# This file is part of Radicale Server - Calendar Server # Copyright © 2012-2016 Jean-Marc Martins # Copyright © 2012-2017 Guillaume Ayoub # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Radicale. If not, see . """ Radicale tests with simple requests and authentication. """ import base64 import os import shutil import tempfile import pytest from radicale import Application, config from .test_base import BaseTest class TestBaseAuthRequests(BaseTest): """Tests basic requests with auth. We should setup auth for each type before creating the Application object. """ def setup(self): self.configuration = config.load() self.colpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.configuration["storage"]["filesystem_folder"] = self.colpath # Disable syncing to disk for better performance self.configuration["storage"]["filesystem_fsync"] = "False" # Required on Windows, doesn't matter on Unix self.configuration["storage"]["filesystem_close_lock_file"] = "True" # Set incorrect authentication delay to a very low value self.configuration["auth"]["delay"] = "0.002" def teardown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.colpath) def _test_htpasswd(self, htpasswd_encryption, htpasswd_content, test_matrix=None): """Test htpasswd authentication with user "tmp" and password "bepo".""" htpasswd_file_path = os.path.join(self.colpath, ".htpasswd") with open(htpasswd_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(htpasswd_content) self.configuration["auth"]["type"] = "htpasswd" self.configuration["auth"]["htpasswd_filename"] = htpasswd_file_path self.configuration["auth"]["htpasswd_encryption"] = htpasswd_encryption self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger) if test_matrix is None: test_matrix = ( ("tmp", "bepo", 207), ("tmp", "tmp", 401), ("tmp", "", 401), ("unk", "unk", 401), ("unk", "", 401), ("", "", 401)) for user, password, expected_status in test_matrix: status, _, answer = self.request( "PROPFIND", "/", HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Basic %s" % base64.b64encode( ("%s:%s" % (user, password)).encode()).decode()) assert status == expected_status def test_htpasswd_plain(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", "tmp:bepo") def test_htpasswd_plain_password_split(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", "tmp:be:po", ( ("tmp", "be:po", 207), ("tmp", "bepo", 401))) def test_htpasswd_sha1(self): self._test_htpasswd("sha1", "tmp:{SHA}UWRS3uSJJq2itZQEUyIH8rRajCM=") def test_htpasswd_ssha(self): self._test_htpasswd("ssha", "tmp:{SSHA}qbD1diw9RJKi0DnW4qO8WX9SE18W") def test_htpasswd_md5(self): try: import passlib # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pytest.skip("passlib is not installed") self._test_htpasswd("md5", "tmp:$apr1$BI7VKCZh$GKW4vq2hqDINMr8uv7lDY/") def test_htpasswd_crypt(self): try: import crypt # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pytest.skip("crypt is not installed") self._test_htpasswd("crypt", "tmp:dxUqxoThMs04k") def test_htpasswd_bcrypt(self): try: from passlib.hash import bcrypt from passlib.exc import MissingBackendError except ImportError: pytest.skip("passlib is not installed") try: bcrypt.encrypt("test-bcrypt-backend") except MissingBackendError: pytest.skip("bcrypt backend for passlib is not installed") self._test_htpasswd( "bcrypt", "tmp:$2y$05$oD7hbiQFQlvCM7zoalo/T.MssV3VNTRI3w5KDnj8NTUKJNWfVpvRq") def test_htpasswd_multi(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", "ign:ign\ntmp:bepo") @pytest.mark.skipif(os.name == "nt", reason="leading and trailing " "whitespaces not allowed in file names") def test_htpasswd_whitespace_preserved(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", " tmp : bepo ", ((" tmp ", " bepo ", 207),)) def test_htpasswd_whitespace_not_trimmed(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", " tmp : bepo ", (("tmp", "bepo", 401),)) def test_htpasswd_comment(self): self._test_htpasswd("plain", "#comment\n #comment\n \ntmp:bepo\n\n") def test_remote_user(self): self.configuration["auth"]["type"] = "remote_user" self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger) status, _, answer = self.request( "PROPFIND", "/", """ """, REMOTE_USER="test") assert status == 207 assert ">/test/<" in answer def test_http_x_remote_user(self): self.configuration["auth"]["type"] = "http_x_remote_user" self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger) status, _, answer = self.request( "PROPFIND", "/", """ """, HTTP_X_REMOTE_USER="test") assert status == 207 assert ">/test/<" in answer def test_custom(self): """Custom authentication.""" self.configuration["auth"]["type"] = "tests.custom.auth" self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger) status, _, answer = self.request( "PROPFIND", "/tmp", HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(("tmp:").encode()).decode()) assert status == 207