
186 lines
4.8 KiB

import dbg from "debug";
import * as FS from "fs";
import Color from "chalk";
import * as Path from "path";
import tokenize, { TokenizerError } from "./tokenizer";
import parse, { Parsed, ParserError } from "./parser";
import get_ir, { IR, IRError } from "./ir";
import compile, { CompileTarget } from "./compile";
import {
} from "./targets/typescript";
import { CSharpTarget } from "./targets/csharp";
class CatchedError extends Error {}
const log = dbg("app");
const Targets = new Map<string, typeof CompileTarget>();
Targets.set("ts-esm", ESMTypescriptTarget);
Targets.set("ts-node", NodeJSTypescriptTarget);
Targets.set("c#", CSharpTarget as typeof CompileTarget);
function indexToLineAndCol(src: string, index: number) {
let line = 1;
let col = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (src.charAt(i) === "\n") {
col = 1;
} else {
return { line, col };
const fileCache = new Map<string, string>();
function getFile(name: string) {
if (fileCache.has(name)) return fileCache.get(name);
else {
try {
const data = FS.readFileSync(name, "utf-8");
fileCache.set(name, data);
return data;
} catch (err) {
printError(new Error(`Cannot open file ${name};`), null, 0);
return undefined;
function printError(err: Error, file: string | null, idx: number) {
let loc = { line: 0, col: 0 };
if (file != null) {
const data = getFile(file);
if (data) loc = indexToLineAndCol(data, idx);
console.error(`${Color.red("ERROR: at")} ${file}:${loc.line}:${loc.col}`);
console.error(" ", err.message);
export type Target = {
type: string;
output: string;
export type CompileOptions = {
input: string;
targets: Target[];
emitDefinitions?: string;
type ProcessContext = {
options: CompileOptions;
processedFiles: Set<string>;
function processFile(
ctx: ProcessContext,
file: string,
root = false
): Parsed | null {
file = Path.resolve(file);
if (ctx.processedFiles.has(file)) {
log("Skipping file %s since it has already be processed", file);
return null;
log("Processing file %s", file);
const content = getFile(file);
if (!content) throw new Error("Could not open file " + file);
try {
log("Tokenizing %s", file);
const tokens = tokenize(content);
log("Parsing %s", file);
const parsed = parse(tokens, file);
log("Resolving imports of %s", file);
let resolved = parsed
.map((statement) => {
if (statement.type == "import") {
const base = Path.dirname(file);
const resolved = Path.resolve(
Path.join(base, statement.path + ".jrpc")
return processFile(ctx, resolved);
} else {
return statement;
.filter((e) => !!e)
.flat(1) as Parsed;
return resolved;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TokenizerError) {
printError(err, file, err.index);
if (!root) throw new CatchedError();
} else if (err instanceof ParserError) {
printError(err, file, err.token.startIdx);
if (!root) throw new CatchedError();
} else if (root && err instanceof CatchedError) {
return null;
} else {
throw err;
export default function startCompile(options: CompileOptions) {
const ctx = {
processedFiles: new Set(),
} as ProcessContext;
let ir: IR | undefined = undefined;
if (options.input.endsWith(".json")) {
ir = JSON.parse(FS.readFileSync(options.input, "utf-8"));
} else {
const parsed = processFile(ctx, options.input, true);
if (!parsed) process.exit(1); // Errors should have already been emitted
try {
ir = get_ir(parsed);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof IRError) {
} else {
throw err;
if (!ir) throw new Error("Error compiling: Cannot get IR");
if (options.emitDefinitions) {
JSON.stringify(ir, undefined, 3)
if (options.targets.length <= 0) {
console.log(Color.yellow("WARNING:"), "No targets selected!");
options.targets.forEach((target) => {
const tg = Targets.get(target.type) as any;
if (!tg) {
console.log(Color.red("ERROR:"), "Target not supported!");
compile(ir, new tg(target.output, ir.options));