# This file is part of Radicale Server - Calendar Server # Copyright © 2008 Nicolas Kandel # Copyright © 2008 Pascal Halter # Copyright © 2008-2015 Guillaume Ayoub # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Radicale. If not, see . """ XML and iCal requests manager. Note that all these functions need to receive unicode objects for full iCal requests (PUT) and string objects with charset correctly defined in them for XML requests (all but PUT). """ import copy import math import posixpath import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone from http import client from itertools import chain from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urlparse from . import storage MIMETYPES = { "VADDRESSBOOK": "text/vcard", "VCALENDAR": "text/calendar"} OBJECT_MIMETYPES = { "VCARD": "text/vcard", "VLIST": "text/x-vlist", "VCALENDAR": "text/calendar"} NAMESPACES = { "C": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav", "CR": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav", "D": "DAV:", "CS": "http://calendarserver.org/ns/", "ICAL": "http://apple.com/ns/ical/", "ME": "http://me.com/_namespace/", "RADICALE": "http://radicale.org/ns/"} NAMESPACES_REV = {} for short, url in NAMESPACES.items(): NAMESPACES_REV[url] = short ET.register_namespace("" if short == "D" else short, url) CLARK_TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r"{(?P[^}]*)}(?P.*)", re.VERBOSE) HUMAN_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?P[^:{}]*):(?P.*)", re.VERBOSE) DAY = timedelta(days=1) SECOND = timedelta(seconds=1) DATETIME_MIN = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) DATETIME_MAX = datetime.max.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) TIMESTAMP_MIN = math.floor(DATETIME_MIN.timestamp()) TIMESTAMP_MAX = math.ceil(DATETIME_MAX.timestamp()) def pretty_xml(element, level=0): """Indent an ElementTree ``element`` and its children.""" if not level: element = copy.deepcopy(element) i = "\n" + level * " " if len(element): if not element.text or not element.text.strip(): element.text = i + " " if not element.tail or not element.tail.strip(): element.tail = i for sub_element in element: pretty_xml(sub_element, level + 1) if not sub_element.tail or not sub_element.tail.strip(): sub_element.tail = i else: if level and (not element.tail or not element.tail.strip()): element.tail = i if not level: return '\n%s' % ET.tostring(element, "unicode") def _tag(short_name, local): """Get XML Clark notation {uri(``short_name``)}``local``.""" return "{%s}%s" % (NAMESPACES[short_name], local) def _tag_from_clark(name): """Get a human-readable variant of the XML Clark notation tag ``name``. For a given name using the XML Clark notation, return a human-readable variant of the tag name for known namespaces. Otherwise, return the name as is. """ match = CLARK_TAG_REGEX.match(name) if match and match.group("namespace") in NAMESPACES_REV: args = { "ns": NAMESPACES_REV[match.group("namespace")], "tag": match.group("tag")} return "%(ns)s:%(tag)s" % args return name def _tag_from_human(name): """Get an XML Clark notation tag from human-readable variant ``name``.""" match = HUMAN_REGEX.match(name) if match and match.group("namespace") in NAMESPACES: return _tag(match.group("namespace"), match.group("tag")) return name def _response(code): """Return full W3C names from HTTP status codes.""" return "HTTP/1.1 %i %s" % (code, client.responses[code]) def _href(base_prefix, href): """Return prefixed href.""" return quote("%s%s" % (base_prefix, href)) def _webdav_error(namespace, name): """Generate XML error message.""" root = ET.Element(_tag("D", "error")) root.append(ET.Element(_tag(namespace, name))) return root def _date_to_datetime(date_): """Transform a date to a UTC datetime. If date_ is a datetime without timezone, return as UTC datetime. If date_ is already a datetime with timezone, return as is. """ if not isinstance(date_, datetime): date_ = datetime.combine(date_, datetime.min.time()) if not date_.tzinfo: date_ = date_.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return date_ def _comp_match(item, filter_, level=0): """Check whether the ``item`` matches the comp ``filter_``. If ``level`` is ``0``, the filter is applied on the item's collection. Otherwise, it's applied on the item. See rfc4791-9.7.1. """ # TODO: Filtering VALARM and VFREEBUSY is not implemented # HACK: the filters are tested separately against all components if level == 0: tag = item.name elif level == 1: tag = item.component_name else: item.collection.logger.warning( "Filters with three levels of comp-filter are not supported") return True if not tag: return False name = filter_.get("name").upper() if len(filter_) == 0: # Point #1 of rfc4791-9.7.1 return name == tag if len(filter_) == 1: if filter_[0].tag == _tag("C", "is-not-defined"): # Point #2 of rfc4791-9.7.1 return name != tag if name != tag: return False if (level == 0 and name != "VCALENDAR" or level == 1 and name not in ("VTODO", "VEVENT", "VJOURNAL")): item.collection.logger.warning("Filtering %s is not supported" % name) return True # Point #3 and #4 of rfc4791-9.7.1 components = ([item.item] if level == 0 else list(getattr(item, "%s_list" % tag.lower()))) for child in filter_: if child.tag == _tag("C", "prop-filter"): if not any(_prop_match(comp, child, "C") for comp in components): return False elif child.tag == _tag("C", "time-range"): if not _time_range_match(item.item, filter_[0], tag): return False elif child.tag == _tag("C", "comp-filter"): if not _comp_match(item, child, level=level + 1): return False else: raise ValueError("Unexpected %r in comp-filter" % child.tag) return True def _prop_match(vobject_item, filter_, ns): """Check whether the ``item`` matches the prop ``filter_``. See rfc4791-9.7.2 and rfc6352-10.5.1. """ name = filter_.get("name").lower() if len(filter_) == 0: # Point #1 of rfc4791-9.7.2 return name in vobject_item.contents if len(filter_) == 1: if filter_[0].tag == _tag("C", "is-not-defined"): # Point #2 of rfc4791-9.7.2 return name not in vobject_item.contents if name not in vobject_item.contents: return False # Point #3 and #4 of rfc4791-9.7.2 for child in filter_: if ns == "C" and child.tag == _tag("C", "time-range"): if not _time_range_match(vobject_item, child, name): return False elif child.tag == _tag(ns, "text-match"): if not _text_match(vobject_item, child, name, ns): return False elif child.tag == _tag(ns, "param-filter"): if not _param_filter_match(vobject_item, child, name, ns): return False else: raise ValueError("Unexpected %r in prop-filter" % child.tag) return True def _time_range_match(vobject_item, filter_, child_name): """Check whether the component/property ``child_name`` of ``vobject_item`` matches the time-range ``filter_``.""" start = filter_.get("start") end = filter_.get("end") if not start and not end: return False if start: start = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") else: start = datetime.min if end: end = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") else: end = datetime.max start = start.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) end = end.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) matched = False def range_fn(range_start, range_end, is_recurrence): nonlocal matched if start < range_end and range_start < end: matched = True return True if end < range_start and not is_recurrence: return True return False def infinity_fn(start): return False _visit_time_ranges(vobject_item, child_name, range_fn, infinity_fn) return matched def _visit_time_ranges(vobject_item, child_name, range_fn, infinity_fn): """Visit all time ranges in the component/property ``child_name`` of `vobject_item`` with visitors ``range_fn`` and ``infinity_fn``. ``range_fn`` gets called for every time_range with ``start`` and ``end`` datetimes and ``is_recurrence`` as arguments. If the function returns True, the operation is cancelled. ``infinity_fn`` gets called when an infiite recurrence rule is detected with ``start`` datetime as argument. If the function returns True, the operation is cancelled. See rfc4791-9.9. """ # HACK: According to rfc5545- an recurrance that is resheduled # with Recurrence ID affects the recurrence itself and all following # recurrences too. This is not respected and client don't seem to bother # either. def getrruleset(child, ignore=()): if (hasattr(child, "rrule") and ";UNTIL=" not in child.rrule.value.upper() and ";COUNT=" not in child.rrule.value.upper()): for dtstart in child.getrruleset(addRDate=True): if dtstart in ignore: continue if infinity_fn(_date_to_datetime(dtstart)): return (), True break return filter(lambda dtstart: dtstart not in ignore, child.getrruleset(addRDate=True)), False def get_children(components): main = None recurrences = [] for comp in components: if hasattr(comp, "recurrence_id") and comp.recurrence_id.value: recurrences.append(comp.recurrence_id.value) if comp.rruleset: # Prevent possible infinite loop raise ValueError("Overwritten recurrence with RRULESET") yield comp, True, () else: if main is not None: raise ValueError("Multiple main components") main = comp if main is None: raise ValueError("Main component missing") yield main, False, recurrences # Comments give the lines in the tables of the specification if child_name == "VEVENT": for child, is_recurrence, recurrences in get_children( vobject_item.vevent_list): # TODO: check if there's a timezone dtstart = child.dtstart.value if child.rruleset: dtstarts, infinity = getrruleset(child, recurrences) if infinity: return else: dtstarts = (dtstart,) dtend = getattr(child, "dtend", None) if dtend is not None: dtend = dtend.value original_duration = (dtend - dtstart).total_seconds() dtend = _date_to_datetime(dtend) duration = getattr(child, "duration", None) if duration is not None: original_duration = duration = duration.value for dtstart in dtstarts: dtstart_is_datetime = isinstance(dtstart, datetime) dtstart = _date_to_datetime(dtstart) if dtend is not None: # Line 1 dtend = dtstart + timedelta(seconds=original_duration) if range_fn(dtstart, dtend, is_recurrence): return elif duration is not None: if original_duration is None: original_duration = duration.seconds if duration.seconds > 0: # Line 2 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + duration, is_recurrence): return else: # Line 3 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + SECOND, is_recurrence): return elif dtstart_is_datetime: # Line 4 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + SECOND, is_recurrence): return else: # Line 5 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + DAY, is_recurrence): return elif child_name == "VTODO": for child, is_recurrence, recurrences in get_children( vobject_item.vtodo_list): dtstart = getattr(child, "dtstart", None) duration = getattr(child, "duration", None) due = getattr(child, "due", None) completed = getattr(child, "completed", None) created = getattr(child, "created", None) if dtstart is not None: dtstart = _date_to_datetime(dtstart.value) if duration is not None: duration = duration.value if due is not None: due = _date_to_datetime(due.value) if dtstart is not None: original_duration = (due - dtstart).total_seconds() if completed is not None: completed = _date_to_datetime(completed.value) if created is not None: created = _date_to_datetime(created.value) original_duration = (completed - created).total_seconds() elif created is not None: created = _date_to_datetime(created.value) if child.rruleset: reference_dates, infinity = getrruleset(child, recurrences) if infinity: return else: if dtstart is not None: reference_dates = (dtstart,) elif due is not None: reference_dates = (due,) elif completed is not None: reference_dates = (completed,) elif created is not None: reference_dates = (created,) else: # Line 8 if range_fn(DATETIME_MIN, DATETIME_MAX, is_recurrence): return reference_dates = () for reference_date in reference_dates: reference_date = _date_to_datetime(reference_date) if dtstart is not None and duration is not None: # Line 1 if range_fn(reference_date, reference_date + duration + SECOND, is_recurrence): return if range_fn(reference_date + duration - SECOND, reference_date + duration + SECOND, is_recurrence): return elif dtstart is not None and due is not None: # Line 2 due = reference_date + timedelta(seconds=original_duration) if (range_fn(reference_date, due, is_recurrence) or range_fn(reference_date, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence) or range_fn(due - SECOND, due, is_recurrence) or range_fn(due - SECOND, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence)): return elif dtstart is not None: if range_fn(reference_date, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence): return elif due is not None: # Line 4 if range_fn(reference_date - SECOND, reference_date, is_recurrence): return elif completed is not None and created is not None: # Line 5 completed = reference_date + timedelta( seconds=original_duration) if (range_fn(reference_date - SECOND, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence) or range_fn(completed - SECOND, completed + SECOND, is_recurrence) or range_fn(reference_date - SECOND, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence) or range_fn(completed - SECOND, completed + SECOND, is_recurrence)): return elif completed is not None: # Line 6 if range_fn(reference_date - SECOND, reference_date + SECOND, is_recurrence): return elif created is not None: # Line 7 if range_fn(reference_date, DATETIME_MAX, is_recurrence): return elif child_name == "VJOURNAL": for child, is_recurrence, recurrences in get_children( vobject_item.vjournal_list): dtstart = getattr(child, "dtstart", None) if dtstart is not None: dtstart = dtstart.value if child.rruleset: dtstarts, infinity = getrruleset(child, recurrences) if infinity: return else: dtstarts = (dtstart,) for dtstart in dtstarts: dtstart_is_datetime = isinstance(dtstart, datetime) dtstart = _date_to_datetime(dtstart) if dtstart_is_datetime: # Line 1 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + SECOND, is_recurrence): return else: # Line 2 if range_fn(dtstart, dtstart + DAY, is_recurrence): return else: # Match a property child = getattr(vobject_item, child_name.lower()) if isinstance(child, date): range_fn(child, child + DAY, False) elif isinstance(child, datetime): range_fn(child, child + SECOND, False) def _text_match(vobject_item, filter_, child_name, ns, attrib_name=None): """Check whether the ``item`` matches the text-match ``filter_``. See rfc4791-9.7.5. """ # TODO: collations are not supported, but the default ones needed # for DAV servers are actually pretty useless. Texts are lowered to # be case-insensitive, almost as the "i;ascii-casemap" value. text = next(filter_.itertext()).lower() match_type = "contains" if ns == "CR": match_type = filter_.get("match-type", match_type) def match(value): value = value.lower() if match_type == "equals": return value == text if match_type == "contains": return text in value if match_type == "starts-with": return value.startswith(text) if match_type == "ends-with": return value.endswith(text) raise ValueError("Unexpected text-match match-type: %r" % match_type) children = getattr(vobject_item, "%s_list" % child_name, []) if attrib_name: condition = any( match(attrib) for child in children for attrib in child.params.get(attrib_name, [])) else: condition = any(match(child.value) for child in children) if filter_.get("negate-condition") == "yes": return not condition else: return condition def _param_filter_match(vobject_item, filter_, parent_name, ns): """Check whether the ``item`` matches the param-filter ``filter_``. See rfc4791-9.7.3. """ name = filter_.get("name").upper() children = getattr(vobject_item, "%s_list" % parent_name, []) condition = any(name in child.params for child in children) if len(filter_): if filter_[0].tag == _tag(ns, "text-match"): return condition and _text_match( vobject_item, filter_[0], parent_name, ns, name) elif filter_[0].tag == _tag(ns, "is-not-defined"): return not condition else: return condition def simplify_prefilters(filters, collection_tag="VCALENDAR"): """Creates a simplified condition from ``filters``. Returns a tuple (``tag``, ``start``, ``end``, ``simple``) where ``tag`` is a string or None (match all) and ``start`` and ``end`` are POSIX timestamps (as int). ``simple`` is a bool that indicates that ``filters`` and the simplified condition are identical. """ flat_filters = tuple(chain.from_iterable(filters)) simple = len(flat_filters) <= 1 for col_filter in flat_filters: if collection_tag != "VCALENDAR": simple = False break if (col_filter.tag != _tag("C", "comp-filter") or col_filter.get("name").upper() != "VCALENDAR"): simple = False continue simple &= len(col_filter) <= 1 for comp_filter in col_filter: if comp_filter.tag != _tag("C", "comp-filter"): simple = False continue tag = comp_filter.get("name").upper() if comp_filter.find(_tag("C", "is-not-defined")) is not None: simple = False continue simple &= len(comp_filter) <= 1 for time_filter in comp_filter: if tag not in ("VTODO", "VEVENT", "VJOURNAL"): simple = False break if time_filter.tag != _tag("C", "time-range"): simple = False continue start = time_filter.get("start") end = time_filter.get("end") if start: start = math.floor(datetime.strptime( start, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ").replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: start = TIMESTAMP_MIN if end: end = math.ceil(datetime.strptime( end, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ").replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: end = TIMESTAMP_MAX return tag, start, end, simple return tag, TIMESTAMP_MIN, TIMESTAMP_MAX, simple return None, TIMESTAMP_MIN, TIMESTAMP_MAX, simple def get_content_type(item): """Get the content-type of an item with charset and component parameters. """ mimetype = OBJECT_MIMETYPES[item.name] encoding = item.collection.configuration.get("encoding", "request") tag = item.component_name content_type = "%s;charset=%s" % (mimetype, encoding) if tag: content_type += ";component=%s" % tag return content_type def find_tag(vobject_item): """Find component name from ``vobject_item``.""" if vobject_item.name == "VCALENDAR": for component in vobject_item.components(): if component.name != "VTIMEZONE": return component.name return None def find_tag_and_time_range(vobject_item): """Find component name and enclosing time range from ``vobject item``. Returns a tuple (``tag``, ``start``, ``end``) where ``tag`` is a string and ``start`` and ``end`` are POSIX timestamps (as int). This is intened to be used for matching against simplified prefilters. """ tag = find_tag(vobject_item) if not tag: return (None, TIMESTAMP_MIN, TIMESTAMP_MAX) start = end = None def range_fn(range_start, range_end, is_recurrence): nonlocal start, end if start is None or range_start < start: start = range_start if end is None or end < range_end: end = range_end return False def infinity_fn(range_start): nonlocal start, end if start is None or range_start < start: start = range_start end = DATETIME_MAX return True _visit_time_ranges(vobject_item, tag, range_fn, infinity_fn) if start is None: start = DATETIME_MIN if end is None: end = DATETIME_MAX return tag, math.floor(start.timestamp()), math.ceil(end.timestamp()) def name_from_path(path, collection): """Return Radicale item name from ``path``.""" path = path.strip("/") + "/" start = collection.path + "/" if not path.startswith(start): raise ValueError("%r doesn't start with %r" % (path, start)) name = path[len(start):][:-1] if name and not storage.is_safe_path_component(name): raise ValueError("%r is not a component in collection %r" % (name, collection.path)) return name def props_from_request(xml_request, actions=("set", "remove")): """Return a list of properties as a dictionary.""" result = OrderedDict() if xml_request is None: return result for action in actions: action_element = xml_request.find(_tag("D", action)) if action_element is not None: break else: action_element = xml_request prop_element = action_element.find(_tag("D", "prop")) if prop_element is not None: for prop in prop_element: if prop.tag == _tag("D", "resourcetype"): for resource_type in prop: if resource_type.tag == _tag("C", "calendar"): result["tag"] = "VCALENDAR" break elif resource_type.tag == _tag("CR", "addressbook"): result["tag"] = "VADDRESSBOOK" break elif prop.tag == _tag("C", "supported-calendar-component-set"): result[_tag_from_clark(prop.tag)] = ",".join( supported_comp.attrib["name"] for supported_comp in prop if supported_comp.tag == _tag("C", "comp")) else: result[_tag_from_clark(prop.tag)] = prop.text return result def delete(base_prefix, path, collection, href=None): """Read and answer DELETE requests. Read rfc4918-9.6 for info. """ collection.delete(href) multistatus = ET.Element(_tag("D", "multistatus")) response = ET.Element(_tag("D", "response")) multistatus.append(response) href = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) href.text = _href(base_prefix, path) response.append(href) status = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status.text = _response(200) response.append(status) return multistatus def propfind(base_prefix, path, xml_request, read_collections, write_collections, user): """Read and answer PROPFIND requests. Read rfc4918-9.1 for info. The collections parameter is a list of collections that are to be included in the output. """ # A client may choose not to submit a request body. An empty PROPFIND # request body MUST be treated as if it were an 'allprop' request. top_tag = (xml_request[0] if xml_request is not None else ET.Element(_tag("D", "allprop"))) props = () allprop = False propname = False if top_tag.tag == _tag("D", "allprop"): allprop = True elif top_tag.tag == _tag("D", "propname"): propname = True elif top_tag.tag == _tag("D", "prop"): props = [prop.tag for prop in top_tag] if _tag("D", "current-user-principal") in props and not user: # Ask for authentication # Returning the DAV:unauthenticated pseudo-principal as specified in # RFC 5397 doesn't seem to work with DAVdroid. return client.FORBIDDEN, None # Writing answer multistatus = ET.Element(_tag("D", "multistatus")) collections = [] for collection in write_collections: collections.append(collection) response = _propfind_response( base_prefix, path, collection, props, user, write=True, allprop=allprop, propname=propname) if response: multistatus.append(response) for collection in read_collections: if collection in collections: continue response = _propfind_response( base_prefix, path, collection, props, user, write=False, allprop=allprop, propname=propname) if response: multistatus.append(response) return client.MULTI_STATUS, multistatus def _propfind_response(base_prefix, path, item, props, user, write=False, propname=False, allprop=False): """Build and return a PROPFIND response.""" if propname and allprop or (props and (propname or allprop)): raise ValueError("Only use one of props, propname and allprops") is_collection = isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection) if is_collection: is_leaf = item.get_meta("tag") in ("VADDRESSBOOK", "VCALENDAR") collection = item else: collection = item.collection response = ET.Element(_tag("D", "response")) href = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) if is_collection: # Some clients expect collections to end with / uri = "/%s/" % item.path if item.path else "/" else: uri = "/" + posixpath.join(collection.path, item.href) href.text = _href(base_prefix, uri) response.append(href) propstat404 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "propstat")) propstat200 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "propstat")) response.append(propstat200) prop200 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "prop")) propstat200.append(prop200) prop404 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "prop")) propstat404.append(prop404) if propname or allprop: props = [] # Should list all properties that can be retrieved by the code below props.append(_tag("D", "principal-collection-set")) props.append(_tag("D", "current-user-principal")) props.append(_tag("D", "current-user-privilege-set")) props.append(_tag("D", "supported-report-set")) props.append(_tag("D", "resourcetype")) props.append(_tag("D", "owner")) if is_collection and collection.is_principal: props.append(_tag("C", "calendar-user-address-set")) props.append(_tag("D", "principal-URL")) props.append(_tag("CR", "addressbook-home-set")) props.append(_tag("C", "calendar-home-set")) if not is_collection or is_leaf: props.append(_tag("D", "getetag")) props.append(_tag("D", "getlastmodified")) props.append(_tag("D", "getcontenttype")) props.append(_tag("D", "getcontentlength")) if is_collection: if is_leaf: props.append(_tag("D", "displayname")) props.append(_tag("D", "sync-token")) if collection.get_meta("tag") == "VCALENDAR": props.append(_tag("CS", "getctag")) props.append(_tag("C", "supported-calendar-component-set")) meta = item.get_meta() for tag in meta: if tag == "tag": continue clark_tag = _tag_from_human(tag) if clark_tag not in props: props.append(clark_tag) if propname: for tag in props: prop200.append(ET.Element(tag)) props = () for tag in props: element = ET.Element(tag) is404 = False if tag == _tag("D", "getetag"): if not is_collection or is_leaf: element.text = item.etag else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "getlastmodified"): if not is_collection or is_leaf: element.text = item.last_modified else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "principal-collection-set"): tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) tag.text = _href(base_prefix, "/") element.append(tag) elif (tag in (_tag("C", "calendar-user-address-set"), _tag("D", "principal-URL"), _tag("CR", "addressbook-home-set"), _tag("C", "calendar-home-set")) and collection.is_principal and is_collection): tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) tag.text = _href(base_prefix, path) element.append(tag) elif tag == _tag("C", "supported-calendar-component-set"): human_tag = _tag_from_clark(tag) if is_collection and is_leaf: meta = item.get_meta(human_tag) if meta: components = meta.split(",") else: components = ("VTODO", "VEVENT", "VJOURNAL") for component in components: comp = ET.Element(_tag("C", "comp")) comp.set("name", component) element.append(comp) else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "current-user-principal"): if user: tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) tag.text = _href(base_prefix, "/%s/" % user) element.append(tag) else: element.append(ET.Element(_tag("D", "unauthenticated"))) elif tag == _tag("D", "current-user-privilege-set"): privileges = [("D", "read")] if write: privileges.append(("D", "all")) privileges.append(("D", "write")) privileges.append(("D", "write-properties")) privileges.append(("D", "write-content")) for ns, privilege_name in privileges: privilege = ET.Element(_tag("D", "privilege")) privilege.append(ET.Element(_tag(ns, privilege_name))) element.append(privilege) elif tag == _tag("D", "supported-report-set"): # These 3 reports are not implemented reports = [ ("D", "expand-property"), ("D", "principal-search-property-set"), ("D", "principal-property-search")] if is_collection and is_leaf: reports.append(("D", "sync-collection")) if item.get_meta("tag") == "VADDRESSBOOK": reports.append(("CR", "addressbook-multiget")) reports.append(("CR", "addressbook-query")) elif item.get_meta("tag") == "VCALENDAR": reports.append(("C", "calendar-multiget")) reports.append(("C", "calendar-query")) for ns, report_name in reports: supported = ET.Element(_tag("D", "supported-report")) report_tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "report")) supported_report_tag = ET.Element(_tag(ns, report_name)) report_tag.append(supported_report_tag) supported.append(report_tag) element.append(supported) elif tag == _tag("D", "getcontentlength"): if not is_collection or is_leaf: encoding = collection.configuration.get("encoding", "request") element.text = str(len(item.serialize().encode(encoding))) else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "owner"): # return empty elment, if no owner available (rfc3744-5.1) if collection.owner: tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) tag.text = _href(base_prefix, "/%s/" % collection.owner) element.append(tag) elif is_collection: if tag == _tag("D", "getcontenttype"): if is_leaf: element.text = MIMETYPES[item.get_meta("tag")] else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "resourcetype"): if item.is_principal: tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "principal")) element.append(tag) if is_leaf: if item.get_meta("tag") == "VADDRESSBOOK": tag = ET.Element(_tag("CR", "addressbook")) element.append(tag) elif item.get_meta("tag") == "VCALENDAR": tag = ET.Element(_tag("C", "calendar")) element.append(tag) tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "collection")) element.append(tag) elif tag == _tag("RADICALE", "displayname"): # Only for internal use by the web interface displayname = item.get_meta("D:displayname") if displayname is not None: element.text = displayname else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "displayname"): displayname = item.get_meta("D:displayname") if not displayname and is_leaf: displayname = item.path if displayname is not None: element.text = displayname else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("CS", "getctag"): if is_leaf: element.text = item.etag else: is404 = True elif tag == _tag("D", "sync-token"): if is_leaf: element.text, _ = item.sync() else: is404 = True else: human_tag = _tag_from_clark(tag) meta = item.get_meta(human_tag) if meta is not None: element.text = meta else: is404 = True # Not for collections elif tag == _tag("D", "getcontenttype"): element.text = get_content_type(item) elif tag == _tag("D", "resourcetype"): # resourcetype must be returned empty for non-collection elements pass else: is404 = True if is404: prop404.append(element) else: prop200.append(element) status200 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status200.text = _response(200) propstat200.append(status200) status404 = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status404.text = _response(404) propstat404.append(status404) if len(prop404): response.append(propstat404) return response def _add_propstat_to(element, tag, status_number): """Add a PROPSTAT response structure to an element. The PROPSTAT answer structure is defined in rfc4918-9.1. It is added to the given ``element``, for the following ``tag`` with the given ``status_number``. """ propstat = ET.Element(_tag("D", "propstat")) element.append(propstat) prop = ET.Element(_tag("D", "prop")) propstat.append(prop) clark_tag = tag if "{" in tag else _tag(*tag.split(":", 1)) prop_tag = ET.Element(clark_tag) prop.append(prop_tag) status = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status.text = _response(status_number) propstat.append(status) def proppatch(base_prefix, path, xml_request, collection): """Read and answer PROPPATCH requests. Read rfc4918-9.2 for info. """ props_to_set = props_from_request(xml_request, actions=("set",)) props_to_remove = props_from_request(xml_request, actions=("remove",)) multistatus = ET.Element(_tag("D", "multistatus")) response = ET.Element(_tag("D", "response")) multistatus.append(response) href = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) href.text = _href(base_prefix, path) response.append(href) new_props = collection.get_meta() for short_name, value in props_to_set.items(): new_props[short_name] = value _add_propstat_to(response, short_name, 200) for short_name in props_to_remove: try: del new_props[short_name] except KeyError: pass _add_propstat_to(response, short_name, 200) storage.check_and_sanitize_props(new_props) collection.set_meta_all(new_props) return multistatus def report(base_prefix, path, xml_request, collection): """Read and answer REPORT requests. Read rfc3253-3.6 for info. """ logger = collection.logger multistatus = ET.Element(_tag("D", "multistatus")) if xml_request is None: return client.MULTI_STATUS, multistatus root = xml_request if root.tag in ( _tag("D", "principal-search-property-set"), _tag("D", "principal-property-search"), _tag("D", "expand-property")): # We don't support searching for principals or indirect retrieving of # properties, just return an empty result. # InfCloud asks for expand-property reports (even if we don't announce # support for them) and stops working if an error code is returned. logger.warning("Unsupported REPORT method %r on %r requested", _tag_from_clark(root.tag), path) return client.MULTI_STATUS, multistatus if (root.tag == _tag("C", "calendar-multiget") and collection.get_meta("tag") != "VCALENDAR" or root.tag == _tag("CR", "addressbook-multiget") and collection.get_meta("tag") != "VADDRESSBOOK" or root.tag == _tag("D", "sync-collection") and collection.get_meta("tag") not in ("VADDRESSBOOK", "VCALENDAR")): logger.warning("Invalid REPORT method %r on %r requested", _tag_from_clark(root.tag), path) return (client.PRECONDITION_FAILED, _webdav_error("D", "supported-report")) prop_element = root.find(_tag("D", "prop")) props = ( [prop.tag for prop in prop_element] if prop_element is not None else []) if root.tag in ( _tag("C", "calendar-multiget"), _tag("CR", "addressbook-multiget")): # Read rfc4791-7.9 for info hreferences = set() for href_element in root.findall(_tag("D", "href")): href_path = storage.sanitize_path( unquote(urlparse(href_element.text).path)) if (href_path + "/").startswith(base_prefix + "/"): hreferences.add(href_path[len(base_prefix):]) else: logger.warning("Skipping invalid path %r in REPORT request on " "%r", href_path, path) elif root.tag == _tag("D", "sync-collection"): old_sync_token_element = root.find(_tag("D", "sync-token")) old_sync_token = "" if old_sync_token_element is not None and old_sync_token_element.text: old_sync_token = old_sync_token_element.text.strip() logger.debug("Client provided sync token: %r", old_sync_token) try: sync_token, names = collection.sync(old_sync_token) except ValueError as e: # Invalid sync token logger.warning("Client provided invalid sync token %r: %s", old_sync_token, e, exc_info=True) return (client.PRECONDITION_FAILED, _webdav_error("D", "valid-sync-token")) hreferences = ("/" + posixpath.join(collection.path, n) for n in names) # Append current sync token to response sync_token_element = ET.Element(_tag("D", "sync-token")) sync_token_element.text = sync_token multistatus.append(sync_token_element) else: hreferences = (path,) filters = ( root.findall("./%s" % _tag("C", "filter")) + root.findall("./%s" % _tag("CR", "filter"))) def retrieve_items(collection, hreferences, multistatus): """Retrieves all items that are referenced in ``hreferences`` from ``collection`` and adds 404 responses for missing and invalid items to ``multistatus``.""" collection_requested = False def get_names(): """Extracts all names from references in ``hreferences`` and adds 404 responses for invalid references to ``multistatus``. If the whole collections is referenced ``collection_requested`` gets set to ``True``.""" nonlocal collection_requested for hreference in hreferences: try: name = name_from_path(hreference, collection) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("Skipping invalid path %r in REPORT request" " on %r: %s", hreference, path, e) response = _item_response(base_prefix, hreference, found_item=False) multistatus.append(response) continue if name: # Reference is an item yield name else: # Reference is a collection collection_requested = True for name, item in collection.get_multi2(get_names()): if not item: uri = "/" + posixpath.join(collection.path, name) response = _item_response(base_prefix, uri, found_item=False) multistatus.append(response) else: yield item, False if collection_requested: yield from collection.get_all_filtered(filters) def match(item, filter_): tag = collection.get_meta("tag") if (tag == "VCALENDAR" and filter_.tag != _tag("C", filter_)): if len(filter_) == 0: return True if len(filter_) > 1: raise ValueError("Filter with %d children" % len(filter_)) if filter_[0].tag != _tag("C", "comp-filter"): raise ValueError("Unexpected %r in filter" % filter_[0].tag) return _comp_match(item, filter_[0]) if tag == "VADDRESSBOOK" and filter_.tag != _tag("CR", filter_): for child in filter_: if child.tag != _tag("CR", "prop-filter"): raise ValueError("Unexpected %r in filter" % child.tag) test = filter_.get("test", "anyof") if test == "anyof": return any(_prop_match(item.item, f, "CR") for f in filter_) if test == "allof": return all(_prop_match(item.item, f, "CR") for f in filter_) raise ValueError("Unsupported filter test: %r" % test) return all(_prop_match(item.item, f, "CR") for f in filter_) raise ValueError("unsupported filter %r for %r" % (filter_.tag, tag)) for item, filters_matched in retrieve_items(collection, hreferences, multistatus): if filters and not filters_matched: try: if not all(match(item, filter_) for filter_ in filters): continue except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Failed to filter item %r from %r: %s" % (item.href, collection.path, e)) from e except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Failed to filter item %r from %r: %s" % (item.href, collection.path, e)) from e found_props = [] not_found_props = [] for tag in props: element = ET.Element(tag) if tag == _tag("D", "getetag"): element.text = item.etag found_props.append(element) elif tag == _tag("D", "getcontenttype"): element.text = get_content_type(item) found_props.append(element) elif tag in ( _tag("C", "calendar-data"), _tag("CR", "address-data")): element.text = item.serialize() found_props.append(element) else: not_found_props.append(element) uri = "/" + posixpath.join(collection.path, item.href) multistatus.append(_item_response( base_prefix, uri, found_props=found_props, not_found_props=not_found_props, found_item=True)) return client.MULTI_STATUS, multistatus def _item_response(base_prefix, href, found_props=(), not_found_props=(), found_item=True): response = ET.Element(_tag("D", "response")) href_tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "href")) href_tag.text = _href(base_prefix, href) response.append(href_tag) if found_item: for code, props in ((200, found_props), (404, not_found_props)): if props: propstat = ET.Element(_tag("D", "propstat")) status = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status.text = _response(code) prop_tag = ET.Element(_tag("D", "prop")) for prop in props: prop_tag.append(prop) propstat.append(prop_tag) propstat.append(status) response.append(propstat) else: status = ET.Element(_tag("D", "status")) status.text = _response(404) response.append(status) return response