import "./import"; define csharp_namespace Example; define rust_crate example; define dart_library_name example; enum TestEnum { VAL1, VAL2, VAL10 = 10, VAL11, VAL12 } type Test { atom: TestAtom; array: TestAtom[]; enumValue: TestEnum; map: {int, TestAtom}; } type AddValueRequest { value1: float; value2: float; } type AddValueResponse { value: float; } service TestService { @Description("Add two numbers") @Param("request", "Parameter containing the two numbers") @Returns("") AddValuesSingleParam(request: AddValueRequest): AddValueResponse; @Description("Add two numbers") @Param("value1", "The first value") @Param("value2", "The second value") AddValuesMultipleParams(value1: float, value2: float): float; @Description("Does literaly nothing") @Param("param1", "Some number") ReturningVoid(param1: float): void; @Description("Just sends an Event with a String") @Param("param1", "Parameter with some string for event") notification OnEvent(param1: string); ThrowingError(): void; FunctionWithArrayAsParamAndReturn(values1: float[], values2: float[]): float[]; FunctionWithKeywords(type: float, static: float, event: float): float; } type Test2 { name: string; age: int; } type TestKeywords { type: float; static: float; event: float; } service SimpleTestService { @Description("asdasdasd") GetTest(name: string, age: int): Test2; notification TestNot(); }