diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Backup.cs b/BuechermarktClient/Backup.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c9502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Backup.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using MongoDB.Driver;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+namespace BuechermarktClient
+ public class Backup
+ {
+ public static void MakeBackup() {
+ string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName);
+ string backupfolder = folder + "\\backups";
+ if (!Directory.Exists(backupfolder)){
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(backupfolder);
+ }
+ string tbackupfoldername = "" + (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
+ string tbackupfolder = backupfolder + "\\" + tbackupfoldername;
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(tbackupfolder);
+ var bt = MainWindow.BookTypeCollection.Find(e => true).ToList();
+ var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bt);
+ StringToFile(tbackupfolder + "\\BookTypes.json", json);
+ var b = MainWindow.BookCollection.Find(e => true).ToList();
+ json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(b);
+ StringToFile(tbackupfolder + "\\Book.json", json);
+ var s = MainWindow.StudentCollection.Find(e => true).ToList();
+ json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(s);
+ StringToFile(tbackupfolder + "\\Students.json", json);
+ ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(tbackupfolder, tbackupfolder + ".zip");
+ DeleteDirectory(tbackupfolder);
+ }
+ private static void StringToFile(string filepath, string json)
+ {
+ //File.Create(filepath);
+ File.WriteAllText(filepath, json);
+ }
+ public static void DeleteDirectory(string target_dir)
+ {
+ string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(target_dir);
+ string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(target_dir);
+ foreach (string file in files)
+ {
+ File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal);
+ File.Delete(file);
+ }
+ foreach (string dir in dirs)
+ {
+ DeleteDirectory(dir);
+ }
+ Directory.Delete(target_dir, false);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml
index 7a6a4ea..26f615a 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml
@@ -8,10 +8,19 @@
Title="BookTypes" Height="300" Width="300">
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml.cs
index df2a5f9..9fc0851 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/BookTypes.xaml.cs
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
-using System.Windows.Data;
-using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
-using System.Windows.Media;
-using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
-using System.Windows.Shapes;
using BuechermarktClient.Models;
using System.Threading;
using MongoDB.Driver;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BuechermarktClient
@@ -25,8 +18,32 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
public Thread RefreshThread = null;
private bool ThreadRunning = true;
- public BookTypes()
+ public bool Chooser = false;
+ private string _SearchField;
+ public string SearchField {
+ get
+ {
+ return _SearchField;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if(value != _SearchField)
+ {
+ _SearchField = value;
+ LoadList();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public BookType SelectedItem { get; private set; }
+ public BookTypes() : this(false) { }
+ public BookTypes(bool select)
+ DataContext = this;
+ Chooser = select;
RefreshThread = new Thread(RefreshThreadS);
@@ -51,8 +68,21 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
public void LoadList()
var list = MainWindow.BookTypeCollection.FindSync((b)=>true).ToList();
+ var show = new List();
+ if(SearchField != null && SearchField != String.Empty)
+ {
+ foreach(var e in list)
+ {
+ if (e.ISBN.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()) || e.Name.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()))
+ {
+ show.Add(e);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ show = list;
+ }
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate (){
- BookTypesList.ItemsSource = list;
+ BookTypesList.ItemsSource = show;
@@ -67,13 +97,22 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- var item = sender as ListViewItem;
- if (item != null && item.IsSelected)
+ if (sender is ListViewItem item && item.IsSelected)
- var editWindow = new BookTypesEdit(item.DataContext as BookType) {
- Owner = this
- };
- editWindow.Show();
+ SelectedItem = item.DataContext as BookType;
+ if (Chooser)
+ {
+ DialogResult = true;
+ Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var editWindow = new BookTypesEdit(item.DataContext as BookType)
+ {
+ Owner = this
+ };
+ editWindow.Show();
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b96a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8900229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Books.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using MongoDB.Driver;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Globalization;
+using MongoDB.Bson;
+namespace BuechermarktClient
+ [ValueConversion(typeof(object), typeof(string))]
+ public class EnumConverter : IValueConverter
+ {
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ return value?.ToString();
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ [ValueConversion(typeof(object), typeof(string))]
+ public class StudentConverter : IValueConverter
+ {
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ var i = MainWindow.StudentCollection.Find(s => s.ID == (ObjectId)value).FirstOrDefault();
+ if (i == null) return value;
+ return i.Lastname + ", " + i.Forname;
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ [ValueConversion(typeof(object), typeof(string))]
+ public class BookTypeConverter : IValueConverter
+ {
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ var i = MainWindow.BookTypeCollection.Find(bt => bt.ID == (ObjectId)value).FirstOrDefault();
+ if (i == null) return value;
+ return i.Name;
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Interaktionslogik für Books.xaml
+ ///
+ public partial class Books : Window
+ {
+ public Thread RefreshThread = null;
+ private bool ThreadRunning = true;
+ public Books()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ RefreshThread = new Thread(RefreshThreadS);
+ RefreshThread.Start();
+ RefreshThread.IsBackground = true;
+ Closing += Book_Closing;
+ }
+ private void Book_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
+ {
+ ThreadRunning = false;
+ }
+ public void RefreshThreadS()
+ {
+ while (ThreadRunning)
+ {
+ LoadList();
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ public void LoadList()
+ {
+ var list = MainWindow.BookCollection.FindSync((b) => true).ToList();
+ Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate () {
+ BooksList.ItemsSource = list;
+ }));
+ }
+ private void AddNew_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var editWindow = new BooksEdit(null)
+ {
+ Owner = this
+ };
+ editWindow.Show();
+ }
+ private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (sender is ListViewItem item && item.IsSelected)
+ {
+ var editWindow = new BooksEdit(item.DataContext as Models.Book)
+ {
+ Owner = this
+ };
+ editWindow.Show();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f58e16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc09ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/BooksEdit.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+using BuechermarktClient.Models;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Windows;
+using MongoDB.Driver;
+using MongoDB.Bson;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+namespace BuechermarktClient
+ [ValueConversion(typeof(object), typeof(string))]
+ public class StringConverter : IValueConverter
+ {
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ return value?.ToString();
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if(value == null) return null;
+ if (!double.TryParse((string)value, out double outD)) return null;
+ return outD;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Interaktionslogik für BookEdit.xaml
+ ///
+ public partial class BooksEdit : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
+ {
+ private bool New = false;
+ private Book Book = null;
+ public string LabelId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Book.LabelId;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if(value != Book.LabelId)
+ {
+ Book.LabelId = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged("LabelId");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Student Student
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return MainWindow.StudentCollection.Find(s => s.ID == Book.Student).FirstOrDefault();
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (value != null && value.ID != Book.Student)
+ {
+ Book.Student = value.ID;
+ OnPropertyChanged("Student");
+ } else if(value == null)
+ {
+ Book.Student = new MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId("0");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public string StudentLabelId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Student?.LabelId;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ var st = Student;
+ if (st == null || value != st.LabelId)
+ {
+ Student = MainWindow.StudentCollection.Find(s => s.LabelId.Equals(value)).FirstOrDefault();
+ OnPropertyChanged("StudentLabelId");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class ComboS
+ {
+ public ComboS(string name,BookState state)
+ {
+ Name = name;
+ Sate = state;
+ }
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public BookState Sate { get; set; }
+ }
+ public List StatesList;
+ public ComboS ComboState
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return StatesList.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Sate == Book.State);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if(value.Sate != Book.State)
+ {
+ Book.State = value.Sate;
+ OnPropertyChanged("ComboState");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public double Price
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Book.Price;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if(value != Book.Price)
+ {
+ Book.Price = value;
+ OnPropertyChanged("Price");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public BookType BookType
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return MainWindow.BookTypeCollection.Find(b => b.ID == Book.BookType).FirstOrDefault();
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (value != null && value.ID != Book.BookType)
+ {
+ Book.BookType = value.ID;
+ OnPropertyChanged("BookType");
+ }
+ else if (value == null)
+ {
+ Book.BookType = new ObjectId("0");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public string BookTypeISBN
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return BookType?.ISBN;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ var bt = BookType;
+ if(bt == null || value != bt.ISBN)
+ {
+ BookType = MainWindow.BookTypeCollection.Find(b => b.ISBN == value).FirstOrDefault();
+ OnPropertyChanged("BookTypeISBN");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
+ protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
+ {
+ PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
+ }
+ public BooksEdit(Book book)
+ {
+ StatesList = new List
+ {
+ new ComboS("Im Lager", BookState.InStock),
+ new ComboS("Verkauft", BookState.Selled),
+ new ComboS("Verlohren", BookState.Missing),
+ new ComboS("Zurück an den Schüler", BookState.BackToStudent)
+ };
+ DataContext = this;
+ if (book == null)
+ {
+ Book = new Book();
+ New = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Book = book;
+ }
+ InitializeComponent();
+ StateComboBox.ItemsSource = StatesList;
+ }
+ private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (New)
+ {
+ MainWindow.BookCollection.InsertOne(Book);
+ var oldStudent = Student;
+ Book = new Book();
+ Student = oldStudent;
+ Book.State = BookState.InStock;
+ OnPropertyChanged(string.Empty);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MainWindow.BookCollection.FindOneAndUpdate(b => b.ID == Book.ID, Builders.Update
+ .Set(b => b.Student, Book.Student)
+ .Set(b => b.BookType, Book.BookType)
+ .Set(b => b.Price, Book.Price)
+ .Set(b => b.State, Book.State)
+ .Set(b => b.LabelId, Book.LabelId));
+ Close();
+ }
+ }
+ private void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (Book != null && Book.ID != null)
+ {
+ MainWindow.StudentCollection.DeleteOne(bt => bt.ID == Student.ID);
+ }
+ Close();
+ }
+ private void SelectBookType_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var btd = new BookTypes(true);
+ btd.ShowDialog();
+ if (btd.DialogResult == true)
+ {
+ BookTypeISBN = btd.SelectedItem.ISBN;
+ }
+ }
+ private void BookTypeDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var bte = new BookTypesEdit(BookType);
+ bte.ShowDialog();
+ }
+ private void StudentDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var se = new StudentsEdit(Student);
+ se.ShowDialog();
+ }
+ private void SelectStudent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var sd = new Students(true);
+ sd.ShowDialog();
+ if (sd.DialogResult == true)
+ {
+ StudentLabelId = sd.SelectedItem.LabelId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/BuechermarktClient.csproj b/BuechermarktClient/BuechermarktClient.csproj
index 26bf0f7..dbca5a8 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/BuechermarktClient.csproj
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/BuechermarktClient.csproj
@@ -46,11 +46,9 @@
- ..\packages\RestSharp.105.2.3\lib\net452\RestSharp.dll
+ ..\packages\System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.4.3.0\lib\net45\System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll
@@ -72,6 +70,14 @@
+ Designer
+ MSBuild:Compile
+ Designer
+ MSBuild:Compile
+ DesignerMSBuild:Compile
@@ -96,9 +102,17 @@
+ Books.xaml
+ BooksEdit.xaml
+ BookTypes.xaml
+ Students.xaml
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml
index 3875efb..8f9d238 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
index 25b06ef..80fdd93 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
@@ -27,19 +28,39 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
public static IMongoCollection BookTypeCollection;
public static IMongoCollection BookCollection;
public static IMongoCollection StudentCollection;
+ public static string MongoHost = "localhost";
public BookTypes BookTypesWindow = null;
public Students StudentsWindow = null;
+ public Books BooksWindow = null;
public MainWindow()
+ OnConnectionEstablised("localhost");
//ToDo get server informations
- Mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
+ }
+ public void OnConnectionEstablised(string hostname)
+ {
+ MongoHost = hostname;
+ Mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + MongoHost + ":27017");
Database = Mongo.GetDatabase("buechermarkt");
BookTypeCollection = Database.GetCollection("booktypes");
BookCollection = Database.GetCollection("books");
StudentCollection = Database.GetCollection("students");
+ var t = new Thread(BackupService);
+ t.Start();
+ }
+ private void BackupService()
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Backup.MakeBackup();
+ Thread.Sleep(30000);
+ }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
@@ -106,5 +127,27 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
StudentsWindow = null;
+ private void Books_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (BooksWindow == null)
+ {
+ BooksWindow = new Books()
+ {
+ Owner = this
+ };
+ BooksWindow.Show();
+ BooksWindow.Closed += BooksWindow_Closes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BringWindowOnTop(BooksWindow);
+ }
+ }
+ private void BooksWindow_Closes(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ BooksWindow = null;
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Models/Book.cs b/BuechermarktClient/Models/Book.cs
index ed687e6..596e5f9 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/Models/Book.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Models/Book.cs
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient.Models
public enum BookState
+ InStock,
+ Selled,
+ BackToStudent,
+ Missing
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/SigningService.cs b/BuechermarktClient/SigningService.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72ce05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/SigningService.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace BuechermarktClient
+ class SigningService
+ {
+ public SigningService()
+ {
+ WebServer es = new WebServer(r =>
+ {
+ return "hi";
+ }, "test");
+ es.Run();
+ }
+ }
+ public class WebServer
+ {
+ private readonly HttpListener _listener = new HttpListener();
+ private readonly Func _responderMethod;
+ public WebServer(string[] prefixes, Func method)
+ {
+ if (!HttpListener.IsSupported)
+ throw new NotSupportedException(
+ "Needs Windows XP SP2, Server 2003 or later.");
+ // URI prefixes are required, for example
+ // "http://localhost:8080/index/".
+ if (prefixes == null || prefixes.Length == 0)
+ throw new ArgumentException("prefixes");
+ // A responder method is required
+ if (method == null)
+ throw new ArgumentException("method");
+ foreach (string s in prefixes)
+ _listener.Prefixes.Add(s);
+ _responderMethod = method;
+ _listener.Start();
+ }
+ public WebServer(Func method, params string[] prefixes)
+ : this(prefixes, method) { }
+ public void Run()
+ {
+ ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Webserver running...");
+ try
+ {
+ while (_listener.IsListening)
+ {
+ ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((c) =>
+ {
+ var ctx = c as HttpListenerContext;
+ try
+ {
+ string rstr = _responderMethod(ctx.Request);
+ byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rstr);
+ ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = buf.Length;
+ ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
+ }
+ catch { } // suppress any exceptions
+ finally
+ {
+ // always close the stream
+ ctx.Response.OutputStream.Close();
+ }
+ }, _listener.GetContext());
+ }
+ }
+ catch { } // suppress any exceptions
+ });
+ }
+ public void Stop()
+ {
+ _listener.Stop();
+ _listener.Close();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml
index f3dbdb6..976da1e 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml
@@ -8,10 +8,19 @@
Title="Students" Height="300" Width="300">
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml.cs
index 13454d5..683d8a9 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/Students.xaml.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Windows.Input;
using BuechermarktClient.Models;
using System.Threading;
using MongoDB.Driver;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BuechermarktClient
@@ -17,8 +18,34 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
public Thread RefreshThread = null;
private bool ThreadRunning = true;
- public Students()
+ public bool Chooser = false;
+ private string _SearchField;
+ public string SearchField
+ get
+ {
+ return _SearchField;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ if (value != _SearchField)
+ {
+ _SearchField = value;
+ LoadList();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Student SelectedItem { get; private set; }
+ public Students() : this(false){ }
+ public Students(bool select)
+ {
+ DataContext = this;
+ Chooser = select;
RefreshThread = new Thread(RefreshThreadS);
@@ -44,9 +71,24 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
public void LoadList()
- var list = MainWindow.StudentCollection.FindSync((s) => true).ToList();
+ var list = MainWindow.StudentCollection.FindSync((b) => true).ToList();
+ var show = new List();
+ if (SearchField != null && SearchField != String.Empty)
+ {
+ foreach (var e in list)
+ {
+ if (e.Forname.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()) || e.Lastname.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()) || e.PhoneNumber.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()) || e.EMail.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()) || e.Form.ToLower().Contains(SearchField.ToLower()))
+ {
+ show.Add(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ show = list;
+ }
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate () {
- BookTypesList.ItemsSource = list;
+ ViewList.ItemsSource = show;
@@ -61,14 +103,22 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- var item = sender as ListViewItem;
- if (item != null && item.IsSelected)
+ if (sender is ListViewItem item && item.IsSelected)
- var editWindow = new StudentsEdit(item.DataContext as Student)
+ SelectedItem = item.DataContext as Student;
+ if (Chooser)
- Owner = this
- };
- editWindow.Show();
+ DialogResult = true;
+ Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var editWindow = new StudentsEdit(item.DataContext as Student)
+ {
+ Owner = this
+ };
+ editWindow.Show();
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml b/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml
index fbf8aaa..04b1576 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Title="Buchtyp" Height="335" Width="300">
+ Title="Schüler" Height="335" Width="300">
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml.cs b/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml.cs
index 0ed9025..40a6320 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/StudentsEdit.xaml.cs
@@ -132,6 +132,13 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
+ Student = new Student();
+ Forname = "";
+ Lastname = "";
+ EMail = "";
+ PhoneNumber = "";
+ LabelId = "";
+ Form = "";
} else
MainWindow.StudentCollection.FindOneAndUpdate(s => s.ID == Student.ID, Builders.Update
@@ -141,8 +148,9 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient
.Set(s => s.PhoneNumber, Student.PhoneNumber)
.Set(s => s.LabelId, Student.LabelId)
.Set(s=>s.Form, Student.Form));
+ Close();
- Close();
private void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/bin/Debug/RestSharp.xml b/BuechermarktClient/bin/Debug/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/BuechermarktClient/bin/Debug/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Book.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Book.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f583a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Book.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\Book.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "B183AD2B0448955DE79C8EA2943A99FD"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// Book
+ ///
+ public partial class Book : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
+ #line 14 "..\..\Book.xaml"
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BookTypesList;
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/book.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\Book.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ this.BookTypesList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ #line 30 "..\..\Book.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ }
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ System.Windows.EventSetter eventSetter;
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
+ eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
+ #line 26 "..\..\Book.xaml"
+ eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ ((System.Windows.Style)(target)).Setters.Add(eventSetter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookEdit.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookEdit.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2edfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookEdit.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\BookEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "53FC3D30B9DE907E18735D8B4A386792"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// BookEdit
+ ///
+ public partial class BookEdit : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector {
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/bookedit.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\BookEdit.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.baml
index 2d9d697..ec6a06e 100644
Binary files a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.baml and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.cs
index a288476..9eb44ed 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\BookTypes.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "3804A968D9CEB9784CCAB007BA4E2793"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\BookTypes.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "0A2A30BE6E5B8C01C72CED013BD65F47"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
public partial class BookTypes : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
- #line 14 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 23 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BookTypesList;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 3:
- #line 27 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 36 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
#line default
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
- #line 23 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 32 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
#line default
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.i.cs
index a288476..9eb44ed 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.i.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BookTypes.g.i.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\BookTypes.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "3804A968D9CEB9784CCAB007BA4E2793"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\BookTypes.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "0A2A30BE6E5B8C01C72CED013BD65F47"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
public partial class BookTypes : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
- #line 14 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 23 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BookTypesList;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 3:
- #line 27 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 36 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
#line default
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
- #line 23 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
+ #line 32 "..\..\BookTypes.xaml"
eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
#line default
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.baml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32883b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc689e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\Books.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "4DEBA5853B20A92CCD7D34AE21518E50"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// Books
+ ///
+ public partial class Books : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
+ #line 19 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BooksList;
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/books.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ this.BooksList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ #line 35 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ }
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ System.Windows.EventSetter eventSetter;
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
+ eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
+ #line 31 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ ((System.Windows.Style)(target)).Setters.Add(eventSetter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc689e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Books.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\Books.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "4DEBA5853B20A92CCD7D34AE21518E50"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// Books
+ ///
+ public partial class Books : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
+ #line 19 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BooksList;
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/books.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ this.BooksList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ #line 35 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ }
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ System.Windows.EventSetter eventSetter;
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
+ eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
+ #line 31 "..\..\Books.xaml"
+ eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ ((System.Windows.Style)(target)).Setters.Add(eventSetter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.baml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7021d
Binary files /dev/null and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255877b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "06D0E6E88FCAD8BC03096A6FF1F1BF04"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// BooksEdit
+ ///
+ public partial class BooksEdit : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector {
+ #line 42 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox StateComboBox;
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/booksedit.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ #line 28 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.SelectBookType_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 2:
+ #line 37 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.SelectStudent_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ this.StateComboBox = ((System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox)(target));
+ return;
+ case 4:
+ #line 48 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Save_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 5:
+ #line 49 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Delete_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 6:
+ #line 59 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.BookTypeDetails_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 7:
+ #line 77 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.StudentDetails_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ }
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255877b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BooksEdit.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#pragma checksum "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "06D0E6E88FCAD8BC03096A6FF1F1BF04"
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+using BuechermarktClient;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Automation;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Documents;
+using System.Windows.Ink;
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
+using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
+using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
+using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
+using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
+using System.Windows.Navigation;
+using System.Windows.Shapes;
+using System.Windows.Shell;
+namespace BuechermarktClient {
+ ///
+ /// BooksEdit
+ ///
+ public partial class BooksEdit : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector {
+ #line 42 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox StateComboBox;
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ private bool _contentLoaded;
+ ///
+ /// InitializeComponent
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ public void InitializeComponent() {
+ if (_contentLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _contentLoaded = true;
+ System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/BuechermarktClient;component/booksedit.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
+ #line 1 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ }
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
+ [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1800:DoNotCastUnnecessarily")]
+ void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) {
+ switch (connectionId)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ #line 28 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.SelectBookType_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 2:
+ #line 37 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.SelectStudent_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ this.StateComboBox = ((System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox)(target));
+ return;
+ case 4:
+ #line 48 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Save_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 5:
+ #line 49 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Delete_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 6:
+ #line 59 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.BookTypeDetails_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 7:
+ #line 77 "..\..\BooksEdit.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.StudentDetails_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ }
+ this._contentLoaded = true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
index 92e5f5a..33b6d82 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\BuechermarktClient.exe.config
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\BuechermarktClient.exe
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\BuechermarktClient.pdb
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Bson.dll
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.dll
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Bson.xml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.xml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.Core.xml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.xml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Books.g.cs
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BooksEdit.g.cs
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypes.g.cs
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Students.g.cs
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\StudentsEdit.g.cs
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypesEdit.g.cs
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\MainWindow.g.cs
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\App.g.cs
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.cache
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.lref
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Books.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BooksEdit.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypes.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Students.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\StudentsEdit.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypesEdit.baml
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\MainWindow.baml
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.g.resources
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.Properties.Resources.resources
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.exe
C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BuechermarktClient.pdb
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Bson.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\RestSharp.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Bson.xml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.xml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\MongoDB.Driver.Core.xml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.xml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\bin\Debug\RestSharp.xml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypes.g.cs
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypes.baml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypesEdit.g.cs
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\BookTypesEdit.baml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Students.g.cs
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\StudentsEdit.g.cs
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\Students.baml
-C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\StudentsEdit.baml
+C:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\obj\Debug\GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.g.resources b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.g.resources
index cdd6472..0c649a5 100644
Binary files a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.g.resources and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient.g.resources differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_Content.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_Content.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7287b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_Content.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+[assembly: System.Windows.Resources.AssemblyAssociatedContentFileAttribute("mongodump.exe")]
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.i.lref b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.i.lref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0185e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.i.lref
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\BooksEdit.xaml;;
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.lref b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.lref
index 84d7400..ea81e17 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.lref
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/BuechermarktClient_MarkupCompile.lref
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\Books.xaml;;
+FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\BooksEdit.xaml;;
FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\BookTypes.xaml;;
-FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\MainWindow.xaml;;
-FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\BookTypesEdit.xaml;;
FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\Students.xaml;;
FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\StudentsEdit.xaml;;
+FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\BookTypesEdit.xaml;;
+FC:\Users\fabia\Documents\Projekte\privat\under development\BuechermarktClient\BuechermarktClient\MainWindow.xaml;;
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c9b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+namespace XamlGeneratedNamespace {
+ ///
+ /// GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public sealed class GeneratedInternalTypeHelper : System.Windows.Markup.InternalTypeHelper {
+ ///
+ /// CreateInstance
+ ///
+ protected override object CreateInstance(System.Type type, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ return System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, ((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ | (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance)), null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// GetPropertyValue
+ ///
+ protected override object GetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ return propertyInfo.GetValue(target, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// SetPropertyValue
+ ///
+ protected override void SetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ propertyInfo.SetValue(target, value, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// CreateDelegate
+ ///
+ protected override System.Delegate CreateDelegate(System.Type delegateType, object target, string handler) {
+ return ((System.Delegate)(target.GetType().InvokeMember("_CreateDelegate", (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
+ | (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)), null, target, new object[] {
+ delegateType,
+ handler}, null)));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// AddEventHandler
+ ///
+ protected override void AddEventHandler(System.Reflection.EventInfo eventInfo, object target, System.Delegate handler) {
+ eventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.i.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c9b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.i.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
+// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
+// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
+// der Code erneut generiert wird.
+namespace XamlGeneratedNamespace {
+ ///
+ /// GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
+ ///
+ [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("PresentationBuildTasks", "")]
+ [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
+ public sealed class GeneratedInternalTypeHelper : System.Windows.Markup.InternalTypeHelper {
+ ///
+ /// CreateInstance
+ ///
+ protected override object CreateInstance(System.Type type, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ return System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, ((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ | (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance)), null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// GetPropertyValue
+ ///
+ protected override object GetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ return propertyInfo.GetValue(target, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// SetPropertyValue
+ ///
+ protected override void SetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
+ propertyInfo.SetValue(target, value, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, null, culture);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// CreateDelegate
+ ///
+ protected override System.Delegate CreateDelegate(System.Type delegateType, object target, string handler) {
+ return ((System.Delegate)(target.GetType().InvokeMember("_CreateDelegate", (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
+ | (System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)), null, target, new object[] {
+ delegateType,
+ handler}, null)));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// AddEventHandler
+ ///
+ protected override void AddEventHandler(System.Reflection.EventInfo eventInfo, object target, System.Delegate handler) {
+ eventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml
index 35c5254..4e372ff 100644
Binary files a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs
index bfe52c8..138afc4 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\MainWindow.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "555DF7808B3534D85CBC8AC2B0E4BB23"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\MainWindow.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "7BBDF27EE05412EB1C190801FE5578BE"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 2:
- #line 14 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ #line 15 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.BookTypes_Click);
#line default
@@ -88,9 +88,17 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 3:
- #line 15 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ #line 16 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Students_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 4:
+ #line 17 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Books_Click);
#line default
#line hidden
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs
index bfe52c8..138afc4 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\MainWindow.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "555DF7808B3534D85CBC8AC2B0E4BB23"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\MainWindow.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "7BBDF27EE05412EB1C190801FE5578BE"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 2:
- #line 14 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ #line 15 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.BookTypes_Click);
#line default
@@ -88,9 +88,17 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
case 3:
- #line 15 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ #line 16 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Students_Click);
+ #line default
+ #line hidden
+ return;
+ case 4:
+ #line 17 "..\..\MainWindow.xaml"
+ ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.Books_Click);
#line default
#line hidden
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.baml
index e7f952d..0c704ad 100644
Binary files a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.baml and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.cs
index 23d574f..68f7988 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\Students.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "E3910DEC8AFEF22336269C31853C6286"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\Students.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "EDC5100C03A0B74B7C5A0FBE89681C34"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
public partial class Students : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
- #line 14 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 23 "..\..\Students.xaml"
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
- internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BookTypesList;
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView ViewList;
#line default
#line hidden
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
switch (connectionId)
case 1:
- this.BookTypesList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
+ this.ViewList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
case 3:
- #line 31 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 40 "..\..\Students.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
#line default
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
- #line 27 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 36 "..\..\Students.xaml"
eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
#line default
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.i.cs
index 23d574f..68f7988 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.i.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/Students.g.i.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\Students.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "E3910DEC8AFEF22336269C31853C6286"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\Students.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "EDC5100C03A0B74B7C5A0FBE89681C34"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
public partial class Students : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector, System.Windows.Markup.IStyleConnector {
- #line 14 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 23 "..\..\Students.xaml"
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields")]
- internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView BookTypesList;
+ internal System.Windows.Controls.ListView ViewList;
#line default
#line hidden
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
switch (connectionId)
case 1:
- this.BookTypesList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
+ this.ViewList = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListView)(target));
case 3:
- #line 31 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 40 "..\..\Students.xaml"
((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)).Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.AddNew_Click);
#line default
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace BuechermarktClient {
eventSetter = new System.Windows.EventSetter();
eventSetter.Event = System.Windows.Controls.Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent;
- #line 27 "..\..\Students.xaml"
+ #line 36 "..\..\Students.xaml"
eventSetter.Handler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.ListViewItem_PreviewMouseUp);
#line default
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.baml b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.baml
index e824f75..2d76e24 100644
Binary files a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.baml and b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.baml differ
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.cs
index 8f8f565..da9afce 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\StudentsEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "48BAC688059091648BFD0E454A953B5D"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\StudentsEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "BCD81DCE79DAA9C10CA192EDBD98BD89"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.i.cs b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.i.cs
index 8f8f565..da9afce 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.i.cs
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/obj/Debug/StudentsEdit.g.i.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#pragma checksum "..\..\StudentsEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "48BAC688059091648BFD0E454A953B5D"
+#pragma checksum "..\..\StudentsEdit.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "BCD81DCE79DAA9C10CA192EDBD98BD89"
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
diff --git a/BuechermarktClient/packages.config b/BuechermarktClient/packages.config
index 95b526d..6f30245 100644
--- a/BuechermarktClient/packages.config
+++ b/BuechermarktClient/packages.config
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/RestSharp.105.2.3.nupkg b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/RestSharp.105.2.3.nupkg
deleted file mode 100644
index af89bda..0000000
Binary files a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/RestSharp.105.2.3.nupkg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoAndroid10/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoAndroid10/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d48b003..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoAndroid10/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3020 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Deserialized entity data
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoTouch10/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoTouch10/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d48b003..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/MonoTouch10/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3020 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Deserialized entity data
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/Xamarin.iOS10/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/Xamarin.iOS10/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d48b003..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/Xamarin.iOS10/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3020 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Deserialized entity data
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net35/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net35/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 543b8b0..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net35/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2858 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4-client/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4-client/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4-client/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net4/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net45/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net45/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net45/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net451/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net451/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net451/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net452/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net452/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net452/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net46/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net46/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca278..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/net46/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3095 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Tries to Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user, or impersonate a user
- Authenticate with the credentials of the currently logged in user
- Authenticate by impersonation
- Authenticate by impersonation, using an existing ICredentials instance
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and returns the decoded string.
- The HTML string to decode.
- The decoded text.
- Decodes an HTML-encoded string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The HTML string to decode
- The TextWriter output stream containing the decoded string.
- HTML-encodes a string and sends the resulting output to a TextWriter output stream.
- The string to encode.
- The TextWriter output stream containing the encoded string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (sync methods)
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- Execute a POST request
- Execute a PUT request
- Execute a GET request
- Execute a HEAD request
- Execute an OPTIONS request
- Execute a DELETE request
- Execute a PATCH request
- Execute a MERGE request
- Execute a GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute a POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Maximum number of automatic redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Proxy info to be sent with request
- Caching policy for requests created with this wrapper.
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Executes the specified request and downloads the response data
- Request to execute
- Response data
- Executes the request and returns a response, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- RestResponse
- Executes the specified request and deserializes the response content using the appropriate content handler
- Target deserialization type
- Request to execute
- RestResponse[[T]] with deserialized data in Data property
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request
- Proxy to use for requests made by this client instance.
- Passed on to underlying WebRequest if set.
- The cache policy to use for requests initiated by this client instance.
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Provides implementation for type conversion operations. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that convert an object from one type to another.
- Provides information about the conversion operation. The binder.Type property provides the type to which the object must be converted. For example, for the statement (String)sampleObject in C# (CType(sampleObject, Type) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Type returns the type. The binder.Explicit property provides information about the kind of conversion that occurs. It returns true for explicit conversion and false for implicit conversion.
- The result of the type conversion operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that delete an object member. This method is not intended for use in C# or Visual Basic.
- Provides information about the deletion.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for indexing operations.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] operation in C# (sampleObject(3) in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the DynamicObject class, is equal to 3.
- The result of the index operation.
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that get member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as getting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member on which the dynamic operation is performed. For example, for the Console.WriteLine(sampleObject.SampleProperty) statement, where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The result of the get operation. For example, if the method is called for a property, you can assign the property value to .
- Alwasy returns true.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set a value by index. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations that access objects by a specified index.
- Provides information about the operation.
- The indexes that are used in the operation. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 3.
- The value to set to the object that has the specified index. For example, for the sampleObject[3] = 10 operation in C# (sampleObject(3) = 10 in Visual Basic), where sampleObject is derived from the class, is equal to 10.
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.
- Provides the implementation for operations that set member values. Classes derived from the class can override this method to specify dynamic behavior for operations such as setting a value for a property.
- Provides information about the object that called the dynamic operation. The binder.Name property provides the name of the member to which the value is being assigned. For example, for the statement sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, binder.Name returns "SampleProperty". The binder.IgnoreCase property specifies whether the member name is case-sensitive.
- The value to set to the member. For example, for sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Test", where sampleObject is an instance of the class derived from the class, the is "Test".
- true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. If this method returns false, the run-time binder of the language determines the behavior. (In most cases, a language-specific run-time exception is thrown.)
- Returns the enumeration of all dynamic member names.
- A sequence that contains dynamic member names.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/sl5/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/sl5/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fdfe6c..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/sl5/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2649 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Save a byte array to a file
- Bytes to save
- Full path to save file to
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone8/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone8/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f9ce6..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone8/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3866 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Calculates a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC) using the same polynomial
- used by Zip. This type is used internally by DotNetZip; it is generally not used
- directly by applications wishing to create, read, or manipulate zip archive
- files.
- Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream.
- The stream over which to calculate the CRC32
- the CRC32 calculation
- Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream, and writes the input into the
- output stream.
- The stream over which to calculate the CRC32
- The stream into which to deflate the input
- the CRC32 calculation
- Get the CRC32 for the given (word,byte) combo. This is a computation
- defined by PKzip.
- The word to start with.
- The byte to combine it with.
- The CRC-ized result.
- Update the value for the running CRC32 using the given block of bytes.
- This is useful when using the CRC32() class in a Stream.
- block of bytes to slurp
- starting point in the block
- how many bytes within the block to slurp
- indicates the total number of bytes read on the CRC stream.
- This is used when writing the ZipDirEntry when compressing files.
- Indicates the current CRC for all blocks slurped in.
- A Stream that calculates a CRC32 (a checksum) on all bytes read,
- or on all bytes written.
- This class can be used to verify the CRC of a ZipEntry when
- reading from a stream, or to calculate a CRC when writing to a
- stream. The stream should be used to either read, or write, but
- not both. If you intermix reads and writes, the results are not
- defined.
- This class is intended primarily for use internally by the
- DotNetZip library.
- The default constructor.
- Instances returned from this constructor will leave the underlying stream
- open upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The constructor allows the caller to specify how to handle the underlying
- stream at close.
- The underlying stream
- true to leave the underlying stream
- open upon close of the CrcCalculatorStream.; false otherwise.
- A constructor allowing the specification of the length of the stream to read.
- Instances returned from this constructor will leave the underlying stream open
- upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The length of the stream to slurp
- A constructor allowing the specification of the length of the stream to
- read, as well as whether to keep the underlying stream open upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The length of the stream to slurp
- true to leave the underlying stream
- open upon close of the CrcCalculatorStream.; false otherwise.
- Read from the stream
- the buffer to read
- the offset at which to start
- the number of bytes to read
- the number of bytes actually read
- Write to the stream.
- the buffer from which to write
- the offset at which to start writing
- the number of bytes to write
- Flush the stream.
- Not implemented.
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Not implemented.
- N/A
- Closes the stream.
- Gets the total number of bytes run through the CRC32 calculator.
- This is either the total number of bytes read, or the total number of bytes
- written, depending on the direction of this stream.
- Provides the current CRC for all blocks slurped in.
- Indicates whether the underlying stream will be left open when the
- CrcCalculatorStream is Closed.
- Indicates whether the stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports seeking.
- Indicates whether the stream supports writing.
- Not implemented.
- Not implemented.
- Describes how to flush the current deflate operation.
- The different FlushType values are useful when using a Deflate in a streaming application.
- No flush at all.
- Closes the current block, but doesn't flush it to
- the output. Used internally only in hypothetical
- scenarios. This was supposed to be removed by Zlib, but it is
- still in use in some edge cases.
- Use this during compression to specify that all pending output should be
- flushed to the output buffer and the output should be aligned on a byte
- boundary. You might use this in a streaming communication scenario, so that
- the decompressor can get all input data available so far. When using this
- with a ZlibCodec, AvailableBytesIn will be zero after the call if
- enough output space has been provided before the call. Flushing will
- degrade compression and so it should be used only when necessary.
- Use this during compression to specify that all output should be flushed, as
- with FlushType.Sync, but also, the compression state should be reset
- so that decompression can restart from this point if previous compressed
- data has been damaged or if random access is desired. Using
- FlushType.Full too often can significantly degrade the compression.
- Signals the end of the compression/decompression stream.
- A class for compressing and decompressing GZIP streams.
- The GZipStream is a Decorator on a . It adds GZIP compression or decompression to any stream.
- Like the Compression.GZipStream in the .NET Base
- Class Library, the Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream can compress while writing, or decompress
- while reading, but not vice versa. The compression method used is GZIP, which is
- documented in IETF RFC 1952,
- "GZIP file format specification version 4.3".
- A GZipStream can be used to decompress data (through Read()) or to compress
- data (through Write()), but not both.
- If you wish to use the GZipStream to compress data, you must wrap it around a
- write-able stream. As you call Write() on the GZipStream, the data will be
- compressed into the GZIP format. If you want to decompress data, you must wrap the
- GZipStream around a readable stream that contains an IETF RFC 1952-compliant stream.
- The data will be decompressed as you call Read() on the GZipStream.
- Though the GZIP format allows data from multiple files to be concatenated
- together, this stream handles only a single segment of GZIP format, typically
- representing a single file.
- This class is similar to and .
- ZlibStream handles RFC1950-compliant streams.
- handles RFC1951-compliant streams. This class handles RFC1952-compliant streams.
- Create a GZipStream using the specified CompressionMode and the specified CompressionLevel,
- and explicitly specify whether the stream should be left open after Deflation or Inflation.
- This constructor allows the application to request that the captive stream remain open after
- the deflation or inflation occurs. By default, after Close() is called on the stream, the
- captive stream is also closed. In some cases this is not desired, for example if the stream
- is a memory stream that will be re-read after compressed data has been written to it. Specify true for the
- leaveOpen parameter to leave the stream open.
- As noted in the class documentation,
- the CompressionMode (Compress or Decompress) also establishes the "direction" of the stream.
- A GZipStream with CompressionMode.Compress works only through Write(). A GZipStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress works only through Read().
- This example shows how to use a DeflateStream to compress data.
- using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileToCompress))
- {
- using (var raw = System.IO.File.Create(outputFile))
- {
- using (Stream compressor = new GZipStream(raw, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.BestCompression, true))
- {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE];
- int n;
- while ((n= input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
- {
- compressor.Write(buffer, 0, n);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Dim outputFile As String = (fileToCompress & ".compressed")
- Using input As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileToCompress)
- Using raw As FileStream = File.Create(outputFile)
- Using compressor As Stream = New GZipStream(raw, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.BestCompression, True)
- Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(4096) {}
- Dim n As Integer = -1
- Do While (n <> 0)
- If (n > 0) Then
- compressor.Write(buffer, 0, n)
- End If
- n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
- Loop
- End Using
- End Using
- End Using
- The stream which will be read or written.
- Indicates whether the GZipStream will compress or decompress.
- true if the application would like the stream to remain open after inflation/deflation.
- A tuning knob to trade speed for effectiveness.
- Dispose the stream.
- This may or may not result in a Close() call on the captive stream.
- See the ctor's with leaveOpen parameters for more information.
- Flush the stream.
- Read and decompress data from the source stream.
- With a GZipStream, decompression is done through reading.
- byte[] working = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE];
- using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(_CompressedFile))
- {
- using (Stream decompressor= new Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream(input, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
- {
- using (var output = System.IO.File.Create(_DecompressedFile))
- {
- int n;
- while ((n= decompressor.Read(working, 0, working.Length)) !=0)
- {
- output.Write(working, 0, n);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- The buffer into which the decompressed data should be placed.
- the offset within that data array to put the first byte read.
- the number of bytes to read.
- the number of bytes actually read
- Calling this method always throws a .
- irrelevant; it will always throw!
- irrelevant; it will always throw!
- irrelevant!
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- irrelevant; this method will always throw!
- The Comment on the GZIP stream.
- The GZIP format allows for each file to optionally have an associated comment stored with the
- file. The comment is encoded with the ISO-8859-1 code page. To include a comment in
- a GZIP stream you create, set this property before calling Write() for the first time
- on the GZipStream.
- When using GZipStream to decompress, you can retrieve this property after the first
- call to Read(). If no comment has been set in the GZIP bytestream, the Comment
- property will return null (Nothing in VB).
- The FileName for the GZIP stream.
- The GZIP format optionally allows each file to have an associated filename. When
- compressing data (through Write()), set this FileName before calling Write() the first
- time on the GZipStream. The actual filename is encoded into the GZIP bytestream with
- the ISO-8859-1 code page, according to RFC 1952. It is the application's responsibility to
- insure that the FileName can be encoded and decoded correctly with this code page.
- When decompressing (through Read()), you can retrieve this value any time after the
- first Read(). In the case where there was no filename encoded into the GZIP
- bytestream, the property will return null (Nothing in VB).
- The CRC on the GZIP stream.
- This is used for internal error checking. You probably don't need to look at this property.
- This property sets the flush behavior on the stream.
- The size of the working buffer for the compression codec.
- The working buffer is used for all stream operations. The default size is 1024 bytes.
- The minimum size is 128 bytes. You may get better performance with a larger buffer.
- Then again, you might not. You would have to test it.
- Set this before the first call to Read() or Write() on the stream. If you try to set it
- afterwards, it will throw.
- Returns the total number of bytes input so far.
- Returns the total number of bytes output so far.
- Indicates whether the stream can be read.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports Seek operations.
- Always returns false.
- Indicates whether the stream can be written.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports writing.
- Reading this property always throws a NotImplementedException.
- The position of the stream pointer.
- Writing this property always throws a NotImplementedException. Reading will
- return the total bytes written out, if used in writing, or the total bytes
- read in, if used in reading. The count may refer to compressed bytes or
- uncompressed bytes, depending on how you've used the stream.
- A general purpose exception class for exceptions in the Zlib library.
- The ZlibException class captures exception information generated
- by the Zlib library.
- This ctor collects a message attached to the exception.
- Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
- Number to operate on
- Ammount of bits to shift
- The resulting number from the shift operation
- Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
- Number to operate on
- Ammount of bits to shift
- The resulting number from the shift operation
- Reads a number of characters from the current source TextReader and writes the data to the target array at the specified index.
- The source TextReader to read from
- Contains the array of characteres read from the source TextReader.
- The starting index of the target array.
- The maximum number of characters to read from the source TextReader.
- The number of characters read. The number will be less than or equal to count depending on the data available in the source TextReader. Returns -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
- Computes an Adler-32 checksum.
- The Adler checksum is similar to a CRC checksum, but faster to compute, though less
- reliable. It is used in producing RFC1950 compressed streams. The Adler checksum
- is a required part of the "ZLIB" standard. Applications will almost never need to
- use this class directly.
- Encoder and Decoder for ZLIB and DEFLATE (IETF RFC1950 and RFC1951).
- This class compresses and decompresses data according to the Deflate algorithm
- and optionally, the ZLIB format, as documented in RFC 1950 - ZLIB and RFC 1951 - DEFLATE.
- The buffer from which data is taken.
- An index into the InputBuffer array, indicating where to start reading.
- The number of bytes available in the InputBuffer, starting at NextIn.
- Generally you should set this to InputBuffer.Length before the first Inflate() or Deflate() call.
- The class will update this number as calls to Inflate/Deflate are made.
- Total number of bytes read so far, through all calls to Inflate()/Deflate().
- Buffer to store output data.
- An index into the OutputBuffer array, indicating where to start writing.
- The number of bytes available in the OutputBuffer, starting at NextOut.
- Generally you should set this to OutputBuffer.Length before the first Inflate() or Deflate() call.
- The class will update this number as calls to Inflate/Deflate are made.
- Total number of bytes written to the output so far, through all calls to Inflate()/Deflate().
- used for diagnostics, when something goes wrong!
- The number of Window Bits to use.
- This gauges the size of the sliding window, and hence the
- compression effectiveness as well as memory consumption. It's best to just leave this
- setting alone if you don't know what it is. The maximum value is 15 bits, which implies
- a 32k window.
- Create a ZlibCodec that decompresses.
- Initialize the inflation state.
- It is not necessary to call this before using the ZlibCodec to inflate data;
- It is implicitly called when you call the constructor.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Initialize the inflation state with an explicit flag to
- govern the handling of RFC1950 header bytes.
- By default, the ZLIB header defined in RFC 1950 is expected. If
- you want to read a zlib stream you should specify true for
- expectRfc1950Header. If you have a deflate stream, you will want to specify
- false. It is only necessary to invoke this initializer explicitly if you
- want to specify false.
- whether to expect an RFC1950 header byte
- pair when reading the stream of data to be inflated.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Initialize the ZlibCodec for inflation, with the specified number of window bits.
- The number of window bits to use. If you need to ask what that is,
- then you shouldn't be calling this initializer.
- Z_OK if all goes well.
- Initialize the inflation state with an explicit flag to govern the handling of
- RFC1950 header bytes.
- If you want to read a zlib stream you should specify true for
- expectRfc1950Header. In this case, the library will expect to find a ZLIB
- header, as defined in RFC
- 1950, in the compressed stream. If you will be reading a DEFLATE or
- GZIP stream, which does not have such a header, you will want to specify
- false.
- whether to expect an RFC1950 header byte pair when reading
- the stream of data to be inflated.
- The number of window bits to use. If you need to ask what that is,
- then you shouldn't be calling this initializer.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Inflate the data in the InputBuffer, placing the result in the OutputBuffer.
- You must have set InputBuffer and OutputBuffer, NextIn and NextOut, and AvailableBytesIn and
- AvailableBytesOut before calling this method.
- private void InflateBuffer()
- {
- int bufferSize = 1024;
- byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
- ZlibCodec decompressor = new ZlibCodec();
- Console.WriteLine("\n============================================");
- Console.WriteLine("Size of Buffer to Inflate: {0} bytes.", CompressedBytes.Length);
- MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(DecompressedBytes);
- int rc = decompressor.InitializeInflate();
- decompressor.InputBuffer = CompressedBytes;
- decompressor.NextIn = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesIn = CompressedBytes.Length;
- decompressor.OutputBuffer = buffer;
- // pass 1: inflate
- do
- {
- decompressor.NextOut = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length;
- rc = decompressor.Inflate(ZlibConstants.Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END)
- throw new Exception("inflating: " + decompressor.Message);
- ms.Write(decompressor.OutputBuffer, 0, buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut);
- }
- while (decompressor.AvailableBytesIn > 0 || decompressor.AvailableBytesOut == 0);
- // pass 2: finish and flush
- do
- {
- decompressor.NextOut = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length;
- rc = decompressor.Inflate(ZlibConstants.Z_FINISH);
- if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK)
- throw new Exception("inflating: " + decompressor.Message);
- if (buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut > 0)
- ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut);
- }
- while (decompressor.AvailableBytesIn > 0 || decompressor.AvailableBytesOut == 0);
- decompressor.EndInflate();
- }
- The flush to use when inflating.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Ends an inflation session.
- Call this after successively calling Inflate(). This will cause all buffers to be flushed.
- After calling this you cannot call Inflate() without a intervening call to one of the
- InitializeInflate() overloads.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- I don't know what this does!
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Set the dictionary to be used for either Inflation or Deflation.
- The dictionary bytes to use.
- Z_OK if all goes well.
- The Adler32 checksum on the data transferred through the codec so far. You probably don't need to look at this.
- A bunch of constants used in the Zlib interface.
- The maximum number of window bits for the Deflate algorithm.
- The default number of window bits for the Deflate algorithm.
- indicates everything is A-OK
- Indicates that the last operation reached the end of the stream.
- The operation ended in need of a dictionary.
- There was an error with the stream - not enough data, not open and readable, etc.
- There was an error with the data - not enough data, bad data, etc.
- There was an error with the working buffer.
- The size of the working buffer used in the ZlibCodec class. Defaults to 8192 bytes.
- The minimum size of the working buffer used in the ZlibCodec class. Currently it is 128 bytes.
- Represents a Zlib stream for compression or decompression.
- The ZlibStream is a Decorator on a . It adds ZLIB compression or decompression to any
- stream.
- Using this stream, applications can compress or decompress data via
- stream Read and Write operations. Either compresssion or
- decompression can occur through either reading or writing. The compression
- format used is ZLIB, which is documented in IETF RFC 1950, "ZLIB Compressed
- Data Format Specification version 3.3". This implementation of ZLIB always uses
- DEFLATE as the compression method. (see IETF RFC 1951, "DEFLATE
- Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3.")
- The ZLIB format allows for varying compression methods, window sizes, and dictionaries.
- This implementation always uses the DEFLATE compression method, a preset dictionary,
- and 15 window bits by default.
- This class is similar to , except that it adds the
- RFC1950 header and trailer bytes to a compressed stream when compressing, or expects
- the RFC1950 header and trailer bytes when decompressing. It is also similar to the
- .
- Dispose the stream.
- This may or may not result in a Close() call on the captive stream.
- See the constructors that have a leaveOpen parameter for more information.
- Flush the stream.
- Read data from the stream.
- If you wish to use the ZlibStream to compress data while reading, you can create a
- ZlibStream with CompressionMode.Compress, providing an uncompressed data stream. Then
- call Read() on that ZlibStream, and the data read will be compressed. If you wish to
- use the ZlibStream to decompress data while reading, you can create a ZlibStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress, providing a readable compressed data stream. Then call
- Read() on that ZlibStream, and the data will be decompressed as it is read.
- A ZlibStream can be used for Read() or Write(), but not both.
- The buffer into which the read data should be placed.
- the offset within that data array to put the first byte read.
- the number of bytes to read.
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- Write data to the stream.
- If you wish to use the ZlibStream to compress data while writing, you can create a
- ZlibStream with CompressionMode.Compress, and a writable output stream. Then call
- Write() on that ZlibStream, providing uncompressed data as input. The data sent to
- the output stream will be the compressed form of the data written. If you wish to use
- the ZlibStream to decompress data while writing, you can create a ZlibStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress, and a writable output stream. Then call Write() on that
- stream, providing previously compressed data. The data sent to the output stream will
- be the decompressed form of the data written.
- A ZlibStream can be used for Read() or Write(), but not both.
- The buffer holding data to write to the stream.
- the offset within that data array to find the first byte to write.
- the number of bytes to write.
- Uncompress a byte array into a single string.
- A buffer containing ZLIB-compressed data.
- Uncompress a byte array into a byte array.
- A buffer containing ZLIB-compressed data.
- This property sets the flush behavior on the stream.
- Sorry, though, not sure exactly how to describe all the various settings.
- The size of the working buffer for the compression codec.
- The working buffer is used for all stream operations. The default size is 1024 bytes.
- The minimum size is 128 bytes. You may get better performance with a larger buffer.
- Then again, you might not. You would have to test it.
- Set this before the first call to Read() or Write() on the stream. If you try to set it
- afterwards, it will throw.
- Returns the total number of bytes input so far.
- Returns the total number of bytes output so far.
- Indicates whether the stream can be read.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports Seek operations.
- Always returns false.
- Indicates whether the stream can be written.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports writing.
- Reading this property always throws a NotImplementedException.
- The position of the stream pointer.
- Writing this property always throws a NotImplementedException. Reading will
- return the total bytes written out, if used in writing, or the total bytes
- read in, if used in reading. The count may refer to compressed bytes or
- uncompressed bytes, depending on how you've used the stream.
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone81/RestSharp.xml b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone81/RestSharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f9ce6..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/lib/windowsphone81/RestSharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3866 +0,0 @@
- RestSharp
- Base class for OAuth 2 Authenticators.
- Since there are many ways to authenticate in OAuth2,
- this is used as a base class to differentiate between
- other authenticators.
- Any other OAuth2 authenticators must derive from this
- abstract class.
- Access token to be used when authenticating.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Gets the access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.2
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field.
- Based on http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10#section-5.1.1
- Stores the Authorization header value as "[tokenType] accessToken". used for performance.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The access token.
- The token type.
- All text parameters are UTF-8 encoded (per section 5.1).
- Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string.
- Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT"
- A specified point in time.
- The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- The value to escape.
- The escaped value.
- The method is supposed to take on
- RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this
- actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every
- host actually having this configuration element present.
- URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec.
- Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters,
- upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs.
- Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal,
- concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded
- prior to, or after normalization is run.
- Sorts a by name, and then value if equal.
- A collection of parameters to sort
- A sorted parameter collection
- Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests.
- Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
- Resulting URLs must be lower case.
- The original request URL
- Creates a request elements concatentation value to send with a request.
- This is also known as the signature base.
- The request's HTTP method type
- The request URL
- The request's parameters
- A signature base string
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret.
- This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer key
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret.
- The hashing method
- The treatment to use on a signature value
- The signature base
- The consumer secret
- The token secret
- A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow.
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of requesting an
- unauthorized request token.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging a request token
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Generates a instance to pass to an
- for the purpose of exchanging user credentials
- for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site.
- The HTTP method for the intended request
- Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request
- Calculates a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC) using the same polynomial
- used by Zip. This type is used internally by DotNetZip; it is generally not used
- directly by applications wishing to create, read, or manipulate zip archive
- files.
- Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream.
- The stream over which to calculate the CRC32
- the CRC32 calculation
- Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream, and writes the input into the
- output stream.
- The stream over which to calculate the CRC32
- The stream into which to deflate the input
- the CRC32 calculation
- Get the CRC32 for the given (word,byte) combo. This is a computation
- defined by PKzip.
- The word to start with.
- The byte to combine it with.
- The CRC-ized result.
- Update the value for the running CRC32 using the given block of bytes.
- This is useful when using the CRC32() class in a Stream.
- block of bytes to slurp
- starting point in the block
- how many bytes within the block to slurp
- indicates the total number of bytes read on the CRC stream.
- This is used when writing the ZipDirEntry when compressing files.
- Indicates the current CRC for all blocks slurped in.
- A Stream that calculates a CRC32 (a checksum) on all bytes read,
- or on all bytes written.
- This class can be used to verify the CRC of a ZipEntry when
- reading from a stream, or to calculate a CRC when writing to a
- stream. The stream should be used to either read, or write, but
- not both. If you intermix reads and writes, the results are not
- defined.
- This class is intended primarily for use internally by the
- DotNetZip library.
- The default constructor.
- Instances returned from this constructor will leave the underlying stream
- open upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The constructor allows the caller to specify how to handle the underlying
- stream at close.
- The underlying stream
- true to leave the underlying stream
- open upon close of the CrcCalculatorStream.; false otherwise.
- A constructor allowing the specification of the length of the stream to read.
- Instances returned from this constructor will leave the underlying stream open
- upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The length of the stream to slurp
- A constructor allowing the specification of the length of the stream to
- read, as well as whether to keep the underlying stream open upon Close().
- The underlying stream
- The length of the stream to slurp
- true to leave the underlying stream
- open upon close of the CrcCalculatorStream.; false otherwise.
- Read from the stream
- the buffer to read
- the offset at which to start
- the number of bytes to read
- the number of bytes actually read
- Write to the stream.
- the buffer from which to write
- the offset at which to start writing
- the number of bytes to write
- Flush the stream.
- Not implemented.
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Not implemented.
- N/A
- Closes the stream.
- Gets the total number of bytes run through the CRC32 calculator.
- This is either the total number of bytes read, or the total number of bytes
- written, depending on the direction of this stream.
- Provides the current CRC for all blocks slurped in.
- Indicates whether the underlying stream will be left open when the
- CrcCalculatorStream is Closed.
- Indicates whether the stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports seeking.
- Indicates whether the stream supports writing.
- Not implemented.
- Not implemented.
- Describes how to flush the current deflate operation.
- The different FlushType values are useful when using a Deflate in a streaming application.
- No flush at all.
- Closes the current block, but doesn't flush it to
- the output. Used internally only in hypothetical
- scenarios. This was supposed to be removed by Zlib, but it is
- still in use in some edge cases.
- Use this during compression to specify that all pending output should be
- flushed to the output buffer and the output should be aligned on a byte
- boundary. You might use this in a streaming communication scenario, so that
- the decompressor can get all input data available so far. When using this
- with a ZlibCodec, AvailableBytesIn will be zero after the call if
- enough output space has been provided before the call. Flushing will
- degrade compression and so it should be used only when necessary.
- Use this during compression to specify that all output should be flushed, as
- with FlushType.Sync, but also, the compression state should be reset
- so that decompression can restart from this point if previous compressed
- data has been damaged or if random access is desired. Using
- FlushType.Full too often can significantly degrade the compression.
- Signals the end of the compression/decompression stream.
- A class for compressing and decompressing GZIP streams.
- The GZipStream is a Decorator on a . It adds GZIP compression or decompression to any stream.
- Like the Compression.GZipStream in the .NET Base
- Class Library, the Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream can compress while writing, or decompress
- while reading, but not vice versa. The compression method used is GZIP, which is
- documented in IETF RFC 1952,
- "GZIP file format specification version 4.3".
- A GZipStream can be used to decompress data (through Read()) or to compress
- data (through Write()), but not both.
- If you wish to use the GZipStream to compress data, you must wrap it around a
- write-able stream. As you call Write() on the GZipStream, the data will be
- compressed into the GZIP format. If you want to decompress data, you must wrap the
- GZipStream around a readable stream that contains an IETF RFC 1952-compliant stream.
- The data will be decompressed as you call Read() on the GZipStream.
- Though the GZIP format allows data from multiple files to be concatenated
- together, this stream handles only a single segment of GZIP format, typically
- representing a single file.
- This class is similar to and .
- ZlibStream handles RFC1950-compliant streams.
- handles RFC1951-compliant streams. This class handles RFC1952-compliant streams.
- Create a GZipStream using the specified CompressionMode and the specified CompressionLevel,
- and explicitly specify whether the stream should be left open after Deflation or Inflation.
- This constructor allows the application to request that the captive stream remain open after
- the deflation or inflation occurs. By default, after Close() is called on the stream, the
- captive stream is also closed. In some cases this is not desired, for example if the stream
- is a memory stream that will be re-read after compressed data has been written to it. Specify true for the
- leaveOpen parameter to leave the stream open.
- As noted in the class documentation,
- the CompressionMode (Compress or Decompress) also establishes the "direction" of the stream.
- A GZipStream with CompressionMode.Compress works only through Write(). A GZipStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress works only through Read().
- This example shows how to use a DeflateStream to compress data.
- using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileToCompress))
- {
- using (var raw = System.IO.File.Create(outputFile))
- {
- using (Stream compressor = new GZipStream(raw, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.BestCompression, true))
- {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE];
- int n;
- while ((n= input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
- {
- compressor.Write(buffer, 0, n);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Dim outputFile As String = (fileToCompress & ".compressed")
- Using input As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileToCompress)
- Using raw As FileStream = File.Create(outputFile)
- Using compressor As Stream = New GZipStream(raw, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.BestCompression, True)
- Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(4096) {}
- Dim n As Integer = -1
- Do While (n <> 0)
- If (n > 0) Then
- compressor.Write(buffer, 0, n)
- End If
- n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
- Loop
- End Using
- End Using
- End Using
- The stream which will be read or written.
- Indicates whether the GZipStream will compress or decompress.
- true if the application would like the stream to remain open after inflation/deflation.
- A tuning knob to trade speed for effectiveness.
- Dispose the stream.
- This may or may not result in a Close() call on the captive stream.
- See the ctor's with leaveOpen parameters for more information.
- Flush the stream.
- Read and decompress data from the source stream.
- With a GZipStream, decompression is done through reading.
- byte[] working = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE];
- using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(_CompressedFile))
- {
- using (Stream decompressor= new Ionic.Zlib.GZipStream(input, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
- {
- using (var output = System.IO.File.Create(_DecompressedFile))
- {
- int n;
- while ((n= decompressor.Read(working, 0, working.Length)) !=0)
- {
- output.Write(working, 0, n);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- The buffer into which the decompressed data should be placed.
- the offset within that data array to put the first byte read.
- the number of bytes to read.
- the number of bytes actually read
- Calling this method always throws a .
- irrelevant; it will always throw!
- irrelevant; it will always throw!
- irrelevant!
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- irrelevant; this method will always throw!
- The Comment on the GZIP stream.
- The GZIP format allows for each file to optionally have an associated comment stored with the
- file. The comment is encoded with the ISO-8859-1 code page. To include a comment in
- a GZIP stream you create, set this property before calling Write() for the first time
- on the GZipStream.
- When using GZipStream to decompress, you can retrieve this property after the first
- call to Read(). If no comment has been set in the GZIP bytestream, the Comment
- property will return null (Nothing in VB).
- The FileName for the GZIP stream.
- The GZIP format optionally allows each file to have an associated filename. When
- compressing data (through Write()), set this FileName before calling Write() the first
- time on the GZipStream. The actual filename is encoded into the GZIP bytestream with
- the ISO-8859-1 code page, according to RFC 1952. It is the application's responsibility to
- insure that the FileName can be encoded and decoded correctly with this code page.
- When decompressing (through Read()), you can retrieve this value any time after the
- first Read(). In the case where there was no filename encoded into the GZIP
- bytestream, the property will return null (Nothing in VB).
- The CRC on the GZIP stream.
- This is used for internal error checking. You probably don't need to look at this property.
- This property sets the flush behavior on the stream.
- The size of the working buffer for the compression codec.
- The working buffer is used for all stream operations. The default size is 1024 bytes.
- The minimum size is 128 bytes. You may get better performance with a larger buffer.
- Then again, you might not. You would have to test it.
- Set this before the first call to Read() or Write() on the stream. If you try to set it
- afterwards, it will throw.
- Returns the total number of bytes input so far.
- Returns the total number of bytes output so far.
- Indicates whether the stream can be read.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports Seek operations.
- Always returns false.
- Indicates whether the stream can be written.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports writing.
- Reading this property always throws a NotImplementedException.
- The position of the stream pointer.
- Writing this property always throws a NotImplementedException. Reading will
- return the total bytes written out, if used in writing, or the total bytes
- read in, if used in reading. The count may refer to compressed bytes or
- uncompressed bytes, depending on how you've used the stream.
- A general purpose exception class for exceptions in the Zlib library.
- The ZlibException class captures exception information generated
- by the Zlib library.
- This ctor collects a message attached to the exception.
- Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
- Number to operate on
- Ammount of bits to shift
- The resulting number from the shift operation
- Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
- Number to operate on
- Ammount of bits to shift
- The resulting number from the shift operation
- Reads a number of characters from the current source TextReader and writes the data to the target array at the specified index.
- The source TextReader to read from
- Contains the array of characteres read from the source TextReader.
- The starting index of the target array.
- The maximum number of characters to read from the source TextReader.
- The number of characters read. The number will be less than or equal to count depending on the data available in the source TextReader. Returns -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
- Computes an Adler-32 checksum.
- The Adler checksum is similar to a CRC checksum, but faster to compute, though less
- reliable. It is used in producing RFC1950 compressed streams. The Adler checksum
- is a required part of the "ZLIB" standard. Applications will almost never need to
- use this class directly.
- Encoder and Decoder for ZLIB and DEFLATE (IETF RFC1950 and RFC1951).
- This class compresses and decompresses data according to the Deflate algorithm
- and optionally, the ZLIB format, as documented in RFC 1950 - ZLIB and RFC 1951 - DEFLATE.
- The buffer from which data is taken.
- An index into the InputBuffer array, indicating where to start reading.
- The number of bytes available in the InputBuffer, starting at NextIn.
- Generally you should set this to InputBuffer.Length before the first Inflate() or Deflate() call.
- The class will update this number as calls to Inflate/Deflate are made.
- Total number of bytes read so far, through all calls to Inflate()/Deflate().
- Buffer to store output data.
- An index into the OutputBuffer array, indicating where to start writing.
- The number of bytes available in the OutputBuffer, starting at NextOut.
- Generally you should set this to OutputBuffer.Length before the first Inflate() or Deflate() call.
- The class will update this number as calls to Inflate/Deflate are made.
- Total number of bytes written to the output so far, through all calls to Inflate()/Deflate().
- used for diagnostics, when something goes wrong!
- The number of Window Bits to use.
- This gauges the size of the sliding window, and hence the
- compression effectiveness as well as memory consumption. It's best to just leave this
- setting alone if you don't know what it is. The maximum value is 15 bits, which implies
- a 32k window.
- Create a ZlibCodec that decompresses.
- Initialize the inflation state.
- It is not necessary to call this before using the ZlibCodec to inflate data;
- It is implicitly called when you call the constructor.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Initialize the inflation state with an explicit flag to
- govern the handling of RFC1950 header bytes.
- By default, the ZLIB header defined in RFC 1950 is expected. If
- you want to read a zlib stream you should specify true for
- expectRfc1950Header. If you have a deflate stream, you will want to specify
- false. It is only necessary to invoke this initializer explicitly if you
- want to specify false.
- whether to expect an RFC1950 header byte
- pair when reading the stream of data to be inflated.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Initialize the ZlibCodec for inflation, with the specified number of window bits.
- The number of window bits to use. If you need to ask what that is,
- then you shouldn't be calling this initializer.
- Z_OK if all goes well.
- Initialize the inflation state with an explicit flag to govern the handling of
- RFC1950 header bytes.
- If you want to read a zlib stream you should specify true for
- expectRfc1950Header. In this case, the library will expect to find a ZLIB
- header, as defined in RFC
- 1950, in the compressed stream. If you will be reading a DEFLATE or
- GZIP stream, which does not have such a header, you will want to specify
- false.
- whether to expect an RFC1950 header byte pair when reading
- the stream of data to be inflated.
- The number of window bits to use. If you need to ask what that is,
- then you shouldn't be calling this initializer.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Inflate the data in the InputBuffer, placing the result in the OutputBuffer.
- You must have set InputBuffer and OutputBuffer, NextIn and NextOut, and AvailableBytesIn and
- AvailableBytesOut before calling this method.
- private void InflateBuffer()
- {
- int bufferSize = 1024;
- byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
- ZlibCodec decompressor = new ZlibCodec();
- Console.WriteLine("\n============================================");
- Console.WriteLine("Size of Buffer to Inflate: {0} bytes.", CompressedBytes.Length);
- MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(DecompressedBytes);
- int rc = decompressor.InitializeInflate();
- decompressor.InputBuffer = CompressedBytes;
- decompressor.NextIn = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesIn = CompressedBytes.Length;
- decompressor.OutputBuffer = buffer;
- // pass 1: inflate
- do
- {
- decompressor.NextOut = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length;
- rc = decompressor.Inflate(ZlibConstants.Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END)
- throw new Exception("inflating: " + decompressor.Message);
- ms.Write(decompressor.OutputBuffer, 0, buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut);
- }
- while (decompressor.AvailableBytesIn > 0 || decompressor.AvailableBytesOut == 0);
- // pass 2: finish and flush
- do
- {
- decompressor.NextOut = 0;
- decompressor.AvailableBytesOut = buffer.Length;
- rc = decompressor.Inflate(ZlibConstants.Z_FINISH);
- if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK)
- throw new Exception("inflating: " + decompressor.Message);
- if (buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut > 0)
- ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length - decompressor.AvailableBytesOut);
- }
- while (decompressor.AvailableBytesIn > 0 || decompressor.AvailableBytesOut == 0);
- decompressor.EndInflate();
- }
- The flush to use when inflating.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Ends an inflation session.
- Call this after successively calling Inflate(). This will cause all buffers to be flushed.
- After calling this you cannot call Inflate() without a intervening call to one of the
- InitializeInflate() overloads.
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- I don't know what this does!
- Z_OK if everything goes well.
- Set the dictionary to be used for either Inflation or Deflation.
- The dictionary bytes to use.
- Z_OK if all goes well.
- The Adler32 checksum on the data transferred through the codec so far. You probably don't need to look at this.
- A bunch of constants used in the Zlib interface.
- The maximum number of window bits for the Deflate algorithm.
- The default number of window bits for the Deflate algorithm.
- indicates everything is A-OK
- Indicates that the last operation reached the end of the stream.
- The operation ended in need of a dictionary.
- There was an error with the stream - not enough data, not open and readable, etc.
- There was an error with the data - not enough data, bad data, etc.
- There was an error with the working buffer.
- The size of the working buffer used in the ZlibCodec class. Defaults to 8192 bytes.
- The minimum size of the working buffer used in the ZlibCodec class. Currently it is 128 bytes.
- Represents a Zlib stream for compression or decompression.
- The ZlibStream is a Decorator on a . It adds ZLIB compression or decompression to any
- stream.
- Using this stream, applications can compress or decompress data via
- stream Read and Write operations. Either compresssion or
- decompression can occur through either reading or writing. The compression
- format used is ZLIB, which is documented in IETF RFC 1950, "ZLIB Compressed
- Data Format Specification version 3.3". This implementation of ZLIB always uses
- DEFLATE as the compression method. (see IETF RFC 1951, "DEFLATE
- Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3.")
- The ZLIB format allows for varying compression methods, window sizes, and dictionaries.
- This implementation always uses the DEFLATE compression method, a preset dictionary,
- and 15 window bits by default.
- This class is similar to , except that it adds the
- RFC1950 header and trailer bytes to a compressed stream when compressing, or expects
- the RFC1950 header and trailer bytes when decompressing. It is also similar to the
- .
- Dispose the stream.
- This may or may not result in a Close() call on the captive stream.
- See the constructors that have a leaveOpen parameter for more information.
- Flush the stream.
- Read data from the stream.
- If you wish to use the ZlibStream to compress data while reading, you can create a
- ZlibStream with CompressionMode.Compress, providing an uncompressed data stream. Then
- call Read() on that ZlibStream, and the data read will be compressed. If you wish to
- use the ZlibStream to decompress data while reading, you can create a ZlibStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress, providing a readable compressed data stream. Then call
- Read() on that ZlibStream, and the data will be decompressed as it is read.
- A ZlibStream can be used for Read() or Write(), but not both.
- The buffer into which the read data should be placed.
- the offset within that data array to put the first byte read.
- the number of bytes to read.
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- Calling this method always throws a NotImplementedException.
- Write data to the stream.
- If you wish to use the ZlibStream to compress data while writing, you can create a
- ZlibStream with CompressionMode.Compress, and a writable output stream. Then call
- Write() on that ZlibStream, providing uncompressed data as input. The data sent to
- the output stream will be the compressed form of the data written. If you wish to use
- the ZlibStream to decompress data while writing, you can create a ZlibStream with
- CompressionMode.Decompress, and a writable output stream. Then call Write() on that
- stream, providing previously compressed data. The data sent to the output stream will
- be the decompressed form of the data written.
- A ZlibStream can be used for Read() or Write(), but not both.
- The buffer holding data to write to the stream.
- the offset within that data array to find the first byte to write.
- the number of bytes to write.
- Uncompress a byte array into a single string.
- A buffer containing ZLIB-compressed data.
- Uncompress a byte array into a byte array.
- A buffer containing ZLIB-compressed data.
- This property sets the flush behavior on the stream.
- Sorry, though, not sure exactly how to describe all the various settings.
- The size of the working buffer for the compression codec.
- The working buffer is used for all stream operations. The default size is 1024 bytes.
- The minimum size is 128 bytes. You may get better performance with a larger buffer.
- Then again, you might not. You would have to test it.
- Set this before the first call to Read() or Write() on the stream. If you try to set it
- afterwards, it will throw.
- Returns the total number of bytes input so far.
- Returns the total number of bytes output so far.
- Indicates whether the stream can be read.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports reading.
- Indicates whether the stream supports Seek operations.
- Always returns false.
- Indicates whether the stream can be written.
- The return value depends on whether the captive stream supports writing.
- Reading this property always throws a NotImplementedException.
- The position of the stream pointer.
- Writing this property always throws a NotImplementedException. Reading will
- return the total bytes written out, if used in writing, or the total bytes
- read in, if used in reading. The count may refer to compressed bytes or
- uncompressed bytes, depending on how you've used the stream.
- Allows control how class and property names and values are deserialized by XmlAttributeDeserializer
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets if the property to Deserialize is an Attribute or Element (Default: false)
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Types of parameters that can be added to requests
- Data formats
- HTTP method to use when making requests
- Format strings for commonly-used date formats
- .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format
- .NET format string for roundtrip date format
- Status for responses (surprised?)
- Extension method overload!
- Read a stream into a byte array
- Stream to read
- byte[]
- Copies bytes from one stream to another
- The input stream.
- The output stream.
- Converts a byte array to a string, using its byte order mark to convert it to the right encoding.
- http://www.shrinkrays.net/code-snippets/csharp/an-extension-method-for-converting-a-byte-array-to-a-string.aspx
- An array of bytes to convert
- The byte as a string.
- Reflection extensions
- Retrieve an attribute from a member (property)
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Member to retrieve attribute from
- Retrieve an attribute from a type
- Type of attribute to retrieve
- Type to retrieve attribute from
- Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]])
- Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants
- of the string value of the enum.
- Type of enum
- Value for which to search
- The culture used to calculate the name variants
- Convert a to a instance.
- The response status.
- responseStatus
- Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yangxind/archive/2006/11/09/don-t-use-net-system-uri-unescapedatastring-in-url-decoding.aspx
- Check that a string is not null or empty
- String to check
- bool
- Remove underscores from a string
- String to process
- string
- Parses most common JSON date formats
- JSON value to parse
- DateTime
- Remove leading and trailing " from a string
- String to parse
- String
- Checks a string to see if it matches a regex
- String to check
- Pattern to match
- bool
- Converts a string to pascal case
- String to convert
- string
- Converts a string to pascal case with the option to remove underscores
- String to convert
- Option to remove underscores
- Converts a string to camel case
- String to convert
- String
- Convert the first letter of a string to lower case
- String to convert
- string
- Checks to see if a string is all uppper case
- String to check
- bool
- Add underscores to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add dashes to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Add an undescore prefix to a pascasl-cased string
- Add spaces to a pascal-cased string
- String to convert
- string
- Return possible variants of a name for name matching.
- String to convert
- The culture to use for conversion
- IEnumerable<string>
- XML Extension Methods
- Returns the name of an element with the namespace if specified
- Element name
- XML Namespace
- Container for files to be uploaded with requests
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The content type to use in the request.
- The
- Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes.
- The parameter name to use in the request.
- The data to use as the file's contents.
- The filename to use in the request.
- The using the default content type.
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- HttpWebRequest wrapper (async methods)
- HttpWebRequest wrapper
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- Execute an async POST-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Execute an async GET-style request with the specified HTTP Method.
- The HTTP method to execute.
- Creates an IHttp
- Default constructor
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP parameters
- True if this HTTP request has any HTTP cookies
- True if a request body has been specified
- True if files have been set to be uploaded
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- UserAgent to be sent with request
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- System.Net.ICredentials to be sent with request
- The System.Net.CookieContainer to be used for the request
- The method to use to write the response instead of reading into RawBytes
- Collection of files to be sent with request
- Whether or not HTTP 3xx response redirects should be automatically followed
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server.
- HTTP headers to be sent with request
- HTTP parameters (QueryString or Form values) to be sent with request
- HTTP cookies to be sent with request
- Request body to be sent with request
- Content type of the request body.
- An alternative to RequestBody, for when the caller already has the byte array.
- URL to call for this request
- Flag to send authorisation header with the HttpWebRequest
- Representation of an HTTP cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
- Container for HTTP file
- The length of data to be sent
- Provides raw data for file
- Name of the file to use when uploading
- MIME content type of file
- Name of the parameter
- Representation of an HTTP header
- Name of the header
- Value of the header
- Representation of an HTTP parameter (QueryString or Form value)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- HTTP response data
- HTTP response data
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Default constructor
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- Lazy-loaded string representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exception thrown when error is encountered.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are five types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - Cookie: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Cookies collection
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container for data sent back from API
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- Exceptions thrown during the request, if any.
- Will contain only network transport or framework exceptions thrown during the request.
- HTTP protocol errors are handled by RestSharp and will not appear here.
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Parameter container for REST requests
- Return a human-readable representation of this parameter
- String
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Type of the parameter
- MIME content type of the parameter
- Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle.
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes a GET-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a POST-style request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- The HTTP method to execute
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- Request to be executed
- The cancellation token
- Default constructor that registers default content handlers
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Sets the BaseUrl property for requests made by this client instance
- Registers a content handler to process response content
- MIME content type of the response content
- Deserializer to use to process content
- Remove a content handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to remove
- Remove all content handlers
- Retrieve the handler for the specified MIME content type
- MIME content type to retrieve
- IDeserializer instance
- Assembles URL to call based on parameters, method and resource
- RestRequest to execute
- Assembled System.Uri
- Maximum number of redirects to follow if FollowRedirects is true
- Default is true. Determine whether or not requests that result in
- HTTP status codes of 3xx should follow returned redirect
- The CookieContainer used for requests made by this client instance
- UserAgent to use for requests made by this client instance
- Timeout in milliseconds to use for requests made by this client instance
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out.
- Whether to invoke async callbacks using the SynchronizationContext.Current captured when invoked
- Authenticator to use for requests made by this client instance
- Combined with Request.Resource to construct URL for request
- Should include scheme and domain without trailing slash.
- client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://example.com");
- Parameters included with every request made with this instance of RestClient
- If specified in both client and request, the request wins
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion
- Executes the request and callback asynchronously, authenticating if needed
- The IRestClient this method extends
- Target deserialization type
- Request to be executed
- Callback function to be executed upon completion providing access to the async handle
- Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Parameter to add
- Removes a parameter from the default parameters that are used on every request made with this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- The name of the parameter that needs to be removed
- Adds a HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Used on every request made by this client instance
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddDefaultParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- The IRestClient instance
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Container for data used to make requests
- Default constructor
- Sets Method property to value of method
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Sets Resource property
- Resource to use for this request
- Sets Resource and Method properties
- Resource to use for this request
- Method to use for this request
- Adds a file to the Files collection to be included with a POST or PUT request
- (other methods do not support file uploads).
- The parameter name to use in the request
- Full path to file to upload
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name
- The parameter name to use in the request
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Adds the bytes to the Files collection with the specified file name and content type
- The parameter name to use in the request
- A function that writes directly to the stream. Should NOT close the stream.
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- The MIME type of the file to upload
- This request
- Add bytes to the Files collection as if it was a file of specific type
- A form parameter name
- The file data
- The file name to use for the uploaded file
- Specific content type. Es: application/x-gzip
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Serializes obj to data format specified by RequestFormat and adds it to the request body.
- The default format is XML. Change RequestFormat if you wish to use a different serialization format.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to JSON format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to XML format and adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- This request
- Serializes obj to format specified by RequestFormat, but passes xmlNamespace if using the default XmlSerializer
- Serializes obj to XML format and passes xmlNamespace then adds it to the request body.
- The object to serialize
- The XML namespace to use when serializing
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties specified in the includedProperties list
- request.AddObject(product, "ProductId", "Price", ...);
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- The names of the properties to include
- This request
- Calls AddParameter() for all public, readable properties of obj
- The object with properties to add as parameters
- This request
- Add the parameter to the request
- Parameter to add
- Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
- - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
- - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
- - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
- - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Content-Type of the parameter
- The type of parameter to add
- This request
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, HttpHeader) overload
- Name of the header to add
- Value of the header to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, Cookie) overload
- Name of the cookie to add
- Value of the cookie to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, UrlSegment) overload
- Name of the segment to add
- Value of the segment to add
- Shortcut to AddParameter(name, value, QueryString) overload
- Name of the parameter to add
- Value of the parameter to add
- Internal Method so that RestClient can increase the number of attempts
- Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present.
- Serializer to use when writing JSON request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Json.
- By default the included JsonSerializer is used (currently using JSON.NET default serialization).
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default the included XmlSerializer is used.
- Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory.
- Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running)
- will be sent along to the server. The default is false.
- Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request.
- See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed
- Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request.
- Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS
- Default is GET
- The Resource URL to make the request against.
- Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name.
- Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash.
- Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL:
- {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. http://example.com)
- // example for url token replacement
- request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}";
- request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
- Serializer to use when writing XML request bodies. Used if RequestFormat is Xml.
- By default XmlSerializer is used.
- Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from.
- Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets.
- A function to run prior to deserializing starting (e.g. change settings if error encountered)
- Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates.
- Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names.
- In general you would not need to set this directly. Used by the NtlmAuthenticator.
- Gets or sets a user-defined state object that contains information about a request and which can be later
- retrieved when the request completes.
- Timeout in milliseconds to be used for the request. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- The number of milliseconds before the writing or reading times out. This timeout value overrides a timeout set on the RestClient.
- How many attempts were made to send this Request?
- This Number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request.
- Useful when using Asynchronous Execution with Callbacks
- Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]]
- Default constructor
- Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output
- The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse
- Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK
- MIME content type of response
- Length in bytes of the response content
- Encoding of the response content
- String representation of response content
- HTTP response status code
- Description of HTTP status returned
- Response content
- The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected)
- HttpWebResponse.Server
- Cookies returned by server with the response
- Headers returned by server with the response
- Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors.
- HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead
- Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request
- The exception thrown during the request, if any
- Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data
- Type of data to deserialize to
- Deserialized entity data
- Container for data sent back from API
- Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Encoding for serialized content
- Need to subclass StringWriter in order to override Encoding
- Default JSON serializer for request bodies
- Doesn't currently use the SerializeAs attribute, defers to Newtonsoft's attributes
- Default serializer
- Serialize the object as JSON
- Object to serialize
- JSON as String
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Unused for JSON Serialization
- Content type for serialized content
- Allows control how class and property names and values are serialized by XmlSerializer
- Currently not supported with the JsonSerializer
- When specified at the property level the class-level specification is overridden
- Called by the attribute when NameStyle is speficied
- The string to transform
- String
- The name to use for the serialized element
- Sets the value to be serialized as an Attribute instead of an Element
- The culture to use when serializing
- Transforms the casing of the name based on the selected value.
- The order to serialize the element. Default is int.MaxValue.
- Options for transforming casing of element names
- Default XML Serializer
- Default constructor, does not specify namespace
- Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing
- XML namespace
- Serialize the object as XML
- Object to serialize
- XML as string
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Name of the root element to use when serializing
- XML namespace to use when serializing
- Format string to use when serializing dates
- Content type for serialized content
- Represents the json array.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The capacity of the json array.
- The json representation of the array.
- The json representation of the array.
- Represents the json object.
- The internal member dictionary.
- Initializes a new instance of .
- Initializes a new instance of .
- The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default for the type of the key.
- Adds the specified key.
- The key.
- The value.
- Determines whether the specified key contains key.
- The key.
- true if the specified key contains key; otherwise, false.
- Removes the specified key.
- The key.
- Tries the get value.
- The key.
- The value.
- Adds the specified item.
- The item.
- Clears this instance.
- Determines whether [contains] [the specified item].
- The item.
- true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
- Copies to.
- The array.
- Index of the array.
- Removes the specified item.
- The item.
- Gets the enumerator.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Returns a json that represents the current .
- A json that represents the current .
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Gets the keys.
- The keys.
- Gets the values.
- The values.
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
- true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
- This class encodes and decodes JSON strings.
- Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
- JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes JsonArray(IList<object>) and JsonObject(IDictionary<string,object>).
- All numbers are parsed to doubles.
- Parses the string json into a value
- A JSON string.
- An IList<object>, a IDictionary<string,object>, a double, a string, null, true, or false
- Try parsing the json string into a value.
- A JSON string.
- The object.
- Returns true if successfull otherwise false.
- Converts a IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object> object into a JSON string
- A IDictionary<string,object> / IList<object>
- Serializer strategy to use
- A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable
- Determines if a given object is numeric in any way
- (can be integer, double, null, etc).
- Helper methods for validating required values
- Require a parameter to not be null
- Name of the parameter
- Value of the parameter
- Helper methods for validating values
- Validate an integer value is between the specified values (exclusive of min/max)
- Value to validate
- Exclusive minimum value
- Exclusive maximum value
- Validate a string length
- String to be validated
- Maximum length of the string
- Comment of the cookie
- Comment of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie should be discarded at the end of the session
- Domain of the cookie
- Indicates whether the cookie is expired
- Date and time that the cookie expires
- Indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server
- Name of the cookie
- Path of the cookie
- Port of the cookie
- Indicates that the cookie should only be sent over secure channels
- Date and time the cookie was created
- Value of the cookie
- Version of the cookie
diff --git a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/readme.txt b/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a5bde..0000000
--- a/packages/RestSharp.105.2.3/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-In 103.0, JSON.NET was removed as a dependency.
-If this is still installed in your project and no other libraries depend on
-it you may remove it from your installed packages.
-There is one breaking change: the default Json*Serializer* is no longer
-compatible with Json.NET. To use Json.NET for serialization, copy the code
-from https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp/blob/86b31f9adf049d7fb821de8279154f41a17b36f7/RestSharp/Serializers/JsonSerializer.cs
-and register it with your client:
-var client = new RestClient();
-client.JsonSerializer = new YourCustomSerializer();
-The default Json*Deserializer* is mostly compatible, but it does not support
-all features which Json.NET has (like the ability to support a custom [JsonConverter]
-by decorating a certain property with an attribute). If you need these features, you
-must take care of the deserialization yourself to get it working.