Refactoring and adding Question class
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,113 +1,49 @@
/// <reference types="node" />
import { Message, MessageHeader, MessageQuestion, MessageRecourceRecord, ErrorCodes } from "./types";
export declare enum QueryTypes {
* IPv4 address
A = 1,
* Nameserver
NS = 2,
* Obsolete
MD = 3,
* Obsolete
MF = 4,
* Alias
CNAME = 5,
* Start of authority
SOA = 6,
* Experimental
MB = 7,
* Experimental
MG = 8,
* Experimental
MR = 9,
* Experimental
NULL = 10,
* Service description
WKS = 11,
* Reverse entry (
PTR = 12,
* Host information
HINFO = 13,
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
MINFO = 14,
* Mail exchange
MX = 15,
* Text strings
TXT = 16,
* IPv6 address
AAAA = 28,
* SRV records
SRV = 33,
* Request to transfer entire zone
AXFR = 252,
* Request for mailbox related records
MAILA = 254,
* Request for mail agend RRs
MAILB = 253,
* Any class
ANY = 255,
export declare function SerializeName(name: string): Buffer;
export declare class Request implements Message {
import { IMessage, IMessageHeader, IMessageQuestion, MessageRecourceRecord, ErrorCodes } from "./types";
export declare function parseHeader(data: Buffer): IMessageHeader;
export declare function parseQuestions(count: number, packet: Buffer): IMessageQuestion[];
export declare function serializeName(name: string): Buffer;
export declare class Request implements IMessage {
private sendCallback;
private max_size;
private _header;
readonly header: MessageHeader;
readonly header: Header;
private _questions;
readonly questions: MessageQuestion[];
readonly questions: Question[];
answers: RecourceRecord[];
authorities: RecourceRecord[];
additionals: RecourceRecord[];
constructor(packet: Buffer, sendCallback: (packet: Buffer) => any);
constructor(packet: Buffer, sendCallback: (packet: Buffer) => any, max_size?: number);
error(error: ErrorCodes): void;
noRecursion(): void;
send(): void;
serialize(truncate?: boolean, rcode?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5): Buffer;
private serializeHeader();
private serializeQuestion(question);
private serializeResourceRecord(record);
serialize(): Buffer;
export declare class Header implements IMessageHeader {
ID: number;
QR: 0 | 1;
OPCODE: number;
AA: 0 | 1;
TC: 0 | 1;
RD: 0 | 1;
RA: 0 | 1;
Z: 0 | 1;
AD: 0 | 1;
CD: 0 | 1;
RCODE: ErrorCodes;
QDCOUNT: number;
ANCOUNT: number;
NSCOUNT: number;
ARCOUNT: number;
constructor(header: IMessageHeader);
serialize(): Buffer;
export declare class Question implements IMessageQuestion {
QNAME: string;
QTYPE: number;
QCLASS: number;
constructor(question: IMessageQuestion);
serialize(): Buffer;
export declare class RecourceRecord implements MessageRecourceRecord {
@ -123,4 +59,5 @@ export declare class RecourceRecord implements MessageRecourceRecord {
TTL: number;
RDATA: Buffer;
readonly RDLENGTH: number;
serialize(): Buffer;
@ -2,98 +2,6 @@
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const binary_parser_1 = require("binary-parser");
const types_1 = require("./types");
const MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 63;
var QueryTypes;
(function (QueryTypes) {
* IPv4 address
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["A"] = 1] = "A";
* Nameserver
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["NS"] = 2] = "NS";
* Obsolete
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MD"] = 3] = "MD";
* Obsolete
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MF"] = 4] = "MF";
* Alias
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["CNAME"] = 5] = "CNAME";
* Start of authority
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["SOA"] = 6] = "SOA";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MB"] = 7] = "MB";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MG"] = 8] = "MG";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MR"] = 9] = "MR";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["NULL"] = 10] = "NULL";
* Service description
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["WKS"] = 11] = "WKS";
* Reverse entry (
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["PTR"] = 12] = "PTR";
* Host information
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["HINFO"] = 13] = "HINFO";
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MINFO"] = 14] = "MINFO";
* Mail exchange
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MX"] = 15] = "MX";
* Text strings
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["TXT"] = 16] = "TXT";
* IPv6 address
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["AAAA"] = 28] = "AAAA";
* SRV records
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["SRV"] = 33] = "SRV";
* Request to transfer entire zone
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["AXFR"] = 252] = "AXFR";
* Request for mailbox related records
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MAILA"] = 254] = "MAILA";
* Request for mail agend RRs
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MAILB"] = 253] = "MAILB";
* Any class
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["ANY"] = 255] = "ANY";
})(QueryTypes = exports.QueryTypes || (exports.QueryTypes = {}));
const headerParser = new binary_parser_1.Parser()
@ -111,6 +19,15 @@ const headerParser = new binary_parser_1.Parser()
function parseHeader(data) {
try {
return headerParser.parse(data);
catch (e) {
throw new Error("Header parsing failed" + e.message);
exports.parseHeader = parseHeader;
const labelParser = new binary_parser_1.Parser()
@ -133,14 +50,21 @@ const questionParser = new binary_parser_1.Parser()
function parseQuestions(count, packet) {
return new binary_parser_1.Parser()
.array("questions", {
type: questionParser,
length: count
try {
return new binary_parser_1.Parser()
.array("questions", {
type: questionParser,
length: count
catch (e) {
throw new Error("Question parsing failed" + e.message);
function SerializeName(name) {
exports.parseQuestions = parseQuestions;
const MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 63;
function serializeName(name) {
let length = 0;
let parts = name.split(".");
parts.forEach(e => {
@ -161,10 +85,11 @@ function SerializeName(name) {
data.writeUInt8(0, offset);
return data;
exports.SerializeName = SerializeName;
exports.serializeName = serializeName;
class Request {
constructor(packet, sendCallback) {
constructor(packet, sendCallback, max_size = 512) {
this.sendCallback = sendCallback;
this.max_size = max_size;
this.answers = [];
this.authorities = [];
this.additionals = [];
@ -172,17 +97,17 @@ class Request {
packet.copy(headerData, 0, 0, 12);
let bodyData = Buffer.alloc(packet.length - 12);
packet.copy(bodyData, 0, 12, packet.length);
this._header = headerParser.parse(headerData);
this._header = new Header(parseHeader(headerData));
this._header.AD = 0;
this._header.RCODE = types_1.ErrorCodes.NoError;
this._header.RA = this._header.RD;
this._questions = parseQuestions(this._header.QDCOUNT, bodyData);
this._questions = parseQuestions(this._header.QDCOUNT, bodyData).map(e => new Question(e));
get header() {
return Object.assign({}, this._header);
get questions() {
return => e);
return => Object.assign({}, e));
error(error) {
if (this._header.RCODE === types_1.ErrorCodes.NoError)
@ -194,37 +119,43 @@ class Request {
send() {
serialize(truncate = false, rcode = 0) {
serialize() {
this._header.AA = 1;
this._header.ANCOUNT = this.answers.length;
this._header.ARCOUNT = this.additionals.length;
this._header.NSCOUNT = this.authorities.length;
this._header.QR = 1;
this._header.RCODE = rcode;
let questions =, this);
let answers =, this);
let authority =, this);
let additional =, this);
let questionsByteLength = 0;
questions.forEach(e => questionsByteLength += e.length);
let answersByteLength = 0;
answers.forEach(e => answersByteLength += e.length);
let authorityByteLength = 0;
authority.forEach(e => authorityByteLength += e.length);
let additionalByteLength = 0;
additional.forEach(e => additionalByteLength += e.length);
let length = 12 + questionsByteLength + answersByteLength + authorityByteLength + additionalByteLength; //Header is always 12 byte large
if (truncate && length > 512) {
let questions = => e.serialize());
let answers = => e.serialize());
let authority = => e.serialize());
let additional = => e.serialize());
let length = 12;
questions.forEach(e => length += e.length);
answers.forEach(e => length += e.length);
authority.forEach(e => length += e.length);
additional.forEach(e => length += e.length);
// let questionsByteLength = 0;
// questions.forEach(e => questionsByteLength += e.length);
// let answersByteLength = 0;
// answers.forEach(e => answersByteLength += e.length)
// let authorityByteLength = 0;
// authority.forEach(e => authorityByteLength += e.length)
// let additionalByteLength = 0;
// additional.forEach(e => additionalByteLength += e.length)
// let length = 12 + questionsByteLength + answersByteLength + authorityByteLength + additionalByteLength; //Header is always 12 byte large
if (length > this.max_size) {
this._header.TC = 1;
//Buffer will ignore data that exeeds the max buffer length
length = 512;
//Will ignore data, that exceeds length
length = this.max_size;
let header = this.serializeHeader();
let header = this._header.serialize();
let data = Buffer.alloc(length);
let offset = 0;
let append = (buffer) => {
buffer.copy(data, offset, 0, buffer.length);
offset += buffer.length;
if (offset <= length) {
buffer.copy(data, offset, 0, buffer.length);
offset += buffer.length;
@ -233,57 +164,55 @@ class Request {
return data;
serializeHeader() {
let header = this.header;
exports.Request = Request;
class Header {
constructor(header) {
for (let k in header) {
this[k] = header[k];
serialize() {
let data = Buffer.alloc(12);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ID, 0);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ID, 0);
var f = 0x0000;
f = f | (header.QR << 15);
f = f | (header.OPCODE << 11);
f = f | (header.AA << 10);
f = f | (header.TC << 9);
f = f | (header.RD << 8);
f = f | (header.RA << 7);
f = f | (header.Z << 6);
f = f | (header.AD << 5);
f = f | (header.CD << 4);
f = f | header.RCODE;
f = f | (this.QR << 15);
f = f | (this.OPCODE << 11);
f = f | (this.AA << 10);
f = f | (this.TC << 9);
f = f | (this.RD << 8);
f = f | (this.RA << 7);
f = f | (this.Z << 6);
f = f | (this.AD << 5);
f = f | (this.CD << 4);
f = f | this.RCODE;
data.writeUInt16BE(f, 2);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.QDCOUNT, 4);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ANCOUNT, 6);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.NSCOUNT, 8);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ARCOUNT, 10);
return data;
serializeQuestion(question) {
let qname = SerializeName(question.QNAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(qname.length + 4);
qname.copy(data, 0, 0, qname.length);
let offset = qname.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(question.QTYPE, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt16BE(question.QCLASS, offset);
return data;
serializeResourceRecord(record) {
// TODO: Implement compression
let name = SerializeName(record.NAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(name.length + 10 + record.RDLENGTH); // For TYPE, CLASS, TTL, RLENGTH
name.copy(data, 0, 0, name.length);
let offset = name.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(record.TYPE, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt16BE(record.CLASS, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt32BE(record.TTL, offset);
offset += 4;
data.writeUInt16BE(record.RDLENGTH, offset);
offset += 2;
record.RDATA.copy(data, offset, 0, record.RDLENGTH);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QDCOUNT, 4);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ANCOUNT, 6);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.NSCOUNT, 8);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ARCOUNT, 10);
return data;
exports.Request = Request;
exports.Header = Header;
class Question {
constructor(question) {
for (let k in question) {
this[k] = question[k];
serialize() {
let qname = serializeName(this.QNAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(qname.length + 4);
qname.copy(data, 0, 0, qname.length);
let offset = qname.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QTYPE, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QCLASS, offset);
return data;
exports.Question = Question;
class RecourceRecord {
set TYPE(value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 65535)
@ -304,6 +233,7 @@ class RecourceRecord {
set TTL(value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 4294967295)
throw new TypeError("TTL Range: 0 - 4.294.967.295");
this._TTL = value;
get TTL() {
return this._TTL;
@ -311,6 +241,23 @@ class RecourceRecord {
get RDLENGTH() {
return this.RDATA.length;
serialize() {
// TODO: Implement compression
let name = serializeName(this.NAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(name.length + 10 + this.RDLENGTH); // For TYPE, CLASS, TTL, RLENGTH
name.copy(data, 0, 0, name.length);
let offset = name.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.TYPE, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.CLASS, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt32BE(this._TTL, offset);
offset += 4;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.RDLENGTH, offset);
offset += 2;
this.RDATA.copy(data, offset, 0, this.RDLENGTH);
return data;
exports.RecourceRecord = RecourceRecord;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -25,7 +25,97 @@ export declare enum ErrorCodes {
Refused = 5,
export interface MessageHeader {
export declare enum QueryTypes {
* IPv4 address
A = 1,
* Nameserver
NS = 2,
* Obsolete
MD = 3,
* Obsolete
MF = 4,
* Alias
CNAME = 5,
* Start of authority
SOA = 6,
* Experimental
MB = 7,
* Experimental
MG = 8,
* Experimental
MR = 9,
* Experimental
NULL = 10,
* Service description
WKS = 11,
* Reverse entry (
PTR = 12,
* Host information
HINFO = 13,
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
MINFO = 14,
* Mail exchange
MX = 15,
* Text strings
TXT = 16,
* IPv6 address
AAAA = 28,
* SRV records
SRV = 33,
* Request to transfer entire zone
AXFR = 252,
* Request for mailbox related records
MAILA = 254,
* Request for mail agend RRs
MAILB = 253,
* Any class
ANY = 255,
export interface IMessageHeader {
* A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that
* generates any kind of query. This identifier is copied
@ -73,7 +163,7 @@ export interface MessageHeader {
* Reserved for future usage, must be 0 in all queries
Z: 0;
Z: 0 | 1;
AD: 0 | 1;
CD: 0 | 1;
@ -109,7 +199,7 @@ export interface MessageHeader {
ARCOUNT: number;
export interface MessageQuestion {
export interface IMessageQuestion {
* Domain name represented as sequence of labels
* Each label consists of a length octed followed
@ -169,9 +259,9 @@ export interface MessageRecourceRecord {
RDATA: Buffer;
export interface Message {
header: MessageHeader;
questions: MessageQuestion[];
export interface IMessage {
header: IMessageHeader;
questions: IMessageQuestion[];
answers: MessageRecourceRecord[];
authorities: MessageRecourceRecord[];
additionals: MessageRecourceRecord[];
@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// 0 No error condition
// * 1 Format error - unable to interpret query
// * 2 Server failure - internal problem
// * 3 Name error - Only for authorative name server, domain name of query does not exist
// * 4 Not implemented - Request not supported
// * 5 Refused - Nameserver refuses request
// * 6 - 15 Reserved for future usage
// *
var ErrorCodes;
(function (ErrorCodes) {
@ -35,4 +27,95 @@ var ErrorCodes;
ErrorCodes[ErrorCodes["Refused"] = 5] = "Refused";
})(ErrorCodes = exports.ErrorCodes || (exports.ErrorCodes = {}));
var QueryTypes;
(function (QueryTypes) {
* IPv4 address
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["A"] = 1] = "A";
* Nameserver
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["NS"] = 2] = "NS";
* Obsolete
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MD"] = 3] = "MD";
* Obsolete
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MF"] = 4] = "MF";
* Alias
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["CNAME"] = 5] = "CNAME";
* Start of authority
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["SOA"] = 6] = "SOA";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MB"] = 7] = "MB";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MG"] = 8] = "MG";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MR"] = 9] = "MR";
* Experimental
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["NULL"] = 10] = "NULL";
* Service description
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["WKS"] = 11] = "WKS";
* Reverse entry (
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["PTR"] = 12] = "PTR";
* Host information
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["HINFO"] = 13] = "HINFO";
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MINFO"] = 14] = "MINFO";
* Mail exchange
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MX"] = 15] = "MX";
* Text strings
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["TXT"] = 16] = "TXT";
* IPv6 address
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["AAAA"] = 28] = "AAAA";
* SRV records
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["SRV"] = 33] = "SRV";
* Request to transfer entire zone
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["AXFR"] = 252] = "AXFR";
* Request for mailbox related records
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MAILA"] = 254] = "MAILA";
* Request for mail agend RRs
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["MAILB"] = 253] = "MAILB";
* Any class
QueryTypes[QueryTypes["ANY"] = 255] = "ANY";
})(QueryTypes = exports.QueryTypes || (exports.QueryTypes = {}));
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,121 +1,7 @@
import { Parser } from "binary-parser"
import { Message, MessageHeader, MessageQuestion, MessageRecourceRecord, ErrorCodes } from "./types"
import { IMessage, IMessageHeader, IMessageQuestion, MessageRecourceRecord, ErrorCodes } from "./types"
const MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 63;
export enum QueryTypes {
* IPv4 address
A = 0x01,
* Nameserver
NS = 0x02, // nameserver
* Obsolete
MD = 0x03, // obsolete
* Obsolete
MF = 0x04, // obsolete
* Alias
CNAME = 0x05, // alias
* Start of authority
SOA = 0x06, // start of authority
* Experimental
MB = 0x07, // experimental
* Experimental
MG = 0x08, // experimental
* Experimental
MR = 0x09, // experimental
* Experimental
NULL = 0x0A, // experimental null RR
* Service description
WKS = 0x0B, // service description
* Reverse entry (
PTR = 0x0C, // reverse entry (
* Host information
HINFO = 0x0D, // host information
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
MINFO = 0x0E, // mailbox or mail list information
* Mail exchange
MX = 0x0F, // mail exchange
* Text strings
TXT = 0x10, // text strings
* IPv6 address
AAAA = 0x1C, // ipv6 address
* SRV records
SRV = 0x21, // srv records
* Request to transfer entire zone
AXFR = 0xFC, // request to transfer entire zone
* Request for mailbox related records
MAILA = 0xFE, // request for mailbox related records
* Request for mail agend RRs
MAILB = 0xFD, // request for mail agent RRs
* Any class
ANY = 0xFF, // any class
const headerParser = new Parser()
const headerParser: Parser = new Parser()
@ -133,6 +19,14 @@ const headerParser = new Parser()
export function parseHeader(data: Buffer): IMessageHeader {
try {
return <any>headerParser.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Header parsing failed" + e.message)
const labelParser = new Parser()
@ -156,16 +50,22 @@ const questionParser = new Parser()
function parseQuestions(count: number, packet: Buffer): MessageQuestion[] {
return <any>new Parser()
.array("questions", {
type: questionParser,
length: count
export function parseQuestions(count: number, packet: Buffer): IMessageQuestion[] {
try {
return <any>new Parser()
.array("questions", {
type: questionParser,
length: count
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Question parsing failed" + e.message)
export function SerializeName(name: string) {
const MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 63;
export function serializeName(name: string) {
let length = 0;
let parts = name.split(".");
parts.forEach(e => {
@ -187,33 +87,32 @@ export function SerializeName(name: string) {
return data;
export class Request implements Message {
private _header: MessageHeader;
export class Request implements IMessage {
private _header: Header;
get header() {
return Object.assign({}, this._header);
private _questions: MessageQuestion[];
private _questions: Question[];
get questions() {
return => e);
return => Object.assign({}, e));
answers: RecourceRecord[] = [];
authorities: RecourceRecord[] = [];
additionals: RecourceRecord[] = [];
constructor(packet: Buffer, private sendCallback: (packet: Buffer) => any) {
constructor(packet: Buffer, private sendCallback: (packet: Buffer) => any, private max_size = 512) {
let headerData = Buffer.alloc(12);
packet.copy(headerData, 0, 0, 12);
let bodyData = Buffer.alloc(packet.length - 12);
packet.copy(bodyData, 0, 12, packet.length);
this._header = <any>headerParser.parse(headerData);
this._header = new Header(parseHeader(headerData));
this._header.AD = 0;
this._header.RCODE = ErrorCodes.NoError;
this._header.RA = this._header.RD;
this._questions = parseQuestions(this._header.QDCOUNT, bodyData);
this._questions = parseQuestions(this._header.QDCOUNT, bodyData).map(e => new Question(e));
error(error: ErrorCodes) {
@ -229,50 +128,53 @@ export class Request implements Message {
serialize(truncate: boolean = false, rcode: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 = 0) {
serialize() {
this._header.AA = 1;
this._header.ANCOUNT = this.answers.length;
this._header.ARCOUNT = this.additionals.length;
this._header.NSCOUNT = this.authorities.length;
this._header.QR = 1;
this._header.RCODE = rcode;
let questions = => e.serialize())
let answers = => e.serialize())
let authority = => e.serialize())
let additional = => e.serialize())
let questions =, this)
let answers =, this)
let authority =, this)
let additional =, this)
let length = 12;
questions.forEach(e => length += e.length);
answers.forEach(e => length += e.length)
authority.forEach(e => length += e.length)
additional.forEach(e => length += e.length)
// let questionsByteLength = 0;
// questions.forEach(e => questionsByteLength += e.length);
let questionsByteLength = 0;
questions.forEach(e => questionsByteLength += e.length);
// let answersByteLength = 0;
// answers.forEach(e => answersByteLength += e.length)
let answersByteLength = 0;
answers.forEach(e => answersByteLength += e.length)
// let authorityByteLength = 0;
// authority.forEach(e => authorityByteLength += e.length)
let authorityByteLength = 0;
authority.forEach(e => authorityByteLength += e.length)
// let additionalByteLength = 0;
// additional.forEach(e => additionalByteLength += e.length)
let additionalByteLength = 0;
additional.forEach(e => additionalByteLength += e.length)
// let length = 12 + questionsByteLength + answersByteLength + authorityByteLength + additionalByteLength; //Header is always 12 byte large
let length = 12 + questionsByteLength + answersByteLength + authorityByteLength + additionalByteLength; //Header is always 12 byte large
if (truncate && length > 512) {
if (length > this.max_size) {
this._header.TC = 1;
//Buffer will ignore data that exeeds the max buffer length
length = 512;
//Will ignore data, that exceeds length
length = this.max_size;
let header = this.serializeHeader()
let header = this._header.serialize();
let data = Buffer.alloc(length)
let offset = 0;
let append = (buffer: Buffer) => {
buffer.copy(data, offset, 0, buffer.length)
offset += buffer.length;
if (offset <= length) {
buffer.copy(data, offset, 0, buffer.length)
offset += buffer.length;
@ -280,57 +182,73 @@ export class Request implements Message {
return data;
private serializeHeader() {
let header = this.header;
let data = Buffer.alloc(12);
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ID, 0);
var f = 0x0000;
f = f | (header.QR << 15);
f = f | (header.OPCODE << 11);
f = f | (header.AA << 10);
f = f | (header.TC << 9);
f = f | (header.RD << 8);
f = f | (header.RA << 7);
f = f | (header.Z << 6);
f = f | (header.AD << 5);
f = f | (header.CD << 4);
f = f | header.RCODE;
data.writeUInt16BE(f, 2);
export class Header implements IMessageHeader {
ID: number;
QR: 0 | 1;
OPCODE: number
AA: 0 | 1;
TC: 0 | 1;
RD: 0 | 1;
RA: 0 | 1;
Z: 0 | 1;
AD: 0 | 1;
CD: 0 | 1;
RCODE: ErrorCodes;
QDCOUNT: number;
ANCOUNT: number;
NSCOUNT: number;
ARCOUNT: number;
data.writeUInt16BE(header.QDCOUNT, 4)
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ANCOUNT, 6)
data.writeUInt16BE(header.NSCOUNT, 8)
data.writeUInt16BE(header.ARCOUNT, 10)
return data;
constructor(header: IMessageHeader) {
for (let k in header) {
this[k] = header[k];
private serializeQuestion(question: MessageQuestion) {
let qname = SerializeName(question.QNAME);
serialize() {
let data = Buffer.alloc(12);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ID, 0);
var f = 0x0000;
f = f | (this.QR << 15);
f = f | (this.OPCODE << 11);
f = f | (this.AA << 10);
f = f | (this.TC << 9);
f = f | (this.RD << 8);
f = f | (this.RA << 7);
f = f | (this.Z << 6);
f = f | (this.AD << 5);
f = f | (this.CD << 4);
f = f | this.RCODE;
data.writeUInt16BE(f, 2);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QDCOUNT, 4)
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ANCOUNT, 6)
data.writeUInt16BE(this.NSCOUNT, 8)
data.writeUInt16BE(this.ARCOUNT, 10)
return data;
export class Question implements IMessageQuestion {
QNAME: string;
QTYPE: number;
QCLASS: number;
constructor(question: IMessageQuestion) {
for (let k in question) {
this[k] = question[k]
serialize() {
let qname = serializeName(this.QNAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(qname.length + 4);
qname.copy(data, 0, 0, qname.length);
let offset = qname.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(question.QTYPE, offset);
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QTYPE, offset);
offset += 2;
data.writeUInt16BE(question.QCLASS, offset);
return data;
private serializeResourceRecord(record: MessageRecourceRecord) {
// TODO: Implement compression
let name = SerializeName(record.NAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(name.length + 10 + record.RDLENGTH) // For TYPE, CLASS, TTL, RLENGTH
name.copy(data, 0, 0, name.length);
let offset = name.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(record.TYPE, offset)
offset += 2
data.writeUInt16BE(record.CLASS, offset)
offset += 2
data.writeUInt32BE(record.TTL, offset)
offset += 4
data.writeUInt16BE(record.RDLENGTH, offset)
offset += 2
record.RDATA.copy(data, offset, 0, record.RDLENGTH)
data.writeUInt16BE(this.QCLASS, offset);
return data;
@ -365,6 +283,7 @@ export class RecourceRecord implements MessageRecourceRecord {
private _TTL: number;
set TTL(value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 4294967295) throw new TypeError("TTL Range: 0 - 4.294.967.295")
this._TTL = value;
get TTL() {
@ -376,4 +295,22 @@ export class RecourceRecord implements MessageRecourceRecord {
get RDLENGTH() {
return this.RDATA.length;
public serialize() {
// TODO: Implement compression
let name = serializeName(this.NAME);
let data = Buffer.alloc(name.length + 10 + this.RDLENGTH) // For TYPE, CLASS, TTL, RLENGTH
name.copy(data, 0, 0, name.length);
let offset = name.length;
data.writeUInt16BE(this.TYPE, offset)
offset += 2
data.writeUInt16BE(this.CLASS, offset)
offset += 2
data.writeUInt32BE(this._TTL, offset)
offset += 4
data.writeUInt16BE(this.RDLENGTH, offset)
offset += 2
this.RDATA.copy(data, offset, 0, this.RDLENGTH)
return data;
@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
// 0 No error condition
// * 1 Format error - unable to interpret query
// * 2 Server failure - internal problem
// * 3 Name error - Only for authorative name server, domain name of query does not exist
// * 4 Not implemented - Request not supported
// * 5 Refused - Nameserver refuses request
// * 6 - 15 Reserved for future usage
// *
export enum ErrorCodes {
* No error
@ -39,7 +30,119 @@ export enum ErrorCodes {
export interface MessageHeader {
export enum QueryTypes {
* IPv4 address
A = 0x01,
* Nameserver
NS = 0x02, // nameserver
* Obsolete
MD = 0x03, // obsolete
* Obsolete
MF = 0x04, // obsolete
* Alias
CNAME = 0x05, // alias
* Start of authority
SOA = 0x06, // start of authority
* Experimental
MB = 0x07, // experimental
* Experimental
MG = 0x08, // experimental
* Experimental
MR = 0x09, // experimental
* Experimental
NULL = 0x0A, // experimental null RR
* Service description
WKS = 0x0B, // service description
* Reverse entry (
PTR = 0x0C, // reverse entry (
* Host information
HINFO = 0x0D, // host information
* Mailbox / Mail-list information
MINFO = 0x0E, // mailbox or mail list information
* Mail exchange
MX = 0x0F, // mail exchange
* Text strings
TXT = 0x10, // text strings
* IPv6 address
AAAA = 0x1C, // ipv6 address
* SRV records
SRV = 0x21, // srv records
* Request to transfer entire zone
AXFR = 0xFC, // request to transfer entire zone
* Request for mailbox related records
MAILA = 0xFE, // request for mailbox related records
* Request for mail agend RRs
MAILB = 0xFD, // request for mail agent RRs
* Any class
ANY = 0xFF, // any class
export interface IMessageHeader {
* A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that
* generates any kind of query. This identifier is copied
@ -93,7 +196,7 @@ export interface MessageHeader {
* Reserved for future usage, must be 0 in all queries
Z: 0;
Z: 0 | 1;
AD: 0 | 1;
@ -136,7 +239,7 @@ export interface MessageHeader {
ARCOUNT: number;
export interface MessageQuestion {
export interface IMessageQuestion {
* Domain name represented as sequence of labels
* Each label consists of a length octed followed
@ -203,9 +306,9 @@ export interface MessageRecourceRecord {
RDATA: Buffer;
export interface Message {
header: MessageHeader;
questions: MessageQuestion[];
export interface IMessage {
header: IMessageHeader;
questions: IMessageQuestion[];
answers: MessageRecourceRecord[];
authorities: MessageRecourceRecord[];
additionals: MessageRecourceRecord[];
Reference in New Issue
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