultCompletion(args, argv2, current, done);
return isPromise(argv) ? argv.then(completionFunction) : completionFunction(argv);
generateCompletionScript($0, cmd) {
let script = this.zshShell ? completionZshTemplate : completionShTemplate;
const name = this.shim.path.basename($0);
if ($0.match(/\.js$/))
$0 = `./${$0}`;
script = script.replace(/{{app_name}}/g, name);
script = script.replace(/{{completion_command}}/g, cmd);
return script.replace(/{{app_path}}/g, $0);
registerFunction(fn) {
this.customCompletionFunction = fn;
setParsed(parsed) {
this.aliases = parsed.aliases;
function completion(yargs, usage2, command2, shim3) {
return new Completion(yargs, usage2, command2, shim3);
function isSyncCompletionFunction(completionFunction) {
return completionFunction.length < 3;
function isFallbackCompletionFunction(completionFunction) {
return completionFunction.length > 3;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/levenshtein.js
function levenshtein(a, b) {
if (a.length === 0)
return b.length;
if (b.length === 0)
return a.length;
const matrix = [];
let i;
for (i = 0; i <= b.length; i++) {
matrix[i] = [i];
let j;
for (j = 0; j <= a.length; j++) {
matrix[0][j] = j;
for (i = 1; i <= b.length; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= a.length; j++) {
if (b.charAt(i - 1) === a.charAt(j - 1)) {
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j - 1];
} else {
if (i > 1 && j > 1 && b.charAt(i - 2) === a.charAt(j - 1) && b.charAt(i - 1) === a.charAt(j - 2)) {
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 2][j - 2] + 1;
} else {
matrix[i][j] = Math.min(matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + 1, Math.min(matrix[i][j - 1] + 1, matrix[i - 1][j] + 1));
return matrix[b.length][a.length];
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/validation.js
var specialKeys = ["$0", "--", "_"];
function validation(yargs, usage2, shim3) {
const __ = shim3.y18n.__;
const __n = shim3.y18n.__n;
const self = {};
self.nonOptionCount = function nonOptionCount(argv) {
const demandedCommands = yargs.getDemandedCommands();
const positionalCount = argv._.length + (argv["--"] ? argv["--"].length : 0);
const _s = positionalCount - yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext().commands.length;
if (demandedCommands._ && (_s < demandedCommands._.min || _s > demandedCommands._.max)) {
if (_s < demandedCommands._.min) {
if (demandedCommands._.minMsg !== void 0) {
usage2.fail(demandedCommands._.minMsg ? demandedCommands._.minMsg.replace(/\$0/g, _s.toString()).replace(/\$1/, demandedCommands._.min.toString()) : null);
} else {
usage2.fail(__n("Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s", "Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s", _s, _s.toString(), demandedCommands._.min.toString()));
} else if (_s > demandedCommands._.max) {
if (demandedCommands._.maxMsg !== void 0) {
usage2.fail(demandedCommands._.maxMsg ? demandedCommands._.maxMsg.replace(/\$0/g, _s.toString()).replace(/\$1/, demandedCommands._.max.toString()) : null);
} else {
usage2.fail(__n("Too many non-option arguments: got %s, maximum of %s", "Too many non-option arguments: got %s, maximum of %s", _s, _s.toString(), demandedCommands._.max.toString()));
self.positionalCount = function positionalCount(required, observed) {
if (observed < required) {
usage2.fail(__n("Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s", "Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s", observed, observed + "", required + ""));
self.requiredArguments = function requiredArguments(argv, demandedOptions) {
let missing = null;
for (const key of Object.keys(demandedOptions)) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(argv, key) || typeof argv[key] === "undefined") {
missing = missing || {};
missing[key] = demandedOptions[key];
if (missing) {
const customMsgs = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(missing)) {
const msg = missing[key];
if (msg && customMsgs.indexOf(msg) < 0) {
const customMsg = customMsgs.length ? `
${customMsgs.join("\n")}` : "";
usage2.fail(__n("Missing required argument: %s", "Missing required arguments: %s", Object.keys(missing).length, Object.keys(missing).join(", ") + customMsg));
self.unknownArguments = function unknownArguments(argv, aliases, positionalMap, isDefaultCommand, checkPositionals = true) {
var _a;
const commandKeys = yargs.getInternalMethods().getCommandInstance().getCommands();
const unknown = [];
const currentContext = yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext();
Object.keys(argv).forEach((key) => {
if (!specialKeys.includes(key) && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(positionalMap, key) && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(yargs.getInternalMethods().getParseContext(), key) && !self.isValidAndSomeAliasIsNotNew(key, aliases)) {
if (checkPositionals && (currentContext.commands.length > 0 || commandKeys.length > 0 || isDefaultCommand)) {
argv._.slice(currentContext.commands.length).forEach((key) => {
if (!commandKeys.includes("" + key)) {
unknown.push("" + key);
if (checkPositionals) {
const demandedCommands = yargs.getDemandedCommands();
const maxNonOptDemanded = ((_a = demandedCommands._) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.max) || 0;
const expected = currentContext.commands.length + maxNonOptDemanded;
if (expected < argv._.length) {
argv._.slice(expected).forEach((key) => {
key = String(key);
if (!currentContext.commands.includes(key) && !unknown.includes(key)) {
if (unknown.length) {
usage2.fail(__n("Unknown argument: %s", "Unknown arguments: %s", unknown.length, unknown.join(", ")));
self.unknownCommands = function unknownCommands(argv) {
const commandKeys = yargs.getInternalMethods().getCommandInstance().getCommands();
const unknown = [];
const currentContext = yargs.getInternalMethods().getContext();
if (currentContext.commands.length > 0 || commandKeys.length > 0) {
argv._.slice(currentContext.commands.length).forEach((key) => {
if (!commandKeys.includes("" + key)) {
unknown.push("" + key);
if (unknown.length > 0) {
usage2.fail(__n("Unknown command: %s", "Unknown commands: %s", unknown.length, unknown.join(", ")));
return true;
} else {
return false;
self.isValidAndSomeAliasIsNotNew = function isValidAndSomeAliasIsNotNew(key, aliases) {
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(aliases, key)) {
return false;
const newAliases = yargs.parsed.newAliases;
return [key, ...aliases[key]].some((a) => !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(newAliases, a) || !newAliases[key]);
self.limitedChoices = function limitedChoices(argv) {
const options = yargs.getOptions();
const invalid = {};
if (!Object.keys(options.choices).length)
Object.keys(argv).forEach((key) => {
if (specialKeys.indexOf(key) === -1 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.choices, key)) {
[].concat(argv[key]).forEach((value) => {
if (options.choices[key].indexOf(value) === -1 && value !== void 0) {
invalid[key] = (invalid[key] || []).concat(value);
const invalidKeys = Object.keys(invalid);
if (!invalidKeys.length)
let msg = __("Invalid values:");
invalidKeys.forEach((key) => {
msg += `
${__("Argument: %s, Given: %s, Choices: %s", key, usage2.stringifiedValues(invalid[key]), usage2.stringifiedValues(options.choices[key]))}`;
let implied = {};
self.implies = function implies(key, value) {
argsert("<string|object> [array|number|string]", [key, value], arguments.length);
if (typeof key === "object") {
Object.keys(key).forEach((k) => {
self.implies(k, key[k]);
} else {
if (!implied[key]) {
implied[key] = [];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((i) => self.implies(key, i));
} else {
assertNotStrictEqual(value, void 0, shim3);
self.getImplied = function getImplied() {
return implied;
function keyExists(argv, val) {
const num = Number(val);
val = isNaN(num) ? val : num;
if (typeof val === "number") {
val = argv._.length >= val;
} else if (val.match(/^--no-.+/)) {
val = val.match(/^--no-(.+)/)[1];
val = !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(argv, val);
} else {
val = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(argv, val);
return val;
self.implications = function implications(argv) {
const implyFail = [];
Object.keys(implied).forEach((key) => {
const origKey = key;
(implied[key] || []).forEach((value) => {
let key2 = origKey;
const origValue = value;
key2 = keyExists(argv, key2);
value = keyExists(argv, value);
if (key2 && !value) {
implyFail.push(` ${origKey} -> ${origValue}`);
if (implyFail.length) {
let msg = `${__("Implications failed:")}
implyFail.forEach((value) => {
msg += value;
let conflicting = {};
self.conflicts = function conflicts(key, value) {
argsert("<string|object> [array|string]", [key, value], arguments.length);
if (typeof key === "object") {
Object.keys(key).forEach((k) => {
self.conflicts(k, key[k]);
} else {
if (!conflicting[key]) {
conflicting[key] = [];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((i) => self.conflicts(key, i));
} else {
self.getConflicting = () => conflicting;
self.conflicting = function conflictingFn(argv) {
Object.keys(argv).forEach((key) => {
if (conflicting[key]) {
conflicting[key].forEach((value) => {
if (value && argv[key] !== void 0 && argv[value] !== void 0) {
usage2.fail(__("Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive", key, value));
if (yargs.getInternalMethods().getParserConfiguration()["strip-dashed"]) {
Object.keys(conflicting).forEach((key) => {
conflicting[key].forEach((value) => {
if (value && argv[shim3.Parser.camelCase(key)] !== void 0 && argv[shim3.Parser.camelCase(value)] !== void 0) {
usage2.fail(__("Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive", key, value));
self.recommendCommands = function recommendCommands(cmd, potentialCommands) {
const threshold = 3;
potentialCommands = potentialCommands.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
let recommended = null;
let bestDistance = Infinity;
for (let i = 0, candidate; (candidate = potentialCommands[i]) !== void 0; i++) {
const d = levenshtein(cmd, candidate);
if (d <= threshold && d < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = d;
recommended = candidate;
if (recommended)
usage2.fail(__("Did you mean %s?", recommended));
self.reset = function reset(localLookup) {
implied = objFilter(implied, (k) => !localLookup[k]);
conflicting = objFilter(conflicting, (k) => !localLookup[k]);
return self;
const frozens = [];
self.freeze = function freeze() {
self.unfreeze = function unfreeze() {
const frozen = frozens.pop();
assertNotStrictEqual(frozen, void 0, shim3);
({ implied, conflicting } = frozen);
return self;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/utils/apply-extends.js
var previouslyVisitedConfigs = [];
var shim2;
function applyExtends(config, cwd, mergeExtends, _shim) {
shim2 = _shim;
let defaultConfig = {};
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(config, "extends")) {
if (typeof config.extends !== "string")
return defaultConfig;
const isPath = /\.json|\..*rc$/.test(config.extends);
let pathToDefault = null;
if (!isPath) {
try {
pathToDefault = require.resolve(config.extends);
} catch (_err) {
return config;
} else {
pathToDefault = getPathToDefaultConfig(cwd, config.extends);
defaultConfig = isPath ? JSON.parse(shim2.readFileSync(pathToDefault, "utf8")) : require(config.extends);
delete config.extends;
defaultConfig = applyExtends(defaultConfig, shim2.path.dirname(pathToDefault), mergeExtends, shim2);
previouslyVisitedConfigs = [];
return mergeExtends ? mergeDeep(defaultConfig, config) : Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, config);
function checkForCircularExtends(cfgPath) {
if (previouslyVisitedConfigs.indexOf(cfgPath) > -1) {
throw new YError(`Circular extended configurations: '${cfgPath}'.`);
function getPathToDefaultConfig(cwd, pathToExtend) {
return shim2.path.resolve(cwd, pathToExtend);
function mergeDeep(config1, config2) {
const target = {};
function isObject(obj) {
return obj && typeof obj === "object" && !Array.isArray(obj);
Object.assign(target, config1);
for (const key of Object.keys(config2)) {
if (isObject(config2[key]) && isObject(target[key])) {
target[key] = mergeDeep(config1[key], config2[key]);
} else {
target[key] = config2[key];
return target;
// node_modules/yargs/build/lib/yargs-factory.js
var __classPrivateFieldSet = function(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
if (kind === "m")
throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
if (kind === "a" && !f)
throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value), value;
var __classPrivateFieldGet = function(receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f)
throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
var _YargsInstance_command;
var _YargsInstance_cwd;
var _YargsInstance_context;
var _YargsInstance_completion;
var _YargsInstance_completionCommand;
var _YargsInstance_defaultShowHiddenOpt;
var _YargsInstance_exitError;
var _YargsInstance_detectLocale;
var _YargsInstance_emittedWarnings;
var _YargsInstance_exitProcess;
var _YargsInstance_frozens;
var _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware;
var _YargsInstance_groups;
var _YargsInstance_hasOutput;
var _YargsInstance_helpOpt;
var _YargsInstance_logger;
var _YargsInstance_output;
var _YargsInstance_options;
var _YargsInstance_parentRequire;
var _YargsInstance_parserConfig;
var _YargsInstance_parseFn;
var _YargsInstance_parseContext;
var _YargsInstance_pkgs;
var _YargsInstance_preservedGroups;
var _YargsInstance_processArgs;
var _YargsInstance_recommendCommands;
var _YargsInstance_shim;
var _YargsInstance_strict;
var _YargsInstance_strictCommands;
var _YargsInstance_strictOptions;
var _YargsInstance_usage;
var _YargsInstance_versionOpt;
var _YargsInstance_validation;
function YargsFactory(_shim) {
return (processArgs = [], cwd = _shim.process.cwd(), parentRequire) => {
const yargs = new YargsInstance(processArgs, cwd, parentRequire, _shim);
Object.defineProperty(yargs, "argv", {
get: () => {
return yargs.parse();
enumerable: true
return yargs;
var kCopyDoubleDash = Symbol("copyDoubleDash");
var kCreateLogger = Symbol("copyDoubleDash");
var kDeleteFromParserHintObject = Symbol("deleteFromParserHintObject");
var kEmitWarning = Symbol("emitWarning");
var kFreeze = Symbol("freeze");
var kGetDollarZero = Symbol("getDollarZero");
var kGetParserConfiguration = Symbol("getParserConfiguration");
var kGuessLocale = Symbol("guessLocale");
var kGuessVersion = Symbol("guessVersion");
var kParsePositionalNumbers = Symbol("parsePositionalNumbers");
var kPkgUp = Symbol("pkgUp");
var kPopulateParserHintArray = Symbol("populateParserHintArray");
var kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary = Symbol("populateParserHintSingleValueDictionary");
var kPopulateParserHintArrayDictionary = Symbol("populateParserHintArrayDictionary");
var kPopulateParserHintDictionary = Symbol("populateParserHintDictionary");
var kSanitizeKey = Symbol("sanitizeKey");
var kSetKey = Symbol("setKey");
var kUnfreeze = Symbol("unfreeze");
var kValidateAsync = Symbol("validateAsync");
var kGetCommandInstance = Symbol("getCommandInstance");
var kGetContext = Symbol("getContext");
var kGetHasOutput = Symbol("getHasOutput");
var kGetLoggerInstance = Symbol("getLoggerInstance");
var kGetParseContext = Symbol("getParseContext");
var kGetUsageInstance = Symbol("getUsageInstance");
var kGetValidationInstance = Symbol("getValidationInstance");
var kHasParseCallback = Symbol("hasParseCallback");
var kPostProcess = Symbol("postProcess");
var kRebase = Symbol("rebase");
var kReset = Symbol("reset");
var kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands = Symbol("runYargsParserAndExecuteCommands");
var kRunValidation = Symbol("runValidation");
var kSetHasOutput = Symbol("setHasOutput");
var kTrackManuallySetKeys = Symbol("kTrackManuallySetKeys");
var YargsInstance = class {
constructor(processArgs = [], cwd, parentRequire, shim3) {
this.customScriptName = false;
this.parsed = false;
_YargsInstance_command.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_cwd.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_context.set(this, { commands: [], fullCommands: [] });
_YargsInstance_completion.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_completionCommand.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_defaultShowHiddenOpt.set(this, "show-hidden");
_YargsInstance_exitError.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_detectLocale.set(this, true);
_YargsInstance_emittedWarnings.set(this, {});
_YargsInstance_exitProcess.set(this, true);
_YargsInstance_frozens.set(this, []);
_YargsInstance_globalMiddleware.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_groups.set(this, {});
_YargsInstance_hasOutput.set(this, false);
_YargsInstance_helpOpt.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_logger.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_output.set(this, "");
_YargsInstance_options.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_parentRequire.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_parserConfig.set(this, {});
_YargsInstance_parseFn.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_parseContext.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_pkgs.set(this, {});
_YargsInstance_preservedGroups.set(this, {});
_YargsInstance_processArgs.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_recommendCommands.set(this, false);
_YargsInstance_shim.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_strict.set(this, false);
_YargsInstance_strictCommands.set(this, false);
_YargsInstance_strictOptions.set(this, false);
_YargsInstance_usage.set(this, void 0);
_YargsInstance_versionOpt.set(this, null);
_YargsInstance_validation.set(this, void 0);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, shim3, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, processArgs, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_cwd, cwd, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_parentRequire, parentRequire, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, new GlobalMiddleware(this), "f");
this.$0 = this[kGetDollarZero]();
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_command, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f"), "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f"), "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f"), "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_options, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f"), "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").showHiddenOpt = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_defaultShowHiddenOpt, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_logger, this[kCreateLogger](), "f");
addHelpOpt(opt, msg) {
const defaultHelpOpt = "help";
argsert("[string|boolean] [string]", [opt, msg], arguments.length);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f")) {
this[kDeleteFromParserHintObject](__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, null, "f");
if (opt === false && msg === void 0)
return this;
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, typeof opt === "string" ? opt : defaultHelpOpt, "f");
this.boolean(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f"));
this.describe(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f"), msg || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").deferY18nLookup("Show help"));
return this;
help(opt, msg) {
return this.addHelpOpt(opt, msg);
addShowHiddenOpt(opt, msg) {
argsert("[string|boolean] [string]", [opt, msg], arguments.length);
if (opt === false && msg === void 0)
return this;
const showHiddenOpt = typeof opt === "string" ? opt : __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_defaultShowHiddenOpt, "f");
this.describe(showHiddenOpt, msg || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").deferY18nLookup("Show hidden options"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").showHiddenOpt = showHiddenOpt;
return this;
showHidden(opt, msg) {
return this.addShowHiddenOpt(opt, msg);
alias(key, value) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [string|array]", [key, value], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArrayDictionary](this.alias.bind(this), "alias", key, value);
return this;
array(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("array", keys);
return this;
boolean(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("boolean", keys);
return this;
check(f, global2) {
argsert("<function> [boolean]", [f, global2], arguments.length);
this.middleware((argv, _yargs) => {
return maybeAsyncResult(() => {
return f(argv, _yargs.getOptions());
}, (result) => {
if (!result) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").fail(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").y18n.__("Argument check failed: %s", f.toString()));
} else if (typeof result === "string" || result instanceof Error) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").fail(result.toString(), result);
return argv;
}, (err) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").fail(err.message ? err.message : err.toString(), err);
return argv;
}, false, global2);
return this;
choices(key, value) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [string|array]", [key, value], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArrayDictionary](this.choices.bind(this), "choices", key, value);
return this;
coerce(keys, value) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [function]", [keys, value], arguments.length);
if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
if (!value) {
throw new YError("coerce callback must be provided");
for (const key of keys) {
this.coerce(key, value);
return this;
} else if (typeof keys === "object") {
for (const key of Object.keys(keys)) {
this.coerce(key, keys[key]);
return this;
if (!value) {
throw new YError("coerce callback must be provided");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").key[keys] = true;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").addCoerceMiddleware((argv, yargs) => {
let aliases;
return maybeAsyncResult(() => {
aliases = yargs.getAliases();
return value(argv[keys]);
}, (result) => {
argv[keys] = result;
if (aliases[keys]) {
for (const alias of aliases[keys]) {
argv[alias] = result;
return argv;
}, (err) => {
throw new YError(err.message);
}, keys);
return this;
conflicts(key1, key2) {
argsert("<string|object> [string|array]", [key1, key2], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").conflicts(key1, key2);
return this;
config(key = "config", msg, parseFn) {
argsert("[object|string] [string|function] [function]", [key, msg, parseFn], arguments.length);
if (typeof key === "object" && !Array.isArray(key)) {
key = applyExtends(key, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_cwd, "f"), this[kGetParserConfiguration]()["deep-merge-config"] || false, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects = (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects || []).concat(key);
return this;
if (typeof msg === "function") {
parseFn = msg;
msg = void 0;
this.describe(key, msg || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").deferY18nLookup("Path to JSON config file"));
(Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key]).forEach((k) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").config[k] = parseFn || true;
return this;
completion(cmd, desc, fn) {
argsert("[string] [string|boolean|function] [function]", [cmd, desc, fn], arguments.length);
if (typeof desc === "function") {
fn = desc;
desc = void 0;
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, cmd || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f") || "completion", "f");
if (!desc && desc !== false) {
desc = "generate completion script";
this.command(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f"), desc);
if (fn)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").registerFunction(fn);
return this;
command(cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated) {
argsert("<string|array|object> [string|boolean] [function|object] [function] [array] [boolean|string]", [cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").addHandler(cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated);
return this;
commands(cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated) {
return this.command(cmd, description, builder, handler, middlewares, deprecated);
commandDir(dir, opts) {
argsert("<string> [object]", [dir, opts], arguments.length);
const req = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parentRequire, "f") || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").require;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").addDirectory(dir, req, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getCallerFile(), opts);
return this;
count(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("count", keys);
return this;
default(key, value, defaultDescription) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [*] [string]", [key, value, defaultDescription], arguments.length);
if (defaultDescription) {
assertSingleKey(key, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").defaultDescription[key] = defaultDescription;
if (typeof value === "function") {
assertSingleKey(key, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").defaultDescription[key])
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").defaultDescription[key] = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").functionDescription(value);
value = value.call();
this[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](this.default.bind(this), "default", key, value);
return this;
defaults(key, value, defaultDescription) {
return this.default(key, value, defaultDescription);
demandCommand(min = 1, max, minMsg, maxMsg) {
argsert("[number] [number|string] [string|null|undefined] [string|null|undefined]", [min, max, minMsg, maxMsg], arguments.length);
if (typeof max !== "number") {
minMsg = max;
max = Infinity;
this.global("_", false);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").demandedCommands._ = {
return this;
demand(keys, max, msg) {
if (Array.isArray(max)) {
max.forEach((key) => {
assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
this.demandOption(key, msg);
max = Infinity;
} else if (typeof max !== "number") {
msg = max;
max = Infinity;
if (typeof keys === "number") {
assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
this.demandCommand(keys, max, msg, msg);
} else if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
keys.forEach((key) => {
assertNotStrictEqual(msg, true, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
this.demandOption(key, msg);
} else {
if (typeof msg === "string") {
this.demandOption(keys, msg);
} else if (msg === true || typeof msg === "undefined") {
return this;
demandOption(keys, msg) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [string]", [keys, msg], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](this.demandOption.bind(this), "demandedOptions", keys, msg);
return this;
deprecateOption(option, message) {
argsert("<string> [string|boolean]", [option, message], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").deprecatedOptions[option] = message;
return this;
describe(keys, description) {
argsert("<object|string|array> [string]", [keys, description], arguments.length);
this[kSetKey](keys, true);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").describe(keys, description);
return this;
detectLocale(detect) {
argsert("<boolean>", [detect], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_detectLocale, detect, "f");
return this;
env(prefix) {
argsert("[string|boolean]", [prefix], arguments.length);
if (prefix === false)
delete __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").envPrefix;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").envPrefix = prefix || "";
return this;
epilogue(msg) {
argsert("<string>", [msg], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").epilog(msg);
return this;
epilog(msg) {
return this.epilogue(msg);
example(cmd, description) {
argsert("<string|array> [string]", [cmd, description], arguments.length);
if (Array.isArray(cmd)) {
cmd.forEach((exampleParams) => this.example(...exampleParams));
} else {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").example(cmd, description);
return this;
exit(code, err) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_exitError, err, "f");
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.exit(code);
exitProcess(enabled = true) {
argsert("[boolean]", [enabled], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, enabled, "f");
return this;
fail(f) {
argsert("<function|boolean>", [f], arguments.length);
if (typeof f === "boolean" && f !== false) {
throw new YError("Invalid first argument. Expected function or boolean 'false'");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").failFn(f);
return this;
getAliases() {
return this.parsed ? this.parsed.aliases : {};
async getCompletion(args, done) {
argsert("<array> [function]", [args, done], arguments.length);
if (!done) {
return new Promise((resolve6, reject) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").getCompletion(args, (err, completions) => {
if (err)
} else {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").getCompletion(args, done);
getDemandedOptions() {
argsert([], 0);
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").demandedOptions;
getDemandedCommands() {
argsert([], 0);
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").demandedCommands;
getDeprecatedOptions() {
argsert([], 0);
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").deprecatedOptions;
getDetectLocale() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_detectLocale, "f");
getExitProcess() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f");
getGroups() {
return Object.assign({}, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_preservedGroups, "f"));
getHelp() {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").hasCachedHelpMessage()) {
if (!this.parsed) {
const parse2 = this[kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands](__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, "f"), void 0, void 0, 0, true);
if (isPromise(parse2)) {
return parse2.then(() => {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").help();
const builderResponse = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").runDefaultBuilderOn(this);
if (isPromise(builderResponse)) {
return builderResponse.then(() => {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").help();
return Promise.resolve(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").help());
getOptions() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f");
getStrict() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strict, "f");
getStrictCommands() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictCommands, "f");
getStrictOptions() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictOptions, "f");
global(globals, global2) {
argsert("<string|array> [boolean]", [globals, global2], arguments.length);
globals = [].concat(globals);
if (global2 !== false) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").local = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").local.filter((l) => globals.indexOf(l) === -1);
} else {
globals.forEach((g) => {
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").local.includes(g))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").local.push(g);
return this;
group(opts, groupName) {
argsert("<string|array> <string>", [opts, groupName], arguments.length);
const existing = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_preservedGroups, "f")[groupName] || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f")[groupName];
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_preservedGroups, "f")[groupName]) {
delete __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_preservedGroups, "f")[groupName];
const seen = {};
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f")[groupName] = (existing || []).concat(opts).filter((key) => {
if (seen[key])
return false;
return seen[key] = true;
return this;
hide(key) {
argsert("<string>", [key], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").hiddenOptions.push(key);
return this;
implies(key, value) {
argsert("<string|object> [number|string|array]", [key, value], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").implies(key, value);
return this;
locale(locale) {
argsert("[string]", [locale], arguments.length);
if (!locale) {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").y18n.getLocale();
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_detectLocale, false, "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").y18n.setLocale(locale);
return this;
middleware(callback, applyBeforeValidation, global2) {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").addMiddleware(callback, !!applyBeforeValidation, global2);
nargs(key, value) {
argsert("<string|object|array> [number]", [key, value], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](this.nargs.bind(this), "narg", key, value);
return this;
normalize(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("normalize", keys);
return this;
number(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("number", keys);
return this;
option(key, opt) {
argsert("<string|object> [object]", [key, opt], arguments.length);
if (typeof key === "object") {
Object.keys(key).forEach((k) => {
this.options(k, key[k]);
} else {
if (typeof opt !== "object") {
opt = {};
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f") && (key === "version" || (opt === null || opt === void 0 ? void 0 : opt.alias) === "version")) {
'"version" is a reserved word.',
"Please do one of the following:",
'- Disable version with `yargs.version(false)` if using "version" as an option',
"- Use the built-in `yargs.version` method instead (if applicable)",
"- Use a different option key",
].join("\n"), void 0, "versionWarning");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").key[key] = true;
if (opt.alias)
this.alias(key, opt.alias);
const deprecate = opt.deprecate || opt.deprecated;
if (deprecate) {
this.deprecateOption(key, deprecate);
const demand = opt.demand || opt.required || opt.require;
if (demand) {
this.demand(key, demand);
if (opt.demandOption) {
this.demandOption(key, typeof opt.demandOption === "string" ? opt.demandOption : void 0);
if (opt.conflicts) {
this.conflicts(key, opt.conflicts);
if ("default" in opt) {
this.default(key, opt.default);
if (opt.implies !== void 0) {
this.implies(key, opt.implies);
if (opt.nargs !== void 0) {
this.nargs(key, opt.nargs);
if (opt.config) {
this.config(key, opt.configParser);
if (opt.normalize) {
if (opt.choices) {
this.choices(key, opt.choices);
if (opt.coerce) {
this.coerce(key, opt.coerce);
if (opt.group) {
this.group(key, opt.group);
if (opt.boolean || opt.type === "boolean") {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.array || opt.type === "array") {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.number || opt.type === "number") {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.string || opt.type === "string") {
if (opt.alias)
if (opt.count || opt.type === "count") {
if (typeof opt.global === "boolean") {
this.global(key, opt.global);
if (opt.defaultDescription) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").defaultDescription[key] = opt.defaultDescription;
if (opt.skipValidation) {
const desc = opt.describe || opt.description || opt.desc;
this.describe(key, desc);
if (opt.hidden) {
if (opt.requiresArg) {
return this;
options(key, opt) {
return this.option(key, opt);
parse(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn) {
argsert("[string|array] [function|boolean|object] [function]", [args, shortCircuit, _parseFn], arguments.length);
if (typeof args === "undefined") {
args = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, "f");
if (typeof shortCircuit === "object") {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_parseContext, shortCircuit, "f");
shortCircuit = _parseFn;
if (typeof shortCircuit === "function") {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, shortCircuit, "f");
shortCircuit = false;
if (!shortCircuit)
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, args, "f");
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, false, "f");
const parsed = this[kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands](args, !!shortCircuit);
const tmpParsed = this.parsed;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").setParsed(this.parsed);
if (isPromise(parsed)) {
return parsed.then((argv) => {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f").call(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitError, "f"), argv, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f"));
return argv;
}).catch((err) => {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f")) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f")(err, this.parsed.argv, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f"));
throw err;
}).finally(() => {
this.parsed = tmpParsed;
} else {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f").call(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitError, "f"), parsed, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f"));
this.parsed = tmpParsed;
return parsed;
parseAsync(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn) {
const maybePromise = this.parse(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn);
return !isPromise(maybePromise) ? Promise.resolve(maybePromise) : maybePromise;
parseSync(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn) {
const maybePromise = this.parse(args, shortCircuit, _parseFn);
if (isPromise(maybePromise)) {
throw new YError(".parseSync() must not be used with asynchronous builders, handlers, or middleware");
return maybePromise;
parserConfiguration(config) {
argsert("<object>", [config], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_parserConfig, config, "f");
return this;
pkgConf(key, rootPath) {
argsert("<string> [string]", [key, rootPath], arguments.length);
let conf = null;
const obj = this[kPkgUp](rootPath || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_cwd, "f"));
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === "object") {
conf = applyExtends(obj[key], rootPath || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_cwd, "f"), this[kGetParserConfiguration]()["deep-merge-config"] || false, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects = (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects || []).concat(conf);
return this;
positional(key, opts) {
argsert("<string> <object>", [key, opts], arguments.length);
const supportedOpts = [
opts = objFilter(opts, (k, v) => {
if (k === "type" && !["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(v))
return false;
return supportedOpts.includes(k);
const fullCommand = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_context, "f").fullCommands[__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_context, "f").fullCommands.length - 1];
const parseOptions = fullCommand ? __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").cmdToParseOptions(fullCommand) : {
array: [],
alias: {},
default: {},
demand: {}
objectKeys(parseOptions).forEach((pk) => {
const parseOption = parseOptions[pk];
if (Array.isArray(parseOption)) {
if (parseOption.indexOf(key) !== -1)
opts[pk] = true;
} else {
if (parseOption[key] && !(pk in opts))
opts[pk] = parseOption[key];
this.group(key, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").getPositionalGroupName());
return this.option(key, opts);
recommendCommands(recommend = true) {
argsert("[boolean]", [recommend], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_recommendCommands, recommend, "f");
return this;
required(keys, max, msg) {
return this.demand(keys, max, msg);
require(keys, max, msg) {
return this.demand(keys, max, msg);
requiresArg(keys) {
argsert("<array|string|object> [number]", [keys], arguments.length);
if (typeof keys === "string" && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").narg[keys]) {
return this;
} else {
this[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](this.requiresArg.bind(this), "narg", keys, NaN);
return this;
showCompletionScript($0, cmd) {
argsert("[string] [string]", [$0, cmd], arguments.length);
$0 = $0 || this.$0;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_logger, "f").log(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").generateCompletionScript($0, cmd || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f") || "completion"));
return this;
showHelp(level) {
argsert("[string|function]", [level], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").hasCachedHelpMessage()) {
if (!this.parsed) {
const parse2 = this[kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands](__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, "f"), void 0, void 0, 0, true);
if (isPromise(parse2)) {
parse2.then(() => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showHelp(level);
return this;
const builderResponse = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").runDefaultBuilderOn(this);
if (isPromise(builderResponse)) {
builderResponse.then(() => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showHelp(level);
return this;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showHelp(level);
return this;
scriptName(scriptName) {
this.customScriptName = true;
this.$0 = scriptName;
return this;
showHelpOnFail(enabled, message) {
argsert("[boolean|string] [string]", [enabled, message], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showHelpOnFail(enabled, message);
return this;
showVersion(level) {
argsert("[string|function]", [level], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showVersion(level);
return this;
skipValidation(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("skipValidation", keys);
return this;
strict(enabled) {
argsert("[boolean]", [enabled], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_strict, enabled !== false, "f");
return this;
strictCommands(enabled) {
argsert("[boolean]", [enabled], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_strictCommands, enabled !== false, "f");
return this;
strictOptions(enabled) {
argsert("[boolean]", [enabled], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_strictOptions, enabled !== false, "f");
return this;
string(keys) {
argsert("<array|string>", [keys], arguments.length);
this[kPopulateParserHintArray]("string", keys);
return this;
terminalWidth() {
argsert([], 0);
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.stdColumns;
updateLocale(obj) {
return this.updateStrings(obj);
updateStrings(obj) {
argsert("<object>", [obj], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_detectLocale, false, "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").y18n.updateLocale(obj);
return this;
usage(msg, description, builder, handler) {
argsert("<string|null|undefined> [string|boolean] [function|object] [function]", [msg, description, builder, handler], arguments.length);
if (description !== void 0) {
assertNotStrictEqual(msg, null, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
if ((msg || "").match(/^\$0( |$)/)) {
return this.command(msg, description, builder, handler);
} else {
throw new YError(".usage() description must start with $0 if being used as alias for .command()");
} else {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").usage(msg);
return this;
version(opt, msg, ver) {
const defaultVersionOpt = "version";
argsert("[boolean|string] [string] [string]", [opt, msg, ver], arguments.length);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f")) {
this[kDeleteFromParserHintObject](__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").version(void 0);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, null, "f");
if (arguments.length === 0) {
ver = this[kGuessVersion]();
opt = defaultVersionOpt;
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (opt === false) {
return this;
ver = opt;
opt = defaultVersionOpt;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
ver = msg;
msg = void 0;
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, typeof opt === "string" ? opt : defaultVersionOpt, "f");
msg = msg || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").deferY18nLookup("Show version number");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").version(ver || void 0);
this.boolean(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f"));
this.describe(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f"), msg);
return this;
wrap(cols) {
argsert("<number|null|undefined>", [cols], arguments.length);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").wrap(cols);
return this;
[(_YargsInstance_command = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_cwd = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_context = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_completion = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_completionCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_defaultShowHiddenOpt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_exitError = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_detectLocale = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_emittedWarnings = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_exitProcess = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_frozens = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_groups = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_hasOutput = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_helpOpt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_logger = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_output = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_options = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_parentRequire = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_parserConfig = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_parseFn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_parseContext = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_pkgs = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_preservedGroups = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_processArgs = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_recommendCommands = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_shim = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_strict = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_strictCommands = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_strictOptions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_usage = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_versionOpt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _YargsInstance_validation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), kCopyDoubleDash)](argv) {
if (!argv._ || !argv["--"])
return argv;
argv._.push.apply(argv._, argv["--"]);
try {
delete argv["--"];
} catch (_err) {
return argv;
[kCreateLogger]() {
return {
log: (...args) => {
if (!this[kHasParseCallback]())
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f").length)
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_output, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f") + "\n", "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_output, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f") + args.join(" "), "f");
error: (...args) => {
if (!this[kHasParseCallback]())
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f").length)
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_output, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f") + "\n", "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_output, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f") + args.join(" "), "f");
[kDeleteFromParserHintObject](optionKey) {
objectKeys(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")).forEach((hintKey) => {
if (((key) => key === "configObjects")(hintKey))
const hint = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[hintKey];
if (Array.isArray(hint)) {
if (hint.includes(optionKey))
hint.splice(hint.indexOf(optionKey), 1);
} else if (typeof hint === "object") {
delete hint[optionKey];
delete __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").getDescriptions()[optionKey];
[kEmitWarning](warning, type, deduplicationId) {
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_emittedWarnings, "f")[deduplicationId]) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.emitWarning(warning, type);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_emittedWarnings, "f")[deduplicationId] = true;
[kFreeze]() {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_frozens, "f").push({
options: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f"),
configObjects: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects.slice(0),
exitProcess: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"),
groups: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f"),
strict: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strict, "f"),
strictCommands: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictCommands, "f"),
strictOptions: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictOptions, "f"),
completionCommand: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f"),
output: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "f"),
exitError: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitError, "f"),
hasOutput: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, "f"),
parsed: this.parsed,
parseFn: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f"),
parseContext: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseContext, "f")
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").freeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").freeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").freeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").freeze();
[kGetDollarZero]() {
let $0 = "";
let default$0;
if (/\b(node|iojs|electron)(\.exe)?$/.test(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.argv()[0])) {
default$0 = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.argv().slice(1, 2);
} else {
default$0 = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.argv().slice(0, 1);
$0 = default$0.map((x) => {
const b = this[kRebase](__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_cwd, "f"), x);
return x.match(/^(\/|([a-zA-Z]:)?\\)/) && b.length < x.length ? b : x;
}).join(" ").trim();
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("_") && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getProcessArgvBin() === __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("_")) {
$0 = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("_").replace(`${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").path.dirname(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").process.execPath())}/`, "");
return $0;
[kGetParserConfiguration]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parserConfig, "f");
[kGuessLocale]() {
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_detectLocale, "f"))
const locale = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("LC_ALL") || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("LC_MESSAGES") || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("LANG") || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").getEnv("LANGUAGE") || "en_US";
this.locale(locale.replace(/[.:].*/, ""));
[kGuessVersion]() {
const obj = this[kPkgUp]();
return obj.version || "unknown";
[kParsePositionalNumbers](argv) {
const args = argv["--"] ? argv["--"] : argv._;
for (let i = 0, arg; (arg = args[i]) !== void 0; i++) {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").Parser.looksLikeNumber(arg) && Number.isSafeInteger(Math.floor(parseFloat(`${arg}`)))) {
args[i] = Number(arg);
return argv;
[kPkgUp](rootPath) {
const npath = rootPath || "*";
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_pkgs, "f")[npath])
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_pkgs, "f")[npath];
let obj = {};
try {
let startDir = rootPath || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").mainFilename;
if (!rootPath && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").path.extname(startDir)) {
startDir = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").path.dirname(startDir);
const pkgJsonPath = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").findUp(startDir, (dir, names) => {
if (names.includes("package.json")) {
return "package.json";
} else {
return void 0;
assertNotStrictEqual(pkgJsonPath, void 0, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
obj = JSON.parse(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").readFileSync(pkgJsonPath, "utf8"));
} catch (_noop) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_pkgs, "f")[npath] = obj || {};
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_pkgs, "f")[npath];
[kPopulateParserHintArray](type, keys) {
keys = [].concat(keys);
keys.forEach((key) => {
key = this[kSanitizeKey](key);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[type].push(key);
[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](builder, type, key, value) {
this[kPopulateParserHintDictionary](builder, type, key, value, (type2, key2, value2) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[type2][key2] = value2;
[kPopulateParserHintArrayDictionary](builder, type, key, value) {
this[kPopulateParserHintDictionary](builder, type, key, value, (type2, key2, value2) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[type2][key2] = (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[type2][key2] || []).concat(value2);
[kPopulateParserHintDictionary](builder, type, key, value, singleKeyHandler) {
if (Array.isArray(key)) {
key.forEach((k) => {
builder(k, value);
} else if (((key2) => typeof key2 === "object")(key)) {
for (const k of objectKeys(key)) {
builder(k, key[k]);
} else {
singleKeyHandler(type, this[kSanitizeKey](key), value);
[kSanitizeKey](key) {
if (key === "__proto__")
return "___proto___";
return key;
[kSetKey](key, set) {
this[kPopulateParserHintSingleValueDictionary](this[kSetKey].bind(this), "key", key, set);
return this;
[kUnfreeze]() {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m;
const frozen = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_frozens, "f").pop();
assertNotStrictEqual(frozen, void 0, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f"));
let configObjects;
_a = this, _b = this, _c = this, _d = this, _e = this, _f = this, _g = this, _h = this, _j = this, _k = this, _l = this, _m = this, {
options: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_a, _YargsInstance_options, _o, "f");
} }.value,
exitProcess: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_b, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, _o, "f");
} }.value,
groups: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_c, _YargsInstance_groups, _o, "f");
} }.value,
output: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_d, _YargsInstance_output, _o, "f");
} }.value,
exitError: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_e, _YargsInstance_exitError, _o, "f");
} }.value,
hasOutput: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_f, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, _o, "f");
} }.value,
parsed: this.parsed,
strict: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_g, _YargsInstance_strict, _o, "f");
} }.value,
strictCommands: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_h, _YargsInstance_strictCommands, _o, "f");
} }.value,
strictOptions: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_j, _YargsInstance_strictOptions, _o, "f");
} }.value,
completionCommand: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_k, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, _o, "f");
} }.value,
parseFn: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_l, _YargsInstance_parseFn, _o, "f");
} }.value,
parseContext: { set value(_o) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(_m, _YargsInstance_parseContext, _o, "f");
} }.value
} = frozen;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects = configObjects;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").unfreeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").unfreeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").unfreeze();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").unfreeze();
[kValidateAsync](validation2, argv) {
return maybeAsyncResult(argv, (result) => {
return result;
getInternalMethods() {
return {
getCommandInstance: this[kGetCommandInstance].bind(this),
getContext: this[kGetContext].bind(this),
getHasOutput: this[kGetHasOutput].bind(this),
getLoggerInstance: this[kGetLoggerInstance].bind(this),
getParseContext: this[kGetParseContext].bind(this),
getParserConfiguration: this[kGetParserConfiguration].bind(this),
getUsageInstance: this[kGetUsageInstance].bind(this),
getValidationInstance: this[kGetValidationInstance].bind(this),
hasParseCallback: this[kHasParseCallback].bind(this),
postProcess: this[kPostProcess].bind(this),
reset: this[kReset].bind(this),
runValidation: this[kRunValidation].bind(this),
runYargsParserAndExecuteCommands: this[kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands].bind(this),
setHasOutput: this[kSetHasOutput].bind(this)
[kGetCommandInstance]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f");
[kGetContext]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_context, "f");
[kGetHasOutput]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, "f");
[kGetLoggerInstance]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_logger, "f");
[kGetParseContext]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseContext, "f") || {};
[kGetUsageInstance]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f");
[kGetValidationInstance]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f");
[kHasParseCallback]() {
return !!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseFn, "f");
[kPostProcess](argv, populateDoubleDash, calledFromCommand, runGlobalMiddleware) {
if (calledFromCommand)
return argv;
if (isPromise(argv))
return argv;
if (!populateDoubleDash) {
argv = this[kCopyDoubleDash](argv);
const parsePositionalNumbers = this[kGetParserConfiguration]()["parse-positional-numbers"] || this[kGetParserConfiguration]()["parse-positional-numbers"] === void 0;
if (parsePositionalNumbers) {
argv = this[kParsePositionalNumbers](argv);
if (runGlobalMiddleware) {
argv = applyMiddleware(argv, this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").getMiddleware(), false);
return argv;
[kReset](aliases = {}) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_options, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f") || {}, "f");
const tmpOptions = {};
tmpOptions.local = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").local || [];
tmpOptions.configObjects = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configObjects || [];
const localLookup = {};
tmpOptions.local.forEach((l) => {
localLookup[l] = true;
(aliases[l] || []).forEach((a) => {
localLookup[a] = true;
Object.assign(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_preservedGroups, "f"), Object.keys(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f")).reduce((acc, groupName) => {
const keys = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, "f")[groupName].filter((key) => !(key in localLookup));
if (keys.length > 0) {
acc[groupName] = keys;
return acc;
}, {}));
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_groups, {}, "f");
const arrayOptions = [
const objectOptions = [
arrayOptions.forEach((k) => {
tmpOptions[k] = (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[k] || []).filter((k2) => !localLookup[k2]);
objectOptions.forEach((k) => {
tmpOptions[k] = objFilter(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f")[k], (k2) => !localLookup[k2]);
tmpOptions.envPrefix = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").envPrefix;
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_options, tmpOptions, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f") ? __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").reset(localLookup) : usage(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f")), "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f") ? __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").reset(localLookup) : validation(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f")), "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_command, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f") ? __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").reset() : command(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f")), "f");
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, completion(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f")), "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").reset();
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, null, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_output, "", "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_exitError, null, "f");
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, false, "f");
this.parsed = false;
return this;
[kRebase](base, dir) {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").path.relative(base, dir);
[kRunYargsParserAndExecuteCommands](args, shortCircuit, calledFromCommand, commandIndex = 0, helpOnly = false) {
let skipValidation = !!calledFromCommand || helpOnly;
args = args || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_processArgs, "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").__ = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").y18n.__;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configuration = this[kGetParserConfiguration]();
const populateDoubleDash = !!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configuration["populate--"];
const config = Object.assign({}, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").configuration, {
"populate--": true
const parsed = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_shim, "f").Parser.detailed(args, Object.assign({}, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f"), {
configuration: __spreadValues({ "parse-positional-numbers": false }, config)
const argv = Object.assign(parsed.argv, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_parseContext, "f"));
let argvPromise = void 0;
const aliases = parsed.aliases;
let helpOptSet = false;
let versionOptSet = false;
Object.keys(argv).forEach((key) => {
if (key === __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f") && argv[key]) {
helpOptSet = true;
} else if (key === __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_versionOpt, "f") && argv[key]) {
versionOptSet = true;
argv.$0 = this.$0;
this.parsed = parsed;
if (commandIndex === 0) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").clearCachedHelpMessage();
try {
if (shortCircuit) {
return this[kPostProcess](argv, populateDoubleDash, !!calledFromCommand, false);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f")) {
const helpCmds = [__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f")].concat(aliases[__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_helpOpt, "f")] || []).filter((k) => k.length > 1);
if (helpCmds.includes("" + argv._[argv._.length - 1])) {
helpOptSet = true;
const handlerKeys = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").getCommands();
const requestCompletions = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").completionKey in argv;
const skipRecommendation = helpOptSet || requestCompletions || helpOnly;
if (argv._.length) {
if (handlerKeys.length) {
let firstUnknownCommand;
for (let i = commandIndex || 0, cmd; argv._[i] !== void 0; i++) {
cmd = String(argv._[i]);
if (handlerKeys.includes(cmd) && cmd !== __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f")) {
const innerArgv = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").runCommand(cmd, this, parsed, i + 1, helpOnly, helpOptSet || versionOptSet || helpOnly);
return this[kPostProcess](innerArgv, populateDoubleDash, !!calledFromCommand, false);
} else if (!firstUnknownCommand && cmd !== __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f")) {
firstUnknownCommand = cmd;
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").hasDefaultCommand() && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_recommendCommands, "f") && firstUnknownCommand && !skipRecommendation) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").recommendCommands(firstUnknownCommand, handlerKeys);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f") && argv._.includes(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completionCommand, "f")) && !requestCompletions) {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"))
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").hasDefaultCommand() && !skipRecommendation) {
const innerArgv = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_command, "f").runCommand(null, this, parsed, 0, helpOnly, helpOptSet || versionOptSet || helpOnly);
return this[kPostProcess](innerArgv, populateDoubleDash, !!calledFromCommand, false);
if (requestCompletions) {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"))
args = [].concat(args);
const completionArgs = args.slice(args.indexOf(`--${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").completionKey}`) + 1);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_completion, "f").getCompletion(completionArgs, (err, completions) => {
if (err)
throw new YError(err.message);
(completions || []).forEach((completion2) => {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_logger, "f").log(completion2);
return this[kPostProcess](argv, !populateDoubleDash, !!calledFromCommand, false);
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, "f")) {
if (helpOptSet) {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"))
skipValidation = true;
} else if (versionOptSet) {
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_exitProcess, "f"))
skipValidation = true;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").showVersion("log");
if (!skipValidation && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").skipValidation.length > 0) {
skipValidation = Object.keys(argv).some((key) => __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").skipValidation.indexOf(key) >= 0 && argv[key] === true);
if (!skipValidation) {
if (parsed.error)
throw new YError(parsed.error.message);
if (!requestCompletions) {
const validation2 = this[kRunValidation](aliases, {}, parsed.error);
if (!calledFromCommand) {
argvPromise = applyMiddleware(argv, this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").getMiddleware(), true);
argvPromise = this[kValidateAsync](validation2, argvPromise !== null && argvPromise !== void 0 ? argvPromise : argv);
if (isPromise(argvPromise) && !calledFromCommand) {
argvPromise = argvPromise.then(() => {
return applyMiddleware(argv, this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_globalMiddleware, "f").getMiddleware(), false);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof YError)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_usage, "f").fail(err.message, err);
throw err;
return this[kPostProcess](argvPromise !== null && argvPromise !== void 0 ? argvPromise : argv, populateDoubleDash, !!calledFromCommand, true);
[kRunValidation](aliases, positionalMap, parseErrors, isDefaultCommand) {
const demandedOptions = __spreadValues({}, this.getDemandedOptions());
return (argv) => {
if (parseErrors)
throw new YError(parseErrors.message);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").nonOptionCount(argv);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").requiredArguments(argv, demandedOptions);
let failedStrictCommands = false;
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictCommands, "f")) {
failedStrictCommands = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").unknownCommands(argv);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strict, "f") && !failedStrictCommands) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").unknownArguments(argv, aliases, positionalMap, !!isDefaultCommand);
} else if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_strictOptions, "f")) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").unknownArguments(argv, aliases, {}, false, false);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").limitedChoices(argv);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").implications(argv);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_validation, "f").conflicting(argv);
[kSetHasOutput]() {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _YargsInstance_hasOutput, true, "f");
[kTrackManuallySetKeys](keys) {
if (typeof keys === "string") {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").key[keys] = true;
} else {
for (const k of keys) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _YargsInstance_options, "f").key[k] = true;
function isYargsInstance(y) {
return !!y && typeof y.getInternalMethods === "function";
// node_modules/yargs/index.mjs
var Yargs = YargsFactory(esm_default);
var yargs_default = Yargs;
// src/process.ts
var import_debug2 = __toESM(require_src());
var FS2 = __toESM(require("fs"));
var import_chalk = __toESM(require_source());
var Path2 = __toESM(require("path"));
// src/tokenizer.ts
var TokenizerError = class extends Error {
constructor(message, index) {
this.index = index;
function regexMatcher(regex, type) {
if (typeof regex === "string")
regex = new RegExp(regex);
return (input, index) => {
let matches = input.substring(index).match(regex);
if (!matches || matches.length <= 0)
return void 0;
return {
value: matches[0],
startIdx: index,
endIdx: index + matches[0].length
var matcher = [
regexMatcher(/^\s+/, "space"),
regexMatcher(/^(\/\*)(.|\s)*?(\*\/)/g, "comment"),
regexMatcher(/^\/\/.+/, "comment"),
regexMatcher(/^#.+/, "comment"),
regexMatcher(/^".*?"/, "string"),
regexMatcher(/^(type|enum|import|service|define)\b/, "keyword"),
regexMatcher(/^\@/, "at"),
regexMatcher(/^\:/, "colon"),
regexMatcher(/^\;/, "semicolon"),
regexMatcher(/^\,/, "comma"),
regexMatcher(/^\=/, "equals"),
regexMatcher(/^{/, "curly_open"),
regexMatcher(/^}/, "curly_close"),
regexMatcher(/^\(/, "bracket_open"),
regexMatcher(/^\)/, "bracket_close"),
regexMatcher(/^\[\]/, "array"),
regexMatcher(/^\?/, "questionmark"),
regexMatcher(/^[\.0-9]+/, "number"),
regexMatcher(/^[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_]?)+/, "text")
function tokenize(input) {
let index = 0;
let tokens = [];
while (index < input.length) {
const matches = matcher.map((m) => m(input, index)).filter((e) => !!e);
let match = matches[0];
if (match) {
if (match.type !== "space" && match.type !== "comment") {
index += match.value.length;
} else {
throw new TokenizerError(`Unexpected token '${input.substring(index, index + 1)}'`, index);
return tokens;
// src/parser.ts
var ParserError = class extends Error {
constructor(message, token) {
this.token = token;
function parse(tokens, file) {
const tokenIterator = tokens[Symbol.iterator]();
let currentToken = tokenIterator.next().value;
let nextToken = tokenIterator.next().value;
const eatToken = (value) => {
if (value && value !== currentToken.value) {
throw new ParserError(`Unexpected token value, expected '${value}', received '${currentToken.value}'`, currentToken);
let idx = currentToken.startIdx;
currentToken = nextToken;
nextToken = tokenIterator.next().value;
return idx;
const eatText = () => {
let val = currentToken.value;
let idx = currentToken.startIdx;
return [val, idx];
const eatNumber = () => {
let val = Number(currentToken.value);
if (Number.isNaN(val)) {
throw new ParserError(`Value cannot be parsed as number! ${currentToken.value}`, currentToken);
return val;
const checkTypes = (...types) => {
if (types.indexOf(currentToken.type) < 0) {
throw new ParserError(`Unexpected token value, expected ${types.join(" | ")}, received '${currentToken.value}'`, currentToken);
const parseTypeField = () => {
const idx = currentToken.startIdx;
let name = currentToken.value;
let array = false;
let type;
let mapKey = void 0;
if (currentToken.type === "curly_open") {
[mapKey] = eatText();
[type] = eatText();
} else {
[type] = eatText();
if (currentToken.type === "array") {
array = true;
return {
type: "type_field",
fieldtype: type,
map: mapKey,
location: { file, idx }
const parseTypeStatement = () => {
const idx = eatToken("type");
let [name] = eatText();
let fields = [];
while (currentToken.type === "text" || currentToken.type === "keyword") {
return {
type: "type",
location: { file, idx }
const parseImportStatement = () => {
const idx = eatToken("import");
checkTypes("text", "string");
let path = currentToken.value;
if (currentToken.type === "string") {
path = path.substring(1, path.length - 1);
return {
type: "import",
location: { file, idx }
const parseEnumValue = () => {
let [name, idx] = eatText();
let value = void 0;
if (currentToken.type === "equals") {
value = eatNumber();
return {
type: "enum_value",
location: { file, idx }
const parseEnumStatement = () => {
let idx = eatToken("enum");
let [name] = eatText();
let values = [];
let next = currentToken.type === "text";
while (next) {
if (currentToken.type === "comma") {
next = true;
} else {
next = false;
return {
type: "enum",
location: { file, idx }
const parseFunctionDecorator = (decorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) => {
const idx = eatToken("@");
const [decorator] = eatText();
let args = [];
let first = true;
while (currentToken.value !== ")") {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
args.push(currentToken.value.slice(1, -1));
let dec = decorators.get(decorator) || [];
decorators.set(decorator, dec);
return decorators;
const parseServiceFunction = (decorators, notification) => {
const [name, idx] = eatText();
let input_streaming = void 0;
let inputs = [];
if (currentToken.value !== ")") {
while (true) {
const [name2] = eatText();
const [type] = eatText();
let array = false;
if (currentToken.type === "array") {
array = true;
inputs.push({ name: name2, type, array });
if (currentToken.value !== ",")
let return_type = void 0;
if (!notification) {
let [type] = eatText();
let array = false;
if (currentToken.type === "array") {
array = true;
return_type = {
return {
type: "service_function",
location: {
const parseServiceStatement = () => {
let idx = eatToken("service");
let [name] = eatText();
let functions = [];
while (currentToken.type !== "curly_close") {
let decorators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
while (currentToken.type == "at") {
let notification = false;
if (currentToken.value == "notification") {
notification = true;
functions.push(parseServiceFunction(decorators, notification));
return {
type: "service",
location: { file, idx }
const parseDefine = () => {
const idx = eatToken("define");
let [key] = eatText();
let value = void 0;
if (currentToken.type == "string") {
value = currentToken.value.slice(1, -1);
} else {
[value] = eatText();
return {
type: "define",
location: { file, idx },
const parseStatement = () => {
if (currentToken.type === "keyword") {
switch (currentToken.value) {
case "type":
return parseTypeStatement();
case "import":
return parseImportStatement();
case "enum":
return parseEnumStatement();
case "service":
return parseServiceStatement();
case "define":
return parseDefine();
throw new ParserError(`Unknown keyword ${currentToken.value}`, currentToken);
} else {
throw new ParserError(`Invalid statement! ${currentToken.value}`, currentToken);
const nodes = [];
while (currentToken) {
return nodes;
// src/ir.ts
var import_debug = __toESM(require_src());
var log = (0, import_debug.default)("app");
var BUILTIN = ["number", "string", "boolean"];
var IRError = class extends Error {
constructor(statement, message) {
super("Error building IR: " + message);
this.statement = statement;
function get_ir(parsed) {
log("Generatie IR from parse output");
let builtin = [...BUILTIN];
let defined = [];
let types = [];
let enums = [];
let steps = [];
let options = {};
parsed.forEach((statement) => {
log("Working on statement of type %s", statement.type);
if (statement.type == "import")
throw new IRError(statement, "Import statements are invalid at this step!");
if (statement.type === "type") {
if (defined.indexOf(statement.name) >= 0) {
throw new IRError(statement, `Type ${statement.name} already defined!`);
let depends = [];
const fields = statement.fields.map((field) => {
if (field.type !== "type_field") {
throw new IRError(field, "Invalid statement!");
if (defined.indexOf(field.fieldtype) < 0) {
if (builtin.indexOf(field.fieldtype) < 0 && field.fieldtype !== statement.name) {
throw new IRError(field, `Type ${field.fieldtype} is not defined!`);
} else {
if (depends.indexOf(field.fieldtype) < 0)
if (field.map && field.map !== "number" && field.map !== "string") {
throw new IRError(field, `Type ${field.map} is not valid as map key!`);
return {
name: field.name,
type: field.fieldtype,
array: field.array,
map: field.map
name: statement.name,
} else if (statement.type === "enum") {
if (defined.indexOf(statement.name) >= 0) {
throw new IRError(statement, `Type ${statement.name} already defined!`);
let last = -1;
let values = statement.values.map((values2) => {
let value = last + 1;
if (values2.value) {
if (values2.value <= last) {
throw new IRError(statement, "Enum value must be larger than the previous one!");
} else {
value = values2.value;
last = value;
return {
name: values2.name,
name: statement.name,
} else if (statement.type === "service") {
if (defined.indexOf(statement.name) >= 0) {
throw new IRError(statement, `Type ${statement.name} already defined!`);
let depends = [];
let alreadyFoundFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let functions = statement.functions.map((fnc) => {
if (alreadyFoundFunctions.has(fnc.name))
throw new IRError(fnc, `Function with name ${fnc.name} already defined!`);
if (fnc.return_type) {
if (defined.indexOf(fnc.return_type.type) >= 0) {
if (!depends.some((a) => a === fnc.return_type.type))
} else {
if (fnc.return_type.type !== "void" && builtin.indexOf(fnc.return_type.type) < 0) {
throw new IRError(fnc, `Type ${fnc.return_type.type} is not defined`);
for (const input of fnc.inputs) {
if (defined.indexOf(input.type) >= 0) {
if (!depends.some((a) => a === input.type))
} else {
if (builtin.indexOf(input.type) < 0) {
throw new IRError(fnc, `Type ${input.type} is not defined`);
let decorators = {};
fnc.decorators.forEach((values, key) => {
for (const val of values) {
switch (key) {
case "Description":
if (decorators.description)
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Description' can only be used once!`);
if (val.length != 1)
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Description' requires exactly one parameter!`);
decorators.description = val[0];
case "Returns":
if (decorators.returns)
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Returns' can only be used once!`);
if (val.length != 1)
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Returns' requires exactly one parameter!`);
decorators.returns = val[0];
case "Param":
if (!decorators.parameters)
decorators.parameters = [];
if (val.length != 2)
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Param' requires exactly two parameters!`);
const [name, description] = val;
if (!fnc.inputs.find((e) => e.name == name))
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Param' requires the first param to equal the name of a function parameter!`);
if (decorators.parameters.find((e) => e.name == name))
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator 'Param' has already been set for the parameter ${name}!`);
throw new IRError(fnc, `Decorator ${key} is not a valid decorator!`);
return {
name: fnc.name,
inputs: fnc.inputs,
return: fnc.return_type,
name: statement.name,
} else if (statement.type == "define") {
options[statement.key] = statement.value;
if ((statement.key == "use_messagepack" || statement.key == "allow_bytes") && statement.value == "true") {
} else {
throw new IRError(statement, "Invalid statement!");
return {
// src/compile.ts
var FS = __toESM(require("fs"));
var FSE = __toESM(require_lib());
var Path = __toESM(require("path"));
var CompileTarget = class {
constructor(outputFolder, options) {
this.outputFolder = outputFolder;
this.options = options;
if (!FS.existsSync(outputFolder)) {
FS.mkdirSync(outputFolder, {
recursive: true
writeFile(name, content) {
if (content instanceof Promise) {
content.then((res) => FS.writeFileSync(Path.join(this.outputFolder, name), res));
} else {
FS.writeFileSync(Path.join(this.outputFolder, name), content);
getTemplate(name) {
let path = Path.join(__dirname, "../templates/" + name);
let file = FS.readFileSync(path, "utf-8");
const splitted = file.split("\n");
let res = [];
let ignore = false;
for (const line of splitted) {
if (ignore) {
ignore = false;
} else if (line.trim().startsWith("//@template-ignore")) {
ignore = true;
} else {
return res.join("\n");
loadTemplateFolder(name) {
let root = Path.join(__dirname, "../templates/", name);
FSE.copySync(root, this.outputFolder, {});
function compile(ir, target) {
ir.steps.forEach((step) => {
const [type, def] = step;
if (type == "type")
else if (type == "enum")
else if (type == "service")
if (target.finalize)
// src/targets/typescript.ts
var conversion = {
boolean: "boolean",
number: "number",
string: "string",
void: "void",
bytes: "Uint8Array"
function toJSType(type) {
return conversion[type] || type;
var TypescriptTarget = class extends CompileTarget {
name = "Typescript";
flavour = "node";
start() {
this.writeFormattedFile("ts_base.ts", this.getTemplate("ts_base.ts"));
generateImport(imports, path) {
return `import ${imports} from "${path + (this.flavour === "esm" ? ".ts" : "")}";
generateImports(a, def) {
a(0, this.generateImport(`{ VerificationError, apply_number, apply_string, apply_boolean, apply_void }`, `./ts_base`));
a(0, def.depends.map((dep) => this.generateImport(`${dep}, { apply_${dep} }`, "./" + dep)));
getFileName(typename) {
return typename + ".ts";
writeFormattedFile(file, code) {
this.writeFile(file, code);
generateType(def) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
this.generateImports(a, def);
a(0, `export default class ${def.name} {`);
a(1, def.fields.map((field) => {
let type = "";
if (field.array) {
type = toJSType(field.type) + "[]";
} else if (field.map) {
type = `{ [key: ${toJSType(field.map)}]: ${toJSType(field.type)} }`;
} else {
type = toJSType(field.type);
return `${field.name}?: ${type}; `;
a(0, ``);
a(1, `constructor(init?:Partial<${def.name}>){`);
a(2, `if(init){`);
def.fields.forEach((field) => {
a(3, `if(init["${field.name}"])`);
a(4, `this.${field.name} = init["${field.name}"];`);
a(2, `}`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `static apply(data: ${def.name}) {`);
a(2, `apply_${def.name}(data);`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `export function apply_${def.name}(data: ${def.name}): ${def.name} {`);
a(1, `if(typeof data !== "object") throw new VerificationError("${def.name}", undefined, data);`);
a(1, `let res = new ${def.name}() as any;`);
def.fields.forEach((field) => {
a(1, `if(data["${field.name}"] !== null && data["${field.name}"] !== undefined) {`);
if (field.array) {
a(2, `if(!Array.isArray(data["${field.name}"])) throw new VerificationError("array", "${field.name}", data["${field.name}"]);`);
a(2, `res["${field.name}"] = data["${field.name}"].map(elm=>`);
a(3, `apply_${field.type}(elm)`);
a(2, `)`);
} else if (field.map) {
a(2, `if(typeof data["${field.name}"] !== "object") throw new VerificationError("map", "${field.name}", data["${field.name}"]);`);
a(2, `res["${field.name}"] = {}`);
a(2, `Object.entries(data["${field.name}"]).forEach(([key, val]) => res["${field.name}"][key] = apply_${field.type}(val))`);
} else {
a(2, `res["${field.name}"] = apply_${field.type}(data["${field.name}"])`);
a(1, `}`);
a(1, `return res;`);
a(0, `}`);
a(0, ``);
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName(def.name), lines.join("\n"));
generateEnum(def) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
a(0, this.generateImport("{ VerificationError }", "./ts_base"));
a(0, `enum ${def.name} {`);
for (const value of def.values) {
a(1, `${value.name}=${value.value},`);
a(0, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `export default ${def.name}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `export function apply_${def.name} (data: ${def.name}): ${def.name} {`);
a(1, `data = Number(data);`);
a(1, `if(${def.name}[data] == undefined) throw new VerificationError("${def.name}", undefined, data);`);
a(1, `return data;`);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName(def.name), lines.join("\n"));
generateServiceClient(def) {
this.writeFormattedFile("service_client.ts", this.generateImport("{ RequestObject, ResponseObject, ErrorCodes, Logging }", "./service_base") + this.generateImport(" { VerificationError }", "./ts_base") + "\n\n" + this.getTemplate("ts_service_client.ts"));
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
this.generateImports(a, def);
a(0, `export type {`);
def.depends.forEach((dep) => {
a(1, `${dep},`);
a(0, `}`);
a(0, this.generateImport("{ Service, ServiceProvider, getRandomID }", "./service_client"));
a(0, ``);
a(0, `export class ${def.name} extends Service {`);
a(1, `constructor(provider: ServiceProvider){`);
a(2, `super(provider, "${def.name}");`);
a(1, `}`);
for (const fnc of def.functions) {
const params = fnc.inputs.map((e) => `${e.name}: ${toJSType(e.type) + (e.array ? "[]" : "")}`).join(", ");
if (!fnc.return) {
a(1, `${fnc.name}(${params}): void {`);
a(2, `this._provider.sendMessage({`);
a(3, `jsonrpc: "2.0",`);
a(3, `method: "${def.name}.${fnc.name}",`);
a(3, `params: [...arguments]`);
a(2, `});`);
a(1, `}`);
} else {
const retType = fnc.return ? toJSType(fnc.return.type) + (fnc.return.array ? "[]" : "") : "void";
a(1, `${fnc.name}(${params}): Promise<${retType}> {`);
a(2, `return new Promise<${retType}>((ok, err) => {`);
a(3, `this._provider.sendMessage({`);
a(4, `jsonrpc: "2.0",`);
a(4, `id: getRandomID(16),`);
a(4, `method: "${def.name}.${fnc.name}",`);
a(4, `params: [...arguments]`);
a(3, `}, {`);
a(4, `ok, err`);
a(3, `});`);
a(2, `}).then(result => {`);
if (fnc.return.array) {
a(3, `for(let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {`);
a(4, `result[i] = apply_${fnc.return.type}(result[i]);`);
a(3, `}`);
} else {
a(3, `result = apply_${fnc.return.type}(result);`);
a(3, `return result;`);
a(2, `});`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName(def.name + "_client"), lines.join("\n"));
generateServiceServer(def) {
var _a;
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
this.writeFormattedFile("service_server.ts", this.generateImport("{ RequestObject, ResponseObject, ErrorCodes, Logging }", "./service_base") + this.generateImport(" { VerificationError }", "./ts_base") + "\n\n" + this.getTemplate("ts_service_server.ts"));
this.generateImports(a, def);
a(0, `export type {`);
def.depends.forEach((dep) => {
a(1, `${dep},`);
a(0, `}`);
a(0, this.generateImport("{ Service }", "./service_server"));
a(0, ``);
a(0, `export abstract class ${def.name}<T> extends Service<T> {`);
a(1, `public name = "${def.name}";`);
a(1, `constructor(){`);
a(2, `super();`);
for (const fnc of def.functions) {
a(2, `this.functions.add("${fnc.name}")`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
for (const fnc of def.functions) {
const params = [
...fnc.inputs.map((e) => `${e.name}: ${toJSType(e.type) + (e.array ? "[]" : "")}`),
`ctx: T`
].join(", ");
const retVal = fnc.return ? `Promise<${toJSType(fnc.return.type) + (fnc.return.array ? "[]" : "")}>` : `void`;
a(1, `abstract ${fnc.name}(${params}): ${retVal};`);
a(1, `_${fnc.name}(params: any[] | any, ctx: T): ${retVal} {`);
a(2, `let p: any[] = [];`);
a(2, `if(Array.isArray(params)){`);
a(3, `p = params;`);
a(3, `while(p.length < ${fnc.inputs.length})`);
a(4, `p.push(undefined)`);
a(2, `} else {`);
for (const param of fnc.inputs) {
a(3, `p.push(params["${param.name}"])`);
a(2, `}`);
a(2, ``);
for (let i = 0; i < fnc.inputs.length; i++) {
a(2, `if(p[${i}] !== null && p[${i}] !== undefined) {`);
if (fnc.inputs[i].array) {
a(2, `for(const elm of p[${i}]) {`);
a(3, `apply_${fnc.inputs[i].type}(elm)`);
a(2, `}`);
} else {
a(2, `apply_${fnc.inputs[i].type}(p[${i}])`);
a(2, `}`);
a(2, ``);
a(2, `p.push(ctx);`);
a(2, `//@ts-ignore This will cause a typescript error when strict checking, since p is not a tuple`);
a(2, `return this.${fnc.name}.call(this, ...p)` + (fnc.return ? `.then(${((_a = fnc.return) == null ? void 0 : _a.array) ? `res => res.map(e => apply_${fnc.return.type}(e))` : `res => apply_${fnc.return.type}(res)`});` : ""));
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName(def.name + "_server"), lines.join("\n"));
generateService(def) {
this.writeFormattedFile("service_base.ts", this.getTemplate("ts_service_base.ts"));
finalize(steps) {
let linesClient = [];
let linesServer = [];
const ac = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => linesClient.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
const as = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => linesServer.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
let hasService = false;
steps.forEach(([type, def]) => {
switch (type) {
case "type":
a(0, this.generateImport(`${def.name}, { apply_${def.name} }`, "./" + def.name));
a(0, `export { apply_${def.name} }`);
a(0, `export { ${def.name} }`);
a(0, ``);
case "enum":
a(0, this.generateImport(`${def.name}, { apply_${def.name} }`, "./" + def.name));
a(0, `export { ${def.name}, apply_${def.name} }`);
a(0, ``);
case "service":
let ext = this.flavour == "esm" ? ".ts" : "";
if (!hasService) {
hasService = true;
ac(0, `export * from "./service_client${ext}"`);
ac(0, ``);
as(0, `export * from "./service_server${ext}"`);
as(0, ``);
a(0, `export * as Client from "./index_client${ext}"`);
a(0, `export * as Server from "./index_server${ext}"`);
a(0, `export { Logging } from "./service_base${ext}"`);
a(0, ``);
ac(0, `export { ${def.name} } from "./${def.name}_client${ext}"`);
as(0, `export { ${def.name} } from "./${def.name}_server${ext}"`);
ac(0, ``);
as(0, ``);
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName("index"), lines.join("\n"));
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName("index_client"), linesClient.join("\n"));
this.writeFormattedFile(this.getFileName("index_server"), linesServer.join("\n"));
var ESMTypescriptTarget = class extends TypescriptTarget {
name = "ts-esm";
flavour = "esm";
var NodeJSTypescriptTarget = class extends TypescriptTarget {
name = "ts-node";
flavour = "node";
// src/targets/csharp.ts
var conversion2 = {
boolean: "bool",
number: "double",
string: "string",
void: "void",
bytes: ""
function toCSharpType(type) {
return conversion2[type] || type;
var CSharpTarget = class extends CompileTarget {
name = "c#";
get namespace() {
return this.options.csharp_namespace || "JRPC";
start() {
if (this.options.use_messagepack == true) {
throw new Error("C# has no support for MessagePack yet!");
this.writeFile(this.namespace + ".csproj", this.getTemplate("CSharp/CSharp.csproj"));
const fixNS = (input) => input.replace("__NAMESPACE__", this.namespace);
const copyClass = (name) => this.writeFile(name + ".cs", fixNS(this.getTemplate(`CSharp/${name}.cs`)));
generateType(definition) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
a(0, `using System.Text.Json;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Serialization;`);
a(0, `using System.Collections.Generic;`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `namespace ${this.namespace};`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `public class ${definition.name} {`);
for (const field of definition.fields) {
if (field.array) {
a(1, `public IList<${toCSharpType(field.type)}>? ${field.name} { get; set; }`);
} else if (field.map) {
a(1, `public Dictionary<${toCSharpType(field.map)}, ${toCSharpType(field.type)}>? ${field.name} { get; set; }`);
} else {
a(1, `public ${toCSharpType(field.type)}? ${field.name} { get; set; }`);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFile(`${definition.name}.cs`, lines.join("\n"));
generateEnum(definition) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
a(0, `using System.Text.Json;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Serialization;`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `namespace ${this.namespace};`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `public enum ${definition.name} {`);
for (const field of definition.values) {
a(1, `${field.name} = ${field.value},`);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFile(`${definition.name}.cs`, lines.join("\n"));
generateServiceClient(definition) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
a(0, `using System;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Serialization;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Nodes;`);
a(0, `using System.Threading.Tasks;`);
a(0, `using System.Collections.Generic;`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `namespace ${this.namespace};`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `public class ${definition.name}Client {`);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `private JRpcClient Client;`);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `public ${definition.name}Client(JRpcClient client) {`);
a(2, `this.Client = client;`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
for (const fnc of definition.functions) {
let params = fnc.inputs.map((inp) => {
if (inp.array) {
return `List<${toCSharpType(inp.type)}> ${inp.name}`;
} else {
return `${toCSharpType(inp.type)} ${inp.name}`;
}).join(", ");
const genParam = () => a(2, `var param = new JsonArray(${fnc.inputs.map((e) => `JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(${e.name})`).join(", ")});`);
if (fnc.return) {
if (fnc.return.type == "void") {
a(1, `public async Task ${fnc.name}(${params}) {`);
a(2, `await this.Client.SendRequestRaw("${definition.name}.${fnc.name}", param);`);
a(1, `}`);
} else {
let ret = fnc.return ? fnc.return.array ? `IList<${toCSharpType(fnc.return.type)}>` : toCSharpType(fnc.return.type) : void 0;
a(1, `public async Task<${ret}?> ${fnc.name}(${params}) {`);
a(2, `return await this.Client.SendRequest<${ret}>("${definition.name}.${fnc.name}", param);`);
a(1, `}`);
} else {
a(1, `public void ${fnc.name}(${params}) {`);
a(2, `this.Client.SendNotification("${definition.name}.${fnc.name}", param);`);
a(1, `}`);
a(1, ``);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFile(`${definition.name}Client.cs`, lines.join("\n"));
generateServiceServer(definition) {
let lines = [];
const a = (i, t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
t = [t];
t.forEach((l) => lines.push(" ".repeat(i) + l.trim()));
a(0, `using System;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Serialization;`);
a(0, `using System.Text.Json.Nodes;`);
a(0, `using System.Threading.Tasks;`);
a(0, `using System.Collections.Generic;`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `namespace ${this.namespace};`);
a(0, ``);
a(0, `public abstract class ${definition.name}Server<TContext> : JRpcService<TContext> {`);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `public override string Name {`);
a(2, `get {`);
a(3, `return "${definition.name}";`);
a(2, `}`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `public ${definition.name}Server() {`);
for (const fnc of definition.functions) {
a(2, `this.RegisterFunction("${fnc.name}");`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, ``);
for (const fnc of definition.functions) {
let params = [
...fnc.inputs.map((inp) => {
if (inp.array) {
return `List<${toCSharpType(inp.type)}> ${inp.name}`;
} else {
return `${toCSharpType(inp.type)} ${inp.name}`;
"TContext ctx"
].join(", ");
if (fnc.return) {
if (fnc.return.type == "void") {
a(1, `public abstract Task ${fnc.name}(${params});`);
} else {
let ret = fnc.return ? fnc.return.array ? `IList<${toCSharpType(fnc.return.type)}>` : toCSharpType(fnc.return.type) : void 0;
a(1, `public abstract Task<${ret}> ${fnc.name}(${params});`);
} else {
a(1, `public abstract void ${fnc.name}(${params});`);
a(0, ``);
a(1, `public async override Task<JsonNode?> HandleRequest(string func, JsonNode param, TContext context) {`);
a(2, `switch(func) {`);
for (const fnc of definition.functions) {
a(3, `case "${fnc.name}": {`);
a(4, `if(param is JsonObject) {`);
a(5, `var ja = new JsonArray(${fnc.inputs.map((inp) => {
return `param["${inp.name}"]`;
}).join(", ")});`);
a(5, `param = ja;`);
a(4, `}`);
let pref = "";
if (fnc.return) {
if (fnc.return.type != "void")
pref = "var result = await ";
pref = "await ";
a(4, pref + `this.${fnc.name}(${[
...fnc.inputs.map((inp, idx) => {
let type = inp.array ? `List<${toCSharpType(inp.type)}>` : `${toCSharpType(inp.type)}`;
return `param[${idx}]!.Deserialize<${type}>()`;
].join(", ")});`);
if (fnc.return && fnc.return.type != "void") {
a(4, `return JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(result);`);
} else {
a(4, `return null;`);
a(3, `}`);
a(0, ``);
a(3, `default:`);
a(4, `throw new Exception("Invalid Method!");`);
a(2, `}`);
a(1, `}`);
a(0, `}`);
this.writeFile(`${definition.name}Server.cs`, lines.join("\n"));
generateService(definition) {
finalize(steps) {
// src/process.ts
var CatchedError = class extends Error {
var log2 = (0, import_debug2.default)("app");
var Targets = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
Targets.set("ts-esm", ESMTypescriptTarget);
Targets.set("ts-node", NodeJSTypescriptTarget);
Targets.set("c#", CSharpTarget);
function indexToLineAndCol(src, index) {
let line = 1;
let col = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (src.charAt(i) === "\n") {
col = 1;
} else {
return { line, col };
var fileCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function getFile(name) {
if (fileCache.has(name))
return fileCache.get(name);
else {
try {
const data = FS2.readFileSync(name, "utf-8");
fileCache.set(name, data);
return data;
} catch (err) {
printError(new Error(`Cannot open file ${name};`), null, 0);
return void 0;
function printError(err, file, idx) {
let loc = { line: 0, col: 0 };
if (file != null) {
const data = getFile(file);
if (data)
loc = indexToLineAndCol(data, idx);
console.error(`${import_chalk.default.red("ERROR: at")} ${file}:${loc.line}:${loc.col}`);
console.error(" ", err.message);
function processFile(ctx, file, root = false) {
file = Path2.resolve(file);
if (ctx.processedFiles.has(file)) {
log2("Skipping file %s since it has already be processed", file);
return null;
log2("Processing file %s", file);
const content = getFile(file);
if (!content)
throw new Error("Could not open file " + file);
try {
log2("Tokenizing %s", file);
const tokens = tokenize(content);
log2("Parsing %s", file);
const parsed = parse(tokens, file);
log2("Resolving imports of %s", file);
let resolved = parsed.map((statement) => {
if (statement.type == "import") {
const base = Path2.dirname(file);
const resolved2 = Path2.resolve(Path2.join(base, statement.path + ".jrpc"));
return processFile(ctx, resolved2);
} else {
return statement;
}).filter((e) => !!e).flat(1);
return resolved;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TokenizerError) {
printError(err, file, err.index);
if (!root)
throw new CatchedError();
} else if (err instanceof ParserError) {
printError(err, file, err.token.startIdx);
if (!root)
throw new CatchedError();
} else if (root && err instanceof CatchedError) {
return null;
} else {
throw err;
function startCompile(options) {
const ctx = {
processedFiles: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()
let ir = void 0;
if (options.input.endsWith(".json")) {
ir = JSON.parse(FS2.readFileSync(options.input, "utf-8"));
} else {
const parsed = processFile(ctx, options.input, true);
if (!parsed)
try {
ir = get_ir(parsed);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof IRError) {
printError(err, err.statement.location.file, err.statement.location.idx);
} else {
throw err;
if (!ir)
throw new Error("Error compiling: Cannot get IR");
if (options.emitDefinitions) {
FS2.writeFileSync(options.emitDefinitions, JSON.stringify(ir, void 0, 3));
if (options.targets.length <= 0) {
console.log(import_chalk.default.yellow("WARNING:"), "No targets selected!");
options.targets.forEach((target) => {
const tg = Targets.get(target.type);
if (!tg) {
console.log(import_chalk.default.red("ERROR:"), "Target not supported!");
compile(ir, new tg(target.output, ir.options));
// src/index.ts
var import_debug3 = __toESM(require_src());
var log3 = (0, import_debug3.default)("app");
yargs_default(hideBin(process.argv)).version("1.0.0").command("compile <input>", "Compile source", (yargs) => {
return yargs.positional("input", {
describe: "Input file",
type: "string",
demandOption: true
}).option("definition", {
type: "string",
describe: "Emit definition json at specified location"
}).option("output", {
type: "string",
describe: "Output lang and location 'ts:out/' 'c:/test'",
alias: "o",
coerce: (arg) => {
if (!arg)
return [];
if (!Array.isArray(arg))
arg = [arg];
return arg.map((input) => {
const [type, output] = input.split(":", 2);
return {
array: true
}, (argv) => {
if (argv.verbose) {
log3("Received compile command with args", argv);
input: argv.input,
targets: argv.output,
emitDefinitions: argv.definition
}).command("targets", "List all targets", (yargs) => yargs, () => {
Targets.forEach((__dirname3, target) => {
console.log(" " + target);
}).option("verbose", {
alias: "v",
type: "boolean",
describe: "Adds additional outputs"
* @fileoverview Main entrypoint for libraries using yargs-parser in Node.js
* CJS and ESM environments.
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2016, Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2016, Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC