
266 lines
7.5 KiB

import SHA from "jssha";
import Path from "./helper/path";
export interface IDataStore {
get(key: string): Promise<Uint8Array>;
set(key: string, data: Uint8Array): Promise<void>;
has(key: string): Promise<boolean>;
close?: () => Promise<void>;
getLock: () => Promise<() => Promise<void>>;
export type NodeType = "tree" | "blob";
export type NodeHash = string;
export type NodeFilename = string;
export type TreeEntry = [NodeType, NodeHash, NodeFilename];
export type Commit = {
id: string;
root: string;
before: string;
date: Date;
// TODOs:
// - HEAD locks
// - HEAD/Tree Cache
// - Remote synchronisation
// - Add DataStore Locking for access from multiple sources
export default class Repository {
#store: IDataStore;
constructor(store: IDataStore) {
this.#store = store;
private sha1(data: Uint8Array) {
const s = new SHA("SHA-1", "UINT8ARRAY");
return s.getHash("HEX");
private sha256(data: Uint8Array) {
const s = new SHA("SHA3-256", "UINT8ARRAY");
return s.getHash("HEX");
private splitPath(path: string) {
const resolved = Path.resolve(path).slice(1);
if (resolved == "") return [];
return resolved.split(Path.delimiter);
private getHeadLock() {}
private async writeObject(data: Uint8Array | string): Promise<string> {
if (typeof data == "string") {
data = new TextEncoder().encode(data);
const objectID = this.sha1(data);
await this.#store.set("objects/" + objectID, data);
return objectID;
private async hasObject(id: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.#store.has("objects/" + id);
private async readObject(id: string, string: true): Promise<string>;
private async readObject(id: string, string?: false): Promise<Uint8Array>;
private async readObject(id: string, string = false): Promise<Uint8Array | string> {
let data = await this.#store.get("objects/" + id);
if (string) {
return new TextDecoder().decode(data);
} else {
return data;
async clean() {
// TODO: Cleanup broken things
async readdir(path: string): Promise<TreeEntry[] | undefined> {
const parts = this.splitPath(path);
console.log({ parts });
const head = await this.readHead();
if (!head) return undefined;
const treeID = await this.treeFindObjectID(head.root, parts, "tree");
if (!treeID) return undefined;
return this.readTree(treeID);
async read(path: string): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined> {
const parts = this.splitPath(path);
const head = await this.readHead();
if (!head) return undefined;
const objectID = await this.treeFindObjectID(head.root, parts, "blob");
if (!objectID) return undefined;
return this.readObject(objectID);
async write(path: string, data: Uint8Array) {
const parts = this.splitPath(path);
const objectID = await this.writeObject(data);
const lock = await this.#store.getLock();
try {
//TODO: Improve need of locking.
const head = await this.readHead();
const makeTree = async (treeID: string | undefined, parts: string[]) => {
let tree: TreeEntry[];
if (treeID) {
tree = await this.readTree(treeID);
} else {
tree = [];
const current = parts[0];
let existing = tree.findIndex(([, , name]) => name == current);
let entry: TreeEntry;
if (parts.length == 1) {
entry = ["blob", objectID, current];
} else {
entry = [
await makeTree(existing >= 0 ? tree[existing][1] : undefined, parts.slice(1)),
if (existing >= 0) {
let ex = tree[existing];
if (parts.length == 1 && ex[0] == "tree")
throw new Error("This change would overwrite a folder!");
tree[existing] = entry;
} else {
let treeString =[type, hash, name]) => `${type} ${hash} ${name}`).join("\n");
let newTreeID = await this.writeObject(treeString);
return newTreeID;
let newTree = await makeTree(head?.root, parts);
let commit = await this.makeCommit(newTree, head);
await this.writeHead(commit);
} finally {
await lock();
async treeFindObjectID(
treeID: string,
parts: string[],
type: NodeType
): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (parts.length == 0) {
if (type == "tree") return treeID;
else throw new Error("Cannot open root as file!");
const tree = await this.readTree(treeID);
const current = parts[0];
let entry = tree.find(([type, id, name]) => name == current);
if (!entry) {
return undefined;
if (parts.length == 1) {
if (entry[0] != type) throw new Error("Expected 'blob' found 'tree'!");
return entry[1];
} else {
if (entry[0] != "tree") throw new Error("Expected 'tree' found 'blob'!");
return this.treeFindObjectID(entry[1], parts.splice(1), type);
async readTree(id: string): Promise<TreeEntry[]> {
const tree = await this.readObject(id, true);
return tree.split("\n").map((e) => {
const entry = e.split(" ") as TreeEntry;
const [type] = entry;
switch (type) {
case "blob":
case "tree":
throw new Error("Invalid tree type."); //Might be a newer version or so
return entry;
async makeCommit(treeID: string, old?: Commit) {
if (!old) {
// Could be called once more than necessary, if no HEAD exists.
old = await this.readHead();
const commitStr =
`tree ${treeID}\ndate ${new Date().toISOString()}\n` + (old ? `before ${old?.id}\n` : "");
return await this.writeObject(commitStr);
async readCommit(id: string): Promise<Commit> {
if (!(await this.hasObject(id))) throw new Error(`Commit with id ${id} not found!`);
const commitStr = await this.readObject(id, true);
let commit: Commit = { id } as any;
for (const entry of commitStr.split("\n")) {
const [type] = entry.split(" ", 1);
const value = entry.slice(type.length + 1);
switch (type) {
case "tree": // TODO: Simple validity checks
commit.root = value;
case "before": // TODO: Simple validity checks
commit.before = value;
case "date": = new Date(value);
if (!commit.root) {
throw new Error("No tree defined in this commit!");
return commit;
async readHead(): Promise<Commit | undefined> {
if (!(await this.#store.has("HEAD"))) return undefined;
const head = new TextDecoder().decode(await this.#store.get("HEAD"));
return this.readCommit(head);
async writeHead(commitID: string): Promise<void> {
await this.#store.set("HEAD", new TextEncoder().encode(commitID));
async close() {
if (this.#store.close) return this.#store?.close();